Regular Session - January 23, 2023


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                  January 23, 2023

11                      3:22 p.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR JAMAAL T. BAILEY, Acting President









 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

 3    Senate will come to order.  

 4                 I ask everyone present to please 

 5    rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                 (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7    the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   In the 

 9    absence of clergy, let us bow our heads in a 

10    moment of silent reflection or prayer.

11                 (Whereupon, the assemblage respected 

12    a moment of silence.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Reading 

14    of the Journal.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Sunday, 

16    January 22, 2023, the Senate met pursuant to 

17    adjournment.  The Journal of Saturday, 

18    January 21, 2023, was read and approved.  On 

19    motion, the Senate adjourned.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Without 

21    objection, the Journal stands approved as read.

22                 Presentation of petitions.

23                 Messages from the Assembly.

24                 The Secretary will read.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Skoufis 


 1    moves to discharge, from the Committee on Rules, 

 2    Assembly Bill Number 616 and substitute it for 

 3    the identical Senate Bill 826, Third Reading 

 4    Calendar 35.

 5                 Senator Sanders moves to discharge, 

 6    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill Number 

 7    615 and substitute it for the identical Senate 

 8    Bill 829, Third Reading Calendar 38.

 9                 Senator Hinchey moves to discharge, 

10    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill Number 

11    617 and substitute it for the identical Senate 

12    Bill 847, Third Reading Calendar 56.

13                 Senator Harckham moves to discharge, 

14    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill Number 

15    988 and substitute it for the identical Senate 

16    Bill 856, Third Reading Calendar 65.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   So 

18    ordered.

19                 Messages from the Governor.

20                 Reports of standing committees.

21                 Reports of select committees.

22                 Communications and reports from 

23    state officers.

24                 Motions and resolutions.

25                 Senator Gianaris.


 1                 SENATOR LANZA:   Mr. President -- 

 2                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. Presi -- I 

 3    have the floor, Senator Lanza.  

 4                 I have a motion.  On page 8 I offer 

 5    the following amendments to Calendar 37, 

 6    Senate Print 828, and ask that said bill retain 

 7    its place on Third Reading Calendar.  

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

 9    amendments are received, and the bill will retain 

10    its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

11                 Senator Gianaris.

12                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please recognize 

13    Senator Lanza.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

15    Lanza, why do you rise?

16                 SENATOR LANZA:   Mr. President, I 

17    rise on a point of order.

18                 Is there a report of the Judiciary 

19    Committee at the desk?  

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   There is 

21    no report of the Judiciary Committee at the desk, 

22    Senator Lanza.

23                 SENATOR LANZA:   Mr. President, the 

24    fact that there is no report from the 

25    Judiciary Committee at the desk violates 


 1    Senate Rule VII, paragraph 7, which requires a 

 2    report to the Senate from the committee of a 

 3    nomination referred to it.  

 4                 The rule makes no distinction 

 5    between a report that is favorable and a report 

 6    that is not favorable.  

 7                 I request that the chair order the 

 8    Judiciary Committee to report the nomination to 

 9    the desk.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

11    Lanza, pursuant to Rule VII, in longstanding 

12    Senate practice, a report of a -- of a standing 

13    committee that is not recommended does not make 

14    its way -- does not make its way to the desk.

15                 SENATOR LANZA:   Mr. President.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

17    Lanza.

18                 SENATOR LANZA:   Senate Rule VII 

19    clearly states that "all nominations sent by the 

20    Governor for the appointment of any officer shall 

21    be submitted to the Temporary President who shall 

22    then refer such nominations simultaneously."

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:  

24    Simultaneously?

25                 SENATOR LANZA:   So I'll skip to 


 1    the -- the conclusion of that:  "other than the 

 2    Committee on Judiciary shall thereafter refer 

 3    such nomination to the Finance Committee of the 

 4    Senate who shall take whatever further actions it 

 5    deems necessary and thereafter make its report on 

 6    the nomination to the full Senate."

 7                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

 9    Gianaris.

10                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I'd like to also 

11    direct Senator Lanza's attention to Rule VI, 

12    which says no committee shall vote to report a 

13    matter unless a majority of all the members 

14    thereof vote in favor of such report.  

15                 And in the case that Senator Lanza 

16    is referring to, as we all now know, there was 

17    not majority support for making such a report.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:  So noted, 

19    Senator Gianaris.  

20                 SENATOR LANZA:   Mr. President.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

22    Lanza.

23                 SENATOR LANZA:   Mister -- 

24    Mr. President, I point out that Rule VI is a very 

25    general provision regarding reports from 


 1    committees, while Rule VII is very specific to 

 2    nominations, and therefore it is the governing 

 3    rule for this body relevant to this matter.

