Regular Session - May 22, 2019


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                    May 22, 2019

11                     11:35 a.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR BRIAN A. BENJAMIN, Acting President









 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 3   Senate will come to order.  

 4                I ask everyone present to please 

 5   rise and repeat with me the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7   the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 9   Right Reverend Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos, Bishop 

10   of the Mar Thoma Church Diocese of North America 

11   and Europe in Merrick, New York, will deliver 

12   today's invocation.  

13                Bishop Philoxenos.  

14                BISHOP PHILOXENOS:   Respected 

15   Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and 

16   members of the New York State Senate.  

17                It's a historic day for the 

18   Malayalis and the Mar Thoma community in the 

19   State of New York.  We are delighted to have this 

20   occasion of recognizing the presence of the 

21   Malayali community and the Mar Thoma Church in 

22   the State of New York and in this country.

23                I, on behalf of our community, 

24   express our appreciation to this august body in 

25   recognizing the presence of Keralites and of the 


 1   Mar Thoma Church in the State of New York.  The 

 2   presence of the Malayali community in 

 3   North America proves its commitment to assimilate 

 4   to the culture and ethos of the nation and carry 

 5   on its vision to keep the values in the life of 

 6   the community.

 7                Let us look to the Lord in prayer.  

 8   I'll start the prayer in Malayalam -- that is the 

 9   language of Kerala -- and then continue with 

10   English.  

11                {In Malayalam.}  Eternal God, the 

12   source of everything, we thank and praise You for 

13   Your presence and guidance in all our life.  

14   Grant Your grace to continue the creative and 

15   transformative mission that You have entrusted to 

16   humanity.  

17                We pray for all the people and 

18   communities to live in peace and harmony.  We 

19   seek Your wisdom to be bestowed on all who are in 

20   governance and are taking care of the people and 

21   the world that You have created.

22                Help everyone to bring glory to Your 

23   holy name.  Amen. 

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

25   reading of the Journal.


 1                THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Tuesday, 

 2   May 21, 2019, the Senate met pursuant to 

 3   adjournment.  The Journal of Monday, May 20, 

 4   2019, was read and approved.  On motion, Senate 

 5   adjourned.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Without 

 7   objection, the Journal stands approved as read.

 8                Presentation of petitions.

 9                Messages from the Assembly.

10                The Secretary will read.

11                THE SECRETARY:   On page 45, 

12   Senator Stavisky moves to discharge, from the 

13   Committee on Judiciary, Assembly Bill Number 215 

14   and substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 

15   3987, Third Reading Calendar 702.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

17   substitution is so ordered.

18                THE SECRETARY:   On page 48, 

19   Senator Myrie moves to discharge, from the 

20   Committee on Finance, Assembly Bill Number 7123 

21   and substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 

22   5129, Third Reading Calendar 736.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

24   substitution is so ordered.

25                THE SECRETARY:   On page 51, 


 1   Senator Serrano moves to discharge, from the 

 2   Committee on Children and Families, Assembly Bill 

 3   Number 29A and substitute it for the identical 

 4   Senate Bill 3563A, Third Reading Calendar 816.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 6   substitution is ordered.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   On page 51, 

 8   Senator Salazar moves to discharge, from the 

 9   Committee on Health, Assembly Bill Number 3840 

10   and substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 

11   4181, Third Reading Calendar 820.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

13   substitution is so ordered.

14                THE SECRETARY:   On page 52, 

15   Senator Martinez moves to discharge, from the 

16   Committee on Local Government, Assembly Bill 

17   Number 6665 and substitute it for the identical 

18   Senate Bill Number 5409, Third Reading Calendar 

19   823.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

21   Substitution so ordered.

22                Messages from the Governor.

23                Reports of standing committees.

24                Reports of select committees.

25                Communications and reports from 


 1   state officers.

 2                Motions and resolutions.

 3                Senator Gianaris.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   On 

 5   behalf of Senator Metzger, on page 50 I offer the 

 6   following amendments to Calendar 762, Senate 

 7   Print 5186, and ask that said bill retain its 

 8   place on the Third Reading Calendar.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

10   amendments are received, and the bill shall 

11   retain its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

12                SENATOR GIANARIS:   On behalf of 

13   Senator Persaud, on page 21 I offer the following 

14   amendments to Calendar 210, Senate Print 1054, 

15   and ask that said bill retain its place on the 

16   Third Reading Calendar.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

18   amendments are received, and the bill shall 

19   retain its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

20                SENATOR GIANARIS:   On behalf of 

21   Senator Sanders, I move to amend Senate Bill 

22   Number 3222A by striking out the amendments made 

23   on May 7th and restoring it to its original print 

24   number, 3222.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   It is 


 1   so ordered.

 2                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Can we now take 

 3   up previously adopted Resolution 1515, by Senator 

 4   Kevin Thomas, read that resolution's title only, 

 5   and recognize Senator Thomas.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 7   Secretary will read.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senate 

 9   Resolution 1515, by Senator Thomas, commemorating 

10   the 183rd Anniversary of the Malankara Mar Thoma 

11   Syrian Church of New York.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

13   Thomas on the resolution.

14                SENATOR THOMAS:   Thank you, 

15   Mr. President.  

16                It is with immense pride that I rise 

17   to talk about this resolution today commemorating 

18   the 183rd anniversary of the Mar Thoma Church 

19   since its reformation.  

20                What you just heard a few minutes 

21   ago from my bishop was the South Indian dialect 

22   of Malayalam.  I'm proud to say that I belong to 

23   this church and take part in worship service at 

24   the St. John's Mar Thoma Church in Queens.  

25                We have with us today the bishop of 


 1   the Mar Thoma Church for North America and 

 2   Europe, who gave the opening prayer; the bishop's 

 3   secretary, Reverend Manoj Idiculla; and Reverend 

 4   Mathew Varghese, from my home parish of 

 5   St. John's Mar Thoma Church in Queens.  We also 

 6   have several members of the church that are here 

 7   today.  

 8                Thank you so much for the prayer and 

 9   gracing the Senate with your presence today, 

10   Bishop.

11                Christianity in India is older than 

12   the Catholic Church in Rome.  Christianity 

13   actually arrived in India in A.D. 52, when 

14   St. Thomas the Apostle set foot in Kerala.  He 

15   traveled the region, winning over substantial 

16   sections of people with the Gospel.  He 

17   established seven churches in Kerala, and over 

18   time a proud Christian community evolved in the 

19   region.  

20                The Mar Thoma Church is engaged in 

21   evangelism, education, technical training and 

22   medical work.  It participates actively in the 

23   society.  Its members contribute to the social 

24   and cultural advancement of the nation.  The 

25   church maintains good relations with all 


 1   religious groups.  

 2                Issues like poverty, unemployment, 

 3   injustice and violence have been taken up 

 4   seriously for study and action.  The church has a 

 5   particular concern for marginalized groups and is 

 6   working for their empowerment.  It runs 

 7   orphanages, homes for the destitute, hospices and 

 8   schools for the handicapped.  

 9                With over one million followers and 

10   hundreds of churches in every part of the world, 

11   it is one of the biggest churches and a big 

12   player in social change.

13                As we celebrate the 183rd 

14   anniversary of the Mar Thoma Church this year, 

15   let us all pray for more success for this church 

16   in years ahead.

17                Thank you.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

19   Mayer on the resolution.

20                SENATOR MAYER:   Thank you, 

21   Mr. President.

22                I rise and I want to commend my 

23   colleague Senator Thomas for ensuring and for the 

24   entire Malayali community to be here today.  

25                As a representative of the City of 


 1   Yonkers and parts of Westchester with a very 

 2   active community, it's been my honor and pleasure 

 3   to attend church, to attend cultural occasions, 

 4   and to celebrate with this community their 

 5   enormous contributions to our country, to our 

 6   state, and to our communities.

 7                Its such a pleasure today to see so 

 8   many folks here, to remember and acknowledge how 

 9   important you are into our lives in each of our 

10   communities.  And again I want to thank 

11   Senator Thomas for this very important resolution 

12   and for remembering that your contributions are 

13   ones that we need to publicly acknowledge and 

14   celebrate together.

15                Thank you, Mr. President.

16                (Applause from the gallery.)

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

18   Carlucci on the resolution.

19                SENATOR CARLUCCI:   Thank you, 

20   Mr. President.  

21                I too want to thank Senator Thomas 

22   for bringing this important resolution to the 

23   floor and echo the words of my colleague Senator 

24   Mayer.

25                We're so fortunate in Rockland 


 1   County and in Westchester County to have one of 

 2   the largest Malayali populations in the state and 

 3   in the nation, and it's one of the vibrant, 

 4   growing communities in Rockland County.  

 5                And we're so fortunate that today in 

 6   the gallery we have Aney Paul, who's a county 

 7   legislator in Rockland and the first Indian 

 8   American female elected to a county legislature 

 9   in New York and around the country.  

10                So we have a proud history.  We're 

11   blazing a path forward.  It's so great to have 

12   her in our presence.  And all people from the 

13   Malayali Association throughout the state, thank 

14   you for being here.  

15                Thank you, Senator Thomas, for this 

16   resolution.  Look forward to celebrating with 

17   you.

18                Thank you.

19                (Applause from the gallery.)  

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

21   resolution was previously adopted on May 14th.

22                To our guests from the Malayali 

23   group, I welcome you on behalf of the Senate, we 

24   extend to you all the privileges and courtesies 

25   of this house.  Please rise and be recognized.


 1                (Lengthy standing ovation.)

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 3   Gianaris.

 4                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Can we now take 

 5   up previously adopted Resolution 1518, also by 

 6   Senator Thomas, read that resolution's title 

 7   only, and recognize Senator Thomas.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 9   Secretary will read.

10                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

11   1518, by Senator Thomas, memorializing 

12   Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim May 2019 as 

13   Malayali Heritage Month in the State of New York, 

14   in conjunction with the observance of National 

15   Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage 

16   Month.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

18   Thomas on the resolution.

19                SENATOR THOMAS:   Thank you, 

20   Mr. President.

21                Again, I am incredibly proud to 

22   stand up here to talk about the second resolution 

23   I have.  I was raised to be proud of my Malayali 

24   heritage, and here we are today with a gallery 

25   full of people to celebrate and promote the 


 1   Malayali community here in New York by asking 

 2   Governor Cuomo to proclaim the month of May as 

 3   Malayali Heritage Month.

 4                Celebrating this heritage keeps our 

 5   communities together, passes on values, 

 6   traditions and meanings throughout different 

 7   generations.  By designating the month of May as 

 8   Malayali Heritage Month, my hope is to continue 

 9   to acknowledge the contributions made by 

10   Malayalis in New York and how it makes the state 

11   so great.

