Regular Session - February 1, 2021


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                  February 1, 2021

11                      3:05 p.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR BRIAN A. BENJAMIN, Acting President









 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 3   Senate will come to order.  

 4                I ask everyone present to please 

 5   rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7   the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.) 

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   In the 

 9   absence of clergy, let us bow our heads in a 

10   moment of silent reflection or prayer.

11                (Whereupon, the assemblage respected 

12   a moment of silence.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

14   reading of the Journal.

15                THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Sunday, 

16   January 31, 2021, the Senate met pursuant to 

17   adjournment.  The Journal of Saturday, 

18   January 30, 2021, was read and approved.  On 

19   motion, Senate adjourned.  

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Without 

21   objection, the Journal stands approved as read.  

22                Presentation of petitions.  

23                Messages from the Assembly.  

24                Messages from the Governor.  

25                Reports of standing committees.  


 1                Reports of select committees.  

 2                Communications and reports from 

 3   state officers.  

 4                Motions and resolutions.  

 5                Senator Gianaris.  

 6                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

 7   on behalf of Senator Kaplan, on page 13 I offer 

 8   the following amendments to Calendar 82, Senate 

 9   Print 531, and ask that said bill retain its 

10   place on Third Reading Calendar.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

12   amendments are received, and the bill shall 

13   retain its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

14                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Also on behalf 

15   of Senator Kaplan, on page 16 I offer the 

16   following amendments to Calendar 115, Senate 

17   Print 931, and ask that said bill retain its 

18   place on Third Reading Calendar.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

20   amendments are received, and the bill shall 

21   retain its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

22                Senator Gianaris.

23                SENATOR GIANARIS:   At this time can 

24   we take up previously adopted Resolution 132, by 

25   Senator Persaud, read its title only, and 


 1   recognize Senator Persaud.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 3   Secretary will read.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

 5   132, by Senator Persaud, recognizing February 1, 

 6   2021, as World Hijab Day.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 8   Persaud on the resolution.

 9                SENATOR PERSAUD:   Thank you, 

10   Mr. President.  

11                On February 1, 2013, the first 

12   annual World Hijab Day, or WHD, was born, by a 

13   New Yorker.  She was a resident who came to this 

14   country from Bangladesh.  Her name:  Nezma Khan.  

15                Ms. Khan experienced religious 

16   insensitivity due to her hijab and events at the 

17   World Trade Center on September 11th.  Many of us 

18   remember what happened to our Muslim brothers and 

19   sisters after that.

20                The event takes place on 

21   February 1st each year in 140 countries.  Hijab 

22   is an Arabic word meaning "barrier or partition."  

23   As you can see, Mr. President, I am not wearing 

24   it properly, but I'm trying.

25                In Islam, however, it has a broader 


 1   meaning.  It is the principle of modesty and 

 2   includes behavior, as well as dress, for both 

 3   males and females.

 4                The most visible form of the hijab 

 5   is the head covering that many Muslim women wear.  

 6   Today they're hosting an event where many of 

 7   these women are speaking about wearing their 

 8   hijabs.  

 9                The purpose of this unique holiday 

10   is to recognize millions of Muslim women who 

11   choose to wear the hijab and live a life of 

12   modesty.

13                While New York is a melting pot of 

14   various cultures and religious beliefs, with the 

15   free will to believe in anything, World Hijab Day 

16   promotes religious tolerance of Muslims and 

17   Hijabi Muslim women in particular.  On this day, 

18   women of other religions are encouraged to 

19   experience wearing a hijab for a day.

20                Since its introduction to the world, 

21   WHD has been recognized by various news outlets 

22   across the world.  Also, in this body, we have 

23   officially recognized World Hijab Day numerous 

24   times since February 1, 2013.

25                To fully promote the idea of 


 1   educating others to maintain universal 

 2   solidarity, WHD grants non-Muslim citizens the 

 3   opportunity to develop a keener sense of 

 4   religious tolerance.

