Regular Session - April 3, 2017


 1               NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                   April 3, 2017

11                     12:36 p.m.



14                  REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR JOSEPH GRIFFO, Acting President

19  FRANCIS W. PATIENCE, Secretary








 1               P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 3   Senate will come to order.  

 4                I ask all present to please rise 

 5   and join with me as we recite the Pledge of 

 6   Allegiance to our Flag.

 7                (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 8   the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Today's 

10   invocation will be offered by Rabbi Shmuel 

11   Butman, of the Lubavitch Youth Organization in 

12   Brooklyn.  

13                Rabbi.

14                RABBI BUTMAN:   Let us pray {in 

15   Hebrew}.  

16                Our Heavenly Father, I ask You that 

17   You bestow Your benevolence on all the people of 

18   this great New York State Senate, who are the 

19   custodians of law and order and justice and all 

20   good things for the State of New York and, by 

21   extension, for all the people in the 

22   United States -- and the United States is a 

23   superpower, so by extension for all the people 

24   in the world.  

25                I thank you that you are going to 


 1   pass this afternoon -- it's not in the budget, 

 2   so it should not be a problem -- 115 Days of 

 3   Education, in honor of the Lubavitcher Rebbe 

 4   Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.  

 5                I remember in 1991 when I went to 

 6   Washington to open a much smaller Senate in 

 7   Washington, I went to the Rebbe and I asked for 

 8   a blessing for the berakhah, and he said to me, 

 9   "Go to Washington and take a pushkeh with 

10   you" -- a pushkeh is a charity box -- "and 

11   during your prayer you should offer a dollar in 

12   the pushkeh, and let everybody see what you are 

13   doing, and let them know what money should be 

14   used for."  

15                So I am going to do that.  I am 

16   going to offer some money into the pushkeh, and 

17   I'm asking for anyone, if you want -- this is 

18   not a fundraising campaign, because if this was 

19   a fundraising campaign, we would ask you for 

20   more than a dollar.  We only take a dollar, 

21   because this is an offering of doing good 

22   things.

23                I want to conclude, since I wasn't 

24   given much time, but I want to tell you that 

25   every Sabbath in our synagogues we say a special 


 1   prayer for you.  We say the {in Hebrew}.  I know 

 2   it's Hebrew.  In English it means all of those 

 3   who serve the public faithfully, as you do, we 

 4   ask for you for a special prayer.  We ask for 

 5   you for a prayer for health and for everything 

 6   that comes with it.  

 7                In the psalm that we're starting to 

 8   say with the Rebbe's 115th birthday, King David 

 9   says {in Hebrew}, which means "To you I'm going 

10   to offer an offer of thanks."  The Rebbe teaches 

11   us that every time we offer God thanks for 

12   everything that He did and He does, and that 

13   we're always looking for the good things.  

14                I bless you that you should have 

15   all the good things in your life and that you 

16   should pass the budget successfully today.

17                Thank you.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

19   reading of the Journal.

20                THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Sunday, 

21   April 2nd, the Senate met pursuant to 

22   adjournment.  The Journal of Saturday, 

23   April 1st, was read and approved.  On motion, 

24   Senate adjourned.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Without 


 1   objection, the Journal stands approved as read.

 2                Presentation of petitions.

 3                Messages from the Assembly.

 4                Messages From the Governor.

 5                Reports of standing committees.

 6                Reports of select committees.

 7                Communications and reports of state 

 8   officers.

 9                Motions and resolutions.

10                Senator DeFrancisco.

11                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Yes, I'd like 

12   to call an immediate -- repeat, immediate -- 

13   meeting of the Rules Committee in Room 332.  If 

14   everyone would please pass go without stopping 

15   and go there immediately, because we're on some 

16   time constraints to get people paid that work 

17   for the State of New York.

18                Immediate meeting of the Rules 

19   Committee Room, 332.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   There is 

21   an immediate meeting of the Rules Committee in 

22   Room 332.  All members of the Rules Committee 

23   immediately report to Room 332.  

24                The Senate will stand at ease.

25                (Whereupon, the Senate stood at ease 


 1   at 12:40 p.m.)

 2                (Whereupon, the Senate reconvened at 

 3   12:49 p.m.)

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 5   Senate will return to order.

 6                Senator DeFrancisco.

 7                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Yes, can we 

 8   return to reports of standing committees for a 

 9   report of the Rules Committee.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   We will 

11   return to standing committees.  

12                There is a Rules Committee report 

13   before the desk, and the Secretary will read.

14                THE SECRETARY:   Senator Flanagan 

15   reports, from the Committee on Rules:  

16                Senate Print 5491, by the Senate 

17   Committee on Rules, enacting legislation relating 

18   to emergency appropriations; and

19                Senate 5492, by the Senate Committee 

20   on Rules, provides for emergency appropriation.  

21                Both bills reported direct to third 

22   reading.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

24   DeFrancisco, I will entertain a motion to accept 

25   the Committee on Rules report.


 1                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   I move to 

 2   accept the Committee on Rules report.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   All in 

 4   favor of accepting the Committee on Rules report 

 5   signify by saying aye.

 6                (Response of "Aye.")

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Opposed?  

 8                (No response.)

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The Rules 

10   report is accepted and before the house.

11                Senator DeFrancisco.

12                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   One moment, 

13   please.

14                (Pause.)

15                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

16   DeFrancisco.

17                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   There is a 

18   Supplemental Calendar 31A with the two bills we 

19   just dealt with in the Rules Committee.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senate 

21   Supplemental Calendar 31A is on the desks of the 

22   members.

23                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Could you do 

24   the noncontroversial reading -- or actually, just 

25   take up Calendar Number 529, please.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 2   Secretary will read.