12                In order to fully understand what 

13   this means, let me give you a brief history of 

14   Malayalis and where they come from.  Malayalis 

15   come from a land found by the Arabian Sea on the 

16   southern tip of India known as Kerala.  Since 

17   biblical times, men came in search of this land, 

18   enriching it with wealth, fame and culture.  

19   Kerala was known for its multiculturalism and 

20   flourished as an exceptional realm of liberty and 

21   peace.  

22                Kerala has a rich cultural heritage.  

23   Its diverse culture is influenced by Hinduism, 

24   Christianity, Islam, and even Judaism, as well as 

25   influence from the Chinese, the Portuguese, Dutch 


 1   and British.  These influences are in the food, 

 2   architecture, exquisite sculptures, music and 

 3   dance forms.  

 4                Kerala is also known for its 

 5   festivals, like the Thrissur Pooram, considered 

 6   one of the greatest gatherings in Asia, and Onam, 

 7   which is a harvest festival celebrated by 

 8   everyone in Kerala, and even here in 

 9   North America.  

10                So it should come as no surprise 

11   that here in New York, where Malayalis live, work 

12   and raise families, that they will bring this 

13   heritage with them.  Malayalis in America tend to 

14   be more Malayali here than they are in Kerala 

15   because they miss their roots.  

16                Malayalis are the success story in 

17   the Asian community.  They are our doctors, our 

18   lawyers, our scientists, our nurses, our 

19   accountants, our teachers, members of the 

20   military, members of law enforcement, 

21   entrepreneurs, and most importantly our friends 

22   and neighbors.

23                We have many organizations with us 

24   today that promote the Kerala heritage and its 

25   leaders.  We have the group from Fokana; we have 


 1   the president, Mr. Madhavan Nair.  We have the 

 2   Fomaa secretary, Mr. Jose Abraham.  The Indian 

 3   Overseas Congress president, Mrs. Leela Marett.  

 4   Kerala Cultural Association president, Mr. Ajit 

 5   Abraham.  World Malayali Council vice president, 

 6   Mr. Thomas Mottackal.  Kalavedi International 

 7   chairman, Mr. Sibi David.  Kerala Center.  Indo 

 8   American Malayali Association of Long Island 

 9   president, Mr. Mathew Thomas.  Mahima 

10   ex-president, Mr. Raghunathan Nair.  Indian 

11   Nurses Association of New York, Mrs. Mary Philip.  

12   Honorable Dr. Aney Paul, our Rockland County 

13   legislator.  Nair Benevolent Association 

14   president Mr. Ramdas Kochuparambil.  Westchester 

15   Malayali Association president, Mr. Joy Ittan.  

16   Kerala Samajam of -- even -- New Jersey 

17   secretary, Mr. Geo Joseph.  Indo American Press 

18   Club founder and chairman, Mr. Ginsmon Zachariah.  

19   Attorney Mr. Biju Koshy, a district leader in 

20   Staten Island, District 63.  Justice for All 

21   chairman, Mr. Thomas Koovalloor.  Kerala Samajam 

22   of New Jersey, Mr. Shaju Sam.  ECHO, Enhance 

23   Community through Harmonious Outreach directors, 

24   Mr. Biju Chacko and Mr. Sabu Lukose.  New York 

25   South Asian Chamber of Commerce vice president, 


 1   Mr. Jose Jacob.  Capital District Malayali 

 2   Association Albany president, Mrs. Milan Susan 

 3   Babu.  

 4                And we have clergy with us as well:  

 5   Reverend Santhosh Joseph and Reverend Dr. James 

 6   Jacob.  And entrepreneurs like Mrs. Annie George 

 7   Kolath of the hotel industry and Mr. Abraham 

 8   Puthusseril of Maharaja Group.  

 9                And lots of media:  Kalavedi Online, 

10   Kris Thoppil; Shijo Paulose of Asianet; George 

11   Joseph of Emalayalee Online; and Moideen 

12   Puthenchira of Malayalam Daily News.  

13                In closing, Mr. President, I just 

14   want to say that this is a group that has worked 

15   so hard.  Immigrants really know that if they 

16   work hard, it's eventual that they will be 

17   successful.  And having this month as Malayali 

18   Heritage Month basically shows that we have 

19   actually made it, we are successful.  

20                Thank you, Mr. President.

21                (Applause from the gallery.)

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

23   Gaughran on the resolution.

24                SENATOR GAUGHRAN:   I just want to 

25   rise to congratulate and to thank the Malayali 


 1   community for being here, for all that they do 

 2   for this state.  

 3                There are, I know, a number of 

 4   constituents of mine who are here.  And I can 

 5   tell you, in the short time I have served here in 

 6   the State Senate, I have learned much from them 

 7   about their heritage and certainly their 

 8   contributions to our communities and to this 

 9   state.  

10                But I also want to say that I'm very 

11   proud of the sponsor of this resolution, very 

12   proud to have the opportunity to learn from him 

13   and to serve with him.  

14                So I very proudly vote in the 

15   affirmative, Mr. President.  Thank you.  

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

17   Kaplan on the resolution.

18                SENATOR KAPLAN:   Thank you, 

19   Mr. President.

20                I also rise to thank Senator Thomas 

21   for this resolution and to congratulate the 

22   Malayali community for being here.  

23                Welcome to Albany.  Welcome to the 

24   Capitol.  And I too want to thank you for all 

25   your hard work and your contribution to our 


 1   communities and to states.

 2                Thank you.

 3                (Applause from the gallery.)

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 5   resolution was previously adopted on May 14th.

 6                Senator Gianaris.

 7                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

 8   can we now move to previously adopted 

 9   Resolution 197, by Senator Jordan, read its title 

10   only, and recognize Senator Jordan.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

12   Secretary will read.

13                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

14   197, by Senator Jordan, congratulating the 

15   Shenendehowa High School Girls Varsity Swimming 

16   and Diving Team upon the occasion of being ranked 

17   No. 1 in New York State by the National 

18   Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

20   Jordan on the resolution.

21                SENATOR JORDAN:   Thank you, 

22   Mr. President.

23                I actually have three resolutions 

24   today, all pertaining to Shenendehowa High School 

25   swimming and diving.  So before I get into each 


 1   one, I'd just like to make a few remarks that 

 2   apply to all of them.

 3                It gives me great pride and joy to 

 4   have both the Shenendehowa Girls Swimming and 

 5   Diving Team here, and the boys team as well.  The 

 6   girls' season is a fall sport, and the boys' 

 7   season is a winter sport.  So it is quite 

 8   remarkable that both teams have achieved the 

 9   ranking of number one in New York State on their 

10   own.  It's the first time in Shenendehowa history 

11   that this has happened.  Each team has earned 

12   number-one status before, but never at the same 

13   time.

14                Though the teams are separate, just 

15   about every swimmer up here -- and that includes 

16   the Niskayuna team that's here today too, to be 

17   recognized -- also participates in USA Swimming 

18   through a club year-round.  The boys and girls 

19   then train together.

20                Some here are on the same club team, 

21   and some compete against their fellow 

22   Shenendehowa teammates on other club teams.  

23   Nevertheless, they are all one big swim family.  

24                I'm so proud to be part of that 

25   family, as a swim mom of two Shen swimmers, one 


 1   who graduated eight years ago and one who is 

 2   going to graduate this year.

 3                Also I've been on deck with these 

 4   swimmers from the time many of them were six 

 5   years old, as a USA Swim official for their club 

 6   meets, a YMCA meet official, and a USA observer 

 7   for their high school invitationals and 

 8   sectionals.  Along with their parents, I have 

 9   watched them develop into top-notch swimmers, and 

10   it has been quite an exciting journey.  

11                These kids work so hard.  Swimming 

12   is a grueling sport.  Their practices are 

13   typically three hours long, with a half-hour of 

14   dry land, which could be lifting weights, yoga, 

15   or other exercises.  They swim thousands of yards 

16   each day, practicing both distance and sprints in 

17   any of the four strokes:  Butterfly, back stroke, 

18   breast stroke and freestyle.  

19                Technique is so important.  It's 

20   what's done underwater that makes the difference, 

21   along precise starts off the blocks and turns at 

22   the wall -- and all doing it legally, so some 

23   swim official doesn't disqualify you.

24                Now, on to my resolution 

25   congratulating the Shenendehowa Girls Varsity 


 1   Swimming and Diving Team on being ranked number 

 2   one in New York State by the National 

 3   Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association.

 4                They were ranked number one out of 

 5   21 schools in New York State in the large school 

 6   category.  During the 2018 season, the 

 7   Shenendehowa High School Girls Varsity Swimming 

 8   and Diving Team scored 5,386 points to earn their 

 9   ranking, a total of 159 more points than the 

10   second-place team.  That's a huge margin.  

11                The Shen ladies ended their season 

12   with an impressive overall record, including 

13   winning the Section II Division I swimming and 

14   diving championship.  Scoring 441 points, the 

15   Shenendehowa ladies beat out Niskayuna 

16   High School by 34 points on Saturday, November 3, 

17   2018.

18                Prior to capturing the Section II 

19   Division I championship, they also won the Ninth 

20   Annual Shenendehowa Breast Cancer Awareness 

21   Invitational, where schools from all over the 

22   state compete.  They also qualified 12 swimmers 

23   and divers for the New York State Public High 

24   School Athletic Association Swim Meet.  

25                In addition, the Shenendehowa High 


 1   School Girls Varsity Team received the Team 

 2   Scholar Athlete Award, with 24 students holding a 

 3   GPA of 90 or above, and all members held a GPA of 

 4   85 or above.  Given the immense physical demands 

 5   of their sport, attaining and keeping those GPAs 

 6   is quite an accomplishment.  

 7                Along with the team's impressive 

 8   academic records, two seniors and two sophomores 

 9   broke the school record in the 400 freestyle 

10   relay.  

11                Head Coach Sandy Stanislowsky, 

12   Dive and Strength Coach Dennis Hogan, 

13   Assistant Coaches Ryan Gordon and Alyssa DiFabio, 

14   and Yoga Coach Amy Stoup have successfully built, 

15   motivated and led this team.  They are here today 

16   with the members of the Shenendehowa High School 

17   Girls Varsity Swimming and Diving Team in our 

18   Senate.  

19                Girls, I'm so proud of you.  Your 

20   coaches are so proud.  Your parents are beyond 

21   proud.  Always cherish your experience, your 

22   victories, and each other.  Your team experience 

23   is a bond you'll always have.  Remember that your 

24   hard work and commitment achieve top results, and 

25   that can be carried through with anything you 


 1   would like to achieve in your future.  

