Regular Session - May 29, 2024


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                    May 29, 2024

11                      4:00 p.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR SHELLEY B. MAYER, Acting President









 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The Senate 

 3    will come to order.  

 4                 I ask everyone to please rise and 

 5    recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                 (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7    the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.) 

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Reverend 

 9    Theresa Dudley-Gaskin, pastor at Eternal Love 

10    Baptist Church in Corona, Queens, will deliver 

11    today's invocation.  

12                 REVEREND DUDLEY-GASKIN:   Let us 

13    pray.

14                 Almighty God, we come in this hour 

15    giving Your name all the praise, all the glory, 

16    Lord God, and all the honor.  We come this 

17    afternoon, Lord God, believing, Lord God, for 

18    Your guidance and Your blessing upon this 

19    United States Senate.  We ask You, Lord, to bless 

20    the men and women of God that You have allowed to 

21    come here today.  But Lord God, that You would 

22    endow them with wisdom, knowledge, and 

23    understanding.

24                 We come, Lord God, believing in Your 

25    word that says trust in You, who will guide and 


 1    direct.  We ask now, Lord God, that their leader 

 2    would be led by the power of who You are.  We 

 3    pray now, Lord God, as the word of the Lord says 

 4    that we will make every effort to do those 

 5    things, O God, which bring strength to this 

 6    nation.  

 7                 Let this body of believers, O God, 

 8    come together as one body, knowing and believing, 

 9    Lord God, that all things can work together for 

10    You, God, who will give them the wisdom, the 

11    knowledge, Lord, and the understanding.  

12                 We ask You now, Lord God, to cover 

13    and protect their families that, Lord God, no 

14    hurt, harm or danger shall come upon them.  

15                 And now, Lord, as we come in a time 

16    where we know that there's so much division, 

17    Lord God, so many things that are going on among 

18    us, that, Lord, we come asking that now that the 

19    bond of peace will be upon us.  Lord God, I pray 

20    again, let them make every effort to keep the 

21    bond of peace.  

22                 And, Lord God, where there is lack 

23    of understanding, God, I pray that You give them 

24    the wisdom, understanding and the power to know.  

25    And God, when they cannot agree, we pray, Lord, 


 1    that there will be a pause and that, Lord, they 

 2    would not be anxious for anything, for they will 

 3    continue to do all things, O God, through You who 

 4    will give them the power to do what is right and 

 5    what is just.  

 6                 And now, Lord, I pray, O God, Your 

 7    continual blessing to be upon each and every one 

 8    of them within the sound of my voice.  And God, 

 9    when it's all said and done, we pray, Lord God, 

10    not our will, but let Your will be done.  

11                 And so, Father, we say thank you.  

12    In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

13                 (Response of "Amen.")

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Reading of 

15    the Journal.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Tuesday, 

17    May 28, 2024, the Senate met pursuant to 

18    adjournment.  The Journal of Sunday, May 26, 

19    2024, was read and approved.  On motion, the 

20    Senate adjourned.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Without 

22    objection, the Journal stands approved as read.

23                 Presentation of petitions.

24                 Messages from the Assembly.

25                 The Secretary will read.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Stec moves 

 2    to discharge, from the Committee on Health, 

 3    Assembly Bill Number 8206 and substitute it for 

 4    the identical Senate Bill 7687A, Third Reading 

 5    Calendar 452.  

 6                 Senator Hinchey moves to discharge, 

 7    from the Committee on Agriculture, Assembly Bill 

 8    Number 9259 and substitute it for the identical 

 9    Senate Bill 8690, Third Reading Calendar 821.

10                 Senator Cleare moves to discharge, 

11    from the Committee on Insurance, Assembly Bill 

12    Number 5729A and substitute it for the identical 

13    Senate Bill 6146A, Third Reading Calendar 880.

14                 Senator Comrie moves to discharge, 

15    from the Committee on Energy and 

16    Telecommunications, Assembly Bill Number 1745A 

17    and substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 

18    628A, Third Reading Calendar 964.

19                 Senator Mannion moves to discharge, 

20    from the Committee on Disabilities, Assembly Bill 

21    Number 3982 and substitute it for the identical 

22    Senate Bill 8796, Third Reading Calendar 1013.

23                 Senator O'Mara moves to discharge, 

24    from the Committee on Investigations and 

25    Government Operations, Assembly Bill Number 9360 


 1    and substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 

 2    8678, Third Reading Calendar 1046.

 3                 Senator Skoufis moves to discharge, 

 4    from the Committee on Consumer Protection, 

 5    Assembly Bill Number 1057C and substitute it for 

 6    the identical Senate Bill 1759B, Third Reading 

 7    Calendar 1072.

 8                 Senator Hoylman-Sigal moves to 

 9    discharge, from the Committee on Health, 

10    Assembly Bill Number 117A and substitute it for 

11    the identical Senate Bill 3230A, Third Reading 

12    Calendar 1169.

13                 Senator Cleare moves to discharge, 

14    from the Committee on Crime Victims, Crime and 

15    Correction, Assembly Bill Number 5396 and 

16    substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 3175, 

17    Third Reading Calendar 1269.

18                 Senator Mannion moves to discharge, 

19    from the Committee on Children and Families, 

20    Assembly Bill Number 7341B and substitute it for 

21    the identical Senate Bill 6357B, Third Reading 

22    Calendar 1306.

23                 Senator Hinchey moves to discharge, 

24    from the Committee on Health, Assembly Bill 

25    Number 5789A and substitute it for the identical 


 1    Senate Bill 6226A, Third Reading Calendar 1350.

 2                 Senator Comrie moves to discharge, 

 3    from the Committee on Corporations, Authorities 

 4    and Commissions, Assembly Bill Number 9229 and 

 5    substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 8833, 

 6    Third Reading Calendar 1366.

 7                 Senator Rivera moves to discharge, 

 8    from the Committee on Finance, Assembly Bill 

 9    Number 589A and substitute it for the identical 

10    Senate Bill 2363A, Third Reading Calendar 1383.

11                 Senator Jackson moves to discharge, 

12    from the Committee on Civil Service and Pensions, 

13    Assembly Bill Number 9349 and substitute it for 

14    the identical Senate Bill 8551, Third Reading 

15    Calendar 1401.

16                 Senator Palumbo moves to discharge, 

17    from the Committee on Investigations and 

18    Government Operations, Assembly Bill Number 9144 

19    and substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 

20    8443, Third Reading Calendar 1419.

21                 Senator Gounardes moves to 

22    discharge, from the Committee on Finance, 

23    Assembly Bill Number 2885A and substitute it for 

24    the identical Senate Bill 1078A, Third Reading 

25    Calendar 1467.


 1                 Senator Thomas moves to discharge, 

 2    from the Committee on Investigations and 

 3    Government Operations, Assembly Bill Number 9580 

 4    and substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 

 5    9255, Third Reading Calendar 1529.

 6                 Senator Webb moves to discharge, 

 7    from the Committee on Transportation, 

 8    Assembly Bill Number 4914B and substitute it for 

 9    the identical Senate Bill 4262B, Third Reading 

10    Calendar 1358.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   So 

12    ordered.

13                 Messages from the Governor.

14                 Reports of standing committees.

15                 Reports of select committees.

16                 Communications and reports from 

17    state officers.

18                 Motions and resolutions.

19                 Senator Gianaris.

20                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Good afternoon, 

21    Madam President.

22                 I wish to call up the following 

23    bills, which were recalled from the Assembly and 

24    are now at the desk:  Senate Print Numbers 362, 

25    6335A, and 158D.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 2    Secretary will read.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4    109, Senate Print 362, by Senator Thomas, an act 

 5    to amend the General Business Law. 

 6                 Calendar Number 507, Senate Print 

 7    6335A, by Senator Mannion, an act to amend the 

 8    Civil Service Law.  

 9                 Calendar Number 76, Senate Print 

10    158D, by Senator Krueger, an act to amend the 

11    General Business Law.

12                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to 

13    reconsider the vote by which these bills were 

14    passed.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

16    Secretary will call the roll on reconsideration.

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 52.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bills 

20    are restored to their place on the Third Reading 

21    Calendar.

22                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I offer the 

23    following amendments.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

25    amendments are received.