 3                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4   529, by the Senate Committee on Rules, Senate 

 5   Print 5491, an act to amend the Public Health 

 6   Law.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 8   DeFrancisco.

 9                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Is there a 

10   message of necessity at the desk?  

11                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

12   DeFrancisco, there is a message of necessity at 

13   the desk.

14                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Before we 

15   begin, I just would like to mention that with 

16   these two bills, people are going to be 

17   explaining their votes.  And I would request that 

18   the president give leeway to those wanting to 

19   explain their votes to incorporate both bills so 

20   there's one explanation of votes on both bills.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Per your 

22   request, it will be so honored.

23                Senator DeFrancisco, can I have a 

24   motion to accept the message?  

25                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Yes, I would 


 1   so move.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   All in 

 3   favor of accepting the message of necessity which 

 4   is before the desk signify by saying aye.

 5                (Response of "Aye.")

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Opposed?  

 7                (Response of "Nay.")

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 9   message is accepted.  The bill is before the 

10   house.  

11                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   All right, 

12   now can you --

13                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

14   Secretary will read the last section.

15                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

16   act shall take effect immediately.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

18   roll.

19                (The Secretary called the roll.)

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

21   Comrie to explain his vote.

22                SENATOR COMRIE:   Thank you, 

23   Mr. President.  

24                I rise to vote no against these 

25   bills only because it creates major problems for 


 1   my district, and at the end of the day all 

 2   politics are local.

 3                Making sure that there are issues 

 4   that need to be resolved in my district, which 

 5   has one of the highest problems with mortgage 

 6   foreclosures, is not being resolved in this 

 7   anywhere.  And the fact that we are dealing with 

 8   the fact that we have over 62,000 folks that are 

 9   still trying to even negotiate their mortgage in 

10   the courts because of a backup, there's nothing 

11   in here that's giving the Office of Court 

12   Administration any opportunity to resolve that 

13   backlog.  

14                There's nothing in here that will 

15   create opportunities for people that are in 

16   mortgage distress to continue the program -- the 

17   Attorney General has a loaner program, 

18   $10 million to try to fix the gap between now and 

19   October, but that's not -- there's nothing in 

20   this budget proposal --

21                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Mr. President.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

23   Flanagan.

24                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Senator Comrie, 

25   I apologize.


 1                SENATOR COMRIE:   Okay.  

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Sorry, 

 3   Senator Flanagan.

 4                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   No, no, we -- 

 5   you know what?  I want to hear what he has to 

 6   say.  If I can't hear him, nobody else can.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   

 8   Absolutely -- absolutely --

 9                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Everyone 

10   deserves the respect of hearing each other.

11                SENATOR COMRIE:   Thank you.  Thank 

12   you, Mr. Leader.

13                And so there are many other things 

14   in this budget that will be harmful to people in 

15   my district and people throughout the state.  The 

16   fact that we haven't had an increase in summer 

17   job slots in the last six or seven years is 

18   almost ridiculous to young people in our 

19   community that are trying to get a leg up.  

20                As I had -- my original job was a 

21   summer job, and it truly created an opportunity 

22   for me to see a different world and put me on a 

23   path to understand government service, we need to 

24   create more summer job slots in this budget.  

25                The fact that we are not doing 


 1   anything to address the major hospital problems 

 2   that we have in Queens in this budget, where I 

 3   have two major trauma hospitals that are doing 

 4   double the intake than they have capacity for, 

 5   and we aren't getting any resolution or just 

 6   direct help on this, creates a major problem in 

 7   my community.  Where we have people that have 

 8   health concerns, people that have no other place 

 9   to go but the hospitals -- because they don't 

10   have health insurance or even an ability to 

11   understand what insurance is -- creates a major 

12   problem in this budget.  

13                There are many other things that I 

14   could detail, but in respect to time and in 

15   deference to the fact that we have a 2 o'clock 

16   window, I will be respectful and not take any 

17   more -- not even take the two minutes.  

18                But this is a frustration for me, 

19   it's a disrespect to my community, it's a 

20   disrespect to young people all over this state.  

21   I have to vote no.  

22                Thank you, Mr. President.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

24   Comrie to be recorded in the negative.

25                Senator Stavisky to explain her 


 1   vote.

 2                SENATOR STAVISKY:   Thank you, 

 3   Mr. President.

 4                Senator Comrie has outlined a lot of 

 5   reasons to vote no on this bill, and I'd like to 

 6   add a couple more.  

 7                I think two months is too long.  In 

 8   the past when we've had budget issues, we've had 

 9   one-week, two-week extenders.  Two months I think 

10   is too long.

11                School districts throughout the 

12   state have to be able to plan their budgets.  

13   They're not going to be able to do so with this 

14   budget -- I'm sorry, with this extender.  Because 

15   this is not a budget bill.  If it were, I would 

16   be voting no because I support Raise the Age.

17                There are a lot of arguments.  The 

18   fact that the federal government may be providing 

19   less funding to me is a red herring.  That's not 

20   a reason to give a two-month extender.

21                This is not even a bare-bones 

22   budget, this is a no-bones budget.  There's 

23   nothing there for the community, as Senator 

24   Comrie said.  And my district shares many of the 

25   same issues.


 1                However, the threat of a government 

 2   shutdown to me is horrendous.  And the threat of 

 3   people not being paid and services not being 

 4   provided to me is the overarching issue.  And I'm 

 5   afraid that come the middle of May, we're going 

 6   to be back here in the same position.  It's sort 

 7   of like cramming for an exam at the last minute 

 8   and hope you remember everything that you've been 

 9   looking at.  

10                But because the threat of a 

11   government shutdown must be avoided, I vote aye.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

13   Stavisky to be recorded in the affirmative.

14                Senator Dilan to explain his vote.

15                SENATOR DILAN:   Mr. President, I 

16   rise to vote no on both these measures.  