 2                Congratulations again on being 

 3   ranked number one in New York State.  

 4                Thank you, Mr. President and my 

 5   colleagues.  

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   To all 

 7   of our athletes from the Shenendehowa High 

 8   School, I welcome you on behalf of the Senate.  

 9   We extend to you all of the privileges and 

10   courtesies of this house.  Please all rise and be 

11   recognized at this time.

12                (Standing ovation.)

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

14   resolution was previously adopted on 

15   January 23rd.

16                Senator Gianaris.

17                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Can we now take 

18   up previously adopted Resolution 987, by 

19   Senator Tedisco, read its title only, and 

20   recognize Senator Tedisco.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

22   Secretary will read.

23                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

24   987, by Senator Tedisco, congratulating the 

25   Niskayuna Boys Swimming and Diving Team and 


 1   Head Coach Dan Tanski on capturing the New York 

 2   State Public High School Athletic Association 

 3   Championships.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 5   Tedisco on the resolution.

 6                SENATOR TEDISCO:   Thank you so 

 7   much, Mr. President.  

 8                I'm going to take a step back and 

 9   talk a little bit about both of these outstanding 

10   schools and these outstanding teams, because I 

11   actually represent both Niskayuna and 

12   Shenendehowa High Schools in the 49th Senatorial 

13   District.  And you are why I say all good things 

14   emanate from the 49th Senatorial District.  And 

15   it just happens to be my senatorial district, 

16   shared with Senator Daphne Jordan.

17                I don't know if we realize it, all 

18   of us who are in this beautiful building, this 

19   beautiful room here, that in this room right now, 

20   upstairs here, looking down on us, is what I 

21   would call the elite of the elite, the best of 

22   the best -- not only in this region, not only for 

23   these two schools, not only for the capital here, 

24   but in the State of New York and across the State 

25   of New York.  So myself and Senator Jordan are 


 1   extremely proud of both of these two teams.  

 2                You know, I told some of the 

 3   individuals from these teams that I had -- 

 4   jokingly, of course -- a real job at one time.  I 

 5   was an educator, a teacher, a guidance counselor, 

 6   an athletic director, but also an athletic coach.  

 7   And I had a little experience in playing sports.  

 8   I played at Union College, played basketball.

 9                Now, some people would say, well, 

10   swimming -- you know, there was a joke way back 

11   by one of the comedians, who said, Well, swimming 

12   isn't a sport, is it?  It's just something you do 

13   so you don't drown.

14                Well, we know that's not the case.  

15   Every individual here has put in unbelievable 

16   work, day in and day out, lap after lap, hour 

17   after hour, dive after dive, to be the best of 

18   the best.  And you are the elite here today 

19   throughout the State of New York.  And I don't 

20   think -- the Senator and I and all of us in this 

21   room couldn't be prouder.

22                We always like competition, and I 

23   know you two teams compete a little bit with each 

24   other.  But I know you both respect each other 

25   too and have some friendships on both sides of 


 1   the schools, and that's a good thing also.

 2                I also mentioned to some of the 

 3   group that having some experience as an athlete, 

 4   Union College was a great academic school.  I'd 

 5   advise anybody to go there.  I don't know if 

 6   they're as good enough a swim team to attract 

 7   some of you.  But I learned a lot in the 

 8   classroom, but maybe the most important lesson I 

 9   learned was with the team activity that I 

10   participated in.  And I think your coaches have 

11   imparted that to you.  Because you're not only 

12   great individuals, you're a great team.  

13                And what you found out is probably 

14   what's so important for us in this room, on the 

15   other side in the Assembly, from the second 

16   floor -- and that is if the individual doesn't 

17   care who gets the credit, the team and the 

18   individual can achieve unbelievable successes.  

19   You have proven through your coaches and their 

20   outstanding efforts that you fully understand 

21   that, and your coaches fully understand that, and 

22   the people that love you most understand that -- 

23   your parents, who have come here, many of them 

24   with you, to enjoy this recognition that you're 

25   receiving.


 1                So I want to congratulate the girls 

 2   and the boys from Shenendehowa.  And now I'd like 

 3   to say a little bit about these guys from 

 4   Niskayuna.  I'm honored to present to you them, 

 5   who have also achieved unprecedented successes in 

 6   the areas of diving and swimming.  

 7                The Niskayuna Boys Swimming and 

 8   Diving Team, under the leadership of Head Coach 

 9   Dan Tanski, captured the New York State High 

10   School Athletic Association championship at the 

11   Nassau County Aquatic Center in East Meadow on 

12   March 2, 2019.  The team secured their crown with 

13   a 189-183 victory over Great Neck South, and have 

14   now won their second New York State team 

15   championship.  Their first took place in 2005.

16                The events these outstanding young 

17   men excelled in include the 200-yard medley 

18   relay, the 400-yard freestyle relay, many diving 

19   competitions.  But I believe you were the 

20   champions in the 200-yard freestyle relay.  

21                The Silver Warriors finished the 

22   season with an impressive dual meet record of 7 

23   and 1, and won seven of 12 events at the 

24   Section II championship meet.

25                Now, they didn't get a seat today, 


 1   and I was going to ask them to stand up, but 

 2   they're already standing.  They're all those in 

 3   the middle and the top row there.  There's only 

 4   seven.  But seven mighty warriors who did an 

 5   unbelievable job to make us proud here in the 

 6   Capital Region and our 49th Senatorial District.  

 7                And I'd like to just introduce you 

 8   to them before you honor them:  Cameron 

 9   Goodspeed -- raise your hand, Cameron, so we know 

10   who you are -- Scott Ward, Bryan Liu, Mark 

11   Lipkin, Victor Schingo, Matt Chao, Conor Compton, 

12   and their outstanding coach, Dan Tanski.  I think 

13   they have some proud parents with them today.  

14                Today we honor all of you, and we 

15   all the Shen students.  And I think, as you're a 

16   great team, I think we have a great team here, 

17   and I call it Beauty and Smarts and the Beast.

18                (Laughter.)

19                SENATOR TEDISCO:   Mr. President, I 

20   wish you would welcome them and thank them for 

21   visiting and congratulate them for all the 

22   success they've had.

23                (Standing ovation.)

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

25   resolution was previously adopted on April 9th.


 1                Senator Gianaris.  

 2                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Can we now take 

 3   up previously adopted Resolution 1037, by Senator 

 4   Helming, read its title only, and recognize 

 5   Senator Helming.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 7   Secretary will read.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

 9   1037, by Senator Helming, congratulating Jace 

10   Schafer upon the occasion of capturing the 

11   99-pound Division II wrestling title at the 

12   New York State Public High School Athletic 

13   Association Wrestling Championships on 

14   February 23, 2019.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

16   Helming on the resolution.

17                SENATOR HELMING:   Thank you, 

18   Mr. President.

19                I rise proudly today to welcome to 

20   this chamber Jace Schafer, from Palmyra-Macedon, 

21   his athletic director, Tom Schmandt, and 

22   Head Wrestling Coach John Burgess.

23                Jace, welcome.  I'm so proud and 

24   it's such an honor to have you here today.

25                It's my understanding, in reading 


 1   about your success on the team, that it was right 

 2   here in Albany in front of a capacity crowd that 

 3   you earned a decisive win over your opponent, 

 4   which led you to capturing the 99-pound New York 

 5   State Division II wrestling title.  

 6   Congratulations to you on that impressive win.

 7                It's my understanding also that this 

 8   is only your second season on the varsity team.  

 9   And your record speaks for itself.  It's 

10   incredibly impressive, a record of 58 and 3, 

11   making it one of Pal-Mac's most impressive and 

12   best overall records.

13                Jace, I also understand that you 

14   excel off the mats as well, that you're an 

15   outstanding scholar with an academic average of 

16   93.  And I want to congratulate you on your hard 

17   work, not only on the mat but also in the 

18   classroom.  That's very impressive and will take 

19   you very, very far down your career path.

20                I want to also just recognize and 

21   thank your coach, John Burgess, and your father, 

22   your assistant coach, for them helping you not 

23   only hone your skills but also teaching you about 

24   lessons which will prove invaluable both on and 

25   off the mat.


 1                It's again an honor to recognize you 

 2   today, and I again commend you on your dedication 

 3   and your determination and your commitment to 

 4   teamwork.  I understand this past fall you also 

 5   helped lead your team to a Section V -- your 

 6   soccer team to a Section V championship.  So 

 7   congratulations on that as well.  

 8                And I will also quickly mention that 

 9   you've been named the Team MVP and also Section V 

10   and Wayne-Finger Lakes League Champion.  So 

11   congratulations on all of your success.  I again 

12   congratulate you, and I welcome you to this body.

13                Thank you.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   To Jace 

15   Schafer and team, I welcome you on behalf of the 

16   Senate.  We extend to you all the privileges and 

17   courtesies of this house.  Please rise and be 

18   recognized.

19                (Standing ovation.)

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

21   resolution was previously adopted on April 9th.

22                Senator Gianaris.

23                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Now let's take 

24   up previously adopted Resolution 1065, by Senator 

25   Serino, read its title only, and recognize 


 1   Senator Serino.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 3   Secretary will read.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

 5   1065, by Senator Serino, commending the Kuttruf 

 6   Family upon the occasion of their designation as 

 7   recipient of a Liberty Medal, the highest honor 

 8   bestowed upon an individual by the New York State 

 9   Senate.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

11   Serino on the resolution.

12                SENATOR SERINO:   Thank you, 

13   Mr. President.  

14                The New York Liberty Medal is the 

15   highest honor that we can bestow on civilians 

16   here in the state, and it is awarded to those who 

17   demonstrate exceptional, heroic or humanitarian 

18   acts on behalf of their fellow New Yorkers.  

19                I rise today, Mr. President, to 

20   recognize the Kuttruf family -- and most notably 

21   their son, Zachary Kuttruf -- who truly embody 

22   the spirit of this distinguished award.  

23                Back in January, Brendan Foran was 

24   riding his ATV on Lake Oscawana in Putnam Valley 

25   when his ATV plunged through the ice.  Upon 


 1   hearing cries for help, Zachary, who is a 

 2   Sheriff's Cadet and Boy Scout, immediately 

 3   responded to the scene and ran out to the road to 

 4   flag down the first responders.  

 5                When first responders arrived, Foran 

 6   had already been in the frigid waters for over 

 7   10 minutes.  But Zachary and his parents, 

 8   Jennifer and Bruce, worked tirelessly to 

 9   coordinate a rescue effort and assist those 

10   responders.  