 1                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Amendments are 

 2    also offered to the following Third Reading 

 3    Calendar bills:

 4                 By Senator Harckham, page 35, 

 5    Calendar Number 919, Senate Print 5329D; 

 6                 Senator Comrie, page 60, 

 7    Calendar Number 1263, Senate Print 9516; 

 8                 Senator Salazar, page 61, 

 9    Calendar Number 1272, Senate Print 7132; 

10                 Senator Hoylman-Sigal, page 72, 

11    Calendar Number 1399, Senate Print 8485A; 

12                 Senator Rivera, page 31, 

13    Calendar Number 837, Senate Print 8843; 

14                 Senator Webb, page 38, 

15    Calendar Number 961, Senate Print 4265; 

16                 Senator Mayer, page 62, 

17    Calendar Number 1285, Senate Print 8976; 

18                 Senator Hoylman-Sigal, page 63, 

19    Calendar Number 1294, Senate Print 9377; 

20                 Senator Mayer, page 71, 

21    Calendar Number 1387, Senate Print 4877; 

22                 And Senator Harckham, page 44, 

23    Calendar Number 1049, Senate Print 8792. 

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

25    amendments are received, and the bills will 


 1    retain their place on the Third Reading Calendar.

 2                 Senator Gianaris.

 3                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please recognize 

 4    Senator Lanza for some motions.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 6    Lanza.

 7                 SENATOR LANZA:   Thank you, 

 8    Senator Gianaris.  

 9                 Madam President, on behalf of 

10    Senator Martins, on page 42 I offer the following 

11    amendments to Calendar Number 1022, Senate Print 

12    Number 8647, and ask that said bill retain its 

13    place on Third Reading Calendar.

14                 Madam President, on behalf of 

15    Senator Griffo, on page 31 I offer the following 

16    amendments to Calendar Number 861, Senate Print 

17    Number 8692, and ask that said bill retain its 

18    place on Third Reading Calendar.

19                 Madam President, on behalf of 

20    Senator Weik, I move to recommit Senate Print 

21    Number 4244, Calendar Number 672 on the order of 

22    third reading, to the Committee on Education, 

23    with instructions to said committee to strike out 

24    the enacting clause.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 


 1    amendments are received, and the bills will 

 2    retain their place on the Third Reading Calendar.

 3                 Senator Gianaris.

 4                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please recognize 

 5    Senator Ramos for an introduction.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 7    Ramos for an introduction.

 8                 SENATOR RAMOS:   Thank you, 

 9    Madam President.  

10                 Today I have the distinct honor of 

11    welcoming a group of students from my district 

12    who have come to learn about how their government 

13    works for them and hopefully feel inspired to 

14    pursue careers in public service as lawmakers and 

15    beyond.  

16                 I want to especially shout out 

17    Nicole, Ranuma and Olivia, who are students and 

18    are former interns of mine.  

19                 The rest of the students are from 

20    Newtown High School in Elmhurst, New York, where 

21    Principal Psoras has been doing an outstanding 

22    job in his first year as principal at that 

23    school.  

24                 And I am really proud of all of you 

25    and hope that you've enjoyed your day here with 


 1    us, and bring back all of the information that 

 2    you have gathered here today back to our district 

 3    to share with the rest of the students.

 4                  Thank you so much, Madam President.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   To our 

 6    guests, we welcome you on behalf of the Senate.  

 7    We extend to you the privileges and courtesies of 

 8    the house.  

 9                 Please rise and be recognized.

10                 (Standing ovation.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

12    Gianaris.

13                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

14    I move to adopt the Resolution Calendar, with the 

15    exception of Resolutions 2551 and 2564.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   All those 

17    in favor of adopting the Resolution Calendar, 

18    with the exception of Resolutions 2551 and 2564, 

19    please signify by saying aye.

20                 (Response of "Aye.")

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Opposed, 

22    nay.

23                 (No response.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

25    Resolution Calendar is adopted.


 1                 Senator Gianaris.  

 2                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

 3    just so my colleagues understand the order of 

 4    business, we are going to take up the resolutions 

 5    that have guests present at this time.  There are 

 6    several resolutions without guests here that will 

 7    be taken up at the conclusion of session.

 8                 So we will begin with previously 

 9    adopted Resolution 1924, by Senator Oberacker.  

10    Please read that resolution's title and recognize 

11    Senator Oberacker.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

13    Secretary will read.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 1924, by 

15    Senator Oberacker, congratulating Evelyn  

16    Kersmanc upon the occasion of being named the 

17    2024-2025 New York State Dairy Ambassador on 

18    February 24, 2024.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

20    Oberacker on the resolution.

21                 SENATOR OBERACKER:   Thank you, 

22    Madam President.

23                 You know, today being Dairy Day, I 

24    think there was a fitting story that was told to 

25    me about an old hill-farming crofter.  He trudged 


 1    several miles through frozen snow in winter 

 2    weather to his local and very remote chapel for 

 3    Sunday service.  No one else was there aside from 

 4    the clergyman.  

 5                 "I'm not sure it's worth proceeding 

 6    with the service.  Might we do better to go back 

 7    to our warm homes and a hot drink?" asked the 

 8    clergyman, inviting a mutually helpful reaction 

 9    from his audience of one.  

10                 "Well, I'm just a simple farmer," 

11    says the old crofter, "but when I go to feed my 

12    herd and only one beast turns up, I sure do not 

13    leave him hungry."

14                 So the clergyman, feeling somewhat 

15    ashamed, delivers his service, all the bells and 

16    whistles -- hymns, readings, and lasting a good 

17    couple of hours, finishing proudly with the fresh 

18    observation that no matter how small the need, 

19    our duty remains.  And he thanks the old farmer 

20    for the lesson that he learned.

21                 "Was that okay?" asked the clergyman 

22    as the two set off for home.

23                 "Well, I'm just a simple farmer," 

24    says the old crofter, "but when I go to feed my 

25    herd and only one beast turns up, I sure don't 


 1    force him to eat what I've brought for the whole 

 2    herd."

 3                 (Laughter.)

 4                 SENATOR OBERACKER:   That story, 

 5    Madam President, sets the tone for my district, 

 6    the 51st Senate District -- extremely rural and 

 7    agriculture being a huge, huge part of that.  

 8                 And today, my first resolution that 

 9    I'm actually giving, I'm here to honor and I am 

10    honored to have in the gallery with us today the 

11    New York State Dairy Ambassador, Evelyn Kersmanc, 

12    along with her parents, Jennifer and Richard.

13                 We also have along with us 

14    Amanda Licata and Hailey Groat from the Otsego 

15    County Dairy Team.

16                 You know, Evelyn served as the 

17    Otsego County Dairy Ambassador for the past year, 

18    and in February she was named the next state 

19    ambassador.  Madam President, she is the second, 

20    the second Dairy Ambassador from Otsego County, 

21    where I live, and she is the first in over 

22    20 years.

23                 As the New York Dairy Ambassador, 

24    Evelyn will serve as a spokesperson and advocate 

25    for the state's 3200 dairy farmers.  And it's a 


 1    role she has prepared for her entire life, 

 2    growing up on her family farm in the Town of 

 3    Worcester.  Trust me when I say there is no one 

 4    better, no one better to act as our ambassador, 

 5    and this is a position of great importance.

 6                 According to the New York State 

 7    Department of Agriculture and Markets, the dairy 

 8    industry is the largest single segment of our 

 9    agricultural industry.  We are the fifth largest 

10    producer of milk and the largest producer of 

11    yogurt and cottage cheese.  

12                 And of course I guarantee Evelyn 

13    already knows these facts and probably many, many 

14    more.  She brings passion, devotion and 

15    experience to this position.  New York State and 

16    our dairy farmers will certainly benefit from 

17    having Evelyn Kersmanc as our State Dairy 

18    Ambassador.

19                 Madam President, some people dream 

20    of success while other people get up every 

21    morning and make it happen.  Evelyn is that 

22    person.  Madam President, I would ask that we 

23    would extend the courtesies of our house to 

24    Evelyn and her family and welcome them not only 

25    to Albany but to the State Senate.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

 2    Senator Oberacker.

 3                 To our guests, our State Dairy 

 4    Ambassador Evelyn Kersmanc and her family and 

 5    other guests, we welcome you on behalf of the 

 6    Senate.  We extend to you the privileges and 

 7    courtesies of the house.  

 8                 Please rise and be recognized.

 9                 (Standing ovation.)

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

11    resolution was previously adopted on March 12.

12                 Senator Gianaris.

13                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please recognize 

14    Senator Stavisky for an introduction.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

16    Stavisky for an introduction.

17                 SENATOR STAVISKY:   Thank you, 

18    Madam President.  

19                 The person I'm introducing really 

20    does not need an introduction because she was 

21    here before most of us.  Marilyn Dyer has worked 

22    for the Senate for the past 40 years, four-zero 

23    years.  

