Regular Session - January 22, 2024


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                  January 22, 2024

11                      3:47 p.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR JAMAAL T. BAILEY, Acting President









 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

 3    Senate will come to order.  

 4                 I ask everyone present to please 

 5    rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                 (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7    the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   In the 

 9    absence of clergy, let us bow our heads in a 

10    moment of silent reflection and/or prayer.

11                 (Whereupon, the assemblage respected 

12    a moment of silence.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

14    reading of the Journal.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Sunday, 

16    January 21, 2024, the Senate met pursuant to 

17    adjournment.  The Journal of Saturday, 

18    January 20, 2024, was read and approved.  On 

19    motion, the Senate adjourned.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Without 

21    objection, the Journal stands approved as read.

22                 Presentation of petitions.

23                 Messages from the Assembly.

24                 Messages from the Governor.

25                 Reports of standing committees.


 1                 Reports of select committees.

 2                 Communications and reports from 

 3    state officers.

 4                 Motions and resolutions.

 5                 Senator Gianaris.

 6                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

 7    can we take up the reading of the calendar, 

 8    please.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

10    Secretary will read.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 76, 

12    Senate Print 158D, by Senator Krueger, an act to 

13    amend the General Business Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

17    act shall take effect July 1, 2025.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

22    the results.  

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 56.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 79, 

 2    Senate Print 1003A, by Senator Hinchey, an act to 

 3    amend the Public Health Law and the Insurance 

 4    Law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 8.  This 

 8    act shall take effect one year after it shall 

 9    have become a law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

11    roll.

12                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

14    Hinchey to explain her vote.

15                 SENATOR HINCHEY:   Thank you, 

16    Mr. President.

17                 It's been over a year since Roe v. 

18    Wade was overturned, and one of the things I know 

19    so many of us in this chamber are incredibly 

20    proud of is the fact that we have continued to 

21    provide healthcare, including reproductive 

22    healthcare, to people who need it across our 

23    state.

24                 And yet in many communities, 

25    especially in rural communities, we are seeing 


 1    healthcare networks and hospitals deny care for 

 2    folks based on policy-based exclusions, including 

 3    reproductive care, gender-affirming care, and 

 4    end-of-life care.

 5                 In rural communities where we're 

 6    already -- in rural communities and marginalized 

 7    communities where we already see a lack of access 

 8    to healthcare, this bill will make it so that we 

 9    can clearly identify healthcare deserts, ensuring 

10    that we can not only bring in the additional care 

11    that people deserve, but also ensure that those 

12    institutions that are looking to close, whether 

13    that's the maternity care in Columbia County that 

14    closed in 2019 or the Troy Burdett Birthing 

15    Center that is on the chopping block right now in 

16    Troy that serves much of my district in northern 

17    Columbia County, some of the only maternal care 

18    in the region -- this bill will ensure not only 

19    that we provide the resources and the 

20    understanding to bring more healthcare services 

21    to the communities that need it.  

22                 And so I thank the Majority Leader 

23    for bringing this package to the floor.  

24                 We have so much more work to do here 

25    in New York to make sure that every single 


 1    person, regardless of their income, their 

 2    background, or where they live, have access to 

 3    the healthcare that they need.  And I'm proud to 

 4    vote aye on this bill.

 5                 Thank you, Mr. President.  

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

 7    Hinchey to be recorded in the affirmative.

 8                 Announce the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

10    Calendar 79, those Senators voting in the 

11    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

12    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Felder, Gallivan, Griffo, 

13    Helming, Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, O'Mara, 

14    Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Weber and 

15    Weik.  Also Senator Tedisco.

16                 Ayes, 36.  Nays, 20.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 83, 

20    Senate Print 348C, by Senator Cleare, an act to 

21    amend the Public Health Law.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

23    last section.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

25    act shall take effect immediately.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

 2    roll.

 3                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

 5    the results.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 7    Calendar 83, those Senators voting in the 

 8    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

 9    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Felder, Gallivan, Griffo, 

10    Helming, Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, O'Mara, 

11    Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, 

12    Weber and Weik.

13                 Ayes, 39.  Nays, 20.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 There is a substitution at the desk.  