11                After multiple attempts and 

12   dangerous conditions on unstable ice, 

13   Jennifer Kuttruf ultimately retrieved an 

14   extension cord from her home, which the team of 

15   people used together to successfully pull Foran 

16   out of the water.  And thankfully he survived the 

17   harrowing incident.  

18                Deputy Jonathan Bradley was the 

19   first responder on the scene, and when his 

20   sergeant commented that his quick thinking 

21   ultimately saved Foran's life, Bradley gave most 

22   of the credit to the young cadet, Zachary 

23   Kuttruf, for flagging him down and helping to 

24   coordinate the rescue effort.  

25                Zachary is only 14 years old, but 


 1   his quick thinking and dedication to service made 

 2   him and his parents true heroes that day.  

 3                And if you're not familiar with 

 4   Putnam County, it's really sparse.  Senator 

 5   Harckham would know.  And in this particular 

 6   lake, there was only the one home.  And as 

 7   Zachary's mom mentioned, they didn't have the TV 

 8   going, it was quiet in the house.  It was 7:30 at 

 9   night on a winter night.  So thank God they were 

10   able to hear.

11                So thank you, Mr. President, for 

12   allowing me the opportunity to recognize them 

13   here on the floor of the Senate.  It is our hope 

14   that their story of selflessness and their 

15   willingness to act in the face of danger can 

16   inspire other New Yorkers to come together and 

17   act in times of trouble.  

18                To the Kuttrufs and to Zachary, we 

19   thank you.  And I ask you, Mr. President, to 

20   extend to them the privileges of the house.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   To the 

22   Kuttruf family, I welcome you on behalf of the 

23   Senate.  We extend to you all of the privileges 

24   and courtesies of this house.  Please rise and be 

25   recognized.


 1                (Standing ovation.)

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 3   resolution was previously adopted on April 30th.

 4                Senator Gianaris.

 5                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Let us now take 

 6   up previously adopted Resolution 1391, by 

 7   Senator Jordan, read its title only, and 

 8   recognize Senator Jordan.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

10   Secretary will read.

11                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

12   1391, by Senator Jordan, congratulating the 

13   Shenendehowa High School Boys Varsity Swimming 

14   and Diving Team upon the occasion of being ranked 

15   No. 1 in New York State by the National 

16   Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

18   Jordan on the resolution.

19                SENATOR JORDAN:   Thank you, 

20   Mr. President.  I'm also going to speak on my 

21   next resolution too, which is the 400 Freestyle 

22   Relay Team.

23                So the first resolution 

24   congratulates the Shenendehowa High School Boys 

25   Varsity Swimming and Diving Team on being ranked 


 1   number one out of 22 schools in New York State in 

 2   the large school category.  

 3                During the 2018-2019 season, the 

 4   Shenendehowa High School Boys Varsity Swimming 

 5   and Diving Team broke school records in the 

 6   200 Medley Relay, the 400 Freestyle Relay, and 

 7   won the Watkins Glen Invitational.  The Shen 

 8   Plainsmen went on then to end their regular 

 9   season with a perfect record of 11-0.  

10                A perfect season is incredibly hard 

11   to attain, but they did it.  Countless hours of 

12   practice, discipline and drive are required to be 

13   successful in both swimming and diving.  These 

14   awesome student athletes exhibited those 

15   qualities.  

16                Head Coach Chuck Dunham, Diving 

17   Coach Dennis Hogan, and Assistant Swim Coach Ryan 

18   Gordon, who are with us here today, have done an 

19   outstanding job in leading and motivating this 

20   team.  

21                Being on deck and officiating, I've 

22   been privy to listening in on some of the 

23   motivational speeches that Coach Chuck has given.  

24   They've never been about winning, but rather 

25   getting into the pool, whether it's swimming or 


 1   diving, working hard, and executing what each 

 2   swimmer had been prepared all season to do.

 3                Preparation and execution are key to 

 4   your success in life.  Make those lessons from 

 5   Coach Chuck a part of your DNA, and you will 

 6   continue on as champions.

 7                I'm so proud of the champions you 

 8   are, as are your coaches.  Your parents are 

 9   ecstatic, and rightfully so.  As I said to the 

10   girls' team, cherish your experience, your 

11   victories, and each of your teammates.  Your team 

12   experience is a bond you will always have.

13                I'd also like to talk about four 

14   boys that won the state championship in the 

15   400 Freestyle Relay.  That was done on March 2nd 

16   at the Nassau County Aquatic Center in East 

17   Meadow, New York.  

18                I had the privilege of attending 

19   this very exciting event, as the Shen Plainsmen 

20   defeated second-place and local rival Niskayuna 

21   High School by .23 hundredths of a second -- less 

22   than the time that it takes to snap your 

23   fingers -- to capture that championship.  They 

24   did an outstanding job with a superfast time of 

25   3 minutes, 8.93 seconds, earning All-American 


 1   consideration while breaking the Section II 

 2   record.  These are incredible accomplishments.  

 3                Before I have the whole team stand 

 4   up, I'd like the four boys, the superfast boys of 

 5   the Shenendehowa High School Boys 400 Freestyle 

 6   Relay Team, to stand.  The team includes Kaleb 

 7   Hotaling, Alexander Fabris, Jackson Homan, and my 

 8   son James Jordan, who's mortified that I'm saying 

 9   that.

10                (Laughter.)

11                SENATOR JORDAN:   Thank you.  It's a 

12   tremendous accomplishment that the four of you 

13   have achieved.

14                And now if the whole boys' team would 

15   stand up so that you can be recognized, we'd be 

16   honored.

17                (Standing ovation.)

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

19   resolution was previously adopted on May 7th.

20                Senator Gianaris.

21                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Now can we 

22   please take up previously adopted Resolution 

23   1495, by Senator Liu, read its title only, and 

24   recognize Senator Liu.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 


 1   Secretary will read.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

 3   1495, by Senator Liu, memorializing Governor 

 4   Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim May 22, 2019, as 

 5   Taiwan Heritage Day in the State of New York.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 7   Liu on the resolution.

 8                SENATOR LIU:   Thank you, 

 9   Mr. President, for the opportunity to talk about 

10   Taiwan heritage.  It's something that I'm rather 

11   proud of, being a native of Taiwan myself.  I am 

12   an immigrant, came at the age of five.  But if 

13   you check the back of my neck, it is still 

14   proudly stamped "Made in Taiwan."  

15                (Laughter.)

16                SENATOR LIU:   And today we have a 

17   very distinguished delegation, both from Albany 

18   and New York City, of proud Taiwanese Americans, 

19   Americans who are proud of their Taiwanese 

20   heritage, culture, tradition and histories.  

21                And they are led by the 

22   distinguished Ambassador Lily Hsu.  Ambassador 

23   Hsu, could you please stand.  Thank you very much 

24   for joining us today.  

25                Ambassador Hsu has been an -- oh.  


 1   Please relax and have a seat, Ambassador.  

 2                (Laughter.)

 3                SENATOR LIU:   She has been an 

 4   incredible leader in the community and worldwide, 

 5   having commenced her foreign service in Taiwan 

 6   33 years ago.  She started at the age of 6, as 

 7   you can see.

 8                (Laughter.)

 9                SENATOR LIU:  And she really has 

10   been representing Taiwan here in the New York 

11   metropolitan area with our admiration for a great 

12   long time.  

13                And so it is my pride to welcome her 

14   and the entire delegation, including our monk 

15   from the Buddhist Light International 

16   Association, as well as Ming Chiang, kind of like 

17   our next-generational leaders in the Taiwanese 

18   American community.  

19                Taiwan is a great place.  I know 

20   many of you have been there already, and I hope 

21   to invite you to come back to Taiwan many, many 

22   times, as well as other Senators who might be 

23   interested in what this dynamo of an economy and 

24   democracy has shown the world that it's capable 

25   of.


 1                Taiwan is a place of great culture, 

 2   and of course you don't want to miss any 

 3   Taiwanese food.  So I know we have 32 bills to 

 4   vote on.  If we can get through them efficiently, 

 5   Mr. President, there will be enough time for 

 6   everybody to get down to the Well and enjoy the 

 7   best food there is in the world, Taiwanese 

 8   cuisine.  

 9                Thank you, Mr. President.

10                (Applause from the gallery.)

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

12   Rivera on the resolution.

13                SENATOR RIVERA:   Thank you, 

14   Mr. President.

15                So I had the opportunity to travel 

16   to Taiwan last year.  I certainly want to thank 

17   Senator SepĂșlveda for facilitating this trip.  

18   And it was an incredible trip.  We were there for 

19   about seven days, and we traveled all across the 

20   country, from the capital of Taipei down to the 

21   southern city of Kaohsiung.  And I'm sure I'm 

22   going to pronounce these incorrectly, so I'm just 

23   telling you ahead of time.  

24                (Laughter.)

25                SENATOR RIVERA:   But we had -- it 


 1   was an amazing trip, whether it was the Ministry 

 2   of Transportation and Commerce -- and 

 3   Communications, apologies -- whether it was 

 4   meeting with the governing party or the 

 5   opposition party, technology companies.  We 

 6   visited research laboratories.  I'm not sure if 

 7   folks are aware that Taiwan actually has five 

 8   branches of government.  This was unknown to me.  

 9   This was very interesting.  They have five 

10   branches, not three.  

11                But talking to folks that run the 

12   national health insurance plan -- because, yes, 

13   they have a single-payer system in Taiwan that 

14   only has existed since the mid-'90s.  So I was 

15   very happy to talk to them about some of the 

16   technicalities involved in that.  

17                Overall, it was an amazing trip.  

18   And one thing that kept coming up in all the 

19   business that we made and the conversations that 

20   I had, one word keeps coming up, and that is 

21   vibrancy.  I was telling the ambassador a little 

22   bit earlier that if the point of these trips is 

23   to demonstrate the vibrancy of that country -- 

24   the vibrancy of its culture, of its politics, of 

25   its technology, of its people -- that they did an 


 1   amazing job.  

 2                And it was -- and I just wanted to 

 3   stand up and say not only thank you for giving me 

 4   the opportunity to visit your wonderful country, 

 5   but to meet so many Taiwanese people who are here 

 6   in New York that make an important -- that are 

 7   such an important part of communities here in 

 8   New York.  I welcome them to the State Capitol.  

 9                But most importantly, thank you so 

10   much for having me in your wonderful country.  

11   And I certainly say that you will have a friend 

12   for life.

13                Thank you so much, Mr. President.

14                (Applause from the gallery.)

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

16   SepĂșlveda on the resolution.

17                SENATOR SEPÚLVEDA:   Thank you, 

18   Mr. President, for allowing me to speak on this 

19   resolution.