24                 She started working for the Senate 

25    in 1984, when -- a year after my husband began 


 1    his service in the Senate.  He had been in the 

 2    Assembly prior to that.  He needed somebody in 

 3    his Albany office full-time and spoke to the 

 4    then-Minority Leader, who had his assistant -- 

 5    the Minority Leader at the time was 

 6    Senator Ohrenstein, and he spoke to his -- 

 7    Senator Ohrenstein spoke to his assistant, 

 8    Phoebe Sheris {ph}, if some of you remember these 

 9    names, and she had a different method of 

10    recommending appointments.  She gave everybody a 

11    test.  

12                 And then she called Leonard and 

13    said, You know, I just gave the test to somebody 

14    who scored extremely high on that exam, on that 

15    little test, and that was Marilyn.  And Marilyn 

16    really has been a part of the Senate family 

17    since.

18                 When I took over after my husband 

19    passed away, I kept Marilyn, and she flourished 

20    during this period.  Everybody knows Marilyn.  

21    And if you don't, that's quite frankly your loss, 

22    because she's terrific.

23                 (Laughter.)

24                 SENATOR STAVISKY:   Marilyn is very 

25    involved in the community where she lives.  Her 


 1    husband, her late husband, Pastor Dyer, had been 

 2    the pastor of St. Timothy's Lutheran Church in I 

 3    think East Greenbush.  But Marilyn has been a 

 4    major part of the St. Paul's homeless shelter for 

 5    women and children, an extremely important place 

 6    where battered women and women with children can 

 7    go for -- to live temporarily.  Nevertheless, 

 8    it's there, and it's because of people like 

 9    Marilyn.

10                 So I ask everything that we've done 

11    in the past be extended to Marilyn Dyer for her 

12    compassion, her concern for others.  And I hope 

13    everybody who doesn't know Marilyn should 

14    certainly introduce themselves.

15                 Madam President, I thank you for the 

16    opportunity to -- and Mr. Deputy Majority Leader, 

17    I thank you for the opportunity to share Marilyn 

18    with everybody.

19                 Thank you.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

21    Senator Stavisky.

22                 To Marilyn Dyer, who is not a guest, 

23    we welcome you and celebrate you on behalf of the 

24    Senate.  We extend to you the privileges and 

25    courtesies of the house.  


 1                 Please rise and be recognized.

 2                 (Standing ovation.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 4    Gianaris.

 5                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please take up 

 6    the calendar, Madam President.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 8    Secretary will read.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

10    167, Senate Print 3467A, by Senator Rivera, an 

11    act to amend the Education Law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

13    last section.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

15    act shall take effect immediately.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

20    the results.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 54.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

23    is passed.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

25    326, Senate Print 2420, by Senator Krueger, an 


 1    act to amend the Legislative Law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 5    act shall take effect immediately.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

12    Calendar 326, those Senators voting in the 

13    negative are Senators Ashby, Gallivan, Helming, 

14    Murray, Ortt, Rhoads, Stec, Tedisco and Weik.

15                 Ayes, 45.  Nays, 9.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

17    is passed.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

19    341, Senate Print 3351, by Senator Skoufis, an 

20    act to amend the Environmental Conservation Law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

22    last section.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

24    act shall take effect immediately.  

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 54.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    377, Senate Print 6361A, by Senator Brouk, an act 

10    to amend the Education Law.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

14    act shall take effect on the 60th day after it 

15    shall have become a law.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

17    roll.  

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

20    the results.  

21                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

22    Calendar 377, those Senators voting in the 

23    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

24    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

25    Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 


 1    Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, 

 2    Weber and Weik.

 3                 Ayes, 35.  Nays, 19.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 5    is passed.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7    381, Senate Print 1159B, by Senator Skoufis, an 

 8    act to amend the Public Health Law.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

10    last section.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

12    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

13    shall have become a law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 54.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    382, Senate Print 2933, by Senator Rivera, an act 

24    to amend the Social Services Law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3    act shall take effect immediately.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 5    roll.

 6                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 8    the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 54.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    423, Senate Print Number 1610A, by 

14    Senator Hoylman-Sigal, an act to amend the 

15    Real Property Tax Law.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

17    last section.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

19    act shall take effect on the 60th day after it 

20    shall have become a law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

22    roll.  

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 2    Calendar 423, those Senators voting in the 

 3    negative are Senators Borrello, 

 4    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

 5    Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, 

 6    O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Skoufis, 

 7    Stec, Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

 8                 Ayes, 34.  Nays, 20. 

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    431, Senate Print 8339A, by Senator Mayer, an act 

13    to amend the Family Court Act.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 7.  This 

17    act shall take effect immediately.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

24    Calendar 431, those Senators voting in the 

25    negative are Senators Borrello, Helming, Lanza, 


 1    Murray, O'Mara, Ortt and Tedisco.  

 2                 Ayes, 47.  Nays, 7.

 3                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   The bill is 

 4    passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    432, Senate Print 1087A, by Senator Comrie, an 

 7    act to amend the Public Authorities Law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

11    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

12    shall have become a law.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

14    roll.  

15                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

17    the results.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 54.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

20    is passed.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar 

22    Number 452, Assembly Bill Number 8206, by 

23    Assemblymember Jones, an act to authorize certain 

24    healthcare professionals licensed to practice in 

25    other jurisdictions and providing for the repeal 


 1    of such provisions.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 5    act shall take effect immediately.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.  

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 54.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    470, Senate Print 8475, by Senator Harckham, an 

16    act in relation to authorizing the assessor of 

17    the Town of New Castle, County of Westchester, to 

18    accept an application for a real property tax 

19    exemption.  

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

21    last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

23    act shall take effect immediately.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 5    Calendar 470, voting in the negative:  

 6    Senator O'Mara.  

 7                 Ayes, 53.  Nays, 1.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    472, Senate Print 138A, by Senator Ryan, an act 

12    to amend the Penal Law.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

14    last section.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

16    act shall take effect immediately.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

18    roll.  

19                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

21    the results.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

23    Calendar 472, those Senators voting in the 

24    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

25    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 


 1    Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, 

 2    O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, 

 3    Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

 4                 Ayes, 34.  Nays, 20.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    493, Senate Print 3233, by Senator Hoylman-Sigal, 

 9    an act in relation to requiring the Division of 

10    Housing and Community Renewal to calculate the 

11    period of rent reduction.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

13    last section.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

15    act shall take effect immediately.  

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

20    the results.  

21                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

22    Calendar 493, those Senators voting in the 

23    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

24    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

25    Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, 


 1    O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, 

 2    Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

 3                 Ayes, 34.  Nays, 20.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 5    is passed.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7    524, Senate Print Number 3266A, by Senator 

 8    Hoylman-Sigal, an act to amend the Judiciary Law.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

10    last section.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

12    act shall take effect on the 60th day after it 

13    shall have become a law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:  Call the 

15    roll.  

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

20    Calendar 524, those Senators voting in the 

21    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

22    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

23    Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 

24    Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, 

25    Weber and Weik.


 1                 Ayes, 35.  Nays, 19.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 3    is passed.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5    563, Senate Print 7882, by Senator Martinez, an 

 6    act to amend the Public Health Law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 8    last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

10    act shall take effect immediately.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

12    roll.  

13                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

15    the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 54.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    576, Senate Print 2451, by Senator Comrie, an act 

21    to amend the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law.

22                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Lay it aside for 

23    the day.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is laid aside for the day.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    645, Senate Print 8644A, by Senator Harckham, an 

 3    act to amend the Environmental Conservation Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 7    act shall take effect immediately.  

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

14    Calendar Number 645, voting in the negative:  

15    Senator Brisport.  

16                 Ayes, 53.  Nays, 1.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    686, Senate Print 1198A, by Senator Rivera, an 

21    act to amend the Public Health Law.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

23    last section.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

25    act shall take effect immediately.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 2    roll.

 3                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 5    the results.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 54.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 8    is passed.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

10    711, Senate Print Number 8484B, by 

11    Senator Hoylman-Sigal, an act to amend the 

12    Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

14    last section.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

16    act shall take effect immediately.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

18    roll.  

19                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

21    the results.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 55.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

24    is passed.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 


 1    790, Senate Print 8834, by Senator Mayer, an act 

 2    to amend the Civil Rights Law.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

 4    last section.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 6    act shall take effect on the 30th day after it 

 7    shall have become a law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 55.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17    821, Assembly Bill Number 9259, by 

18    Assemblymember Lupardo, an act to amend the 

19    Agriculture and Markets Law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

21    last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

23    act shall take effect immediately.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 5    Calendar 821, voting in the negative:  

 6    Senator Brisport.

 7                 Ayes, 54.  Nays, 1.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    835, Senate Print 7023A, by Senator Rivera, 

12    an act to amend the Public Health Law.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

14    last section.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 9.  This 

16    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

17    shall have become a law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

22    Rivera to explain his vote.

23                 SENATOR RIVERA:   Thank you, 

24    Madam President.

25                 I'm very proud of this piece of 


 1    legislation for a couple of different reasons.  