17                 The Secretary will read.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Cleare 

19    moves to discharge, from the Committee on 

20    Women's Issues, Assembly Bill Number 2656 and 

21    substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 201, 

22    Third Reading Calendar 95.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

24    substitution is so ordered.

25                 The Secretary will read.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 95, 

 2    Assembly Bill 2656, by Assemblymember Walker, an 

 3    act to amend the Insurance Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 7    act shall take effect on the first of January.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 96, 

17    Senate Print 2039B, by Senator Brouk, an act to 

18    amend the Public Health Law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

22    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

23    shall have become a law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

 3    Brouk to explain her vote.

 4                 SENATOR BROUK:   Thank you, 

 5    Mr. President.  

 6                 And I want to thank our Majority 

 7    Leader and the State Senate for bringing this 

 8    bill again to pass this year.  

 9                 So one of the things that I talk a 

10    lot about is the maternal mortality crisis and 

11    the fact that it's getting worse and worse here 

12    in New York State.

13                 One of the things that we need to 

14    understand is that one of the most common 

15    pregnancy complications you see are maternal 

16    mental health conditions.  One in five birthing 

17    people are affected by one of these conditions.  

18                 And as with so many things in our 

19    healthcare systems, we see that once again Black 

20    women are disproportionately impacted, in that we 

21    are twice as likely to suffer from one of these 

22    mental health conditions, but half as likely to 

23    get the care that we need.

24                 And so what this bill will help do 

25    is make sure that that the first moment of being 


 1    able to detect and diagnose a maternal mental 

 2    health depression specifically, is usually 

 3    through a questionnaire.  And what this will do 

 4    is widen the opportunities for a provider to 

 5    offer that questionnaire, including well child 

 6    visits.  

 7                 Because I know what is true for 

 8    many, many parents, that we often put the 

 9    wellness and health of our children ahead of our 

10    own even when we are in need.  And so by offering 

11    these questionnaires and the ability to diagnose 

12    someone who might be suffering from a maternal 

13    mental health condition, we're actually going to 

14    make sure that more birthing people, more mothers 

15    postpartum are able to get not just the diagnosis 

16    but the treatment that they deserve.  And that we 

17    know will also mean healthier infants and 

18    children as well.

19                 So again, I thank this body for 

20    understanding the importance of addressing 

21    maternal mental health in this way and proudly 

22    vote aye.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

24    Brouk to be recorded in the affirmative.

25                 Senator Ramos to explain her vote.


 1                 SENATOR RAMOS:   Thank you, 

 2    Mr. President.  

 3                 You know, it's the 51st anniversary 

 4    of Roe v. Wade today.  And I couldn't be prouder 

 5    to be part of a legislature that not only 

 6    codified Roe v. Wade, but has really ensured that 

 7    we are boldly a pro-choice state.  

 8                 Now that we're taken such bold 

 9    action to protect the right to choose, we should 

10    reframe how we think about reproductive justice.  

11    It's about more than making abortion safe and 

12    accessible, it's about providing security, 

13    dignity and care at every stage of a person's 

14    reproductive journey.  It's about making 

15    pregnancies and births safe, especially for women 

16    of color, who have worse outcomes.  

17                 And I want to especially thank 

18    Senator Brouk and all of the other legislators -- 

19    all of whom I believe are women -- who are 

20    passing bills today to really take care of 

21    mothers, of mothers-in-waiting.  

22                 We know that depression actually 

23    does have root causes, and more often than not 

24    poverty is a big reason why women grow sad and 

25    sadder by the day as they continue to worry about 


 1    how to provide for their child.  And actually 

 2    this session Senator Brouk and I have been 

 3    working on a bill called MILC, Mothers and 

 4    Infants Lasting Change, which would be a monthly 

 5    allowance for women who are members of households 

 6    earning less than $39,000 a year, who would 

 7    receive a monthly stipend as they are waiting to 

 8    become mothers and within the first 18 months of 

 9    a child's -- of a child's life.

10                 So this is one of the many measures 

11    that we'll be fighting for in the budget, and I'm 

12    very proud that under our Majority Leader, Andrea 

13    Stewart-Cousins, we continue to push forward and 

14    make sure that New York is a leading state for 

15    mothers and children.