 4                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, I 

 5    believe you've made clear the position of the 

 6    Senate, and I would encourage you to rule 

 7    Senator Lanza's motions out of order and we can 

 8    proceed with the day's business.

 9                 SENATOR LANZA:   Mr. President, I 

10    appeal the ruling of the chair and ask for a show 

11    of hands.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

13    Lanza, you're out of order.

14                 SENATOR LANZA:   Mr. President, I 

15    appeal the ruling of the chair and ask for a show 

16    of hands.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   So 

18    ordered.  A show of hands to -- a show of hands 

19    to -- to overturn the ruling of the chair.

20                 (Show of hands.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

22    motion fails.

23                 Senator Gianaris.

24                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   We were waiting 

25    for a count of the raised hands.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   I was 

 2    presumptuous.  I apologize.

 3                 (Laughter.)

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   May we 

 5    once again have the show of hands, please.  

 6                 (Show of hands.)

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 20.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

 9    ruling of the chair stands.

10                 Senator Gianaris.

11                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

12    there will be an immediate meeting of the 

13    Rules Committee in Room 332.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   There 

15    will be an immediate meeting of the 

16    Rules Committee in Room 332.

17                 The Senate will stand at ease.

18                 (Whereupon, the Senate stood at ease 

19    at 3:30 p.m.)

20                 (Whereupon, the Senate reconvened at 

21    3:41 p.m.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

23    Senate will return to order.

24                 Senator Gianaris.

25                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 


 1    as there was a committee in which a majority of 

 2    members voted to issue a report, I believe 

 3    there's a report of the Rules Committee at the 

 4    desk.  Can we take that up, please.  

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Indeed 

 6    there is.  The Secretary will read.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator 

 8    Stewart-Cousins, from the Committee on Rules, 

 9    reports the following bills:

10                 Senate Print 108A, by 

11    Senator Krueger, Concurrent Resolution of the 

12    Senate and Assembly proposing an amendment to 

13    Section 11 of Article 1 of the Constitution; 

14                 Senate Print 348B, by 

15    Senator Cleare, an act to amend the 

16    Public Health Law; 

17                 Senate Print 1003A, by 

18    Senator Hinchey, an act to amend the 

19    Public Health Law; 

20                 Senate Print 1043, by 

21    Senator Stavisky, an act to amend the 

22    Education Law; 

23                 Senate Print 1066A, by 

24    Senator Mayer, an act to amend the 

25    Criminal Procedure Law; 


 1                 Senate Print 1521, by 

 2    Senator Hoylman-Sigal, an act in relation to 

 3    terms and conditions of employment of certain 

 4    nonjudicial officers; 

 5                 Senate Print 2219, by 

 6    Senator Cooney, an act to amend the 

 7    State Finance Law; 

 8                 Senate Print 2220, by 

 9    Senator Skoufis, an act to amend the 

10    Public Officers Law; 

11                 Senate Print 2221, by 

12    Senator Martinez, an act to amend the Penal Law; 

13                 Senate Print 2222, by 

14    Senator Harckham, an act to amend the 

15    Environmental Conservation Law; 

16                 Senate Print 2223, by 

17    Senator Scarcella-Spanton, an act to amend the 

18    Executive Law;

19                 Senate Print 2224, by 

20    Senator Martinez, an act to amend the 

21    Public Service Law; 

22                 Senate Print 2225, by 

23    Senator Parker, an act to amend the 

24    Public Service Law; 

25                 Senate Print 2226, by Senator Webb, 


 1    an act to amend the Public Health Law; 

 2                 Senate Print 2227, by 

 3    Senator Parker, an act to amend the 

 4    Public Service Law; 

 5                 Senate Print 2228, by 

 6    Senator Breslin, an act to amend the 

 7    Insurance Law; 

 8                 Senate Print 2229, by 

 9    Senator Sanders, an act to amend the Banking Law;

10                 Senate Print 2230, by 

11    Senator Cleare, an act to amend the 

12    Public Health Law;

13                 Senate Print 2231, by 

14    Senator Breslin, an act to amend the 

15    Insurance Law;

16                 Senate Print 2232, by 

17    Senator Thomas, an act to amend a chapter of the 

18    Laws of 2022; 

19                 Senate Print 2233, by 

20    Senator Thomas, an act to amend a chapter of the 

21    Laws of 2022; 

22                 Senate Print 2234, by 

23    Senator Hoylman-Sigal, an act to amend the 

24    Domestic Relations Law.

25                 All bills reported direct to third 


 1    reading.

