Regular Session - January 9, 2018


 1               NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                  January 9, 2018

11                     11:15 a.m.



14                  REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR JOSEPH GRIFFO, Acting President

19  FRANCIS W. PATIENCE, Secretary








 1               P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 3   Senate will come to order.  

 4                I ask all present to please rise 

 5   and join with me as we recite the Pledge of 

 6   Allegiance to our Flag.

 7                (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 8   the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   In the 

10   absence of clergy, I would ask all to bow your 

11   heads in a moment of silent reflection and 

12   prayer.

13                (Whereupon, the assemblage 

14   respected a moment of silence.)

15                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

16   reading of the Journal.

17                THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Monday, 

18   January 8th, the Senate met pursuant to 

19   adjournment.  The Journal of Sunday, 

20   January 7th, was read and approved.  On motion, 

21   Senate adjourned.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Without 

23   objection, the Journal will stand approved as 

24   read.

25                Presentation of petitions.


 1                Messages from the Assembly.

 2                Messages from the Governor.

 3                Reports of standing committees.

 4                Reports of select committees.

 5                Communications and reports of state 

 6   officers.

 7                Motions and resolutions.

 8                Senator DeFrancisco.

 9                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   I move to 

10   adopt the Resolution Calendar, with the 

11   exception of Resolution 3284.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   All in 

13   favor of adopting the Resolution Calendar, with 

14   the exception of Resolution 3284, signify by 

15   saying aye.

16                (Response of "Aye.")

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Opposed?  

18                (No response.)

19                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

20   Resolution Calendar is adopted as indicated.

21                Senator DeFrancisco.

22                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Will you 

23   please take up the noncontroversial reading of 

24   the calendar.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 


 1   Secretary will begin to read the calendar.

 2                THE SECRETARY:  Calendar Number 1, 

 3   by Senator Robach, Senate Print 365, an act to 

 4   amend the State Finance Law.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

 6   last section.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 8   act shall take effect on the 30th day.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

10   roll.

11                (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

13   Krueger to explain her vote.

14                SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you very 

15   much, Mr. President.  

16                So I think I've been debating this 

17   bill maybe as far back as 2003, but I couldn't 

18   find anything back that far.  But I'm not 

19   debating it today, I'm just continuing to point 

20   out why it's a mistake for any state to put a 

21   cap on spending into law.

22                If you go through the history, 

23   there are some states who chose to do this back 

24   in the '80s and early '90s.  They've all 

25   reversed themselves, because what they learned 


 1   was none of us have a crystal ball and don't know 

 2   whether the next year there might be a giant dip 

 3   in revenue or an emergency situation or a loss of 

 4   federal funding where the state budget needs to 

 5   change by more than the 1, 2, or 3 percent that 

 6   we've been averaging.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 8   Krueger, we are on Calendar Number 1 right now, 

 9   which is Senate Bill 365, Senator Robach, 

10   presently.

11                SENATOR KRUEGER:   Yes, the spending 

12   cap, correct?  I'm on that bill also.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Okay.

14                SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you.  That 

15   would be a spending cap on the State Budget.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Correct.

17                SENATOR KRUEGER:   I believe that 

18   was what I was speaking on.  Thank you, 

19   Mr. President.

20                So -- oh, wait.  I'm sorry.  Did you 

21   still want me to hold, Mr. President?  

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   No, I 

23   just wanted to make sure you knew we were on the 

24   rainy day fund.  Go ahead.

25                SENATOR KRUEGER:   Well, the rainy 


 1   day fund is combined with a state spending cap, 

 2   so I was only specifically explaining why I 

 3   dislike the spending cap section of Senator 

 4   Robach's dual bill.  Correct, thank you.  

 5                So again, on the spending cap, 

 6   states would tie their hands; the legislature 

 7   would remove themselves and the governor from the 

 8   process of making a determination that an 

 9   emergency happened, something radically changed 

10   in federal spending in our state, something 

11   radically happened in an emergency health crisis 

12   in our state, a recession that triggered demands 

13   on unemployment, on social safety net programs.

14                We don't have a crystal ball to look 

15   into year in, year out.  What we do have is a 

16   budget process that allows us to evaluate, on an 

17   annual basis, our revenue and our expenditures.

