Regular Session - March 18, 2020


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                   March 18, 2020

11                     12:37 p.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR BRIAN A. BENJAMIN, Acting President









 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 3   Senate will come to order.  

 4                I ask everyone present to please 

 5   rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7   the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   In the 

 9   absence of clergy, let us bow our heads in a 

10   moment of silent reflection or prayer.

11                (Whereupon, the assemblage respected 

12   a moment of silence.)

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

14   reading of the Journal.  

15                THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Tuesday, 

16   March 17, 2020, the Senate met pursuant to 

17   adjournment.  The Journal of Monday, March 16, 

18   2020, was read and approved.  On motion, Senate 

19   adjourned.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Without 

21   objection, the Journal stands approved as read.

22                Presentation of petitions.

23                Messages from the Assembly.

24                Messages from the Governor.

25                Reports of standing committees.


 1                Reports of select committees.

 2                Communications and reports from 

 3   state officers.

 4                Motions and resolutions.

 5                Senator Gianaris.

 6                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

 7   on behalf of Senator Kavanagh, on page 14 I offer 

 8   the following amendments to Calendar Number 245, 

 9   Senate Print 2328, and ask that said bill retain 

10   its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

12   amendments are received, and the bill shall 

13   retain its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

14                SENATOR GIANARIS:   And on behalf of 

15   Senator Biaggi, on page 21 I offer the following 

16   amendments to Calendar Number 372, Senate Print 

17   6679B, and ask that said bill retain its place on 

18   the Third Reading Calendar.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

20   amendments are received, and the bill shall 

21   retain its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

22                SENATOR GIANARIS:   As an initial 

23   matter, Mr. President, I just want to point out, 

24   so everyone can understand, the procedures of the 

25   house today.  


 1                After discussions with our 

 2   colleagues, by unanimous consent I move to 

 3   authorize any member that has checked into the 

 4   session today to be able to cast votes through 

 5   the process outlined in Senate Rule 9.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Without 

 7   objection, so ordered.

 8                SENATOR GIANARIS:   And with that, 

 9   there will be an immediate meeting of the 

10   Finance Committee in Room 332.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   There 

12   will be an immediate meeting of the Finance 

13   Committee in Room 332.

14                SENATOR GIANARIS:   The Senate will 

15   stand at ease.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

17   Senate will stand at ease.

18                (Whereupon, the Senate stood at ease 

19   at 12:38 p.m.)

20                (Whereupon, the Senate reconvened at 

21   12:47 p.m.)

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

23   Senate will return to order.

24                Senator Gianaris.  

25                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, I 


 1   believe there's a report of the Finance Committee 

 2   at the desk.  If we could please return to 

 3   reports of standing committees.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:  There is 

 5   a report of the Finance Committee at the desk.

 6                The Secretary will read.  

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Senator Krueger, 

 8   from the Committee on Finance, reports the 

 9   following bill:  

10                Senate Print 7502, Senate Budget 

11   Bill, an act making appropriations for the legal 

12   requirements of the state debt service and lease 

13   purchase payments and other special contractual 

14   obligations.

15                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to accept 

16   the report of the Finance Committee.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   All 

18   those in favor of accepting the report of the 

19   Finance Committee signify by saying aye.

20                (Response of "Aye.")

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

22   Opposed, nay.

23                (No response.)

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

25   report is accepted.


 1                Senator Gianaris.

 2                SENATOR GIANARIS:   At this time 

 3   there will be an immediate meeting of the 

 4   Rules Committee in Room 332.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    There 

 6   will be an immediate meeting of the 

 7   Rules Committee in Room 332.

 8                SENATOR GIANARIS:   The Senate will 

 9   stand at ease.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

11   Senate will stand at ease.

12                (Whereupon, the Senate stood at ease 

13   at 12:47 p.m.)

14                (Whereupon, the Senate reconvened at 

15   1:06 p.m.)

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

17   Senate will return to order.  

18                Senator Gianaris.

19                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Can we please 

20   return to reports of standing committees.  

21                I believe there's a report of the 

22   Rules Committee at the desk.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   There 

24   is a report of the Rules Committee at the desk.  