17                And the reasons I vote no is these 

18   measures do provide for a $65 million sweep to 

19   the MTA.  These measures do nothing for student 

20   debt.  And it does not provide for housing or 

21   housing affordability within my district, and for 

22   those reasons I vote no.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

24   Dilan to be recorded in the negative.

25                Senator Díaz to explain his vote.


 1                SENATOR DÍAZ:   Thank you, 

 2   Mr. President.

 3                Ladies and gentlemen, it's important 

 4   for you to know, you should know that I am from 

 5   the old guard.  The old guard, Mr. President, 

 6   when we say yes, it's yes.  When we say no, it's 

 7   no.  When we commit ourselves to something, we 

 8   commit ourselves to something.  

 9                Nowadays, words mean nothing, 

10   commitment means nothing.  We committed 

11   ourselves -- I heard the Assembly saying we are 

12   not voting for anything unless we get the Raise 

13   the Age.  I heard the conference -- the IDC 

14   conference say we're not voting for anything if 

15   we don't agree on Raise the -- I heard my own 

16   conference saying I'm not voting for anything if 

17   we don't get the Raise the Age.

18                Now, everybody is voting, everybody 

19   is saying, Oh, because of -- every -- since 2010, 

20   the Governor has been doing the same thing.  At 

21   the last minute he says, Oh, I -- you might close 

22   the government.  

23                Ladies and gentlemen, we've been 

24   here a whole weekend.  I didn't even go to church 

25   yesterday because I committed myself, because I 


 1   said, I'm going to be here to be sure that Raise 

 2   the Age goes in because those children in those 

 3   prisons, because we are -- they are being abused, 

 4   they're being tortured, and there's an injustice 

 5   to get those children -- to keep those children 

 6   in adult prison.

 7                Now today, everybody is pandering.  

 8   Everybody's going, Oh, what happened, what 

 9   happened?  What happened to all of you?  What 

10   happened to your commitment?  What happened to 

11   all the words that you were saying all these 

12   days:  Oh, we're not voting for anything if 

13   there's no Raise the Age.  

14                Where is the Raise the Age?  What 

15   happened?  That's why I am from the old guard.  

16   When we said we're doing this, we are doing that.  

17   We don't pander to anyone.  There is no pressure, 

18   there is no money, because we -- the old guard, 

19   we were not for rent, we were not for leasing, we 

20   were not for selling -- for sale.  

21                And that's why we're here to do.  

22   Today I'm angry.  I'm angry because I thought 

23   that we're going to get the Raise the Age in 

24   this -- and I disagree with my colleague Senator 

25   Stavisky.  This is a budget.  This is -- they're 


 1   including it as a budget.  And there's no 

 2   indication here that we are in a position to 

 3   negotiate to get the Raise the Age later.  

 4                So ladies and gentlemen, to all of 

 5   you, you should know that this black guy from 

 6   Bayamón, Puerto Rico, with the broken English and 

 7   the kinky hair, is from the old guard.  And I'm 

 8   saying no, and I'm saying no.  

 9                And now I'm voting no, voting no for 

10   the simple reason, only for the simple reason I 

11   committed myself to vote no on the budget until I 

12   see the Raise the Age.  There is no Raise the 

13   Age.  I'm keeping my word, I'm keeping my 

14   commitment, I'm voting no.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

16   Díaz to be recorded in the negative.

17                Senator Sanders to explain his vote.

18                SENATOR SANDERS:   Thank you, 

19   Mr. President.  

20                First I want to commend all of the 

21   people who voted on either side of these issues.  

22   If you felt deeply and it was something that you 

23   believed in, then I commend you to hold to your 

24   beliefs, if that's what you believe in.

25                I agree that two months is way too 


 1   long for an extender, and perhaps a five-days 

 2   would have worked well.  I have problems with a 

 3   budget that I don't have time to read.  But when 

 4   I did read, I saw some things I didn't like.  I 

 5   wanted a resolution to 421-a.  It wasn't there.  

 6   I am extremely concerned about MWBE.  It wasn't 

 7   there.  

 8                Senator Comrie spoke of the needs of 

 9   our particular districts.  Whether they be 

10   hospitals or union workers, it wasn't there.  

11                I especially am galled with where we 

12   are on this issue of Raise the Age.  Let's be 

13   clear, my friends.  We are allowing abuse to take 

14   place when we don't have to, abuse to 

15   16-year-olds and 17-year-olds.  

16                Now, some will say, well, if they 

17   put themselves in a bad spot, they deserve 

18   anything to happen to them.  My friends, that's 

19   not government, that's not the place of 

20   government.  That's vengeance.  And, you know, 

21   that's not what we should do.

22                Therefore, in all good conscience, I 

23   cannot vote for this.  I'm voting no, sir.  I'm 

24   from an old school too.

25                SENATOR DÍAZ:   Thank you.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 2   Sanders to be recorded in the negative.

 3                Senator Hoylman to explain his vote.

 4                SENATOR HOYLMAN:   Thank you.  Thank 

 5   you, Mr. President.  That was in honor of Senator 

 6   Krueger, who is not here today.

 7                But I want to describe why I'm 

 8   voting no on this extender, Mr. President, which 

 9   as you know funds the government for the next two 

10   months.  Really, I would argue that this extender 

11   is an extender of business as usual in Albany, an 

12   extender of lack of transparency in Albany, an 

13   extender of budgetary dysfunction in Albany, an 

14   extender of the three men in a room.  In this 

15   case, it may be only one man in a room.

16                Mr. President, we were given 2,000, 

17   2,000 pages of budget bills at 3 a.m. and 7 a.m., 

18   respectively, this morning.  By the way, the Old 

19   Testament only has 1900 pages.  

20                (Laughter.)