18                And I frankly don't think it's good 

19   public policy to want to tie our hands and remove 

20   the ability to determine the expenditure level of 

21   the State of New York from year to year, which is 

22   why I urge everyone to vote no.  And I believe 

23   this continues to be a one-house bill, so it's 

24   more of an intellectual discussion.  

25                I vote no, Mr. President.  Thank 


 1   you.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

 3   you, Senator Krueger.  

 4                Senator Krueger will be recorded in 

 5   the negative.

 6                Announce the results.  

 7                Senator Robach, do you want to 

 8   explain your vote?  

 9                SENATOR ROBACH:   Yes, 

10   Mr. President, just very quickly.  

11                I would just say that I think this 

12   is the fiscal restraint direction we need to go 

13   to.  Sometimes you have to be the responsible 

14   parent, not the rich aunt or uncle and give away 

15   money.  And I would say not having this cap in 

16   place and not having sufficient rainy day funds 

17   is what got us into the fiscal problems we're in.

18                So whether we want to protect 

19   important programs or want to move in the right 

20   direction, which I think we are incrementally, 

21   while I fully understand it will make some 

22   difficult choices on what we fund, I think this 

23   is very necessary.

24                And to my colleague Senator 

25   Krueger's comments, which I listened to, 


 1   sincerely, I think if we get to a point where 

 2   we're flush, we can always take caps off and do 

 3   things differently at that time.

 4                But clearly, in my district and 

 5   across many parts of the state and the business 

 6   community, what we're talking about right now -- 

 7   affordability, opportunity and those things -- 

 8   the budget practices we've used without this cap 

 9   and rainy day fund have not been working.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Excuse 

11   me, Senator Robach.

12                SENATOR ROBACH:   So I applaud my 

13   colleagues for supporting this, and I think it 

14   will be greatly appreciated by many New Yorkers 

15   all across this great state.  

16                Thank you, Mr. President.  

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

18   Robach in the affirmative.  

19                Can we have some order in the house, 

20   please.

21                 Announce the results.

22                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

23   Calendar Number 1, those recorded in the negative 

24   are Senators Alcantara, Avella, Bailey, Comrie, 

25   Dilan, Gianaris, Hamilton, Hoylman, Kavanagh, 


 1   Krueger, Montgomery, Parker, Peralta, Persaud, 

 2   Rivera, Sanders, Savino, Serrano, Stavisky and 

 3   Stewart-Cousins.

 4                Ayes, 41.  Nays, 20.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

 6   is passed.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 2, 

 8   by Senator Flanagan, Senate Print 1207, an act to 

 9   amend Chapter 97 of the Laws of 2011.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

11   last section.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

13   act shall take effect immediately.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

15   roll.

16                (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

18   Krueger to explain her vote.

19                SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you, 

20   Mr. President.

21                I have also debated this bill in the 

22   past, so for time's sake, this year I'll simply 

23   explain why I'm voting no.

24                Property taxes are the only 

25   taxes that the State of New York, in theory, 


 1   allows localities to determine themselves without 

 2   coming to Albany.  But several years ago, at the 

 3   request of many localities, they came to us and 

 4   they asked us to create a cap bill, to some 

 5   degree protect them from doing harm again.  They 

 6   still, of course, can limit their own spending at 

 7   any level below the 2 percent cap.  

 8                My dilemma is I think it's a mistake 

 9   to make permanent a cap that is still to this day 

10   questionable as far as its impact on our local 

11   school districts.  Again, it doesn't apply to 

12   New York City, although each year this house 

13   proposes that it apply to the city as well, which 

14   would continue my argument against.  But we have 

15   learned that over the years that this tax cap has 

16   been in effect, we've had in any given year as 

17   many as 90 separate school districts on the verge 

18   of what they call fiscal stress because they have 

19   inadequate money from their property tax level to 

20   cover their expenses.  

21                I personally think we should 

22   reevaluate the entire model of taxation in this 

23   state so that property taxes aren't the driving 

24   force in educational revenue policy.  We're not 

25   an agrarian state, although we have agrarian 


 1   areas, and it shouldn't be based on property 

 2   value as opposed to income levels or other 

 3   evaluations.