 2                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to accept 

 3    the report of the Rules Committee.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   All those 

 5    in favor of accepting the report of the 

 6    Rules Committee signify by saying aye.

 7                 (Response of "Aye.")

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Opposed, 

 9    nay?  

10                 (No response.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

12    report of the Rules Committee is accepted.

13                 Senator Gianaris.

14                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

15    at this time can we return to motions and 

16    resolutions and take up previously adopted 

17    Resolution 187, by Senator Chu, read the 

18    resolution's title, and recognize Senator Chu.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

20    Secretary will read.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

22    187, by Senator Chu, commemorating the 

23    Asian-American community's celebration of the 

24    Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rabbit, on 

25    January 22, 2023.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

 2    Chu on the resolution.

 3                 SENATOR CHU:   Thank you, 

 4    Mr. President.

 5                 It's truly a great honor to stand 

 6    here before all my colleagues to -- commemorating 

 7    and recognizing the Lunar New Year of 2023.  

 8    Especially we all heard about what happened in 

 9    L.A. in the past weekend.  It was a very heavy 

10    heartfelt weekend for many Asian-American 

11    families while we're trying to celebrate this 

12    important holiday.

13                 As the first Asian-American woman to 

14    be elected to the State Senate, and representing 

15    an Asian-plurality district in Southern Brooklyn 

16    and Brooklyn Chinatown, today is very meaningful 

17    to all our AAPI communities across New York 

18    State.  

19                 Lunar New Year is the beginning of 

20    the lunar calendar year, which is widely 

21    celebrated and observed in many East and 

22    Southeast Asian countries and regions, like 

23    China, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore, 

24    and Malaysia.  

25                 In New York State, the Asian 


 1    community is the fastest-growing ethnic group.  

 2    The Asian-American population increased nearly 

 3    40 percent in the past 10 years, and now 

 4    Asian-Americans are a little over 10 percent of 

 5    New York State's total population.  Therefore, by 

 6    recognizing this cultural and traditional event, 

 7    it certainly shows our commitment to the respect 

 8    of every ethnic heritage.  

 9                 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit.  It 

10    is reflective of a deep underlying confidence and 

11    strength, steadfast in moving toward their goals.  

12    It also symbolizes firm but gentle in spirit, 

13    intelligence, and hope.  As a member of our 

14    chamber, I believe this spirit of the Year of the 

15    Rabbit also reflects our common goals.  

16                 I also would like to take this 

17    moment to recognize the generosity of my 

18    colleague Senator Brian Kavanagh, who has so 

19    graciously allowed me to carry this torch of 

20    presenting this resolution together.  

21                 And that's all I have.  Thank you, 

22    Mr. President.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Thank 

24    you, Senator Chu.

25                 Senator Cooney on the resolution.


 1                 SENATOR COONEY:   Thank you, 

 2    Mr. President.

 3                 I want to start by joining my 

 4    colleagues in wishing you all a very Happy 

 5    New Year, those who celebrate the Lunar New Year 

 6    across the state.  

 7                 And thank you, Senator Chu, for your 

 8    leadership, and Senator Kavanagh for raising this 

 9    important opportunity, not just to mark the 

10    tragedy that happened in Monterey Park, but also 

11    to remind us all about what this new year 

12    promises for all of us across New York.

13                 Many of you know about my 

14    South Asian heritage, but you may not know that 

15    my wife, Diane, is a first-generation 

16    Chinese-American.  We are very proud of our 

17    shared AAPI representation, especially in 

18    communities outside of the great City of 

19    New York.  

20                 The Asian population is the 

21    fastest-growing demographic in the United States, 

22    including a 37 percent increase right here in 

23    New York State between 2010 and 2020.  So today 

24    is an excellent reminder for all of us that 

25    representation truly matters.  


 1                 And it is a privilege to serve with 

 2    other AAPI members, both in this chamber and in 

 3    the Assembly.  Our AAPI Caucus is growing, and 

 4    together we are amplifying the voices of our 

 5    community and leading by example.  We are showing 

 6    the next generation of Asian-Americans in 

 7    New York State that they have a seat in this 

 8    chamber and a voice to be heard.

 9                 So again, let me remind us all that 

10    this is a moment of celebration and renewal.  

11    Happy New Year.  And as Senator Chu said, in the 

12    Year of the Rabbit we are focused on prosperity 

13    and hope, a goal that we all share on both sides 

14    of the aisle.  