21                SENATOR HOYLMAN:   So we were asked 

22   to read the Bible this morning and vote on it.  

23   You know, I think everyone here agrees that that 

24   is impossible, and I think everyone here agrees 

25   that that is no way to legislate.  


 1                I'll be voting no, Mr. President.  

 2   I'll be voting against lack of transparency.  

 3   I'll be voting against not a single public 

 4   hearing on these 2,000 pages.  And I'll be voting 

 5   for people, New Yorkers across the state, who 

 6   want to change Albany.  

 7                Thank you.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 9   Hoylman to be recorded in the negative.

10                Senator Squadron to explain his 

11   vote.

12                SENATOR SQUADRON:   Thank you, 

13   Mr. President.

14                You know, I understand here, with 

15   less than an hour to go, why there's an extender 

16   before us and why it is getting moved through 

17   this house and presumably through the other house 

18   and to be signed by the Governor.  

19                But it is a process that got us here 

20   today that I think we all, here in the light of 

21   day, can agree is absolutely broken.  I mean, 

22   this is ridiculous.  The ridiculousness of what 

23   happened over the last three days since the 

24   April 1st deadline passed -- you know, yesterday 

25   was my son's sixth birthday.  And try explaining 


 1   to him the back and forth and up and down of 

 2   what's going on here.  And the 6-year-old can't 

 3   understand it any more than most New Yorkers can, 

 4   because it really makes absolutely no sense.

 5                The truth is on all sides of the 

 6   aisle in this house and in the other house, there 

 7   are thoughtful, deliberative people.  I've had a 

 8   lot of conversations privately with those folks 

 9   over the last month through this budget process.  

10   Unfortunately, that thoughtfulness and that 

11   deliberation is never shown to the people of the 

12   state.  It's just not.  Because this all happens 

13   in a closed room among a small number of people.  

14   In fact, majority and minority members are in 

15   large part left out of the major decisions.  No 

16   one in this room created that system, but this 

17   extender absolutely furthers it.  

18                What happened this year in the 

19   budget, where we are right now with less than an 

20   hour to go, should be a searing moment for all of 

21   us to change a process that does not work for 

22   New Yorkers, does not work for the people we were 

23   hired to represent.  It really only works for the 

24   process itself.  And so I would urge at this 

25   moment that we take a long, hard look at that 


 1   process and fix it moving forward.  

 2                And extenders, you know, our 

 3   so-called extenders, what they are is they're 

 4   budget bills for a period of time that aren't 

 5   neutral.  This one has a sweep of the MTA -- 

 6   New York City Bus & Subway, the MTA, the 

 7   Long Island Railroad -- on which our entire 

 8   State Budget absolutely depends and which has 

 9   been under enormous strain in the last couple of 

10   years.  This sweeps $65 million.  This goes until 

11   May 31st, as opposed to another period of time or 

12   a shorter period of time, and has thousands of 

13   pages of other changes that we haven't had a lot 

14   of time to look at.  

15                And of course it doesn't have some 

16   of the major issues that many of us have been 

17   pushing for -- closure of the LLC loophole, Raise 

18   the Age, reform, broader reform of our state 

19   government.  And so I understand why, faced with 

20   this moment and this vote now, there are those 

21   who feel they need to vote yes, and in this 

22   moment I can respect that.  But the process that 

23   got us here is so broken, is so ridiculous that 

24   unfortunately I'm forced to vote no today, 

25   Mr. President.  And I hope the next time we have 


 1   a budget vote before us, the process that has 

 2   gotten us there is more thoughtful, deliberative, 

 3   and respectful of the people who have hired us to 

 4   represent them.  

 5                Thank you, Mr. President.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 7   Squadron to be recorded in the negative.

 8                Senator Persaud to explain her vote.

 9                SENATOR PERSAUD:   Thank you, 

10   Mr. President.  

11                When the legislative session began, 

12   we all knew the deadline for passing a budget.  

13   My concern is that people just thought it 

14   irrelevant, and here we are today without a 

15   budget.

16                The extender, as it is, there are 

17   some interesting things there, to say the least.  

18   There are some things that will benefit my 

19   community.  But we were sent here to represent 

20   the people in our districts -- the people in my 

21   district who are sending me messages saying "You 

22   must do what's right for us."  We are here to 

23   represent them.  

24                I urge the leaders, when you 

25   understand the deadline, bring the pertinent 


 1   parties together to discuss what is needed in the 

 2   budget.  Everybody knew what's needed in the 

 3   budget, everyone knows what's needed in the 

 4   budget.  Everyone understands the importance of 

 5   some things to certain communities.  

 6                I think before we pass a budget we 

 7   need to sit down, bring all parties together, and 

 8   have a conversation as people who are responsible 

 9   to the communities we serve.  So that when we 

10   pass a budget, we will be able to go back to our 

11   communities and say we have done what is right by 

12   you.

13                I urge Senator Flanagan, I urge you 

14   all, when you continue the discussions, include 

15   us in it.  Include all of the leaders, not a 

16   select few.  Include all of the leaders, listen 

17   to their opinions, listen to what the 

18   constituents who sent us here are saying.  We are 

19   speaking on their behalf.  

20                For those reasons, I must vote no on 

21   this budget.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

23   Persaud will be recorded in the negative.

24                Senator Bailey to explain his vote.

25                SENATOR BAILEY:   Thank you, 


 1   Mr. President.

 2                You know, this process in itself 

 3   represents the duality of human nature.  On one 

 4   hand, I'm happy about the anticipated results 

 5   that many state workers, including our diligent 

 6   staff -- who is going through, poring through 

 7   these budget bills that we received -- the Old 

 8   Testament, as Senator Hoylman indicated -- at 

 9   3:30 in the morning to make sure that we were 

10   prepared to review them.  So I'm happy about 

11   those workers, the state workers, the -- 

12   everybody here that would presumably be able to 

13   continue to get paid.  