25                The Secretary will read.


 1                THE SECRETARY:   Senator 

 2   Stewart-Cousins, from the Committee on Rules, 

 3   reports the following bills:  

 4                Senate Print 8058, by Senator Myrie, 

 5   an act in relation to petition requirements; 

 6                Senate Print 8091, by Senator Ramos, 

 7   an act providing requirements for sick leave and 

 8   the provision of certain employee benefits.  

 9                Both bills reported direct to third 

10   reading.

11                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to accept 

12   the report of the Rules Committee.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   All 

14   those in favor of accepting the report of the 

15   Rules Committee signify by saying aye.

16                (Response of "Aye.")

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

18   Opposed, nay.

19                (No response.)

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

21   report is accepted.

22                Senator Gianaris.

23                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

24   can we now take up the supplemental calendar, 

25   please.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 2   Secretary will read.

 3                (Pause.)

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 5   Secretary will read.  

 6                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7   617, Senate Print 7502, Senate Budget Bill, an 

 8   act making appropriations for the legal 

 9   requirements of the state debt service and lease 

10   purchase payments and other special contractual 

11   obligations.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

13   the last section.

14                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

15   act shall take effect immediately.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

17   the roll.

18                (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

20   Announce the results.

21                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 55.  Nays, 1.  

22   Senator Jacobs recorded in the negative.  

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

24   bill is passed.

25                Senator Gianaris.


 1                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Yes, 

 2   Mr. President, can we take up Supplemental 

 3   Calendar B, please.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 5   Secretary will read.

 6                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7   618, Senate Print 8058, by Senator Myrie, an act 

 8   in relation to petition requirements.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

10   the last section.

11                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

12   act shall take effect immediately.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

14   the roll.

15                (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

17   Announce the results.

18                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

19   Calendar Number 618, those Senators recorded in 

20   the negative are Senators Amedore, Gallivan, 

21   Helming and Kavanagh.

22                Ayes, 52.  Nays, 4.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

24   bill is passed.

25                Senator Gianaris.  


 1                SENATOR GIANARIS:   For a moment, 

 2   Mr. President, can we stand at ease.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 4   Senate will stand at ease.

 5                (Whereupon, the Senate stood at ease 

 6   at 1:09 p.m.)

 7                (Whereupon, the Senate reconvened at 

 8   1:10 p.m.)

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

10   Senate will return to order.

11                Senator Gianaris.

12                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you, 

13   Mr. President.  

14                At this point can we conclude -- or 

15   continue the conclusion of reading the 

16   Supplemental Calendar B.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

18   Secretary will read.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20   619, Senate Print 8091, by Senator Ramos, an act 

21   providing requirements for sick leave and the 

22   provision of certain employee benefits.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

24   Gianaris.

25                SENATOR GIANARIS:   I believe 


 1   there's a message of necessity at the desk, 

 2   Mr. President.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   There 

 4   is a message of necessity at the desk.

 5                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to accept 

 6   the message of necessity.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   All 

 8   those in favor of accepting the message say aye.

 9                (Response of "Aye.")

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

11   Opposed, nay.

12                (No response.)

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

14   message is accepted, and the bill is before the 

15   house.

16                Read the last section.  

17                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

18   act shall take effect immediately.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

20   the roll.

21                (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

23   Flanagan to explain his vote.

24                SENATOR FLANAGAN:   Thank you, 

25   Mr. President.


 1                And happy to be here today under 

 2   these very unique circumstances.  And I reflect, 

 3   during the time that I've had the privilege to 

 4   serve in the Legislature in both houses, the 

 5   solemn nature and the unique circumstances that 

 6   we find ourselves in today.

 7                So I applaud you and my colleagues 

 8   for being here, and I harken back to how we 

 9   achieved some legislative action after 

10   September 11th.  Different set of circumstances, 

11   but at the time we actually had a joint session 

12   of the Legislature in the State Assembly, 

13   presided over by Governor Pataki, then-Majority 

14   Leader Senator Bruno, and then Speaker Sheldon 

15   Silver.  And it was amazing the things that got 

16   done in a very tight time frame.