20                I couldn't agree more with my 

21   colleagues John Liu and Senator Rivera about the 

22   wonderful country that Taiwan is.  I went to 

23   visit there a couple of years ago, and we can 

24   only envy the infrastructure that they have 

25   there.  They have universal health care, and it's 


 1   very successful and everybody there is happy.  So 

 2   that's something that we should try to emulate.

 3                But, you know, Taiwan has had a 

 4   strong relationship with the United States for 

 5   many, many years.  It's been one of our strongest 

 6   partners in that region.  It is also, I believe, 

 7   anywhere between our fifth and sixth largest 

 8   trading partner, which makes it the sixth largest 

 9   trading partner with New York State.  

10                And we've worked closely with the 

11   wonderful organization called TECO.  And I'm also 

12   proud to acknowledge the presence of Ambassador 

13   Hsu from TECO.  She is a wonderful leader, a 

14   great person.  And I encourage all of you, before 

15   you leave, to take a few minutes to talk to her.

16                We're also lucky to have 

17   Ming Chiang, who's the president of the Taiwanese 

18   Chamber of Commerce, and who's established a 

19   network of Taiwanese Americans here in New York.  

20                We also have the Taiwanese American 

21   Culture of the Capital District here, and several 

22   other cultural organizations.

23                The fact that we have a strong 

24   working relationship with Taiwan should not be 

25   ignored, because the Taiwanese government 


 1   indirectly or directly is responsible for about 

 2   anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 jobs in New York 

 3   State, something that we encourage all 

 4   governments to invest in the State of New York.

 5                We celebrate their culture, we 

 6   celebrate their society, and their contributions 

 7   to American history can never be denied, 

 8   especially out in the West Coast.  They helped 

 9   develop this country, make it the powerful force 

10   that it is today.

11                This past year we had the Year of 

12   the Woman in electoral politics, where so many 

13   women were elected to positions here in the 

14   country and in New York State.  But Taiwan beat 

15   us by a couple of years on that front.  The BBC 

16   mentioned that year that the place to be in 

17   politics if you're a woman is Taiwan.

18                So listen to these numbers.  The 

19   parliament is made up of about 38 percent women.  

20   Women must get about 50 percent of the at-large 

21   seats in the legislature and 25 percent of the 

22   seats at local council elections.  This is 

23   mandatory.  The president of Taiwan, President 

24   Tsai Ing-wen, first female president of Taiwan.  

25   But again, they beat us to that here in this 


 1   country.

 2                And you can see when you travel 

 3   there as I did, when you visit and speak with the 

 4   people, that people there are extremely happy 

 5   with their country.  Of course there are some 

 6   issues, but the level of happiness there is 

 7   something that I envy.  People there are very 

 8   kind, very generous, very forthcoming.  

 9                And I remember the first morning I 

10   got there, there was a group of people at a park 

11   dancing the tango and salsa.  And they invited me 

12   to come over, and they put me to shame.  But it 

13   was one of the many beautiful experiences I had 

14   in Taiwan.  

15                So I want to thank the ambassador 

16   for being here today.  I want to thank the people 

17   of Taiwan, Taiwanese Americans, John Liu, and 

18   everyone else who's participating in this 

19   resolution.  Thank you very much, and God bless 

20   Taiwan.  

21                (Applause from the gallery.)

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

23   Sanders on the resolution.

24                SENATOR SANDERS:   Thank you, 

25   Mr. President.


 1                I too have had the opportunity to 

 2   visit Taiwan.  But the growing importance of Asia 

 3   to the U.S. economy is becoming more and more 

 4   well-known.  What is less known is the importance 

 5   of Taiwan in that equation, that the Taiwanese 

 6   economy is one of the strongest in what is called 

 7   the dragons of -- the dragons of that part of 

 8   Asia.  

 9                As the stablest democracy in the 

10   region, the Taiwanese-U.S. friendship is very 

11   important, a friendship that has been tried over 

12   time and it's going to be tried in the days to 

13   come.  This is a very important friendship that 

14   the U.S. needs to maintain.  

15                I want to welcome the ambassador and 

16   her entourage here and just say that in New York 

17   we understand the importance of Taiwan and we 

18   will try to ensure that the rest of this great 

19   nation understands that importance also.

20                Thank you very much.  And thank you, 

21   Mr. President.  And thank you for having this 

22   great day, Senator Liu.

23                (Applause from the gallery.)

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

25   Stavisky on the resolution.


 1                SENATOR STAVISKY:   Thank you, 

 2   Mr. President.  And thank you, Senator Liu.

 3                I know that Senator Liu was born in 

 4   Taiwan.  However, I represent many of the people 

 5   who live there.  And I must tell you I enjoy our 

 6   relationship.  It's one that's based on respect 

 7   and appreciation of your rich cultural heritage.

 8                And many of my colleagues have 

 9   spoken about their visits to Taiwan.  I was there 

10   on two occasions.  And Senator Rivera mentioned 

11   some of the areas that he visited, and I want to 

12   add a couple because I found them to be really, 

13   really interesting.

14                For one thing, we went from Taipei, 

15   the capital in the north, down to Kaohsiung in 

16   the south by high-speed rail, an amazing 

17   experience.  And as we were riding, I kept saying 

18   to myself, boy, this would be good between Albany 

19   and New York.  But unfortunately we are nowhere 

20   near that position.

21                While I was in Kaohsiung I visited 

22   Sun Yat-sen University, an institution run by the 

23   government, as they have many governmental 

24   institutions of both higher education and 

25   obviously pre-K through 12.  We also visited 


 1   factories and schools and so on.

 2                But let me mention a couple of 

 3   things that have not been mentioned.  For one 

 4   thing, we just celebrated the 150th anniversary 

 5   of the completion of the Transcontinental 

 6   Railroad, which is extremely important in the 

 7   Chinese community, because many people from China 

 8   came to the United States to work on the Central 

 9   Pacific Railroad line, which started in the West 

10   and joined with the Southern Pacific at 

11   Promontory Point in Utah.  And it was the Chinese 

12   people, the immigrants, who were able to complete 

13   the railroad.  They were largely responsible, and 

14   quite frankly had a terrible time during the 

15   winters with all of the bad weather and the 

16   difficulties in drilling through mountains and so 

17   on.  And yet they helped make America what it is 

18   today.

19                And I think symbolically it's a 

20   connection between the East and the West of the 

21   United States, but also of our world.  The people 

22   from Taiwan have made a very significant impact 

23   in New York City, but particularly in Queens 

24   County with all of the investment, both financial 

25   but also a personal investment.  They live in the 


 1   community, they participate in our community 

 2   activities.  They are gaining elective office.  

 3   And we are so grateful that they chose to come to 

 4   the United States.

 5                One of the interesting aspects of 

 6   Taiwan, I must say, is the fact that they have a 

 7   literacy rate of 97 percent.  That's enough said.

 8                And lastly, let me welcome 

 9   Ambassador Hsu and her folks from the Taiwan 

10   TECO, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office.  They 

11   have an office in my district, but they are 

12   based, obviously, in Manhattan.  And we welcome 

13   them, and we welcome the representatives from the 

14   Buddha Light organization.  

15                And I am always struck -- we 

16   recently celebrated the birthday of Buddha.  And 

17   the three good deeds or the three words of 

18   inspiration, they call it the Three Acts of 

19   Goodness, and let us remember that:  Say good 

20   words, do good deeds, and think good thoughts.  

21                So we welcome you with good deeds 

22   and actions and thoughts, and I hope you find 

23   your experience here in Albany fruitful.

24                Thank you.

25                (Applause from the gallery.)


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 2   Skoufis on the resolution.

 3                SENATOR SKOUFIS:   Thank you very 

 4   much, Mr. President.

 5                For the past number of years I've 

 6   had the delight to welcome the ambassador in the 

 7   Assembly when she came down the hallway.  And I'm 

 8   equally delighted now to join my colleagues here, 

 9   especially the sponsors of this day, Senators 

10   Liu, SepĂșlveda and Stavisky, in welcoming her and 

11   the entire delegation to the State Senate here in 

12   the Capitol.  

13                I had the wonderful experience to 

14   visit Taiwan.  As was noted, there is so much 

15   that we can learn from your great country.  But 

16   here we celebrate, really, the relationship that 

17   you represent, Ambassador, between our two 

18   countries, and even more so the bond that Taiwan 

19   has with New York State specifically and the 

20   contributions that are to be had here that we 

21   reap the benefits of.  

22                And so I'm thankful for your 

23   presence, and more importantly I'm thankful for 

24   all that you represent and your country.

25                (Applause from the gallery.)  


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   To our 

 2   guests from Taiwan, I welcome you on behalf of 

 3   the Senate.  We extend to you all of the 

 4   privileges and courtesies of this house.  

 5   Please -- well, you're already risen.  

 6                (Laughter.)

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Please 

 8   be recognized at this time.

 9                (Standing ovation.)

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

11   resolution was previously adopted on May 14th.

12                Senator Gianaris.

13                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

14   all of today's resolutions are open for 

15   cosponsorship.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   All of 

17   the resolutions are open for cosponsorship.  

18   Should you choose not to be a cosponsor of the 

19   resolutions, please notify the desk.

20                Senator Gianaris.

21                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Okay, let us 

22   take up the reading of the calendar at this time.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

24   Secretary will read.

25                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 


 1   270, Senate Print 2125, by Senator Griffo, an act 

 2   to amend the Public Officers Law.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 4   the last section.

 5                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 6   act shall take effect immediately.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 8   the roll.

 9                (The Secretary called the roll.)

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

11   Announce the results.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

14   bill is passed.

15                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16   475, Senate Print 2935A, by Senator Kaminsky, an 

17   act to amend the Education Law and the Public 

18   Service Law.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

20   the last section.

21                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

22   act shall take effect 18 months after it shall 

23   have become a law.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

25   the roll.


 1                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 3   Announce the results.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 6   bill is passed.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8   501, Senate Print 4978, by Senator Little, an act 

 9   to amend the Public Officers Law.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

11   the last section.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

13   act shall take effect immediately.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

15   the roll.

16                (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

18   Announce the results.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

21   bill is passed.

22                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23   537, Senate Print 3834, by Senator Metzger, an 

24   act to amend the Public Health Law.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 


 1   the last section.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

 3   act shall take effect immediately.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 5   the roll.

 6                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 8   Metzger to explain her vote.

 9                SENATOR METZGER:   Thank you, 

10   Mr. President.  

11                I'm very, very pleased to be able to 

12   sponsor this legislation today.  