 4                But continuing a flawed policy as a 

 5   permanent policy is not going to get us there, so 

 6   I will vote no, Mr. President.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 8   Krueger to be recorded in the negative.

 9                Senator Young to explain her vote.

10                SENATOR YOUNG:   Thank you, 

11   Mr. President.

12                And I want to thank my colleague 

13   from Manhattan for her comments on property 

14   taxes.  But I will tell you, if you live in an 

15   area where there are residential homes, this is 

16   one of the major issues that our citizens face 

17   across the state, heavy property taxes.  

18                We have put the brakes on 

19   double-digit property tax increases over the 

20   years because of the leadership of this house, 

21   this conference, and we need to make that 

22   permanent.  Every day we hear impassioned pleas 

23   from our constituents about property taxes, and 

24   we need to do something about it.  We've made 

25   great progress, but this would make this very 


 1   effective tool permanent.  Already it has saved 

 2   New Yorkers over $23 billion for the taxpayers.  

 3                And I would like to remind my 

 4   colleague that at the same time that we have had 

 5   the property tax cap in place, this body, this 

 6   Legislature and the Governor have provided record 

 7   increases to education -- just last year, a 

 8   $1.1 billion increase to education.  And we've 

 9   taken other initiatives such as eliminating the 

10   terrible Gap Elimination Adjustment that was put 

11   into place several years ago.

12                So we continue to invest in our 

13   children, invest in their futures, and at the 

14   same time we need to make New York State a more 

15   affordable place to live and work.  

16                Thank you, Mr. President.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

18   Young to be recorded in the affirmative.

19                Senator Bonacic to explain his vote.

20                SENATOR BONACIC:   Yeah, on the 

21   bill.

22                I agree with everything that Senator 

23   Young said about affordability and property 

24   taxes, but I want to comment on what -- on a 

25   broader-based tax.  


 1                I think it's time that we seriously 

 2   look at structural changes with respect to the 

 3   property tax system.  So how do you get there?  

 4   I've advocated for a broader state income tax.  

 5   Over a five-year period, wean off the property 

 6   taxes, wean off it.  Out on the Island, their 

 7   property taxes are brutal, anywhere from $15,000 

 8   to $30,000 a year.  Families have to decide, 

 9   Should I pay the property taxes or should I pay 

10   my mortgage?  That's how bad property taxes have 

11   gotten.  People leave this state because of the 

12   heavy burden of property taxes.  

13                So this cap slows the problem.  Slow 

14   growth, no more than 2 percent.  But if we're 

15   serious, go to a broader-based tax; mandate 

16   relief; get rid of the abuses of not-for-profits, 

17   tax-exempts, a huge problem.  That would be a 

18   three-pronged attack to start diminishing the 

19   high value of property taxes.

20                I vote yes on the bill.  Thank you 

21   very much, Mr. Speaker.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

23   Bonacic to be recorded in the affirmative.

24                Announce the results.

25                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 


 1   Calendar 2, those recorded in the negative are 

 2   Senators Comrie, Hoylman, Krueger, Montgomery, 

 3   Parker, Persaud, Rivera, Sanders and Serrano.  

 4   Also Senator Dilan.  

 5                Ayes, 51.  Nays, 10.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

 7   is passed.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 5, 

 9   by Senator Akshar, Senate Print 7277, an act to 

10   amend the Highway Law.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

12   last section.

13                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

14   act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

15   same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2017.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

17   roll.

18                (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

21   is passed.

22                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 10, 

23   by Senator Alcantara, Senate Print 7282, an act 

24   to amend the Social Services Law.

25                SENATOR VALESKY:   Lay it aside for 


 1   the day.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

 3   is laid aside for the day.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 17, 

 5   by Senator Croci, Senate Print 7289, an act to 

 6   amend the Military Law. 

 7                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Lay the bill 

 8   aside for the day.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

10   is laid aside for the day.

11                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 27, 

12   by Senator LaValle, Senate Print 7299, an act to 

13   amend the New York State Urban Development 

14   Corporation Act.

15                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Lay it aside.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Lay it 

17   aside.

18                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Lay it aside 

19   for the day.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Lay it 

21   aside for the day.