 2    First, it is as a response to a series of very 

 3    high profile cases against OB-GYN Robert Hadden.  

 4                 I'm sure that we all read in anger 

 5    and disgust about how this person preyed upon his 

 6    patients for so long.  And in the case of this -- 

 7    as it relates to this bill, the fact that the 

 8    institution that he worked for did nothing to 

 9    educate his future patients about allegations 

10    against him.  And eventually, as we know, this 

11    was a person who is going to be behind bars for a 

12    very long time and certainly deserves it.  

13                 But based on the fact that the 

14    Office of Professional Medical Conduct is the 

15    entity that actually deals with this type of 

16    misconduct, there was a necessity to actually 

17    fundamentally change the way that they do 

18    business.  Whether we're talking about the way 

19    that they conduct an investigation, to establish 

20    a zero tolerance policy within their staff 

21    themselves; the way that hospitals are required 

22    to notify their patients; the way that potential 

23    conflicts of interest of people that are 

24    investigating folks who these allegations are 

25    being brought against -- all of those things 


 1    needed to fundamentally change.  

 2                 And this bill would do just that.  

 3    So I'm very proud, Madam President, that we are 

 4    passing it here today.  

 5                 But I'm also incredibly proud 

 6    because this is a product of actually one of my 

 7    staffers who a few years ago -- as a young woman 

 8    still had not graduated college -- started 

 9    working in my office as a staff assistant.  And 

10    it was something that she started reading stories 

11    about and she said, you know, there's something 

12    that we should do about this.  

13                 And she started doing the research, 

14    putting the bill together.  She's been working on 

15    it for a couple of years.  And I'm incredibly 

16    proud of her.  

17                 Her name is Michelle.  She is 

18    sitting right over there, Michelle 

19    Castellanos-Ojeda.  A young woman who has a lot 

20    of -- a bright future in legislating, and this is 

21    just the beginning of it.  

22                 So Madam President, I'm very proud 

23    not only because it's a bill that she wrote, but 

24    also because it's a bill that will address 

25    something we absolutely need to change in the 


 1    State of New York.  So I'll be voting in the 

 2    affirmative.

 3                 Thank you, Madam President.  

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 5    Rivera to be recorded in the affirmative.

 6                 Senator Helming to explain her vote.

 7                 SENATOR HELMING:   Thank you, 

 8    Madam President.  

 9                 I rise in support of this 

10    legislation.  Senator Rivera, I want to thank 

11    you.  Michelle, thank you very much for your hard 

12    work.  

13                 But I'm also rising to advocate for 

14    this body to do more to protect vulnerable 

15    patients from sexual abuse.  This includes 

16    passing Clara's Law, a bill I introduced several 

17    years ago.  

18                 Clara's Law is named after the late 

19    Clara Mae Bowman.  Clara was sexually abused by 

20    an intensive care unit nurse in 2006.  Her abuser 

21    resigned from the hospital amid the allegations 

22    and went to work at another hospital, where he 

23    later abused another patient.  That hospital was 

24    not aware of the allegations when they hired him.  

25                 Clara's Law requires hospitals and 


 1    healthcare facilities to report incidents of a 

 2    sexual offense to both the state Departments of 

 3    Health and Education.  This is needed in order to 

 4    stop healthcare workers who have abused patients 

 5    from moving to other hospitals or healthcare 

 6    facilities without those facilities knowing their 

 7    background.  I urge the Majority to bring Senate 

 8    Bill 1699, Clara's Law, to the floor for a vote.  

 9                 Thank you, Madam President.  I vote 

10    aye.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

12    Helming to be recorded in the affirmative.

13                 Announce the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

16    is passed.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18    875, Senate Print 9082, by Senator Hinchey, an 

19    act to amend the Tax Law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

21    last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

23    act shall take effect immediately.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    880, Assembly Bill Number 5729A, by 

 9    Assemblymember Paulin, an act to amend the 

10    Insurance Law.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

14    act shall take effect on the first of January.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

16    roll.

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

19    Cleare to explain her vote.

20                 SENATOR CLEARE:   Good afternoon, 

21    Madam President.  

22                 Women in the United States have a 

23    one-in-eight chance of getting breast cancer in 

24    their lifetime.  In New York there are 

25    approximately 20,000 new cases diagnosed every 


 1    year.  The road to recovery and survivorship is 

 2    long and can include breast reconstruction after 

 3    a mastectomy.  

 4                 However, not all aspects of the 

 5    reconstruction are currently covered by 

 6    commercial insurance, which has led to a decrease 

 7    in these procedures.  

 8                 The bill before us requires 

 9    commercial insurance to cover the full 

10    reconstruction of the nipple areola complex, 

11    which includes tattooing, which recently has 

12    become a more common way to restore the 

13    underlying area and presents less surgical risks 

14    and future medical complications.  

15                 In addition, many report that this 

16    procedure made them feel whole and comfortable 

17    with their body once again, and was helpful in 

18    their recovery.  

19                 I proudly vote aye.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

21    Cleare to be recorded in the affirmative.

22                 Announce the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    909, Senate Print 1193, by Senator Persaud, an 

 3    act to amend the Public Health Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 7    act shall take effect immediately.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17    913, Senate Print 4020C, by Senator Mayer, an act 

18    to amend the General Municipal Law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 7.  This 

22    act shall take effect six months after it shall 

23    have become a law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 3    Mayer to explain her vote.

 4                 SENATOR MAYER:   Thank you, 

 5    Madam President.  

 6                 I rise to vote aye on this bill.  

 7                 It may come as a surprise to many 

 8    people that in New York State emergency medical 

 9    services, or EMS, are not considered an essential 

10    service.  When we are in the midst of the worst 

11    moments of our lives and we call 911, we expect 

12    to receive rapid-response, high-quality emergency 

13    medical care.  Thankfully we do, because so often 

14    our EMS providers are there to provide critical 

15    care in emergencies that are usually a matter of 

16    life and death.  

17                 The COVID pandemic brought home how 

18    vital EMS providers are, and their importance to 

19    the health and well-being of every community 

20    across New York.  

21                 Unfortunately, the work of these 

22    providers is undervalued within our healthcare 

23    community and has created a disparity between the 

24    immense value that EMS providers bring and the 

25    resources made available.


 1                 Many EMS providers across the state 

 2    are struggling to find and retain staff.  It is 

 3    time that New York law reflects the enormous 

 4    sacrifice and critical work of the EMS community.  

 5                 Under this bill, emergency medical 

 6    services are deemed an essential service.  The 

 7    municipalities are provided flexibility to ensure 

 8    they are provided.  This bill establishes 

 9    statewide, regional and county coordination and 

10    provides for enhanced training and credentialing 

11    of practitioners, agencies, and educational 

12    institutions.  

13                 This bill was built on the 

14    experience of COVID in my community and so many 

15    other communities across the state, where EMS 

16    providers did the most dangerous work and did not 

17    feel -- and were not -- acknowledged for the work 

18    they had done.

19                 I'm so appreciative of the 

20    leadership of our conference, and particularly 

21    our leader, and all those who worked to find a 

22    consensus approach to tackling this most 

23    difficult problem, all of whom are supporting 

24    this bill, as well as so many of my colleagues on 

25    both sides of the aisle who realize the time has 


 1    come for New York State to fix the EMS problem.  

 2                 I proudly vote aye.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 4    Mayer to be recorded in the affirmative.

 5                 Senator Webb to explain her vote.

 6                 SENATOR WEBB:   Thank you, 

 7    Madam President.  

 8                 I too want to extend my appreciation 

 9    to Senator Mayer for bringing forward this 

10    important legislation, and the Majority Leader 

11    for bringing forward a package of bills that 

12    we'll be voting on today in support of our 

13    emergency medical services.

14                 As it has already been stated, we 

15    know that EMS services are in a significant 

16    crisis here in our state, especially in upstate 

17    New York and most certainly in rural communities 

18    that I represent in the Southern Tier.

19                 It is a well-known fact that EMS 

20    professionals do provide essential healthcare 

21    services to many of our constituents, including 

22    mine.

23                 This legislation would declare 

24    general ambulance services as an essential 

25    service, establish special districts for the 


 1    financing and operation of general ambulance 

 2    services, and provide a statewide comprehensive 

 3    emergency medical system plan.