16                 Thank you.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

18    Ramos to be recorded in the affirmative.

19                 Announce the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 97, 

24    Senate Print 3219A, by Senator Cleare, an act to 

25    amend the Public Health Law.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 5    shall have become a law.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

10    Cleare to explain her vote.

11                 SENATOR CLEARE:   Thank you, 

12    Mr. President.  

13                 And I too want to thank our 

14    Majority Leader for her sensitivity and the 

15    inclusiveness of these very important bills today 

16    that are going to affect birth outcomes and 

17    maternal health in women and particularly women 

18    of color.  

19                 I have three bills in this package 

20    today.  I'm very happy that the first bill would 

21    ensure those who are pregnant can access 

22    comprehensive health insurance immediately, 

23    without fees or penalties.  It is very important 

24    for our children to have a healthy start if their 

25    mothers are being taken care of while they're 


 1    pregnant.

 2                 And also the second, which deals 

 3    with our reproductive freedom and equity grant 

 4    program, and it ensures that organizations that 

 5    provide women's healthcare, including abortion, 

 6    and fully support and fulfill their mission in a 

 7    post-Dobbs world.  We have to make sure that we 

 8    secure that right.

 9                 And this bill that we are looking at 

10    right now, which is a bill that would increase 

11    awareness and outreach, particularly to 

12    vulnerable populations such as Black women, 

13    concerning uterine fibroids.  So that more people 

14    will know the symptoms and seek a timely 

15    diagnosis and course of treatment.

16                 These bills, in combination with all 

17    the bills that have been brought forth here 

18    today, will ensure that millions of women are 

19    protected, supported and empowered.  And I 

20    proudly vote aye.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

22    Cleare to be recorded in the affirmative.

23                 Announce the results.  

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 


 1    is passed.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 98, 

 3    Senate Print 3529A, by Senator Fernandez, an act 

 4    to amend the General Business Law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 8    act shall take effect twelve months after it 

 9    shall have become a law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

11    roll.

12                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

14    Fernandez to explain her vote.

15                 SENATOR FERNANDEZ:   Thank you, 

16    Mr. President.

17                 I too want to thank this body for 

18    supporting this piece of legislation that takes a 

19    very preventative measure to making sure that 

20    women's reproductive health is safe and continues 

21    to be safe.  PFAS is a chemical that 

22    unfortunately is in many of our daily products 

23    that we use.  And when it comes to feminine 

24    hygiene and the pads and tampons that we use, 

25    these are products that are very close to our 


 1    bodies, and they have long-lasting harm.  

 2                 So this bill would prevent that 

 3    product, that chemical, from being in our 

 4    menstrual care products to prevent any 

 5    reproductive harm.  And when we look at women's 

 6    experience and choices in life, we want them to 

 7    be fully healthy before making that ultimate 

 8    decision to carry a child.  We want their 

 9    reproductive organs to be taken care of and 

10    healthy and not harmed by unneeded chemicals.  

11                 So I thank this body for supporting 

12    this bill, for caring about our reproductive 

13    organs and preventing PFAS from being in our 

14    menstrual products.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

16    Fernandez to be recorded in the affirmative.

17                 Announce the results.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

20    is passed.

21                 There is a substitution at the desk.  

22                 The Secretary will read.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Webb moves 

24    to discharge, from the Committee on 

25    Women's Issues, Assembly Bill Number 5576 and 


 1    substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 3610, 

 2    Third Reading Calendar 99.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The 

 4    substitution is so ordered.

 5                 The Secretary will read.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 99, 

 7    Assembly Bill 5576, by Assemblymember Sillitti, 

 8    an act to amend the Public Health Law.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

10    last section.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

12    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

13    shall have become a law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

18    Webb to explain her vote.

19                 SENATOR WEBB:   Thank you, 

20    Mr. President.  I rise to explain my vote.  

21                 You know, I would be remiss in this 

22    moment again if I didn't join in the sentiments 

23    that have been shared thus far and expressing my 

24    gratitude and appreciation to Senate Majority 

25    Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins for advancing this 


 1    very comprehensive and important first step -- or 

 2    continuation of steps, rather, in addressing 

 3    reproductive and maternal health outcomes here in 

 4    New York.

 5                 And so this legislation seeks to 

 6    provide information to increase transparency as 

 7    it relates to the racial disparities of pregnancy 

 8    and birth outcomes by expanding upon an existing 

 9    law that is aimed at presenting important 

10    information to prospective mothers.