22                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   At the 

23   request of the sponsor.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   At the 

25   request of the sponsor.


 1                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 30, 

 2   by Senator Hamilton, Senate Print 7302, an act to 

 3   amend a chapter of the Laws of 2017.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

 5   last section.

 6                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

 7   act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

 8   same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2017.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

10   roll.

11                (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

14   is passed.

15                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 33, 

16   by Senator Gallivan, Senate Print 7305, an act to 

17   amend the Executive Law.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

19   last section.

20                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

21   act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

22   same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2017.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

24   roll.

25                (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.  Nays, 1.  

 2   Senator Sanders recorded in the negative.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

 4   is passed.

 5                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 38, 

 6   by Senator Peralta, Senate Print 7310, an act to 

 7   amend the General Business Law.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

 9   last section.

10                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

11   act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

12   same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2017.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

14   roll.

15                (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

18   is passed.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 41, 

20   by Senator Kennedy, Senate Print 7313, an act to 

21   amend the Social Services Law.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

23   last section.

24                THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

25   act shall take effect on the same date and in the 


 1   same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2017.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

 3   roll.

 4                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.  Nays, 1.  

 6   Senator Little recorded in the negative.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

 8   is passed.

 9                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 45, 

10   by Senator Tedisco, Senate Print 7317, an act to 

11   amend the Agriculture and Markets Law.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

13   last section.

14                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

15   act shall take effect immediately.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

17   roll.

18                (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

21   is passed.

22                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 55, 

23   by Senator Hannon, Senate Print 7327, an act to 

24   amend the General Business Law.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 


 1   last section.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 3   act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

 4   same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2017.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

 6   roll.

 7                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

10   is passed.

11                Senator DeFrancisco, that completes 

12   the noncontroversial reading of today's 

13   active-list calendar.

14                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Could we now 

15   take up Resolution 3284, by Senator Golden, and 

16   read it in its entirety, and then call on 

17   Senators Golden and Akshar thereafter.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

19   Secretary will read.

20                THE SECRETARY:   Legislative 

21   Resolution Number 3284, by Senator Golden, 

22   memorializing Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to 

23   proclaim January 9, 2018, as Law Enforcement 

24   Appreciation Day in the State of New York.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Can we 


 1   have some order in the chamber, please.  

 2                Thank you.  The Secretary will 

 3   continue.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   "WHEREAS, New York 

 5   State has long been committed to supporting its 

 6   law enforcement professionals; and 

 7                "WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is 

 8   justly proud to memorialize Governor Andrew M. 