 5                I am proud to sponsor this 

 6   resolution once again.  Our chamber, our state, 

 7   our country, and the world generally need to be 

 8   more tolerant of others who are perceived to be 

 9   different from us.

10                To quote author and journalist 

11   Joseph E. Osborne:  "Tolerance is the positive 

12   and cordial effort to understand another's 

13   beliefs, practices and habits without necessarily 

14   sharing or accepting them."

15                Thank you, Mr. President.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

17   Jackson on the resolution.

18                SENATOR JACKSON:   Thank you, 

19   Mr. President.

20                My colleagues, I rise to support my 

21   colleague Senator Persaud's resolution to 

22   recognize February 1st as World Hijab Day.  

23                The veil has been a crucial but 

24   contested symbol of Islam for centuries.  Most 

25   recently it has become a stand-in for an imagined 


 1   clash of civilizations, especially for 

 2   conservatives and religious fundamentalists both 

 3   in this country and abroad.

 4                What usually goes on underneath the 

 5   surface in those debates is that some men are 

 6   saying women should wear one thing, while other 

 7   men are saying they should wear another.  In the 

 8   end, it all boils down to patriarchy, and that's 

 9   not a good thing.

10                Instead, I encourage us to view the 

11   hijab as this resolution frames it:  "A choice, a 

12   freedom, and a blessing."  Women must have the 

13   freedom to choose their clothing free of judgment 

14   from others.  If a woman's religious devotion, or 

15   her desire for modesty, or any other motive which 

16   leads her to don the hijab, then we should 

17   support that decision as a society and lift her 

18   up.  Likewise, if a woman decides not to veil.  

19                I commend our American Muslim 

20   community and in particular Nezma Khan, from the 

21   Bronx, who started World Hijab Day, for their 

22   advocacy in the face of adversity.  And I hope 

23   that you, my colleagues, will join me in 

24   supporting this resolution.

25                On the flyer that they put out, it 


 1   has at the top "World Hijab Day, February 1st."  

 2   And then it has the saying "My choice, my COVID 

 3   protection, my hijab."

 4                Senator Persaud, let me thank you 

 5   for bringing this resolution to our esteemed 

 6   body.  I say aye on it.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 8   resolution was previously adopted on 

 9   January 20th.  

10                Senator Gianaris.

11                SENATOR GIANARIS:   At the request 

12   of Senator Persaud, that resolution is open for 

13   cosponsorship.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

15   resolution is open for cosponsorship.  Should you 

16   choose not to be a cosponsor of the resolution, 

17   please notify the desk.

18                Senator Gianaris.

19                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please take up 

20   the reading of the calendar, Mr. President.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

22   Secretary will read.

23                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 32, 

24   Senate Print 879, by Senator Benjamin, an act to 

25   require the Department of Health of the State of 


 1   New York to conduct a study of the effects of 

 2   racial and ethnic disparities on infant 

 3   mortality.  

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 5   the last section.

 6                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 7   act shall take effect same date and in the same 

 8   manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2020.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

10   the roll.

11                (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

13   Announce the results.

14                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 63.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

16   bill is passed.

17                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 67, 

18   Senate Print 1296, by Senator Benjamin, an act 

19   requiring the Department of Health of the State 

20   of New York to conduct a review of the effects of 

21   racial and ethnicity disparities on breastfeeding 

22   rates.  

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

24   the last section.  

25                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 


 1   act shall take effect immediately.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 3   the roll.

 4                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 6   Announce the results.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 63.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 9   bill is passed.

10                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 88, 

11   Senate Print 1463, by Senator Addabbo, an act to 

12   amend Chapter 473 of the Laws of 2010.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

14   the last section.

15                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

16   act shall take effect immediately.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

18   the roll.

19                (The Secretary called the roll.)

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

21   Announce the results.

22                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 63.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

24   bill is passed.

25                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 90, 


 1   Senate Print 679A, by Senator Harckham, an act to 

 2   amend the Mental Hygiene Law.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 4   the last section.