 4                 What all that comes up to being is 

 5    that we will be able to provide, in realtime, 

 6    opportunities to save lives for real people in 

 7    our communities.  There are many folks who have 

 8    to travel significant distances in order to get 

 9    to a health provider.  This legislation is aiming 

10    to reduce that challenge, and I appreciate 

11    Senator Mayer for bringing this forward.

12                 In rural communities across upstate 

13    New York, we know that it is important that they 

14    have access to healthcare.  By designating EMS as 

15    an essential service, this legislation would 

16    ensure that these highly trained public servants 

17    get the support that they deserve so that they 

18    can provide more timely, more reliable emergency 

19    responses and pre-hospital care to New Yorkers.

20                 Again, I want to thank Senator Mayer 

21    for this bill, and our Senate Majority Leader for 

22    bringing forth this legislation.  I proudly vote 

23    aye, and I encourage my colleagues to do the 

24    same.

25                 Thank you.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 2    Webb to be recorded in the affirmative.

 3                 Senator Oberacker to explain his 

 4    vote.

 5                 SENATOR OBERACKER:   Thank you, 

 6    Madam President.

 7                 You know, every once in a while we 

 8    get it right here in Albany.  Today we got it 

 9    right.  Senator Mayer, thank you.  Thank you for 

10    shepherding this bill and bringing it home.

11                 You know, I've spoken a couple of 

12    times about an incident back on October 3 of 2018 

13    where my son was severely injured on a farm.  

14    Forty-six minutes was the response time.  

15                 (Emotional pause.)

16                 SENATOR OBERACKER:  Thank you.  

17                 If it wasn't for the first 

18    responders that day, I wouldn't have my grandson 

19    and I wouldn't have another one coming this 

20    November.  

21                 Senator, thank you.

22                 (Applause.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

24    Oberacker to be recorded in the affirmative.

25                 Senator Rolison to explain his vote.


 1                 SENATOR ROLISON:   Madam President, 

 2    I was going to just yield my time to someone else 

 3    after my colleague and friend Senator Oberacker 

 4    spoke about an incident involving his son.  And 

 5    when I heard that story the first time, I'm glad 

 6    everything has worked out the way it did.  

 7                 And I want to thank Senator Mayer.  

 8    And I'll just make a brief comment on all the 

 9    bills that will be voted on today and ultimately 

10    passed.  

11                 For me, you know, starting in the 

12    Fire Service in 1976, we were driving Cadillac 

13    ambulances back then.  And it was basic first 

14    aid, then advanced first aid, then EMT and then 

15    paramedic advanced life support, which is a great 

16    evolution.  

17                 But unfortunately, 46 minutes, when 

18    you're waiting for advanced life support and it 

19    is not getting there in a timely manner, that is 

20    not advanced.  That is not the State of New York.  

21    We are an advanced state when it comes to so many 

22    of the things that we do, especially in the area 

23    of public safety.  

24                 So again, my hat's off to 

25    Senator Mayer for moving these bills.  Both sides 


 1    of the aisle obviously have to support the basic 

 2    priority of government, which is public safety 

 3    and the health and welfare of our citizens.  

 4                 And again, thank you very much, 

 5    Madam President.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 7    Rolison to be recorded in the affirmative.

 8                 Announce the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    948, Senate Print 9024, by Senator Ryan, an act 

14    to amend the Judiciary Law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

18    act shall take effect immediately.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

20    roll.

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

23    the results.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 


 1    is passed.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    964, Assembly Bill Number 1745A, by 

 4    Assemblymember Dinowitz, an act to amend the 

 5    Public Service Law.

 6                 SENATOR LANZA:   Lay it aside.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Lay it 

 8    aside.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

10    970, Senate Print 7198A, by Senator Parker, an 

11    act to amend the Public Service Law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

13    last section.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 6.  This 

15    act shall take effect immediately.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

20    the results.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

23    is passed.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

25    986, Senate Print 8768A, by Senator Webb, an act 


 1    to amend the Education Law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 5    act shall take effect immediately.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    1008, Senate Print 4046, by Senator Fernandez, an 

16    act to amend the Penal Law.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

18    last section.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

20    act shall take effect immediately.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

22    roll.  

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

 3    is passed.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5    1013, Assembly Bill Number 3982, by 

 6    Assemblymember Jackson, an act to amend 

 7    Chapter 352 of the Laws of 2005.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

11    act shall take effect immediately.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1021, Senate Print 8614, by Senator Kavanagh, an 

22    act to amend the Executive Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 Calendar Number 1022 is high; the 

11    bill will be laid aside for the day.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    1035, Senate Print 940, by Senator Bailey, an act 

14    to amend the Executive Law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

18    act shall take effect on the 120th day after it 

19    shall have become a law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

21    roll.

22                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

24    the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 


 1    Calendar 1035, those Senators voting in the 

 2    negative are Senators Addabbo, Ashby, Borrello, 

 3    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

 4    Martinez, Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, 

 5    O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, 

 6    Tedisco, Weber and Weik.  Also Senator Lanza.

 7                 Ayes, 37.  Nays, 22.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    1046, Assembly Bill Number 9360, by 

12    Assemblymember Gallahan, an act to amend the 

13    Public Officers Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

17    act shall take effect immediately.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    1054, Senate Print 7886A, by Senator Harckham, an 

 3    act to amend the Labor Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 7    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 8    shall have become a law.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

10    roll.

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

13    the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

16    is passed.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18    1065, Senate Print 3387, by Senator Krueger, an 

19    act to amend the Executive Law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

21    last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

23    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

24    shall have become a law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1066, Senate Print 8821A, by Senator Sepúlveda, 

10    an act to amend the Education Law.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 9.  This 

14    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

15    shall have become a law.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

20    Sepúlveda to explain his vote.

21                 SENATOR SEPÚLVEDA:   Thank you, 

22    Madam President, for allowing me to explain my 

23    vote.  

24                 The impetus of this bill is that 

25    over the years I've met with students who have 


 1    received general equivalency diplomas, and to 

 2    some degree they felt stigmatized.  And sometimes 

 3    when they'd go for jobs or interviews, the fact 

 4    that it was a GED, or called a GED, some of them 

 5    felt that it put them at a disadvantage and felt 

 6    that from people that are interviewing them.  

 7                 So to alleviate that problem, to 

 8    create a source of pride, I've brought this bill 

 9    to change it from a GED diploma to the Excelsior 

10    high school diploma.  

11                 Thank you for allowing me to explain 

12    my vote.  I vote aye.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

14    Sepúlveda to be recorded in the affirmative.

15                 Announce the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

17    Calendar 1066, voting in the negative are 

18    Senators Lanza and Skoufis.

19                 Ayes, 57.  Nays, 2.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1068, Senate Print 9018A, by Senator Mayer, an 

24    act to amend the Education Law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 12.  This 

 3    act shall take effect on the first of July.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Call the 

 5    roll.

 6                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 8    Mayer to explain her vote.

 9                 SENATOR MAYER:   Thank you, 

10    Madam President.

11                 I rise to vote aye on this bill, 

12    which would require every school board and BOCES 

13    board in the state to have a nonvoting student 

14    member.  

15                 At their best, school boards 

16    represent the best of small-D democracy.  They 

17    give parents and community members a direct voice 

18    in the operation of their schools, one of our 

19    most important public resources.  

20                 This legislation aims to ensure that 

21    student voices are heard too, and gives students 

22    new opportunities to be involved in school boards 

23    and build skills and habits of civic engagement 

24    that will serve them for a lifetime.  

25                 Existing law allows districts to 


 1    appoint an ex officio student member.  This bill 

 2    simplifies the process and requires every 

 3    district to have at least one student member.  

 4    They'll be nonvoting but will be entitled to sit 

 5    with board members at public meetings and 

 6    participate.  

 7                 I would note that in working on this 

 8    bill, we spoke with districts around the state 

 9    that have taken advantage of the current law.  

10    They told us that student members yield 

11    meaningful dialogue at their school board 

12    meetings and provide valuable learning 

13    opportunities for the students.  In fact, I would 

14    say, for the adults as well, if I had to guess.  

15                 One superintendent reported that 

16    having just one student board member has 

17    increased interest among the whole student body 

18    in the school board.  Former student board 

19    members we spoke with felt their voices were 

20    valued and contributed to decision making.  

21                 I thank my colleagues for working 

22    with me, and my colleague Assemblymember 

23    Carrie Woerner for her work to advance this bill 

24    in the Assembly.  