14                But there's something inside me that 

15   compels me to vote no.  A few things.

16                At risk of sounding like a broken 

17   record, I won't say everything that everybody 

18   else already said.  But Raise the Age -- I took a 

19   very public stance on that, indicated that I 

20   would not vote yes on anything unless it included 

21   Raise the Age.  I might not have the time of 

22   service that the great Reverend Díaz has, but I 

23   come from the same school.  My word is my word.  

24   And a man without a word might not be considered 

25   by some to be a man, at least where I'm from.  


 1                And the Bronx, New York, the 36th 

 2   Senatorial District, is where I'm from.  I 

 3   represent a district full of 16- and 17-year-olds 

 4   who, if they go down the wrong path, they should 

 5   not be housed with adults.  That's where I'm 

 6   from.  

 7                I am hopeful and I remain hopeful 

 8   and prayerful that the leaders of the Senate and 

 9   the Assembly will come together and do the right 

10   thing for everybody in the State of New York.  

11   Because these budgets aren't just about your 

12   district or my district or just one district, 

13   it's about 63 districts in the Senate, 150 

14   districts in the Assembly.  

15                Get out of your tunnel.  Let's get 

16   this budget done, let's get it done right, and 

17   I'm voting no on this one.  

18                Thank you, Mr. President.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

20   Bailey to be recorded in the negative.

21                The Secretary will announce the 

22   results.

23                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

24   Calendar 529, those recorded in the negative --

25                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Wait one 


 1   second.  

 2                Continue, please.  The Secretary 

 3   will continue.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 5   Calendar Number 529, those recorded in the 

 6   negative are Senators Bailey, Comrie, Díaz, 

 7   Dilan, Gianaris, Hamilton, Hoylman, Montgomery, 

 8   Parker, Persaud, Rivera, Sanders, Serrano, 

 9   Squadron and Stewart-Cousins.

10                Ayes, 46.  Nays, 15.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

12   is passed.

13                Senator DeFrancisco, we'll continue.

14                The Secretary will read.

15                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16   530, by the Senate Committee on Rules, Senate 

17   Print 5492, an act making appropriations for the 

18   support of government.

19                (Pause.)

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

21   DeFrancisco.

22                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Have you 

23   called up that second bill yet?  

24                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

25   has been called up and read.  It's before the 


 1   house.

 2                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Okay.  And 

 3   it's my understanding that the Governor has not 

 4   yet sent down a message of necessity.  Is that 

 5   correct?

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   That is 

 7   correct.  There is no message of appropriation at 

 8   the desk.

 9                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Okay.  That 

10   being the case, by unanimous consent we would 

11   like to get the consent of the house to allow the 

12   three leaders to speak now while we're waiting 

13   for the Governor to send the message of necessity 

14   for the second to the third floor.  Or the 

15   message of appropriation, I should say. 

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   That is 

17   correct.  

18                Without objection, it is so ordered.

19                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Thank you.

20                Would you call on Senator 

21   Stewart-Cousins, please.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   I would 

23   ask, again, the house to remain in order.  

24                And I'd ask Senator Stewart-Cousins 

25   to be recognized.


 1                SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Thank 

 2   you, Mr. President.

 3                What is there to say?  Obviously I 

 4   think my colleagues who articulated the concerns 

 5   about being at this place at this time with no 

 6   budget spoke eloquently about how we feel and 

 7   where we are.  You know, we should be mindful 

 8   that we are here 60 hours past our deadline for 

 9   the budget.  

10                And we should also be mindful that 

11   this extender, which does keep our government 

12   running -- which is extremely important -- is 

13   really again, for all of us, a signal for the 

14   growing dysfunction here in Albany.

15                So with the extension of time that I 

16   know we will have and the concerns that are on 

17   the table, I think it's just clear that we need 

18   to use this time to make sure that we really 

19   address the growing problems facing our state.

20                I just want it to be clear that my 

21   conference will continue to fight for those 

22   progressive issues that have yet to be addressed.  

23   We made it clear that we would not vote on a 

24   state budget until there's a real Raise the Age 

25   plan included.  This is an extender, but we need 


 1   a full budget.  And we need a full budget that 

 2   addresses everything, including our college 

 3   affordability, which includes the DREAM Act.

 4                We need a plan that fully funds 

 5   education.  We need a plan that creates real 

 6   voting and ethics reform.  We need a plan that 

 7   addresses the growing income inequality in 

 8   New York.  We need a plan that moves our economy 

 9   forward.  And of course with what's happening, 

10   the unknowns that are happening on the federal 

11   level, we know that it's even more important that 

12   our state takes a stand that moves us quickly 

13   into a budget that will protect New Yorkers.

14                So it's an opportunity, yes.  It's 

15   an extension, yes.  But I hope and I know that we 

16   can't relax until May 31st, hoping it all goes 

17   away, hoping that we'll get tired.  We won't get 

18   tired.  We can't get tired.  People have sent us 

19   here to give them a budget that reflects our 

20   highest values for all of our constituents here 

21   in New York.

22                So thank you.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

24   you, Senator Stewart-Cousins.

25                Senator Klein.


 1                SENATOR KLEIN:   Thank you, 

 2   Mr. President.

 3                We stand here today, unfortunately, 

 4   not passing an actual budget but passing an 

 5   extender to make sure government continues -- to 

 6   make sure government doesn't shut down, to make 

 7   sure our police, fire and hospitals get the 

 8   critical funding that they need to do their jobs.