11                 Prior to serving in the Senate, I 

12    had the opportunity to serve on a statewide task 

13    force that looked at racial and ethnic 

14    disparities in healthcare.  And to no surprise by 

15    many of us -- but still a call to action -- there 

16    are still significant health disparities as 

17    pertains to race and also socioeconomic status 

18    when it comes to these issues.

19                 And yet we have an opportunity to do 

20    something about it, and also an obligation.  And 

21    with this legislation, it lifts up this evidence 

22    about how expectant mothers and birthing people 

23    in BIPOC and rural communities are often 

24    presented with limited options for prenatal care 

25    and childbirth.  And we need to provide 


 1    information to expectant mothers that will help 

 2    them to make informed decisions.

 3                 Statistics have demonstrated that 

 4    Black woman are at least three times more likely 

 5    to die from pregnancy and birth-related 

 6    complications and are 50 percent more likely to 

 7    suffer severe pregnancy and birth complications.  

 8    This doesn't happen just out of nowhere.  There 

 9    are policies and practices that institute this.  

10                 And so this legislation will empower 

11    women with the information they need to make 

12    informed decisions about their care and the care 

13    of their infants.

14                 Current law requires hospitals and 

15    birth centers to distribute informational 

16    leaflets that include information on statistics 

17    related to maternal procedures performed at the 

18    hospital or birth center, to maternity patients 

19    before they are admitted.  The information must 

20    include birth-related events and procedures such 

21    as vaginal or cesarian births, use of forceps or 

22    vacuum inductions, vaginal births after prior 

23    cesarians, and other vital statistics.  

24                 This legislation would expand the 

25    information about the facility so that way 


 1    patients are making more informed decisions.  

 2                 And again, I want to thank the 

 3    Majority Leader and all of my colleagues today 

 4    for the legislation that they have advanced.  And 

 5    I proudly vote aye, and I encourage my colleagues 

 6    to do the same.

 7                 Thank you.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

 9    Webb to be recorded in the affirmative.

10                 Announce the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    100, Senate Print 5991A, by Senator Persaud, an 

16    act to amend the Public Health Law.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

18    last section.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

20    act shall take effect immediately.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

22    roll.

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

 3    is passed.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5    101, Senate Print 5992A, by Senator Persaud, an 

 6    act to amend the Public Health Law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

 8    last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

10    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

11    shall have become a law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    102, Senate Print 7700A, by Senator Webb, an act 

22    to amend the Public Health Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 


 1    act shall take effect April 1, 2025.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

 6    Webb to explain her vote.

 7                 SENATOR WEBB:   Thank you, 

 8    Mr. President.  I rise again to explain my vote.

 9                 This legislation takes into account 

10    different resources we have at our disposal that 

11    can also help to address maternal health 

12    outcomes.  This specifically focuses on the 

13    ability for patients to use an app.  

14                 And so in a district like mine where 

15    we have noticeable rates of low birth weight and 

16    premature births, along with elevated levels of 

17    neonatal withdrawals and infant mortality, such 

18    outcomes have often been seen among those with 

19    lower rates of health literacy, which is a hurdle 

20    that is especially clear for first-time moms.  

21    Those who are under the best circumstances, they 

22    also are often facing knowledge gaps.  And so 

23    this legislation would allow for Medicaid 

24    patients to utilize an app that would allow them 

25    to close some of those awareness gaps.


 1                 So this legislation does several 

 2    things.  Not only does it provide opportunities 

 3    for more awareness and information, but also 

 4    resources that can help to decrease poor outcomes 

 5    for infants and mothers.  Through the creation of 

 6    a consolidated pregnancy app, we'll be able to 

 7    provide New York-specific expert-backed 

 8    information to all Medicaid recipients to support 

 9    them in their prenatal, pregnancy and postpartum 

10    services.

11                 This will allow individuals to have 

12    a one-stop shop of information from the 

13    Department of Health and other state agency 

14    programs in order to receive vetted best 

15    practices, find the closest providers, and access 

16    supportive care.