 9   Cuomo to proclaim January 9, 2018, as Law 

10   Enforcement Appreciation Day in the State of 

11   New York, in conjunction with the observance of 

12   National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day; and 

13                "WHEREAS, Throughout the State of 

14   New York, various law enforcement advocacy 

15   organizations will be observing this 

16   well-deserved day of appreciation of our law 

17   enforcement members; and 

18                "WHEREAS, It is increasingly being 

19   recognized that the jobs which these 

20   professionals face in their lines of duty are 

21   both dangerous and difficult; and 

22                "WHEREAS, The Day of National Law 

23   Enforcement Appreciation is a time to recognize  

24   and reflect on the sacrifice which so many of our 

25   friends, families, and fellow New Yorkers make on 


 1   a daily basis to keep us safe in our homes, 

 2   places of work, and on the streets; and 

 3                "WHEREAS, Recognizing the importance 

 4   of the work that law enforcement conducts on a 

 5   daily basis, whether it be tackling petty crime 

 6   or taking down foreign terror operations to keep 

 7   New Yorkers safe, these professionals are among  

 8   the best our state has to offer, being highly 

 9   skilled, disciplined, and well-trained to execute 

10   their duties with courage and bravery; and 

11                "WHEREAS, It is increasingly 

12   dangerous to perform these jobs in a world where 

13   law enforcement are targeted for the uniforms 

14   they wear and the duties they perform in the line 

15   of service; and 

16                "WHEREAS, By focusing on the 

17   importance of those who serve in law enforcement, 

18   we would hope to bring attention to the 

19   difficulties their jobs present and the bravery 

20   so many exude in their everyday lives; we may 

21   also highlight that too often New York law 

22   enforcement professionals from across our great 

23   state are not appreciated and give them a moment 

24   to know that New York stands behind them; now, 

25   therefore, be it 


 1                "RESOLVED, That this Legislative 

 2   Body pause in its deliberations to memorialize 

 3   Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim January 9, 

 4   2018, as Law Enforcement Appreciation Day in the 

 5   State of New York, and to applaud those who have 

 6   dedicated their lives to keeping New Yorkers safe 

 7   from criminals, terrorists, and those who would 

 8   otherwise do harm to them; and be it further 

 9                "RESOLVED, That a copy of this 

10   resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to 

11   the Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the  

12   State of New York."

13                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

14   Golden.

15                SENATOR GOLDEN:   Thank you, 

16   Mr. President.

17                Today is a sad day, yesterday was a 

18   sad day, and we have a number of sad days 

19   throughout the year for law enforcement.  Today 

20   we're honoring New Yorkers who take serving the 

21   public to a level few of us can truly understand.  

22   January 9, 2018, is Law Enforcement Appreciation 

23   Day in the great State of New York.  

24                Many of you know, just outside our 

25   building here, the New York State Police Officers 


 1   Memorial has 1453 names on it.  Each of those 

 2   names served this state with pride.  Each one has 

 3   a story.  Each one of those names has a family.  

 4   In fact, on January 2nd of this year, a New York 

 5   State Trooper became another member of law 

 6   enforcement to die of a 9/11 illness.  We lost a 

 7   shining star when Trooper Michael Anson passed 

 8   away.  Many of us remember Trooper Anson.  He was 

 9   assigned to help New York City and search during 

10   the recovery efforts after the attack.  

11                Well, yesterday, ladies and 

12   gentlemen, Lieutenant Paul Murphy -- he too, a 

13   lieutenant in New York City Police Department, 

14   was buried in Brooklyn.  He too had a story, a 

15   family, and his life cut much too short at 

16   50 years of age.  

17                And it's fitting today is named Law 

18   Enforcement Appreciation Day, because it's also 

19   the day that Trooper Anson, at 11 o'clock this 

20   morning, is being buried.  

21                We should all take a moment to pause 

22   and to reflect on our heroes, the public servants 

23   who give us peace of mind and are dedicated to 

24   keeping us safe wherever we are.  They keep us 

25   safe at home, at our places of worship, places of 


 1   employment, on the road, wherever we are across 

 2   this great state.  They are dedicated public 

 3   servants and some of the most talented 

 4   individuals in the country.  Their levels of 

 5   training, discipline, and commitment are the 

 6   best.  

 7                The reason we are the greatest state 

 8   in this great nation is that we have the greatest 

 9   law enforcement.  And I'm honored to sponsor this 

10   resolution, and I hope you will join me in 

11   honoring New York's greatest public servants and 

12   our biggest heroes, the men and women of law 

13   enforcement.  God bless them and God bless their 

14   families, and God bless this great, great state 

15   and this great nation for their service.

16                Thank you, Mr. President.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

18   Akshar.

19                SENATOR AKSHAR:   Mr. President, 

20   thank you for your indulgence.  

21                Senator Golden, thank you for 

22   putting forth this resolution.  I think it's 

23   incredibly important.  

24                I for one am very proud to be 

25   standing here today to pay special tribute to the 


 1   men and women in blue.  As many of you know, I 

 2   had the distinct pleasure of serving as a member 

 3   of law enforcement before I was elected, and I 

 4   can tell you firsthand that our law enforcement 

 5   officials care very deeply for our community.  

 6   They work long hours to keep us safe, they work 

 7   tirelessly to stop the drug epidemic that is 

 8   plaguing so many communities throughout this 

 9   great state, and they're the first to put 

10   themselves into danger, whether it's responding 

11   to a domestic violence call or a traffic stop.  

12                And unfortunately today, protecting 

13   the community from crime and danger, of course, 

14   is on the forefront of their minds, but in recent 

15   years the scope of their job has expanded to 

16   other disciplines.  They now have to be mental 

17   health professionals, they have to be addiction 

18   specialists.  But it doesn't matter.  Because 

19   whenever they're called, they answer, 24 hours a 

20   day, seven days a week.  