13                This bill recognizes that summer 

14   camp is an important time of transition and 

15   emotional development for many children, and that 

16   children's physical and mental health needs are 

17   not seasonal.  It allows summer camps, including 

18   camps for children with developmental 

19   disabilities and for children who have 

20   experienced trauma, to hire social workers, 

21   healthcare providers and other licensed 

22   professionals to provide the full range of 

23   services that kids may need to thrive.

24                At a time when we are increasingly 

25   aware of the long-term impacts of physical and 


 1   emotional trauma on children, it's important that 

 2   children who receive services have access to 

 3   trained professionals while at summer camp.  

 4                And I'm very pleased to vote aye.  

 5   Thank you very much.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 7   Metzger to be recorded in the affirmative.

 8                Announce the results.

 9                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

11   bill is passed.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13   541, Senate Print 4841, by Senator Rivera, an act 

14   to amend the Public Health Law.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

16   the last section.

17                THE SECRETARY:   Section 38.  This 

18   act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

19   shall have become a law.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

21   the roll.

22                (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

24   Announce the results.

25                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 


 1   Calendar Number 541, those Senators voting in the 

 2   negative are Senators Antonacci, Felder, Jacobs 

 3   and Jordan.  

 4                Ayes, 56.  Nays, 4.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 6   bill is passed.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8   543, Senate Print 3186, by Senator Kennedy, an 

 9   act in relation to establishing Brendan's Law.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

11   the last section.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

13   act shall take effect 24 months after it shall 

14   have become a law.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

16   the roll.

17                (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

19   Announce the results.

20                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

21   Calendar Number 543, those Senators voting in the 

22   negative are Senators Akshar, Antonacci, 

23   Gallivan, Jacobs, O'Mara and Ortt.

24                Ayes, 54.  Nays, 6.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 


 1   bill is passed.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Also Senator 

 3   Ranzenhofer.  

 4                Ayes, 53.  Nays, 7.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 6   bill is passed.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8   614, Senate Print 2680, by Senator Mayer, an act 

 9   to amend the Election Law.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

11   the last section.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

13   act shall take effect on the 60th day after it 

14   shall have become a law.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

16   the roll.

17                (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

19   Mayer to explain her vote.

20                SENATOR MAYER:   Thank you, 

21   Mr. President.

22                And I want to thank my colleagues 

23   for supporting this important bill.  It really 

24   moves us ahead in ensuring that young parents -- 

25   like yourself, Mr. President -- have the 


 1   opportunity to participate in our electoral 

 2   system.  

 3                By codifying the advisory opinion of 

 4   the New York State Board of Elections into law, 

 5   we are clearly stating that campaign funds can be 

 6   used for childcare expenses, thus allowing young 

 7   parents particularly to do the things that we all 

 8   know are necessary to run, to go out in the 

 9   evening, to go out on the weekends, to go out 

10   when you don't have traditional childcare.

11                So I want to give special credit to 

12   Liuba Grechen Shirley, from Long Island, when she 

13   was a congressional candidate, who made this a 

14   really national issue, getting the Federal 

15   Elections commission to revisit its position.  

16   And today we are stepping forward into that space 

17   by saying welcome, young parents, into the world 

18   of elections and our civic life by ensuring they 

19   can use campaign funds for these expenses.

20                Thank you, and I'll be voting in the 

21   affirmative.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

23   Mayer to be recorded in the affirmative.

24                Announce the results.

25                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 2   bill is passed.

 3                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4   629, Senate Print 5024A, by Senator Parker, an 

 5   act to amend the Social Services Law.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 7   the last section.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 9   act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

10   shall have become a law.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

12   the roll.

13                (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

15   Announce the results.

16                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

17   Calendar Number 629, those Senators voting in the 

18   negative are Senators Akshar, Helming, Jordan, 

19   Ortt and Robach.

20                Ayes, 55.  Nays, 5.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

22   bill is passed.

23                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24   655, Senate Print 1975, by Senator Addabbo, an 

25   act to amend the Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and 


 1   Breeding Law.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 3   the last section.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 5   act shall take effect immediately.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 7   the roll.

 8                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

10   Announce the results.

11                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

13   bill is passed.

14                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15   663, Senate Print 1603, by Senator Breslin, an 

16   act to amend the Insurance Law.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

18   the last section.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

20   act shall take effect immediately.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

22   the roll.

23                (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

25   Announce the results.


 1                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 3   bill is passed.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5   689, by Senate Print 4019, by Senator Thomas, an 

 6   act to amend the General Business Law and the 

 7   Personal Property Law.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 9   the last section.

10                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

11   act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

12   shall have become a law.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

14   the roll.

15                (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

17   Announce the results.

18                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

20   bill is passed.

21                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22   702, Assembly Print Number 215, substituted 

23   earlier by Assemblymember Braunstein, an act to 

24   amend the Real Property Law.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 


 1   the last section.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3   act shall take effect immediately.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 5   the roll.

 6                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 8   Announce the results.

 9                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

11   bill is passed.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13   705, Senate Print 5513, by Senator Hoylman, an 

14   act to amend the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

16   the last section.

17                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

18   act shall take effect immediately.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

20   the roll.

21                (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

23   Announce the results.

24                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 


 1   bill is passed.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3   706, Senate Print 5515, by Senator Montgomery, an 

 4   act to amend the Family Court Act and the 

 5   Domestic Relations Law.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 7   the last section.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

 9   act shall take effect immediately.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

11   the roll.

12                (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

14   Announce the results.

15                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

17   bill is passed.

18                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

19   708, Senate Print 4166, by Senator Addabbo, an 

20   act to amend the Education Law.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

22   the last section.

23                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

24   act shall take effect immediately.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 


 1   the roll.

 2                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 4   Announce the results.

 5                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 7   bill is passed.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9   727, Senate Print 4009, by Senator Mayer, an act 

10   to amend the Education Law.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

12   the last section.

13                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

14   act shall take effect immediately.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

16   the roll.

17                (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

19   Announce the results.

20                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

22   bill is passed.

23                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24   730, Senate Print 4521, by Senator Kaplan, an act 

25   to amend the Retirement and Social Security Law.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 2   the last section.

 3                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4   act shall take effect immediately.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 6   the roll.

 7                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 9   Kaplan to explain her vote.

10                SENATOR KAPLAN:   Thank you, 

11   Mr. President.

12                As lawmakers we have a solemn duty 

13   to ensure that we take every step necessary to 

14   ensure the safety of our children in our 

15   communities.  And the tragic reality is that our 

16   world has changed these past few years, our 

17   schools have changed, so we are called upon to do 

18   more to ensure their safety.  We owe it to our 

19   kids to do everything we can to help them stay in 

20   a safe environment.  

21                This bill is very simple, and it is 

22   something that several local schools in my 

23   district have requested.  It will remove 

24   roadblocks that currently prevent schools from 

25   hiring former law enforcement officers as school 


 1   safety professionals.  Our schools want to hire 

 2   the best talent available to keep our kids safe, 

 3   and we shouldn't be standing in their way in 

 4   doing so.

 5                This bill will give them the option 

 6   to do what's best for their particular needs.  

 7   And I'm proud to sponsor this legislation and 

 8   cast my vote in the affirmative.

 9                Thank you.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

11   Kaplan to be recorded in the affirmative.

12                Senator Harckham to explain his 

13   vote.

14                SENATOR HARCKHAM:   Thank you, 

15   Mr. President.  I too will be voting in the 

16   affirmative.  

17                I want to thank my colleague Senator 

18   Kaplan for bringing this important legislation to 

19   the floor.  

20                As was mentioned, it's critical that 

21   our schools today have the best talent and the 

22   highest-trained school resource officers that we 

23   can provide.  But sometimes in government when we 

24   solve one problem, there are unintended 

25   consequences on the other side.


 1                For those of us who represent small 

 2   municipalities, rural municipalities who have 

 3   small part-time police departments, they use 

 4   retired police officers at a ceiling of $30,000 a 

 5   year.  And I know this chamber and the other 

 6   chamber have been trying to deal with that issue 

 7   for years.  

 8                And now by creating a standard of 

 9   65,000, it's going to be challenging for officers 

10   to continue to work for those police departments 

11   when they know they can go to work for a school 

12   district for significantly more money -- in fact, 

13   35,000 more.

14                So we're working on legislation 

15   collaboratively in this house, with staff, to 

16   address that so that our small part-time police 

17   departments can continue to compete in the 

18   marketplace for retired officers, and hope 

19   colleagues will support that effort as well.

20                Thank you, Mr. President.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

22   Harckham to be recorded in the affirmative.

23                Announce the results.

24                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 


 1   bill is passed.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3   736, Assembly Print Number 7123, substituted 

 4   earlier by Assemblymember Jacobson, an act to 

 5   amend the Election Law.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 7   the last section.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 9   act shall take effect immediately.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

11   the roll.

12                (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

14   Announce the results.

15                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

16   Calendar Number 736, those Senators voting in the 

17   negative are Senators Akshar, Amedore, Antonacci, 

18   Boyle, Flanagan, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

19   Jacobs, Jordan, Lanza, LaValle, Little, O'Mara, 

20   Ortt, Ranzenhofer, Ritchie, Robach, Serino, 

21   Seward and Tedisco.

22                Ayes, 39.  Nays, 21.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

24   bill is passed.

25                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 


 1   749, Senate Print 3964, by Senator Gounardes, an 

 2   act to amend the Retirement and Social Security 

 3   Law.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 5   the last section.

 6                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 7   act shall take effect immediately.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 9   the roll.

10                (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

12   Little to explain her vote.

13                SENATOR LITTLE:   Right.  Senate 

14   3665, correct?  I've got the wrong bill, I'm 

15   sorry.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

17   Announce the results.

18                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

20   bill is passed.

21                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22   768, Senate Print 218B, by Senator Benjamin, an 

23   act to amend the Public Health Law.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

25   the last section.


 1                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 2   act shall take effect immediately.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 4   the roll.

 5                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 7   Announce the results.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

10   bill is passed.

11                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12   769, Senate Print 3665, by Senator Gianaris, an 

13   act to amend the Labor Law.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

15   the last section.

16                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

17   act shall take effect immediately.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

19   the roll.

20                (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

22   Little to explain her vote.

23                SENATOR LITTLE:   Thank you, 

24   Mr. President.

25                I'm really supportive of flexible 


 1   hours for employees, and certainly there are 

 2   many, many situations that demand flexible hours.  

 3   But I am not supportive of putting another 

 4   restriction, another regulation, another thing 

 5   that businesses in New York State have to do.  