 9                I'm confident that this will now 

10   send, I think, a clarion call to all of us -- the 

11   Assembly, the Senate, the Governor -- that we 

12   have to come together and pass an actual budget.

13                The things that we've been talking 

14   about for probably the last six months are things 

15   that will truly change people's lives.  We need 

16   to make sure that we pass Raise the Age.  That 

17   will change individuals' lives to make sure that 

18   our young people have a positive step forward in 

19   their lives.  We have to make sure we increase 

20   Foundation Aid so our public education system can 

21   be the very best it can be.  We need to make sure 

22   that college affordability is available to all, 

23   whether they attend a CUNY or SUNY school or 

24   whether or not they decide to go to a private 

25   institution.  


 1                Those are the things the IDC will 

 2   fight for.  Those are the things that myself and 

 3   my colleague Senator John Flanagan will make sure 

 4   come to fruition in an actual budget.  

 5                But let me be clear.  What we're 

 6   standing here today and saying is we want to 

 7   continue government.  We're not saying that we're 

 8   playing political games.  This is not a budget, 

 9   this is an extender.  And anyone who decides to 

10   vote no on this extender isn't saying -- talking 

11   about things like Raise the Age or all the 

12   important things that I outlined.  What they're 

13   saying to the state workforce is you shouldn't 

14   get paid.  What they're saying to hospitals all 

15   over the State of New York:  You shouldn't 

16   continue to see patients.  That's what they're 

17   saying here today.

18                So I think the time for political 

19   games should end and we all should come together 

20   as one and make sure we pass a budget that truly 

21   changes the lives of New Yorkers.

22                I vote yes, Mr. President.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

24   you, Senator Klein.

25                Senator Flanagan.


 1                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Thank you, 

 2   Mr. President.  Thank you to all my colleagues.  

 3                I listened with -- carefully to the 

 4   comments that were made.  And to everyone that 

 5   spoke, the good news is, and I say this 

 6   respectfully, I heard all this before.  So 

 7   whether it's Senator Bailey or Senator 

 8   Stewart-Cousins or Senator Comrie, Senator 

 9   Sanders, none of you have lacked for clarity in 

10   terms of what your beliefs and thoughts are.  

11                But you know I always try and inject 

12   at least some sense of life and maybe a little 

13   bit of good news.  So now, let's keep things in 

14   perspective.  

15                This young man behind me, Senator 

16   Larkin, he had a second great-grandchild that was 

17   born at 3 o'clock this morning.  So let's 

18   congratulate him.

19                (Applause.)

20                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   And you know 

21   what?  His great-grandchild is so smart already, 

22   she said, "When are you going to finish the 

23   budget so you can come home and see me?" 

24                (Laughter.)

25                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Now, Senator 


 1   Bailey, I'm going to use you as an example.  And 

 2   while he's not sitting in his chair at the 

 3   moment, tonight is the manifestation of March 

 4   madness, the NCAA final.  

 5                SENATOR BOYLE:   Go Heels!  

 6                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Go Heels.  Okay, 

 7   you can tell where he was from.

 8                So March Madness has morphed into 

 9   April, because that's when the final is.  So we 

10   have Gonzaga and we have North Carolina.  So we 

11   have the new --

12                SENATOR BAILEY:   Mr. President, I'm 

13   a huge North Carolina fan.  So if you can switch 

14   that around.  

15                (Laughter.)

16                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Let's put it 

17   this way.  I'm just saying it's the new versus 

18   the people who have been here for some time.  So 

19   hopefully -- for all of our sakes, hopefully it's 

20   a very good game.

21                So we have -- we certainly have new 

22   members on both sides of the aisle, with Senators 

23   Helming, Phillips, Tedisco and Jacobs.  This is 

24   their first time at the dance too.  And they made 

25   it abundantly clear to our colleagues and to me, 


 1   I'm not shutting government down.  That would be 

 2   a major deviation from my fundamental 

 3   responsibility in terms of being an elected 

 4   official.  And every one of our new members has 

 5   been an elected official before, so they know the 

 6   ramifications of shutting down roads, shutting 

 7   down highways, not providing appropriate police 

 8   and fire protection.  So they and all of our 

 9   colleagues have made clear we need to have 

10   government run.

11                Now, I don't think I'm any different 

12   than anybody else.  I'm tired, I'm frustrated, 

13   and I know the average person in my district 

14   doesn't care.  Which is fine.  Because they 

15   expect us to do our job.  And everybody knows, 

16   even though this is not something that gets 

17   written about, our staffs having working 

18   essentially 24/7, nonstop, on issues that are 

19   important.  

20                Now, we had a budget process up 

21   until now that had many, many, many, many public 

22   hearings.  I know how many conversations I've had 

23   with Senator Klein, how many meetings I've had 

24   with him on issues that are important to him, and 

25   he certainly, certainly has made clear where his 


 1   priorities are.  And so has Senator 

 2   Stewart-Cousins, whether it's been in this 

 3   chamber or out at a press conference or back in 

 4   people's districts.  

 5                So when I think about this, I don't 

 6   subscribe to the notion that majority or minority 

 7   members have been left out.  Because I read the 

 8   tweets, I read the blogs, I read the media 

 9   accounts, I see what people say.  Which is fine.  

10   But we know where people's priorities are.  

11                So I'm going to just give an 

12   example.  Part of the reason -- well, I'm going 

13   to use this as the input from members.  I don't 

14   know that I could find anybody more articulate on 

15   an issue that hasn't even been broached yet, and 

16   that's workers' compensation for the cost of 

17   doing business in the State of New York.  When we 

18   talk about youth and youths and their ability to 

19   be in a good spot, one of the things they need is 

20   a job.  And one of the things they need is to 

21   have a company or a small business or an employer 

22   who can actually provide that job.  