17                Here we are today -- and I use the 

18   word "solemn" because I almost feel like I'm in a 

19   church, it's a house of worship because it's so 

20   quiet.  And there's good reason for that.  

21                So I want to thank Leader 

22   Stewart-Cousins, Senator Gianaris, my colleague 

23   Senator Griffo, and really all the Senators who 

24   are here.  They are here.  Out of an abundance of 

25   caution, we're not just walking -- we're not just 


 1   talking the talk, we're walking the walk.

 2                And I do want to make a couple of 

 3   comments about where I think our members are in 

 4   relation to today.  There is not a person who is 

 5   not slightly apprehensive, maybe a little element 

 6   of fear, a little element of understanding, 

 7   misunderstanding, looking for guidance, looking 

 8   for direction, hopefully looking for 

 9   leadership -- and that can just be on a personal 

10   level involving your own family.  

11                But here, as we sit in the seat of 

12   government, I think we take a more in-depth look 

13   at who we are and what our responsibilities are.  

14   And at a time of crisis -- and we are in a 

15   legitimate crisis -- people have expectations 

16   that their leaders that they have duly elected 

17   will act accordingly on their behalf.  

18                I don't think I'm talking out of 

19   school; Mr. President, you and I chatted briefly 

20   about your daughter.  You know, you're going to 

21   worry about your family, I'm going to worry about 

22   my family, and God knows you're going to worry 

23   about your daughter.  And that's the way it 

24   should be.  

25                And so we have to be reflective of 


 1   our constituents who are worrying, is my kid 

 2   coming home from school?  How am I ever going to 

 3   get a refund for going -- the kid going to 

 4   college?  What am I going to do with my 

 5   elementary school children?  What am I going to 

 6   do about my constituents who are worried about 

 7   whether or not they can get to work, whether or 

 8   not they're going to have a job, are they going 

 9   to be working remotely, what does that mean -- 

10   and how does that all play out at a time where 

11   people are really looking for their government to 

12   act like leaders?  

13                Now I'm going to speak personally.  

14   I believe, listening to my own staff and what I 

15   see, Governor Cuomo is making an extraordinary 

16   effort to provide leadership, 24/7 -- 26/7, 30/7, 

17   whatever it may be.  He and his staff, and by 

18   extension all the state agencies, they are doing 

19   everything humanly possible -- literally -- 

20   humanly possible and everything conceivable.  

21                When I talk to a local hospital and 

22   find out that they're worried about whether or 

23   not they have surgical masks or they have the 

24   requisite gloves and they really want to take 

25   care of their patients, there isn't a person who 


 1   works in government who isn't literally at this 

 2   moment trying to figure out how do we make that 

 3   happen.  Who do we call?  Like who do you -- how 

 4   do you figure out where to get all this stuff?  

 5   How do you get a ventilator?  How do you get 

 6   something on an emergency basis?  

 7                So I laud, very clearly, the 

 8   Governor for being extraordinarily proactive, for 

 9   being outspoken, for being a vintage and 

10   quintessential New Yorker when he needs to be.  

11   But I do think people are really paying 

12   attention.  Those daily briefings which are 

13   extended to us and which are extended to us, to 

14   our staff, are extraordinarily important.  I 

15   believe that the Governor's staff is really 

16   endeavoring to interact with us in a way that is 

17   making everybody feel comfortable so we can 

18   disseminate what's going on.  

19                I got a call from my county 

20   comptroller today, and yesterday we were able to 

21   get clarification on something that has to do 

22   with payroll, so somebody can get a paycheck.  

23                Every one of our colleagues -- and 

24   I'm sure it's the same for Leader 

25   Stewart-Cousins -- they're saying what are we 


 1   doing, like what actions are we taking?  

 2                Today, and with this bill, I think 

 3   there's a very clear recognition of what is being 

 4   done, and it's finite.  We're taking an issue and 

 5   addressing that issue at this time because it's 

 6   important and it means real things to real 

 7   people.  And this is addressing an acute problem 

 8   in the right way in a limited capacity.