21                And sometimes I think that society 

22   forgets, and I think it's incredibly incumbent 

23   upon us that we remind society at large that 

24   behind the uniform, law enforcement officers are 

25   just men and women who want to work hard.  


 1   They're men and women who want to keep our 

 2   communities safe, and they're men and women who 

 3   want to make it home at the end of the day to 

 4   their families.  And at a time when their jobs 

 5   are becoming more dangerous and unpredictable, 

 6   they certainly need our support.  

 7                And I firmly believe that regardless 

 8   of our politics and regardless of what side of 

 9   the aisle we sit on, everybody in this house 

10   agrees with us today that we should be looking 

11   out for members of our law enforcement.  

12                I can't help but think of the Codes 

13   meeting yesterday where Senator Bailey and I were 

14   discussing a piece of legislation.  And we 

15   happened to disagree on that particular piece of 

16   legislation, but at the end of the day what we 

17   did agree upon was that the members of law 

18   enforcement were pillars in our community and we 

19   needed to do everything we possibly could to 

20   support them.  

21                So that is a good feeling, to know 

22   that regardless of our politics and regardless of 

23   which side of the aisle we sit on, we all believe 

24   that those members of law enforcement deserve our 

25   support.  


 1                So I, for one, of course am happy to 

 2   support this particular resolution.  I am proud 

 3   to have been afforded an opportunity to share in 

 4   that brotherhood.  I will forever bleed blue, and 

 5   so long as I am in this house, I will always 

 6   support the members of law enforcement.  

 7                Thank you, Mr. President.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 9   Gallivan.

10                SENATOR GALLIVAN:   Thank you, 

11   Mr. President.

12                Like Senator Golden and Senator 

13   Akshar and many of colleagues in the room, I have 

14   great respect and admiration for the men and 

15   women in law enforcement.  Like my colleagues, 

16   I'm a former law enforcement officer.  And as a 

17   former state trooper and sheriff of Erie County, 

18   I understand the dangers and challenges that 

19   police officers face on a daily basis.  

20                At a moment's notice, these 

21   dedicated public servants must confront 

22   life-and-death situations.  They assist those who 

23   are hurt and injured, they protect those in 

24   danger and pursue those who would do us harm.  

25   Their job is dangerous and difficult.  We've seen 


 1   instances when police officers have been targeted 

 2   for no other reason than the uniform they wear 

 3   and what it represents.  We must consider an 

 4   attack on any member of law enforcement as an 

 5   attack on our entire community and our way of 

 6   life.

 7                I'll continue to support law 

 8   enforcement officers across New York, to ensure 

 9   that they have the tools, resources and training 

10   to perform their duties.  They are, after all, 

11   our first line of defense in protecting our 

12   citizens and our communities.  They deserve our 

13   thanks, our support, and our respect.  And I 

14   thank all of you for honoring them today.  

15                Thank you, Mr. President.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

17   question is on the resolution.  All in favor 

18   signify by saying aye.

19                (Response of "Aye.")

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Opposed?  

21                (No response.)

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

23   resolution is adopted.

24                The resolution is opened for 

25   cosponsorship.  If you wish to be a cosponsor, 


 1   please notify the desk.

 2                Senator Ritchie, that completes the 

 3   reading of the Resolution Calendar.

 4                SENATOR RITCHIE:   There will be an 

 5   immediate meeting of the Transportation Committee 

 6   in Room 710 of the LOB.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   There 

 8   will be an immediate meeting of the Committee on 

 9   Transportation in Room 710 in the LOB.

10                Senator Ritchie.

11                SENATOR RITCHIE:   Is there any 

12   further business at the desk?

13                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   There is 

14   no further business before the desk.

15                SENATOR RITCHIE:   So can we adjourn 

16   until Tuesday, January 16th, at 3:00 p.m., 

17   intervening days being legislative days.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   On 

19   motion, the Senate will stand adjourned until 

20   Tuesday, January 16th, at 3:00 p.m., intervening 

21   days being legislative days.  

22                The Senate is adjourned.

23                (Whereupon, at 11:41 a.m., the 

24   Senate adjourned.)