23                So when we talk about workers' 

24   compensation, George Amedore is ostensibly an 

25   expert.  Terrence Murphy cares about issues in 


 1   his district that are worth fighting for in this 

 2   budget involving a major nuclear power plant that 

 3   is directly related to the well-being of his 

 4   constituents.  Joe Robach is trying to find 

 5   equitability in transportation funding across the 

 6   State of New York.  

 7                Andrew Lanza, Senator Gallivan, 

 8   Senator Young have all been intimately involved 

 9   in the very issue that everyone has been talking 

10   about, and that's Raise the Age.  So I'm just 

11   going to drill down for one second on that.  

12                We are trying to find a way to help 

13   young men and women.  We're also trying to find a 

14   way to protect victims and try and make sure that 

15   someone who's a drunk driver, even if they're 16, 

16   doesn't get, you know, a kid-glove treatment for 

17   a heinous and egregious crime.  We're trying to 

18   make sure that someone who may murder a senior 

19   citizen doesn't get a pass.  And that's a good 

20   hearty public policy debate that I'll engage in 

21   anytime here -- inside, outside.  And that's one 

22   of the problems that we have right now, because 

23   we haven't gotten to that resolution.  

24                I look at a number of our members -- 

25   Elaine Phillips, new to the dance as well, caring 


 1   about infrastructure, what are we doing for 

 2   projects all across the State of New York.  Rob 

 3   Ortt, obviously out there on direct care like 

 4   everybody else in this room.  Kathy Marchione, 

 5   NYRA and racing and gaming and wagering.  Same 

 6   with Mike Ranzenhofer, same with Joe Griffo, same 

 7   with Pat Gallivan.  Sue Serino, advocating on 

 8   aging.  Sue Serino has drilled down with Rich 

 9   Funke on a program called Lifespan, concerned 

10   that in the proposal -- and I'm doing this for a 

11   reason.  I want everyone to understand -- and you 

12   all know, but I want the public at large to 

13   understand how we go through these things 

14   internally.  I'm looking at Tom O'Mara, 

15   Environmental Protection Fund.  Tom Croci, 

16   talking about veterans' issues.  Both of them 

17   talking about the Dwyer program, PTSD.  

18                Fred Akshar and all of our 

19   colleagues -- and every one of us -- caring about 

20   opioid and heroin addiction.  And I find it 

21   disconcerting that we are fighting about whether 

22   or not we can get $2 million or $3 million more 

23   when everyone knows that's probably the worst 

24   public epidemic that's confronting every one of 

25   our communities.  I saw an article the other day 


 1   that there were seven deaths just in the Buffalo 

 2   area alone in the last couple of days.  

 3                So these are things that we're 

 4   talking about.  Patty Ritchie, talking about 

 5   agriculture.  And I always marvel at the fact 

 6   that agriculture, for the money we spend, the 

 7   return that we get on that investment is 

 8   exponential.  So if we're going to fight to get 

 9   the crumbs at the table and make sure it gets 

10   done -- because the Governor cuts it out and we 

11   don't get the legislative adds -- that's very 

12   important.  

13                I am heartened and disheartened at 

14   the same time.  I know we're doing the right 

15   thing by making sure that government stays 

16   running.  I want to thank Senator 

17   Stewart-Cousins, I want to thank Senator Gianaris 

18   for their respect and their accommodation.  

19   Because we all know -- let's be clear, we got the 

20   message -- if we don't do this by 2 o'clock, then 

21   state employees really can't get paid.  

22                Now, I know Senator Gianaris.  Man, 

23   he loves a good street battle like anyone else, 

24   but he also knows that we need to make sure that 

25   people get paid.  


 1                So whether the Assembly does their 

 2   business or not, that's up to them.  But I know 

 3   we're doing the people's business in this house.  

 4   And this is hard.  Raise the Age is out.  Uber is 

 5   out.  Workers' compensation is out.  Clean water 

 6   is out.  There's a whole litany of things that 

 7   are out.  And yet the irony is, I feel like we're 

 8   this close {pincers gesture} this close overall.  

 9   I believe that we can get there.  

10                And by the way, Senator Marcellino, 

11   although he's being quiet at the moment, has been 

12   vociferous on education, like everybody else.  We 

13   want to make sure that we're meeting our 

14   obligations.  And at least right now, I believe 

15   we're doing it.  

16                I want to thank everyone for their 

17   patience, for their indulgence, for their 

18   understanding.  And in my opinion, I don't think 

19   we're going to wait until the end of May.  I 

20   believe by the time -- I'm giving you my opinion.  

21   Parker, you don't have to laugh that hard.  

22                (Laughter.)

23                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Come on, you -- 

24   stay with me, man.  I need you.  

25                I think we can have the budget by 


 1   the time we come back.  Because members are going 

 2   to go home, Kenny LaValle talks about the First 

 3   district first, and he's right.  Betty Little's 

 4   going to go home, not too far from here -- and 

 5   we're all going to hear it from our constituents.  

 6   And the pressure points are going to be a lot of 

 7   different things.  Advocates are going to be 

 8   pushing on Raise the Age, but we're going to have 

 9   a lot of pressure on education in particular.  

10   Everyone wants college affordability.  And I 

11   think we can get there.  

12                So we are -- President Griffo, have 

13   I spoken long enough for that message of 

14   necessity to arrive?  

15                (Laughter.)

16                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Did I do it the 

17   right way?

18                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   You have.  

19                (Laughter.)

20                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Okay.  That's 

21   what we call good planning.

22                So I -- you know, and all kidding 

23   aside, the work we do here is monumentally 

24   important.  I'm looking at Rich Funke, talking to 

25   him about things like the Empire Trail and 


 1   tourism money for the State of New York.  