15                 Thank you, Mr. President.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Thank 

17    you, Senator Cooney.

18                 The resolution was previously 

19    adopted on January 18th.

20                 Senator Gianaris.  

21                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

22    at the request of Senator Chu, the resolution is 

23    open for cosponsorship.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

25    resolution is open for cosponsorship.  Should you 


 1    choose not to be a cosponsor of this resolution, 

 2    please notify the desk.

 3                 Senator Gianaris.

 4                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please take up 

 5    the reading of the calendar.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

 7    Secretary will read.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 35, 

 9    Assembly Print 616, by Assemblymember 

10    Jean-Pierre, an act to amend a chapter of the 

11    Laws of 2022.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

13    last section.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

15    act shall take effect immediately.  

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

20    the results.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

23    is passed.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 38, 

25    Assembly Print 615, by Assemblymember Thiele, an 


 1    act to amend the Agriculture and Markets Law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 5    act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

 6    same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2022.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

 8    roll.

 9                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

11    the results.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

14    is passed.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 40, 

16    Senate Print 831, by Senator Rivera, an act 

17    relating to the availability of training for 

18    state-approved education or training programs.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

22    act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

23    same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2022.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 52, 

 8    Senate Print 843, by Senator Liu, an act to amend 

 9    the Education Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

13    act shall take effect immediately.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

20    Calendar 52, those Senators recorded in the 

21    negative are Senators Borrello, Griffo, Lanza, 

22    O'Mara, Ortt and Rhoads.

23                 Ayes, 55.  Nays, 6.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 56, 

 2    Assembly Print 617, by Assemblymember Woerner, an 

 3    act to amend the Agriculture and Markets Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 7    act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

 8    same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2022.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

10    roll.

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

13    the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

15    Calendar Number 56, voting in the negative:  

16    Senator Skoufis.

17                 Ayes, 60.  Nays, 1.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 57, 

21    Senate Print 848, by Senator Gianaris, an act to 

22    amend the Labor Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 


 1    act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

 2    same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2022.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

 4    roll.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

 7    the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 9    Calendar Number 57, those Senators voting in the 

10    negative are Senators Borrello, Griffo, Helming, 

11    Murray, O'Mara, Ortt and Weik.

12                 Ayes, 54.  Nays, 7.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

14    is passed.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 58, 

16    Senate Print 849, by Senator Persaud, an act to 

17    amend the Executive Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

21    act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

22    same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2022.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

24    roll.

25                 (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

 2    the results.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 4    Calendar Number 58, those Senators voting in the 

 5    negative are Senators Borrello, Gallivan, Griffo, 

 6    Helming, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 

 7    Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Walczyk and Weik.

 8                 Ayes, 47.  Nays, 14.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 65, 

12    Assembly Print 988, by Assemblymember Rosenthal, 

13    an act to repeal Section 1 of a chapter of the 

14    Laws of 2022.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

18    act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

19    same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2022.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

21    roll.

22                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

24    the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

 2    is passed.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 67, 

 4    Senate Print 858, by Senator Mannion, an act to 

 5    amend the State Finance Law.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

 7    last section.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 9    act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

10    same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2022.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

12    roll.

13                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

15    the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 68, 

20    Senate Print 859, by Senator Ryan, an act to 

21    amend the Education Law and the Tax Law.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

23    last section.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

25    act shall take effect on the same date and in the 


 1    same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2022.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 87, 

11    Senate Print 1318, by Senator Breslin, an act to 

12    amend the Insurance Law.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

14    last section.  

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

16    act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

17    same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2022.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

24    Calendar 87, those Senators voting in the 

25    negative are Senators Martins and Skoufis.


 1                 Ayes 59.  Nays, 2.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

 3    is passed.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5    102, Senate Print 1334, by Senator Cooney, an act 

 6    to amend the Real Property Actions and 

 7    Proceedings Law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

11    act shall take effect on the same date and in the 

12    same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2022.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

14    roll.

15                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

17    the results.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

20    is passed.

21                 Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

22    reading of today's calendar.

23                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Is there any 

24    further business at the desk?

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   There is 


 1    no further business at the desk.  

 2                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I move to 

 3    adjourn until tomorrow, Tuesday, January 24th, at 

 4    3:00 p.m.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   On 

 6    motion, the Senate stands adjourned until 

 7    Tuesday, January 24th, at 3:00 p.m.

 8                 (Whereupon, at 3:53 p.m., the Senate 

 9    adjourned.)