25                 This is our obligation to continue 


 1    the civic tradition of this chamber for the next 

 2    generation.  I'm proud to vote aye.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 4    Mayer to be recorded in the affirmative.

 5                 Announce the results.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 7    Calendar 1068, those Senators voting in the 

 8    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

 9    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Lanza, 

10    Oberacker, Ortt, Rhoads, Stec, Tedisco, Weber and 

11    Weik.

12                 Ayes, 46.  Nays, 13.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

14    is passed.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16    1072, Assembly Bill Number 1057C, by 

17    Assemblymember Vanel, an act to amend the 

18    General Business Law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

22    act shall take effect on the 60th day after it 

23    shall have become a law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    1084, Senate Print 9019A, by Senator Gianaris, an 

 9    act to amend the General Business Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

13    act shall take effect immediately.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1130, Senate Print 1608A, by Senator Serrano, an 

24    act to amend the Parks, Recreation and Historic 

25    Preservation Law.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect immediately.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 9    the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

12    is passed.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14    1138, Senate Print 9241, by Senator Serrano, an 

15    act to amend the Navigation Law.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

17    last section.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

19    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

20    shall have become a law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

22    roll.

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 3    is passed.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5    1140, Senate Print 7841, by Senator Helming, an 

 6    act in relation to authorizing Michael Kurtz to 

 7    take the civil service examination.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is a 

 9    home-rule message at the desk.

10                 Read the last section.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

12    act shall take effect immediately.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

14    roll.

15                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

17    the results.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

19    Calendar 1140, voting in the negative:  

20    Senator Brisport.

21                 Ayes, 59.  Nays, 1.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

23    is passed.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

25    1149, Senate Print 2349A, by Senator Myrie, an 


 1    act to amend the Election Law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 5    act shall take effect immediately.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

10    Rhoads to explain his vote.

11                 SENATOR RHOADS:   Thank you, 

12    Madam President.  

13                 I rise in opposition to this bill, 

14    and I will be voting in the negative.

15                 At a time when the integrity of the 

16    election process is certainly foremost in the 

17    minds of our residents, at a time when additional 

18    pressures are being placed on boards of elections 

19    to ensure the integrity of the voter roll, this 

20    bill is injecting more chaos into the process.  

21                 Essentially, the idea behind 

22    residency requirements and permanent residency 

23    requirements is so that individuals who actually 

24    live in the community are the ones who are the 

25    stakeholders and participate in the process of 


 1    their local elections.  This now injects 

 2    essentially transient individuals to be able to 

 3    come into the district -- even if they're there 

 4    for only a short period of time, as little as one 

 5    month -- and be able to cast their ballot, 

 6    impacting the way of life of local residents who 

 7    are there on a permanent basis.  

 8                 Additionally, it creates issues for 

 9    local boards of election to try and maintain 

10    accurate voter rolls with residents able to -- 

11    temporary residents able to register in one 

12    location -- for example, for a village election, 

13    if they happen to live temporarily in a village, 

14    or a local election -- and then move back to 

15    their permanent residence and vote again in 

16    November.  

17                 With registrations bouncing back and 

18    forth, it makes it more likely that individuals 

19    would have the opportunity to vote more than once 

20    in different locations.  

21                 So for those reasons I'll be voting 

22    in the negative.  In many ways this will promote, 

23    as opposed to inhibit, voter fraud.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

25    Rhoads to be recorded in the negative.


 1                 Announce the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 3    Number 1149, those Senators voting in the 

 4    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

 5    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

 6    Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, 

 7    O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, 

 8    Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

 9                 Ayes, 40.  Nays, 20.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    1156, Senate Print 1593, by Senator Bailey, an 

14    act to amend the Executive Law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

18    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

19    shall have become a law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

21    roll.

22                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

24    the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 2    is passed.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4    1169, Assembly Bill Number 117A, by 

 5    Assemblymember Paulin, an act to amend the 

 6    Public Health Law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 8    last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

10    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

11    shall have become a law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.  

17                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

18    Calendar 1169, voting in the negative are 

19    Senators Ortt and O'Mara.

20                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 2.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    1177, Senate Print 5918B, by Senator Harckham, an 

25    act to amend the Public Service Law.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

 5    shall have become a law.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    1218, Senate Print 8860, by Senator Gallivan, an 

16    act in relation to authorizing the Town of Eden 

17    to alienate and discontinue the use of certain 

18    parklands.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is a 

20    home-rule message at the desk.

21                 Read the last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

23    act shall take effect immediately.  

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    1225, Senate Print 3604, by Senator Webb, an act 

 9    to amend the Real Property Tax Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

13    act shall take effect immediately.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1237, Senate Print 936, by Senator Bailey, an act 

24    to amend the Public Housing Law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3    act shall take effect immediately.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 5    roll.

 6                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 8    the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    1249, Senate Print 8224, by Senator Skoufis, an 

14    act to amend the Election Law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

18    act shall take effect immediately.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

20    roll.

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

23    the results.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

25    Calendar 1249, those Senators voting in the 


 1    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

 2    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

 3    Lanza, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, 

 4    Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Weber 

 5    and Weik.

 6                 Ayes, 41.  Nays 19.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 8    is passed.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

10    1250, Senate Print 8832, by Senator Gianaris, an 

11    act to amend the Election Law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

13    last section.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

15    act shall take effect immediately.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

20    Borrello to explain his vote.

21                 SENATOR BORRELLO:   Thank you, 

22    Madam President.  

23                 You know, there's a term in 

24    business:  Garbage in, garbage out.  And that's 

25    what a lot of this is amounting to.  


 1                 If we allow shoddy work to replace 

 2    the good work that people are doing to ensure 

 3    that our elections not only have integrity but 

 4    people have confidence in our elections, then 

 5    we're going to get a garbage result.  

 6                 So we should take up the idea of 

 7    garbage in, garbage out, and vote no on this 

 8    bill.  Thank you.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

10    Borrello to be recorded in the negative.

11                 Announce the results.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

13    Calendar 1250, those Senators voting in the 

14    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

15    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

16    Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 

17    Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, 

18    Weber and Weik.

19                 Ayes, 41.  Nays, 19.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1252, Senate Print 3592, by Senator Breslin, an 

24    act to amend the Insurance Law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3    act shall take effect immediately.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 5    roll.

 6                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 8    the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

10    Calendar 1252, voting in the negative:  

11    Senator Brisport.

12                 Ayes, 59.  Nays, 1.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

14    is passed.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16    1254, Senate Print 7114A, by Senator Rivera, an 

17    act to amend the Insurance Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

21    act shall take effect January 1, 2026.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    1258, Senate Print 8749A, by Senator Breslin, an 

 7    act to amend Chapter 758 of the Laws of 2022.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

11    act shall take effect immediately.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1265, Senate Print 911, by Senator Liu, an act to 

22    amend the Education Law.

23                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Lay it aside for 

24    the day.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 


 1    is laid aside for the day.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    1267, Senate Print 9336A, by Senator Liu, an act 

 4    to amend the Education Law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8    act shall take effect July 1, 2025.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

10    roll.

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

13    the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

15    Calendar 1267, voting in the negative are 

16    Senators Lanza, Rhoads and Skoufis.  

17                 Ayes, 57.  Nays, 3.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1269, Assembly Bill Number 5396, by 

22    Assemblymember Gunther, an act to amend the 

23    Correction Law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

25    last section.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 2    act shall take effect immediately.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 4    roll.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 7    the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    1275, Senate Print 8601A, by Senator Martinez, an 

13    act to amend the Labor Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

17    act shall take effect immediately.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

24    Calendar 1275, voting in the negative:  

25    Senator Skoufis.  


 1                 Ayes, 59.  Nays, 1.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 3    is passed.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5    1286, Senate Print 9107, by Senator Mayer, an act 

 6    to amend the Education Law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 8    last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

10    act shall take effect immediately.  

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

12    roll.

13                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

15    the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    1293, Senate Print Number 9281, by 

21    Senator Hoylman-Sigal, an act to repeal 

22    Section 470 of the Judiciary Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.  

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 8    Calendar 1293, voting in the negative:  

 9    Senator Skoufis.

10                 Ayes, 59.  Nays, 1.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

12    is passed.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14    1295, Senate Print 397, by Senator Cleare, an act 

15    directing the Metropolitan Transportation 

16    Authority to study the transportation and housing 

17    needs of Randalls and Wards Islands.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

21    act shall take effect immediately.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    1297, Senate Print 2901A, by Senator Comrie, an 

 7    act to amend Chapter 154 of the Laws of 1921.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

11    act shall take effect immediately.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.  

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1299, Senate Print 8861, by Senator May, an act 

22    to amend the Public Authorities Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 27.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.  