 5                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 6   act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 7   shall have become a law.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 9   the roll.

10                (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

12   Harckham to explain his vote.

13                SENATOR HARCKHAM:   Thank you, 

14   Mr. President.

15                It's a pleasure to see you from my 

16   new location of my desk on this side of the 

17   chamber.  Thank you for hearing me.

18                I want to thank the Majority Leader 

19   for this equity package.  As we heard last year 

20   from thousands of our constituents crying out 

21   about inequities in our society and in our 

22   systems, today's package goes a long way to start 

23   to address that.  And one of those systems is our 

24   treatment system for substance use disorder.  

25                And I want to thank 


 1   Assemblywoman Rosenthal for being the principal 

 2   sponsor of this bill.

 3                And we heard about the need for this 

 4   bill last year when our bipartisan Task Force on 

 5   Opioids Addiction and Overdose Prevention toured 

 6   the state.  And we heard of the treatment 

 7   deserts, we heard of the language barriers, the 

 8   cultural barriers, the gender barriers, the 

 9   gender identification barriers, and so much more.  

10                So this council will address those, 

11   made up of members appointed by the Governor, by 

12   the Assembly leader, by the Majority Leader.  And 

13   they'll use data.  This will be a data-driven 

14   task force to identify what the systemic barriers 

15   are for people throughout New York State, and 

16   give us the data that we can use to address 

17   those.

18                So I vote aye, and I encourage 

19   everyone else to as well.  Thank you, Mr. Chair.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

21   Harckham to be recorded in the affirmative.

22                Senator Helming to explain her vote.

23                SENATOR HELMING:   Thank you, 

24   Mr. President.  I rise to explain my vote.  

25                This bill proposes the creation of 


 1   the Council for Treatment Equity, which would 

 2   analyze current public health programs that 

 3   combat substance abuse.  Important work.  The 

 4   Council for Treatment Equity would focus on 

 5   sensitive public health interventions toward 

 6   underserved communities.  

 7                As we heard the sponsor say, the 

 8   Treatment Equity Advisory Board would consist of 

 9   13 members, six members appointed by Governor 

10   Cuomo, six members by the Majority of the Senate 

11   and the Assembly, and the final member is the 

12   chairperson of the Conference of Local Mental 

13   Hygiene Directors.

14                Mr. President, I have nothing 

15   against the merits of this bill.  Substance abuse 

16   treatment disparities impact underserved 

17   populations in communities across the entire 

18   state.  Which makes me question why the sponsor 

19   has not provided for any Minority appointments.  

20   This is truly not a political issue.

21                By not allowing a single Republican 

22   appointee, I believe the sponsor is sending a 

23   mixed message on equity.  Therefore, 

24   Mr. President, I will be voting in the negative 

25   and I urge my colleagues on both sides of the 


 1   aisle to stand up for fair, nonpartisan 

 2   representation on the Council for Treatment 

 3   Equity by voting no.

 4                Thank you, Mr. President.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 6   Senator Helming to be recorded in the negative.

 7                Announce the results.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 9   Calendar 90, those Senators voting in the 

10   negative are Senators Helming, O'Mara, Ortt and 

11   Weik.

12                Ayes, 59.  Nays, 4.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

14   bill is passed.

15                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 93, 

16   Senate Print 1352, by Senator Serrano, an act to 

17   amend the Education Law and the Public Health 

18   Law.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

20   the last section.

21                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

22   act shall take effect immediately.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

24   the roll.

25                (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 2   Announce the results.

 3                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 4   Calendar Number 93, those Senators voting in the 

 5   negative are Senators Akshar, Borrello, Boyle, 

 6   Griffo, Helming, Jordan, Mattera, O'Mara, Ortt, 

 7   Palumbo, Rath, Serino, Tedisco, Weik.  Also 

 8   Senators Oberacker, Ritchie and Stec.

 9                Ayes, 46.  Nays, 17.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

11   bill is passed.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 94, 

13   Senate Print 1407, by Senator Parker, an act to 

14   amend the Education Law.