 6   They're having a hard time running a business in 

 7   New York State now.  

 8                And one more thing.  It's 

 9   unnecessary.  I think most, if they can do it, do 

10   offer flexible hours.

11                So I appreciate that, and I vote no.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

13   Little to be recorded in the negative.

14                Senator Gianaris to explain his 

15   vote.

16                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you, 

17   Mr. President.

18                I'm very happy that this bill is 

19   passing the house today.  And just to be clear, 

20   this is the most basic, simple requirement that 

21   an employer simply has to accept a request of an 

22   employee for a flexible time, consider it, and 

23   respond to the employee.

24                So one can't say they support the 

25   idea of flex time but then not provide a 


 1   mechanism for that to occur.  The only thing this 

 2   bill would require is that an employer have the 

 3   conversation with the employee and provide an 

 4   answer to the employee whether they're allowed to 

 5   do it or not.

 6                And so if someone says they support 

 7   the idea of flex time, this is the minimum we can 

 8   do to make sure that it's a reality as opposed to 

 9   something theoretical.  

10                So I want to thank my colleagues for 

11   their support of this important bill and look 

12   forward to providing this important protection 

13   for the workforce.  Thank you.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

15   Gianaris to be recorded in the affirmative.

16                Senator Ramos to explain her vote.

17                SENATOR RAMOS:   Yes, thank you, 

18   Mr. President.

19                There are many reasons why there's 

20   such a huge disparity among salaries between CEOs 

21   and workers.  American workers are working more, 

22   longer hours -- more jobs, often.  And this is 

23   particularly prevalent in retail, fast food and 

24   in many other industries of the ilk.  

25                The fact of the matter is we need 


 1   workers to be able to spend more time with their 

 2   families, be able to attend graduations, 

 3   parent-teacher nights, go to doctor's 

 4   appointments with their kids.

 5                Being able to ask your boss to 

 6   reshuffle your shift, especially at a time when 

 7   workers get their shift schedules at such a 

 8   last-minute is not only critical, but fair.  It's 

 9   okay to ask.

10                This is not a hit on big business in 

11   any way.  It's fairness for the American worker.  

12   And that's why I'll be voting in the affirmative.

13                Thank you.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

15   Ramos to be recorded in the affirmative.

16                Announce the results.

17                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

18   Calendar Number 769, those Senators voting in the 

19   negative are Senators Akshar, Amedore, Antonacci, 

20   Flanagan, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, Jacobs, 

21   Jordan, Lanza, Little, O'Mara, Ortt, Ranzenhofer, 

22   Ritchie, Serino, Seward and Tedisco.

23                Ayes, 42.  Nays, 18.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

25   bill is passed.


 1                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2   771, Senate Print 5690, by Senator Sanders, an 

 3   act to amend the New York State Urban Development 

 4   Corporation Act.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 6   the last section.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8   act shall take effect immediately.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

10   the roll.

11                (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

13   Announce the results.

14                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

16   bill is passed.

17                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18   773, Senate Print 5937, by Senator Kaminsky, an 

19   act to amend Chapter 330 of the Laws of 2014.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

21   the last section.

22                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

23   act shall take effect immediately.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

25   the roll.


 1                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 3   Announce the results.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 5   Calendar Number 773, those Senators voting in the 

 6   negative are Senators Akshar, Amedore, Gallivan, 

 7   Griffo and Ritchie.

 8                Ayes, 55.  Nays, 5.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

10   bill is passed.

11                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12   814, Senate Print 753A, by Senator Montgomery, an 

13   act to direct the Office of Children and Family 

14   Services to examine, evaluate and make 

15   recommendations on the availability of child 

16   daycare.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

18   the last section.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

20   act shall take effect immediately.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

22   the roll.

23                (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

25   Montgomery to explain her vote.


 1                SENATOR MONTGOMERY:   Yes, thank 

 2   you, Mr. President.  

 3                I just want to thank the Majority 

 4   Leader for bringing this bill forward on my 

 5   behalf.  As we all know, childcare is probably 

 6   one of the most if not the most expensive aspects 

 7   of a family's budget, other than their mortgage 

 8   and perhaps their car payments.

 9                And so this bill -- childcare 

10   subsidies are intended to help low-income 

11   families pay for childcare, yet less than 

12   one-quarter of eligible families are actually 

13   receiving subsidies.  

14                With the recent implementation of 

15   the Childcare Availability Task Force, this 

16   legislation that we are voting for today will 

17   require the Office of Children and Family 

18   Services to provide much-needed data to help 

19   inform the task force and the Legislature of the 

20   childcare needs of families in our state.

21                The bill directs the Office of 

22   Children and Family Services to establish an 

23   inventory of child daycare for working families 

24   in our state.  The bill requires that OCFS 

25   examine the possibility of implementing a 


 1   standard family-share percentage for the cost of 

 2   childcare in our state.

 3                Each local social services district 

 4   is to submit to OCFS information on the number of 

 5   families -- denied families that received 

 6   assistance and the income levels of those 

 7   families.  We expect that this information will 

 8   help us to plan for how we support families in 

 9   our state with their needs for childcare.

10                Mr. President, I'm happy to vote for 

11   this bill, and I thank my colleagues for 

12   supporting it also.  

13                Thank you.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

15   Montgomery to be recorded in the affirmative.

16                Announce the results.

17                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

19   bill is passed.

20                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21   816, Assembly Print Number 29A, substituted 

22   earlier by Assemblymember Rosenthal, an act to 

23   amend the Social Services Law.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

25   the last section.


 1                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 2   act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 3   shall have become a law.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 5   the roll.

 6                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 8   Serino to explain her vote.

 9                SENATOR SERINO:   Thank you, 

10   Mr. President.

11                I have to apologize to Senator 

12   Serrano, because I had questions that I was going 

13   to ask yesterday, but the meeting was the same 

14   time as the Veterans Hall of Fame.

15                And I understand the intent of the 

16   bill, because child safety is our top priority.  

17   I was actually a daycare provider many years ago.  

18   It was in my home, so it was a little bit 

19   different.  

20                But the way the bill is written, 

21   it's kind of broad.  So, you know, when kids are 

22   taking a nap, you could have cribs and if you 

23   move them around, that could fall under large 

24   furniture, right?  So they also have wheels on 

25   them.  In case of an emergency, you can use those 


 1   to take children out of a situation.

 2                So I think that there, you know, 

 3   needs to be some amendments made, and that was 

 4   going to be my suggestion yesterday.  And also to 

 5   include the child daycare providers in the 

 6   conversation.

 7                So that's going to be the reason why 

 8   I'm going to vote no on it today.  But like I 

 9   said, I definitely understand the intent of the 

10   bill.  So thank you.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

12   Serino to be recorded in the negative.

13                Announce the results.

14                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

15   Calendar Number 816, those Senators voting in the 

16   negative are Senators Akshar, Amedore, Antonacci, 

17   Flanagan, Gallivan, Griffo, Jordan, Little, Ortt, 

18   Ranzenhofer, Serino and Seward.

19                Ayes, 48.  Nays, 12.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

21   bill is passed.

22                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23   817, Senate Print 3788A, by Senator Carlucci, an 

24   act to amend the General Business Law.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 


 1   the last section.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3   act shall take effect on the 60th day after it 

 4   shall have become a law.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 6   the roll.

 7                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 9   Carlucci to explain his vote.

10                SENATOR CARLUCCI:   Thank you, 

11   Mr. President.

12                As a parent, I know we try to do 

13   everything we can to protect our children, to 

14   keep them safe.  And crib bumpers, it's in our 

15   instinct, we think, okay, this is something that 

16   can help keep our infants safe.  Unfortunately, 

17   that is untrue.  

18                There's been no data to show that 

19   crib bumpers prevent injury.  In fact, the 

20   Consumer Product Safety Commission calls crib 

21   bumpers "deadly clutter."  And it's been backed 

22   up by the Journal of Pediatric Medicine that has 

23   shown that the leading cause of injury and death 

24   for our infants in the United States is 

25   accidental suffocation.  And 70 percent of those 


 1   cases are directly linked to soft bedding like 

 2   crib bumpers.  

 3                We know the Consumer Product Safety 

 4   Commission has put out a recent report that has 

 5   shown that over a hundred infants have passed 

 6   away in the last 15 years directly associated 

 7   with crib bumpers.  That's why this legislation 

 8   is so important:  To ban the sale of these crib 

 9   bumpers, to make sure we take it out of the 

10   equation.  Because unfortunately many parents 

11   aren't equipped with that information to know how 

12   to prevent sudden infant death syndrome.  

13                But we do know, and that's why we're 

14   taking action.  We've been equipped with the 

15   reports.  The medical community tells us that 

16   there is no purpose for these crib bumpers.  

17   Let's follow the lead of what Maryland and Ohio 

18   have done.  Maryland was the first state to ban 

19   the sale of crib bumpers, and they have seen 

20   their infant mortality rate decrease.  Now, in 

21   Baltimore, it's the lowest levels they've ever 

22   seen.  

23                And that's what we need to strive 

24   for.  And that's what this whole package of 

25   legislation is doing today.


 1                So I'm extremely grateful to all my 

 2   colleagues here, to Majority Leader 

 3   Stewart-Cousins for pushing this package of 

 4   bills.  Many of them might seem innocuous.  

 5   However, we know, and the data is backing it up, 

 6   that these steps that we're taking today will 

 7   save lives, will keep our children safe and make 

 8   a step forward in lowering the infant mortality 

 9   rate here in New York State.

10                So I will be supporting this 

11   legislation and encourage my colleagues to do the 

12   same.

13                Thank you, Mr. President.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

15   Carlucci to be recorded in the affirmative.

16                Announce the results.

17                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

19   bill is passed.

20                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21   818, Senate Print 3904, by Senator Martinez, an 

22   act in relation to entitling Robert V. Vassallo, 

23   Sr. to reapply for a disability retirement from 

24   the New York State Police.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 


 1   the last section.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3   act shall take effect immediately.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 5   the roll.

 6                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 8   Announce the results.

 9                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

11   bill is passed.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13   819, Senate Print 4165, by Senator Addabbo, an 

14   act to amend Chapter 288 of the Laws of 2014 

15   amending the Environmental Conservation Law.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

17   the last section.

18                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

19   act shall take effect immediately.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

21   the roll.

22                (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

24   Announce the results.

25                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 2   bill is passed.

 3                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4   820, Assembly Print Number 3840, substituted 

 5   earlier by Assemblymember McDonald, an act to 

 6   amend the Public Health Law.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 8   the last section.

 9                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

10   act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

11   shall have become a law.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

13   the roll.