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 6    May to explain her vote.

 7                 SENATOR MAY:   Thank you, 

 8    Madam President.

 9                 Every county in New York State 

10    has experienced a flood emergency in the last 

11    decade -- five-year floods, hundred-year floods, 

12    thousand-year downpours are getting more and more 

13    common.

14                 The authorities that manage 

15    wastewater are struggling to deal with this 

16    problem.  Sewage is backing up in people's 

17    basements or overflowing into streams and lakes 

18    when stormwater overwhelms the system.  Culverts 

19    are washing out.  Roads are washing out.  People 

20    are losing their homes and sometimes even their 

21    lives.  

22                 Wastewater authorities around the 

23    state need more tools to deal with these 

24    ever-increasing threats.  This is important to 

25    cities and rural areas alike.  I heard recently 


 1    from a local mayor in rural Cayuga County, in my 

 2    district, that he needs to be able to manage not 

 3    just sewage but stormwater as well.  

 4                 This bill will give the Cayuga 

 5    County Water Authority and local officials like 

 6    him just such latitude.  It will enable them to 

 7    incentivize a shift from overreliance on 

 8    impermeable surfaces to using green 

 9    infrastructure -- retention basins, rain gardens, 

10    green roofs, permeable pavement -- to capture 

11    rain before it gets downstream into the sewage 

12    system.  These solutions can help municipalities 

13    avoid extremely costly investments in new 

14    wastewater treatment systems while also 

15    beautifying neighborhoods.  

16                 I want to thank all the municipal 

17    leaders around the state, from Buffalo to 

18    Brooklyn, who weighed in to support this policy, 

19    and Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins for 

20    enabling us to bring it to a vote today.  

21                 I vote aye.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

23    May to be recorded in the affirmative.

24                 Announce the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 2    is passed.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4    1306, Assembly Bill Number 7341B, by 

 5    Assemblymember Hevesi, an act to amend the 

 6    Social Services Law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 8    last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

10    act shall take effect immediately.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

12    roll.

13                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

15    the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    1347, Senate Print 5060, by Senator Hinchey, an 

21    act to amend the Public Health Law.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

23    last section.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

25    act shall take effect immediately.  


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 2    roll.  

 3                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 5    the results.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 8    is passed.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

10    1350, Assembly Bill Number 5789A, by 

11    Assemblymember Woerner, an act to amend the 

12    Public Health Law.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

14    last section.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

16    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

17    shall have become a law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.  

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    1358, Assembly Bill Number 4914B, by 

 3    Assemblymember Kelles, an act to amend the 

 4    Highway Law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8    act shall take effect immediately.  

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

10    roll.

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

13    Webb to explain her vote.

14                 SENATOR WEBB:   Thank you, 

15    Madam President.  

16                 This legislation would designate the 

17    bridge on State Route 34B, which is crossing 

18    Salmon Creek, Town of Lansing, in Tompkins 

19    County, as the Peter Wheeler Memorial Bridge.  

20                 A little bit about Mr. Wheeler.  He 

21    was born into slavery on January 1, 1789, in 

22    Tuckertown, New Jersey, and was owned by 

23    Job Mather, who -- despite being emancipated by 

24    Mr. Mather's will, he was kidnapped and auctioned 

25    off for slavery to a person who lived in 


 1    Ludlowville, in Tompkins County.  

 2                 He eventually escaped and went on to 

 3    achieve some pretty incredible things, including 

 4    becoming a sea merchant and eventually publishing 

 5    an autobiography.  

 6                 Mr. Wheeler received support from 

 7    neighbors Thomas and Henry Ludlow, who were two 

 8    of the brothers which the hamlet was named 

 9    after -- both brothers were also abolitionists 

10    and embraced Wheeler -- to escape to freedom.  In 

11    1806, Wheeler finally got the courage to make his 

12    escape.  And with the help of one of the 

13    Morehouse daughters, he was able to do so 

14    successfully.  He eventually, as I mentioned 

15    before, became a sea merchant.  

16                 The Town of Lansing wishes to honor 

17    his memory -- he once lived in this community in 

18    the early 1800s -- by designating the newly 

19    constructed bridge crossing as Peter Wheeler 

20    Memorial Bridge.  

21                 There is a comprehensive narrative 

22    documenting his life in this community.  And most 

23    recently, the Lansing Town Board passed a 

24    resolution signifying this desire.  The community 

25    believes it is not only important to remember his 


 1    story, but also to remember the very dark history 

 2    of slavery in the community and also to commit to 

 3    learning and ensuring that the human need for 

 4    dignity and respect is continued on.

 5                 I proudly vote aye, Madam President, 

 6    and I encourage my colleagues to do the same.

 7                 Thank you.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 9    Webb to be recorded in the affirmative.

10                 Announce the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    1366, Assembly Bill Number 9229, by 

16    Assemblymember Zebrowski, an act to amend the 

17    Public Authorities Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

21    act shall take effect immediately.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.  

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    1379, Senate Print 613A, by Senator Myrie, an act 

 7    to amend the Tax Law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

11    act shall take effect immediately.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1382, Senate Print 2311, by Senator Myrie, an act 

22    to amend the Penal Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.  

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.  

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 8    Calendar 1382, those Senators voting in the 

 9    negative are Senators Borrello, 

10    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Lanza, 

11    Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 

12    Ortt, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Weber and 

13    Weik.  Also Senator Helming.

14                 Ayes, 42.  Nays, 18.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

16    is passed.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18    1383, Assembly Bill Number 589A, by 

19    Assemblymember Rosenthal, an act to amend the 

20    Public Housing Law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

22    last section.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

24    act shall take effect immediately.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 6    Calendar 1383, those Senators voting in the 

 7    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

 8    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Felder, Gallivan, Griffo, 

 9    Helming, Martinez, Martins, Mattera, Murray, 

10    Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, 

11    Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

12                 Ayes, 39.  Nays, 21.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

14    is passed.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16    1389, Senate Print 5122, by Senator Rivera, an 

17    act to amend the Public Health Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

21    act shall take effect immediately.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.  

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 3    Calendar 1389, voting in the negative:  

 4    Senator Felder.  

 5                 Ayes, 59.  Nays, 1.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1395, Senate Print 7286A, by Senator Martinez, an 

10    act to amend the Tax Law.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

14    act shall take effect on the first of April.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.  

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    1400, Senate Print 8486B, by Senator Hinchey, an 

25    act to amend the Social Services Law.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect on the first of October.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 9    Hinchey to explain her vote.

10                 SENATOR HINCHEY:   Thank you, 

11    Madam President.  

12                 I am incredibly excited that we are 

13    passing a package of bills to support our EMS 

14    providers today.  These are folks who take time 

15    out of their day, they leave their families' 

16    birthday parties, they go to calls in the middle 

17    of the night -- many volunteers -- to provide 

18    healthcare services to people all across our 

19    communities.

20                 And in communities like mine, but 

21    really across the entire state, our EMS providers 

22    are the frontline of healthcare.  In communities 

23    across our state, I'll say specifically in 

24    Greene County, a county without a hospital, we 

25    are dependent on our EMS providers to save lives 


 1    and triage for what may take over an hour to get 

 2    to a hospital.

 3                 There are a number of incredible 

 4    bills in this EMS package today, but this bill is 

 5    one that I'm really proud to sponsor, which will 

 6    actually start to reimburse EMS providers for 

 7    treatment in place.  If they get called to a 

 8    scene and they have to provide care, right now 

 9    they do not get reimbursed for that work.  What 

10    this bill does is actually provide reimbursement 

11    through Medicaid for that treatment.

12                 This bill also allows our EMS 

13    providers to transport folks, and get paid for 

14    it, to alternative locations other than a 

15    hospital.  Not everyone needs to go to a 

16    hospital.  They may need an urgent care.  They 

17    may need a mental health facility.  They may need 

18    another type of location.  And instead of being 

19    able to go to one of those places, they have to 

20    go to a hospital.  That puts extenuating 

21    circumstances, extenuating challenges in our 

22    hospital system, and this bill will change that.  

23                 I want to thank everyone who worked 

24    on this bill with us, including the Legislative 

25    Commission on Rural Resources, our entire 


 1    commission of EMS providers, and especially the 

 2    leader for bringing this bill forward, and this 

 3    entire package.  

 4                 I vote aye.  Thank you.  

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 6    Hinchey to be recorded in the affirmative.

 7                 Announce the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    1401, Assembly Bill Number 9349, by 

13    Assemblymember Pheffer Amato, an act to amend the 

14    Civil Service Law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

18    act shall take effect immediately.  

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

20    roll.