 9                We will have time to have these 

10   other debates.  And in fact, while it's seemingly 

11   innocuous, we actually are passing a debt service 

12   bill today.  You and I both know that's the first 

13   step in the budget process.  That's the first 

14   time Leader Stewart-Cousins can bring out 

15   something and say, We are moving along on the 

16   budget.  

17                And ironically, people are going to 

18   start to pay attention to debt service more than 

19   they ever have.  And rightfully so, because we're 

20   going to have a whole bunch of new debt because 

21   of the things that we're going to have to do.

22                I watch what goes on across the 

23   country, but I also watch, like everybody else, 

24   what's going on in Washington.  And I believe the 

25   same that I described for the State of New York 


 1   is applicable to the President and our leaders 

 2   down in Washington -- my colleagues on 

 3   Long Island, Congressman Peter King, Congressman 

 4   Zeldin, many of our colleagues across the State 

 5   of New York.  We all have a laser-like focus on 

 6   how can we help the people we represent and do it 

 7   in a way and shape and form that they can 

 8   understand and that makes a difference in their 

 9   life.

10                So it's every level of government -- 

11   town, county, village, whatever it may be -- the 

12   school district, the water district, the 

13   sanitation district.  Who's picking up the 

14   garbage, all those types of things.  But at the 

15   federal level, Vice President Pence and the 

16   federal administration, they are looking at major 

17   stimuluses to provide relief to people, 

18   small-business owners, not-for-profits, nursing 

19   homes, who are not only worried about their 

20   supplies but whether or not they can meet 

21   payroll.

22                So I want to compliment this 

23   legislative body.  I want to compliment the 

24   Legislature.  And gosh knows we have a ton more 

25   work to do.  But when the Governor of the State 


 1   of New York and the President of the United 

 2   States are in sync and acting in a bipartisan 

 3   way, that inures to the benefit of the millions 

 4   of people in this state that we still continue to 

 5   call the Empire State.  

 6                We have more work to do in front of 

 7   us.  And I've been here a long time; I've never 

 8   been in a chamber like this.  I'm looking at my 

 9   four colleagues here.  We are literally 

10   representative of every one of our members -- who 

11   genuinely want to be here, because they believe 

12   in what they do.  

13                And I'm going to just close, again, 

14   by saying I support these bills.  And we'll have 

15   much more time for debate on other policy issues, 

16   it's just not going to be today.  But this 

17   provides relief at an appropriate time, in an 

18   appropriate way.  

19                And I thank the Governor for all the 

20   things that I said, and I'll repeat them once 

21   more.  Those briefings and all the information 

22   goes a long way, a long way in allaying some of 

23   the fears and concerns of the public.  

24                Mr. President, I vote aye.  

25                Thank you.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 2   Flanagan to be recorded in the affirmative.

 3                Leader Stewart-Cousins to explain 

 4   her vote.

 5                SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Thank you 

 6   so much, Mr. President.  

 7                This is obviously an unprecedented 

 8   time.  It's an unprecedented day where we are 

 9   sitting in a chamber bereft of all of our 

10   colleagues because of the very real concern of 

11   coronavirus and what it is continuing to do not 

12   only in our state but in our nation and across 

13   the globe.

14                So to stand and say that we are 

15   working on a daily basis to meet the needs of 

16   every single person who depends on government to 

17   do the work that has to be done in order for them 

18   to be able to have as normal a life as possible 

19   in the midst of crisis is an important thing to 

20   say.  

21                And what we are doing today -- and I 

22   thank my colleague for articulating what I think 

23   cannot be said enough.  The fact is that when 

24   you're public servants, you focus on the public.  

25   And every day, unlike 9/11, where this was 


 1   obviously, you know, a tragedy, but for some 

 2   reason, you know, that happened, we went through 

 3   the pain and the grief and then we were able to 

 4   get up the next day and say, let's go fight every 

 5   day.  With the unpredictability of what we are 

 6   doing, it's a day that regardless of what, we 

 7   have to get up and we have to fight.  

 8                And I thank our Governor for getting 

 9   up every day and fighting, and for fighting for 

10   all of us here in New York but, on a broader 

11   level, everyone in the nation.  