 2                All of you have parochial interests, 

 3   and that's part of the process.  And no one 

 4   should ever have to explain anything to the 

 5   contrary.

 6                So let's get this done.  Let's get 

 7   the people's business done overall.  And thank 

 8   you for your indulgence.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

10   you, Senator Flanagan.

11                Senator DeFrancisco, both the 

12   messages of necessity and appropriation are at 

13   the desk.

14                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   I move to 

15   accept both.  

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   All in 

17   favor of accepting the message of necessity and 

18   the message of appropriation indicate by saying 

19   aye.

20                (Response of "Aye.")

21                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Opposed?  

22                (Response of "Nay.")

23                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

24   messages are accepted.

25                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Could you 


 1   please read the last section.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 3   Secretary will read the last section.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 5   act shall take effect immediately.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

 7   roll.

 8                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Announce 

10   the results.

11                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

12   Calendar Number 530, those recorded in the 

13   negative are Senators Bailey, Comrie, Díaz, 

14   Dilan, Gianaris, Hamilton, Hoylman, Montgomery, 

15   Parker, Rivera, Sanders, Serrano, Squadron and 

16   Stewart-Cousins.  Also Senator Persaud.

17                Ayes, 46.  Nays, 15.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

19   is passed.

20                Senator DeFrancisco, that concludes 

21   the noncontroversial reading of Senate 

22   Supplemental Calendar 31A.

23                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Can we go 

24   back to motions and resolutions and take up 

25   previously adopted Resolution 1324, by Senator 


 1   Hamilton, read the title only, and recognize 

 2   Senator Hamilton for his very brief remarks.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 4   Secretary will read.  

 5                But I'm going to ask -- I know 

 6   there's a lot of movement in the chamber.  But we 

 7   want the stenographer to be able to hear the 

 8   comments and give respect to our colleague 

 9   Senator Hamilton as he speaks.  So please, if 

10   you're leaving the chamber, do so silently.  

11                The Secretary will read.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Legislative 

13   Resolution Number 1324, by Senator Hamilton, 

14   commemorating the anniversary celebration of the 

15   birthday of the revered Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi 

16   Menachem M. Schneerson.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

18   Hamilton -- and again, please, let's maintain 

19   order in the house.  

20                Senator Hamilton.

21                SENATOR HAMILTON:   Yes, 

22   Mr. President.  I rise to celebrate the 

23   anniversary of the birthday of the revered 

24   Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who 

25   represented my district.  And the resolution 


 1   honors the 115th anniversary celebration of the 

 2   birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem 

 3   Mendel Schneerson.  

 4                The Rebbe said each individual has 

 5   the capacity to build communities and endow 

 6   communities with life, so that every community 

 7   member becomes a source of inspiration.  

 8   Throughout his years as a religious leader, 

 9   educator, humanitarian, he helped endow 

10   communities here in New York and around the world 

11   with his life and inspiration.  

12                In the heart of my district, Crown 

13   Heights, lay the home of the Chabad Lubavitch 

14   Hasidic movement at 770 Eastern Parkway.  It 

15   serves as the house of worship and a center of 

16   learning, helping to contribute to the education 

17   of countless students.  

18                The Rabbi dedicated his life to 

19   uplifting Jewish religious education, remarking 

20   that every boy and girl is a seed and a sapling, 

21   which with the passing of time will bring forth 

22   fruit.  And their fruit will produce more fruit, 

23   and so on for generations.  

24                We stand as beneficiaries of the 

25   Rabbi's life of service, education and 


 1   leadership.  It is fitting that the 115th 

 2   anniversary of his birth will be honored with the 

 3   115 Days of Education, so that we may not only 

 4   honor his legacy, but act to further endow our 

 5   communities.  

 6                I just want to say happy birthday to 

 7   the Rabbi and also God bless the nation of 

 8   Israel.

 9                Thank you.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

11   you, Senator Hamilton.  

12                As indicated, that resolution had 

13   previously been adopted on March 30th of this 

14   year.

15                Senator DeFrancisco.

16                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Yes.  

17   Following session, there will be an immediate 

18   meeting of the Republican Conference in Room 332.  

19                And is there any further business at 

20   the desk?  

21                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   I might 

22   add, Senator DeFrancisco --

23                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Would you 

24   recognize Senator Klein.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Let's 


 1   take the announcements one at a time.  

 2                I might add, Senator DeFrancisco, 

 3   Senator Flanagan spoke long enough not only for 

 4   the messages but the pregame show to begin at the 

 5   NCAA.  

 6                (Laughter.)

 7                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   I object to 

 8   that remark.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

10   Klein.  

11                SENATOR KLEIN:   I'm going to be 

12   very brief, but we do have a special occasion -- 

13   actually, two special occasions today.  Two 

14   members of the Independent Democratic Conference, 

15   the two Davids, David Valesky and David Carlucci, 

16   are both celebrating their birthday.  And I hope 

17   we'll all wish them a very happy birthday.

18                (Applause.)

19                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Happy 

20   birthday to the Valesky-Carlucci twins.

21                (Laughter.)

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

23   DeFrancisco.

24                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Is there any 

25   further business at the desk?  


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   There is 

 2   no further business.  

 3                But again, we'll remind the 

 4   Republican Conference that there is an immediate 

 5   conference in Room 332 upon completion of 

 6   session.

 7                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   I now move to 

 8   adjourn until Tuesday, April 4th, at 3:00 p.m.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   On 

10   motion, the Senate will stand adjourned until 

11   Tuesday, April 4th, at 3:00 p.m. 

12                Senate is adjourned.

13                (Whereupon, at 1:37 p.m., the Senate 

14   adjourned.)