17                 We know that even these simple 

18    interventions can have meaningful and 

19    long-lasting impacts.  There are other states 

20    that have implemented this particular resource, 

21    such as Michigan, which again helps to raise 

22    awareness and helps to improve maternal outcomes.  

23                 I am very proud to sponsor this 

24    legislation that will empower rural and 

25    low-income women eligible for Medicaid with 


 1    access to a mobile app to ensure access to 

 2    prenatal and postpartum obstetric care.  

 3                 And again, I want to thank the 

 4    Majority Leader for supporting this legislation.  

 5                 I proudly vote aye, and I encourage 

 6    any colleagues to do the same.  Thank you.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

 8    Webb to be recorded in the affirmative.

 9                 Announce the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

12    is passed.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14    103, Senate Print 7702A, by Senator Webb, an act 

15    to require the Department of Health to convene a 

16    maternal healthcare and birthing standards 

17    workgroup.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

21    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

22    shall have become a law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Call the 

24    roll.

25                 (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

 2    Webb to explain her vote.

 3                 SENATOR WEBB:   Back for one last 

 4    time.

 5                 (Laughter.)

 6                 SENATOR WEBB:   At least during 

 7    this -- this session today.

 8                 You know, one of the things I wanted 

 9    to remark is that, you know, the legislation 

10    that's before all of us today that we've been 

11    voting on, that yes, this is legislation that's 

12    been advanced by women legislators in our 

13    chamber.  But I want it to be very clear that the 

14    responsibility of reproductive and maternal 

15    healthcare does not solely fall upon the 

16    shoulders of women legislators.  It is our 

17    collective responsibility in this regard.

18                 And so again, I want to thank the 

19    Senate Majority Leader for not only recognizing 

20    this but also for bringing this important package 

21    of legislation to the floor.

22                 And so with this particular bill, it 

23    will allow for a comprehensive and holistic 

24    approach to address the maternal and infant 

25    mortality crisis by directing the Department of 


 1    Health, the commissioner, to convene a workgroup 

 2    of stakeholders to holistically review maternal 

 3    health and birthing standards.  

 4                 So when you hear statistics such as 

 5    three times as likely to die, hundreds of 

 6    thousands of people or children being born with 

 7    low birth weights, what does that mean?  How do 

 8    we begin to wrap our arms around what's happening 

 9    in our state?  In a state with as many resources 

10    as we have, we can and should be improving 

11    maternal health outcomes.  And that's why this 

12    work is critical.

13                 This workgroup will be looking at 

14    not only the data but also trying to examine best 

15    practices, recommendations that can truly help to 

16    improve birth outcomes and reproductive care for 

17    all New Yorkers.

18                 And so Governor Hochul recently 

19    announced a new proposal to address components of 

20    the maternal and infant mortality crisis, 

21    including access to care, maternal mental health, 

22    and the unnecessary use of C-sections in the 

23    birthing process.  

24                 This even goes up to the federal 

25    level, because the Biden administration in June 


 1    of 2022 released a blueprint for addressing the 

 2    maternal health crisis which drew attention to 

 3    the increased need for women to be supported as 

 4    active participants in their care throughout and 

 5    after pregnancy, and as reflected in the 

 6    "momnibus" federal legislative package 

 7    cosponsored by the Congressional Black Maternal 

 8    Health Caucus.

 9                 So with that being said, this 

10    legislation takes into account all of those 

11    conversations and legislative proposals.  And now 

12    from our respective chambers we are taking it to 

13    the next stages.  And so again, this workgroup 

14    complements all of these things and will ensure a 

15    comprehensive and thoughtful review of maternal 

16    care to ensure that birthing people in New York 

17    are receiving the highest standards of care.

18                 Thank you, Mr. President.  I proudly 

19    vote aye.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   Senator 

21    Webb to be recorded in the affirmative.

22                 Announce the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

 2    reading of today's calendar.

 3                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Is there any 

 4    further business at the desk?

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   There is 

 6    no further business at the desk.

 7                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to adjourn 

 8    until tomorrow, Tuesday, January 23rd, at 

 9    3:00 p.m.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT BAILEY:   On 

11    motion, the Senate stands adjourned until 

12    Tuesday, January 23rd, at 3:00 p.m.

13                 (Whereupon, at 4:11 p.m., the Senate 

14    adjourned.)