15                SENATOR HELMING:   Mr. President, I 

16   ask that we lay this aside.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Lay it 

18   aside.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20   105, Senate Print 410A, by Senator Biaggi, an act 

21   to establish a Minority Coordinating Council on 

22   Asthmatic Affairs.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

24   the last section.

25                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 


 1   act shall take effect immediately.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 3   the roll.

 4                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 6   Announce the results.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 63.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 9   bill is passed.

10                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11   106, Senate Print 646A, by Senator Sanders, an 

12   act to direct the New York State Department of 

13   Health to conduct a study on the incidences of 

14   asthma in cities.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

16   the last section.

17                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

18   act shall take effect immediately.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

20   the roll.

21                (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

23   Announce the results.

24                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 63.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 


 1   bill is passed.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3   108, Senate Print 1374, by Senator Sanders, an 

 4   act to amend the Public Health Law.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 6   the last section.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8   act shall take effect immediately.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

10   the roll.

11                (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

13   Announce the results.

14                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 63.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

16   bill is passed.

17                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18   110, Senate Print 1451, by Senator Rivera, an act 

19   to amend the Public Health Law.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

21   the last section.

22                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

23   act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

24   shall have become a law.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 


 1   the roll.

 2                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 4   Announce the results.

 5                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 6   Calendar 110, those Senators voting in the 

 7   negative are Senators Akshar, Borrello, Boyle, 

 8   Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, Jordan, Lanza, 

 9   Mattera, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rath, 

10   Ritchie, Serino, Stec, Tedisco and Weik.

11                Ayes, 44.  Nays, 19.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

13   bill is passed.

14                Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

15   reading of today's calendar.

16                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

17   can we now take up the controversial calendar.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

19   Secretary will ring the bell.

20                The Secretary will read.

21                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 94, 

22   Senate Print 1407, by Senator Parker, an act to 

23   amend the Education Law.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

25   Senator Helming, why do you rise?  


 1                SENATOR HELMING:   Mr. President, I 

 2   believe there's an amendment at the desk.  I 

 3   waive the reading of the amendment and ask that 

 4   you recognize Senator O'Mara to be heard.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Thank 

 6   you, Senator Helming.

 7                Upon review of the amendment, in 

 8   accordance with Rule 6, Section 4B, I rule it 

 9   nongermane and out of order at this time.  

10                SENATOR HELMING:   Accordingly, 

11   Mr. President, I appeal the ruling of the chair 

12   and ask that Senator O'Mara be recognized.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

14   appeal has been made and recognized, and 

15   Senator O'Mara may be heard.

16                SENATOR O'MARA:   Good afternoon and 

17   thank you, Mr. President.  I rise to appeal the 

18   ruling of the chair on this amendment before the 

19   desk.

20                I submit that the amendment is 

21   germane to the bill at hand because this 

22   amendment would restore balance between the 

23   executive and legislative branches of this state 

24   which has been missing for many, many months now.  

25   It would assist with consumers and making 


 1   healthcare decisions based on the facts and 

 2   science, and not edicts from this Governor.

 3                Mr. President, we have moved this 

 4   amendment six times already this year.  It's 

 5   February 1st today.  We've moved it six times; 

 6   this is the seventh time in the 2021 session.  We 

 7   moved it two times last year during the two 

 8   separate weeks that we were in session after the 

 9   pandemic struck.  

10                In all, it is now the ninth time 

11   that this body is voting on this amendment to 

12   terminate the Governor's emergency powers and to 

13   get this legislative body back in the business of 

14   checks and balances, to restore our appropriate 

15   oversight role as the Legislature in this state.  

16   Checks and balances.  

17                Nine times we have brought this 

18   amendment.  Nine times -- I'm assuming today will 

19   be the same -- every Republican is voting to 

20   terminate the Governor's emergency powers.  Nine 

21   times every Democrat in this supermajority of 

22   this State Senate is voting against, not 

23   terminating the Governor's emergency powers.