12                And yes, we have these same 

13   cooperative measures from our Congresspeople, our 

14   Senators.  I've spoken with both Senator Schumer 

15   and Senator Gillibrand and our Congresspeople, 

16   Eliot Engel and Nita Lowy and so on -- I won't go 

17   through all of them.  But the reality is that 

18   every single one of us are fighting for every 

19   single one of us.  

20                My daughter had to be put on 

21   leave -- you know, they're staggering.  My 

22   son is -- well, my son-in-law, working from home, 

23   my children working from home.  Daycare center, 

24   preschool closed.  Every aspect of our lives are 

25   changed and changed probably for a very, very 


 1   long time.  

 2                So to step up with courage to pass a 

 3   bill today that deals with the coronavirus 

 4   emergency, to pass a bill today that deals with a 

 5   our budget emergency, I hope assures every single 

 6   person in our state that we are at work and we 

 7   will not rest until we are able to assuage the 

 8   concerns of the small businesses, to make sure 

 9   that our kids are getting the education, even if 

10   it's from a distance, and we have our essential 

11   workers getting the support they need on the 

12   front lines no matter where they are -- 

13   obviously, in the hospitals, but even in our 

14   communities, making sure that the day-to-day 

15   things happen, that we and certainly our 

16   constituents who have to maybe stay away can 

17   depend on going forward despite this crisis.

18                New Yorkers are strong.  New York 

19   leads all the time.  And I'm happy to have a 

20   bipartisan communication with my colleague 

21   Senator Flanagan -- and thank you, Senator 

22   Griffo -- and certainly with Senator Gianaris, to 

23   represent the highest aspirations of all of us to 

24   meet this crisis head on, to overcome it, to do a 

25   responsible budget that takes into consideration 


 1   the needs of all of us, and to stand every time 

 2   in support of the people we represent.  

 3                So I obviously vote aye.  And again, 

 4   we will be back in this chamber at a time when 

 5   it's filled up again.  But until that time, the 

 6   people of New York should be assured that we are 

 7   at work and working cooperatively with the 

 8   Governor and across the aisle to make sure that 

 9   we offer the best we possibly can under very, 

10   very difficult circumstances.

11                Thank you, Mr. President.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Leader 

13   Stewart-Cousins to be recorded in the 

14   affirmative.

15                Announce the results.

16                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

17   Calendar Number 619, those Senators voting in the 

18   negative are Senators Borrello, Gallivan, 

19   Helming, Jacobs, Ortt and Robach.

20                Ayes, 50.  Nays, 6.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

22   bill is passed.

23                Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

24   reading of today's supplemental calendar.

25                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you, 


 1   Mr. President.

 2                Let me just, for my part, thank all 

 3   my colleagues for their understanding and 

 4   cooperation and indulgence today.  We're doing 

 5   the best we can to keep this body moving forward 

 6   in a very challenging time.  Particularly Senator 

 7   Griffo, my counterpart, who has worked very 

 8   closely with us to figure out the protocols and 

 9   logistics of how we're going to be operating in 

10   this new world.

11                And with that, is there any further 

12   business at the desk?

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   There 

14   is no further business at the desk.

15                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please recognize 

16   Senator Griffo for an announcement.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

18   Griffo.

19                SENATOR GRIFFO:   Thank you, 

20   Mr. President.

21                There will be an immediate meeting 

22   of the Republican Conference in Room 315.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   There 

24   will be an immediate meeting of the Republican 

25   Conference in Room 315.


 1                Senator Gianaris.

 2                SENATOR GIANARIS:   There will also 

 3   be a conference of -- a Majority conference in 

 4   Hearing Room A at 1:45.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   There 

 6   will be a Majority Conference meeting in 

 7   Hearing Room A at 1:45.

 8                SENATOR GIANARIS:   I move to 

 9   adjourn subject to the call of the 

10   Temporary President, intervening days being 

11   legislative days.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   On 

13   motion, the Senate stands adjourned, subject to 

14   the call of the Temporary President, intervening 

15   days being legislative days.

16                (Whereupon, at 1:27 p.m., the Senate 

17   adjourned.)