14                (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

16   Announce the results.

17                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

18   Calendar Number 820, those Senators voting in the 

19   negative are Senators Akshar, Amedore, Antonacci, 

20   Gallivan, O'Mara and Ortt.

21                Ayes, 54.  Nays, 6.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

23   bill is passed.

24                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

25   822, Senate Print 4916, by Senator Harckham, an 


 1   act in relation to granting James G. Lynch 

 2   retirement from the New York State and Local 

 3   Employees' Retirement System.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 5   the last section.

 6                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 7   act shall take effect immediately.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 9   the roll.

10                (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

12   Harckham to explain his vote.

13                SENATOR HARCKHAM:   Thank you, 

14   Mr. President.  

15                You know, sometimes government does 

16   things that make us scratch our heads, and other 

17   times government does things that just really 

18   make us outraged, and this is one of those 

19   instances.  

20                This gentleman worked for the people 

21   of New York State for 25 years as an inspector of 

22   school buses, keeping our children safe.  And he 

23   tragically was diagnosed with a terminal illness 

24   and in his final days thought he was putting in 

25   his retirement papers.  There were issues with 


 1   those papers, and he passed away before he could 

 2   correct those clerical errors.  He was denied, 

 3   and his family was denied the pension benefits 

 4   that he had earned with 25 years of service.

 5                I can understand perhaps an 

 6   ill-guided person making that declaration, but 

 7   what's more galling is on appeal, somebody else 

 8   in state government agreed with that assessment 

 9   that he was not due a pension and his family was 

10   not due those benefits.  

11                So thankfully, colleagues, this will 

12   address that injustice for this one family.  But 

13   we need to look at, as a body and as a 

14   government, why this happens throughout our 

15   system, that common sense and basic fairness do 

16   not prevail and oftentimes a twisted sense of 

17   what the regulations allow rules over what's 

18   common sense and what's basic decency.

19                So I thank colleagues today for 

20   supporting this, to right this wrong for this 

21   family, and I hope we'll be diligent for other 

22   families in the future.

23                Thank you, Mr. President.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

25   Harckham to be recorded in the affirmative.


 1                Announce the results.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 4   bill is passed.

 5                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6   823, Assembly Print 6665, substituted earlier by 

 7   Assemblymember Otis, an act to amend Chapter 618 

 8   of the Laws of 1998.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

10   the last section.

11                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

12   act shall take effect immediately.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

14   the roll.

15                (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

17   Announce the results.

18                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

20   bill is passed.

21                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22   825, Senate Print 6146, by Senator Hoylman, an 

23   act to amend the Tax Law and the Administrative 

24   Code of the City of New York.

25                SENATOR GRIFFO:   Lay it aside.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Lay it 

 2   aside.

 3                Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

 4   reading of today's calendar.

 5                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please take up 

 6   the reading of the controversial calendar.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 8   Secretary will ring the bell.

 9                The Secretary will read.

10                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11   825, Senate Print 6146, by Senator Hoylman, an 

12   act to amend the Tax Law and the Administrative 

13   Code of the City of New York.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

15   Griffo, why do you rise?

16                SENATOR GRIFFO:   Mr. President, I 

17   believe there's an amendment at the desk.  I 

18   waive the reading of that amendment and ask that 

19   Senator Antonacci be recognized and be heard.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Thank 

21   you, Senator Griffo.  Upon review of the 

22   amendment, in accordance with Rule 6, Section 4B, 

23   I rule it nongermane and out of order at this 

24   time.

25                SENATOR GRIFFO:   That was a quick 


 1   ruling.  Accordingly, I appeal that ruling, 

 2   Mr. President, and ask that Senator Antonacci be 

 3   recognized.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 5   appeal has been made and recognized, and 

 6   Senator Antonacci may be heard.

 7                SENATOR ANTONACCI:   Thank you, 

 8   Mr. President.

 9                This amendment is germane because 

10   both the amendment and the bill-in-chief amend 

11   sections of the Tax Law.  And as I like to say, 

12   if we're talking tax returns, let's talk tax 

13   cuts.  

14                Instead of weaponizing the Tax Law 

15   against a political enemy, our amendment gets 

16   back to state business and would bring real tax 

17   relief to everyday New Yorkers by making the real 

18   property tax checks permanent and accelerating 

19   the middle-class tax cuts by one year and 

20   repealing the STAR changes in this year's budget.  

21   Voting yes will save property and personal income 

22   tax payers billions of dollars.  

23                New York is first on many things, 

24   our Governor likes to say.  Sounds great, right?  

25   But not so fast.  We are first and worst in 


 1   having the highest state and local tax burden.  

 2   It is not an honor, but something that we must 

 3   strive to reverse every day in every possible 

 4   way.  

 5                While we are talking taxes, I would 

 6   like to thank the federal government for the tax 

 7   relief provided by the Trump tax cuts -- 

 8   much-needed relief for middle-class taxpayers.  

 9   And as we know, the much overblown claims of SALT 

10   hurting blue states has proven false.  

11                However, as I've said in my 

12   district, the claims the SALT reduction would 

13   hurt New York State was a cry for help, because 

14   New York State taxes are too high.  It is a 

15   symptom of a disease, the disease of our taxes 

16   being too onerous.  

17                So today it's New York State's turn.  

18   This amendment will make the highly successful 

19   and critically needed property tax relief checks 

20   permanent.  It will save property taxpayers over 

21   $5 billion over the next four years.  

22                The second part of this amendment 

23   will accelerate by one year the phase-in of the 

24   historic middle-class tax cuts that were enacted 

25   in 2016 at the insistence of the Senate 


 1   Republicans.  It will put $370 million in the 

 2   hands of New York's middle class one year 

 3   earlier.

 4                The third part of this amendment 

 5   would repeal the reduction in STAR benefits that 

 6   were enacted as part of this year's budget.  

 7   Seniors and regular STAR recipients will slowly 

 8   lose the value of their STAR if these provisions 

 9   are not repealed.

10                Mr. President, my constituents are 

11   struggling.  They are struggling to pay their 

12   bills, their property taxes, and to pay for their 

13   children's college.  These amendments will go a 

14   long way in helping my constituents and all of 

15   our constituents by lowering the crushing burden 

16   that New York taxes put on them.  

17                If we're talking taxes, let's talk 

18   tax cuts.  Mr. President, I respectfully submit 

19   the amendment is germane and I ask my colleagues 

20   to support it.  

21                Thank you.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Thank 

23   you, Senator Antonacci.  

24                I want to remind the house that the 

25   vote is on the procedures of the house and the 


 1   ruling of the chair.  

 2                Those in favor of overruling the 

 3   chair signify by saying aye.

 4                SENATOR GRIFFO:   Request a show of 

 5   hands.   

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   A show 

 7   of hands has been requested and so ordered.

 8                (Show of hands.)

 9                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 21.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

11   ruling of the chair stands, and the bill-in-chief 

12   is before the house.

13                Senator Gianaris.

14                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Without 

15   objection, can we return this bill to the 

16   noncontroversial calendar.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Without 

18   objection, so ordered.

19                Read the last section.

20                THE SECRETARY:   Section 18.  This 

21   act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

22   same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2019 

23   amending the Tax Law.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

25   the roll.


 1                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 3   Ortt to explain his vote.

 4                SENATOR ORTT:   Thank you, 

 5   Mr. President.

 6                So today we're amending a bill that 

 7   we passed in this house about two weeks ago.  And 

 8   we're amending it because some of the problems 

 9   with the bill were exactly the problems that the 

10   Minority laid out that day, and because the bill, 

11   as bad as it was, couldn't get by the 

12   conservatives in the Assembly.  Who wanted to 

13   defend the president, obviously, or knew that it 

14   was just bad policy.

15                But even though we're amending the 

16   bill, I think we're actually narrowing the focus.  

17   Before, it applied to all New Yorkers.  Now, 

18   we're clearly going after the target that it was 

19   meant for all along, the president and his 

20   family.  

21                And I still think this is terrible 

22   policy.  It actually removes the discretion from 

23   the Commissioner of Tax and Finance to redact 

24   information that they may deem as an invasion of 

25   privacy.  So we're removing that completely.  


 1                So this continues to be an 

 2   anti-privacy bill.  I believe this continues to 

 3   be a politically motivated bill.  

 4                The fact that we're talking about 

 5   taxes in this house is ironic, because we're not 

 6   talking about the taxes that New Yorkers pay, 

 7   which are the highest in the nation, we're 

 8   talking about the president's taxes.  Which shows 

 9   again, Mr. President, that this bill and the 

10   Majority completely miss the real issue facing 

11   New Yorkers.  

12                I vote nay.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

14   Ortt to be recorded in the negative.

15                Senator Jacobs to explain his vote.

16                SENATOR JACOBS:   Thank you, 

17   Mr. President.

18                Well, we are back here again so soon 

19   after the Democrats in this body passed in 

20   legislation.  And why?  Because this first bill 

21   that was passed was so legally flawed.  The 

22   second attempt here today is just as legally 

23   flawed, and I believe it will be found to be 

24   unconstitutional.

25                This bill is so fundamentally flawed 


 1   because it is not derived from a legitimate 

 2   legislative purpose.  This is a thinly veiled 

 3   attempt to target one individual; in this case, 

 4   the president of the United States.  The tax code 

 5   should not be turned into a weapon, and that is 

 6   what is happening here today.

 7                All New Yorkers should be concerned 

 8   that their elected representatives are so eager 

 9   to target one individual like this.  

10                Mr. President, this action demeans 

11   this institution.  I vote no.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

13   Jacobs to be recorded in the negative.

14                Announce the results.

15                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

16   Calendar Number 825, those Senators voting in the 

17   negative are Senators Akshar, Amedore, Antonacci, 

18   Boyle, Flanagan, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

19   Jacobs, Jordan, Lanza, LaValle, Little, O'Mara, 

20   Ortt, Ranzenhofer, Ritchie, Robach, Serino, 

21   Seward and Tedisco.

22                Ayes, 39.  Nays, 21.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

24   bill is passed.

25                Senator Gianaris, that completes the 


 1   reading of today's controversial calendar.

 2                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Is there any 

 3   further business at the desk?

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   There 

 5   is no further business at the desk.

 6                SENATOR GIANARIS:   I move to 

 7   adjourn until Wednesday, May 29th, at 3:00 p.m., 

 8   the intervening days being legislative days.  

 9                And I'd like to wish everyone a 

10   happy Memorial Day.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   On 

12   motion, the Senate stands adjourned until 

13   Wednesday, May 29th, at 3:00 p.m., intervening 

14   days being legislative days.

15                (Whereupon, at 1:09 p.m., the Senate 

16   adjourned.)