24                You know, particularly in light of 

25   the outstanding reports last week of the Attorney 


 1   General's investigation into the nursing home 

 2   debacle in this state, and the concealing by this 

 3   executive branch of the real numbers, of just how 

 4   poorly this state did for our senior citizens in 

 5   nursing homes, I for one think this Legislature 

 6   needs to get in the business of reviewing that as 

 7   an oversight priority in this state, and not take 

 8   the words of the Governor that says he's done 

 9   everything right and he's doing everything right 

10   because he's the expert, or that the AG's report 

11   is full and accurate.  I don't know that it is, 

12   and the numbers may be far worse than they're 

13   actually shown.

14                We must take a look back that this 

15   Attorney General was the hand-picked candidate by 

16   this Governor when she ran for Attorney General.  

17   It leaves those decisions in the fullness of that 

18   investigation questionable -- and no finding in 

19   that investigation on just what relation the 

20   Governor's fateful order of sending 

21   COVID-positive patients into nursing homes, just 

22   what effect that had on the fatalities sustained 

23   by our senior citizens in this state since March, 

24   since the order was given.  

25                Given today's New York Times article 


 1   highlighting the fact that nine senior Department 

 2   of Health administrators, top executives, have 

 3   quit, have resigned, have retired in recent 

 4   months, one can only surmise how much the 

 5   Governor's control of that agency has driven 

 6   those decisions for those career individuals to 

 7   flee a Department of Health that is not, in my 

 8   opinion, being consulted, not being considered, 

 9   and the Governor micromanaging this entire 

10   pandemic without oversight of this legislative 

11   body.  

12                It's time that that comes to an end 

13   and that this Legislature, this Senate, with a 

14   supermajority, actually get involved in the 

15   checks and balances of government, the oversight 

16   of this Executive, which it handed off 11 months 

17   ago.  Eleven months that the Governor has had 

18   complete dictatorial control of this government, 

19   while the supermajority in this house sits by and 

20   allows it to continue.  

21                For those reasons, Mr. President, I 

22   submit that this amendment is germane to the bill 

23   at hand, and I urge a vote to overturn the ruling 

24   of the chair.  Thank you, Mr. President.  

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Thank 


 1   you, Senator O'Mara.

 2                I want to remind the house that the 

 3   vote is on the procedures of the house and the 

 4   ruling of the chair.

 5                Those in favor of overruling the 

 6   chair signify by saying aye.

 7                SENATOR HELMING:   Mr. President, 

 8   request a show of hands.

 9                SENATOR GIANARIS:   We've agreed, 

10   Mr. President, to waive the showing of the hands 

11   and record each member of the Minority in the 

12   affirmative on this vote.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Without 

14   objection, so ordered. 

15                Announce the results.

16                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 20.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

18   ruling of the chair stands, and the bill-in-chief 

19   is before the house.

20                Are there any other Senators wishing 

21   to be heard?  Seeing and hearing none, debate is 

22   closed.

23                The Secretary will ring the bell.  

24                Read the last section.

25                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 


 1   act shall take effect December 1, 2021.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 3   the roll.

 4                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 6   Announce the results.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 63.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 9   bill is passed.

10                Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

11   reading of the controversial calendar.

12                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

13   on behalf of Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, I 

14   hand up the following committee assignments for 

15   the Majority Conference.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

17   hand-up is received and shall be filed in the 

18   Journal.

19                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Is there any 

20   further business at the desk?

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   There 

22   is no further business at the desk.

23                SENATOR GIANARIS:   I move to 

24   adjourn until tomorrow, Tuesday, February 2nd, at 

25   3:00 p.m.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   On 

 2   motion, the Senate stands adjourned until 

 3   Tuesday, February 2nd, at 3:00 p.m.

 4                (Whereupon, at 3:28 p.m., the Senate 

 5   adjourned.)