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

23    the results.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 


 1    is passed.  

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    1404, Senate Print 700, by Senator Comrie, an act 

 4    to amend the General Business Law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 9    shall have become a law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

11    roll.

12                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

14    the results.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

16    Calendar 1404, those Senators voting in the 

17    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

18    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

19    Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, 

20    O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, 

21    Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

22                 Ayes.  40.  Nays, 20.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

24    is passed.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 


 1    1419, Assembly Bill Number 9144, by 

 2    Assemblymember Thiele, an act to amend the 

 3    Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 7    act shall take effect immediately.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 60.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17    1420, Senate Print 8683A, by Senator Parker, an 

18    act to amend the Cannabis Law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

22    act shall take effect immediately.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

24    roll.

25                 (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 2    the results.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 4    Calendar Number 1420, those Senators voting in 

 5    the negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

 6    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, 

 7    Martinez, Martins, Mattera, Murray, O'Mara, Ortt, 

 8    Palumbo, Rhoads, Stec, Tedisco and Weik.

 9                 Ayes, 44.  Nays, 16.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    1440, Senate Print 9282, by Senator Stec, an act 

14    to amend the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

18    act shall take effect immediately.  

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

20    roll.

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

23    the results.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

25    Calendar Number 1440, voting in the negative:  


 1    Senator Martinez.  

 2                 Ayes, 60.  Nays, 1.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    1447, Senate Print 5798, by Senator Fernandez, an 

 7    act to amend the Civil Rights Law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

11    act shall take effect immediately.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

18    Calendar 1447, those Senators voting in the 

19    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

20    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

21    Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 

22    Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Stec, Tedisco, Weber and 

23    Weik.  Also Senator Lanza.

24                 Ayes, 42.  Nays, 19.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 


 1    is passed.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    1462, Senate Print 6350B, by Senator May, an act 

 4    to amend the Education Law.

 5                 SENATOR LANZA:   Lay it aside.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is laid aside.  

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1464, Senate Print 7669A, by Senator Ortt, an act 

10    to amend Chapter 672 of the Laws of 1993.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

14    act shall take effect immediately.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    1465, Senate Print 7670, by Senator Ortt, an act 

25    to amend Chapter 672 of the Laws of 1993.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect immediately.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 9    the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

12    is passed.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14    1467, Assembly Bill Number 2885A, by 

15    Assemblymember Rosenthal, an act to amend the 

16    Public Health Law.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

18    last section.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

20    act shall take effect immediately.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

22    roll.

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

25    Gounardes to explain his vote.


 1                 SENATOR GOUNARDES:   Thank you, 

 2    Madam President.

 3                 This bill, like so many of the bills 

 4    that we pass, came to me from a constituent, 

 5    Lucia Zaremba, a young girl who lives in 

 6    Bay Ridge.  And it's the classic story of, you 

 7    know, there ought to be a law to protect people.  

 8                 And Lucia reached out to my office 

 9    and told me the story about how her brother, who 

10    suffers from a food allergy, came into contact 

11    with the food that he was allergic to and then 

12    went into anaphylactic shock.  And as he was on 

13    the floor and his mother -- before she reached 

14    for her EpiPen, her brother John said:  "Mommy, 

15    Mommy, I don't want to die, please help me."  And 

16    thank God that his mother had an EpiPen to 

17    administer to him to help save his life.  

18                 And she got to thinking, like what 

19    if we didn't have an EpiPen on hand?  What if we 

20    were out somewhere in public and we forgot the 

21    EpiPen or there was nothing nearby?  

22                 And so she came to me with this idea 

23    to say, we should require places of public 

24    assembly, public venues, to have EpiPens just 

25    like we do AED machines and other things to help 


 1    save people's lives in case something goes wrong.  

 2                 And so I'm really thankful to my 

 3    colleagues today for supporting this measure.  I 

 4    want to thank Lucia Zaremba for bringing this 

 5    bill to my attention.  And I want to thank her 

 6    for all of her advocacy with her classmates and 

 7    her family to help push to get this bill over the 

 8    finish line.  

 9                 And with that, I proudly vote aye.

10                 Thank you.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

12    Gounardes to be recorded in the affirmative.

13                 Announce the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

16    is passed.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18    1470, Senate Print 4146B, by Senator Cooney, an 

19    act to amend the General Business Law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

21    last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

23    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

24    shall have become a law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1482, Senate Print 6550A, by Senator Mayer, an 

10    act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is a 

12    home-rule message at the desk.

13                 Read the last section.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

15    act shall take effect immediately.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

17    roll.  

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

20    the results.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

22    Calendar Number 1482, voting in the negative:  

23    Senator Skoufis.

24                 Ayes, 60.  Nays, 1. 

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 


 1    is passed.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    1490, Senate Print 7765, by Senator Ryan, an act 

 4    in relation to enacting the City of Buffalo 

 5    Historic Preservation Receivership Act.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 7    last section.  

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 12.  This 

 9    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

10    shall have become a law.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

12    roll.

13                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

15    the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    1496, Senate Print 8119B, by Senator Fernandez, 

21    an act to amend the Veterans' Services Law.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

23    last section.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

25    act shall take effect on the 150th day after it 


 1    shall have become a law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    1497, Senate Print 8124, by Senator May, an act 

12    to direct the Department of Economic Development 

13    to move the Central New York Welcome Center to 

14    the Equal Rights Heritage Center in the City of 

15    Auburn.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

17    last section.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

19    act shall take effect immediately.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

21    roll.

22                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

24    the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 2    is passed.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4    1513, Senate Print 8779, by Senator Skoufis, an 

 5    act to ratify and confirm the creation of Water 

 6    District No. 14 of the Town of Monroe.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is a 

 8    home-rule message at the desk.

 9                 Read the last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

11    act shall take effect immediately.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1522, Senate Print 9034, by Senator Cooney, an 

22    act to amend the Criminal Procedure Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    1524, Senate Print 9059, by Senator Skoufis, an 

12    act to amend Chapter 602 of the Laws of 1993.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

14    last section.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

16    act shall take effect immediately.  

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

18    roll.  

19                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

21    the results.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

24    is passed.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 


 1    1526, Senate Print Number 9122, by 

 2    Senator Stewart-Cousins, an act to amend 

 3    Chapter 329 of the Laws of 2015.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is a 

 5    home-rule message at the desk.

 6                 Read the last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8    act shall take effect immediately.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

10    roll.  

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

13    the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

15    Calendar 1526, voting in the negative:  

16    Senator Skoufis.

17                 Ayes, 60.  Nays, 1.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1528, Senate Print 9233, by Senator Cooney, an 

22    act to amend Part C of Chapter 97 of the Laws of 

23    2011.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

25    last section.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 2    act shall take effect immediately.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 4    roll.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 7    the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    1529, Assembly Bill Number 9580, by 

13    Assemblymember Lavine, an act to amend 

14    Chapter 401 of the Laws of 2002.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

18    act shall take effect immediately.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

20    roll.

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

23    the results.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

25    Calendar 1529, voting in the negative:  


 1    Senator Skoufis.  

 2                 Ayes, 60.  Nays, 1.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    1531, Senate Print 9291, by Senator Mayer, an act 

 7    to amend Chapter 471 of the Laws of 2023.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is a 

 9    home-rule message at the desk.

10                 Read the last section.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

12    act shall take effect immediately.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

14    roll.  

15                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

17    the results.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

20    is passed.

21                 Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

22    reading of today's calendar.

23                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you, 

24    Madam President.  

25                 To clarify for the record, I think 


 1    when we passed Calendar 1166 it was read as a 

 2    Senator Bailey bill.  In fact, that was a 

 3    Senator Brouk bill.  But I know it passed, so I 

 4    just wanted to clarify the transcript on that.  

 5                 And before we move on to the 

 6    controversial calendar, if we could return to 

 7    resolutions and take up previously adopted 

 8    Resolution 1763, by Senator Sepúlveda, read its 

 9    title and recognize Senator Sepúlveda.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

11    Secretary will read.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 1763, by 

13    Senator Sepúlveda, memorializing Governor 

14    Kathy Hochul to proclaim May 14, 2024, as 

15    Taiwan Heritage Day in the State of New York.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

17    Sepúlveda on the resolution.

18                 SENATOR SEPÚLVEDA:   Thank you, 

19    Madam Speaker, for allowing me to speak on this 

20    resolution.

21                 For the last 12 years -- six in the 

22    Senate and six in the Assembly -- I've presented 

23    a resolution to mark May 14th as Taiwan Heritage 

24    Day in the State of New York.  

25                 New York celebrates a deep and 


 1    enduring relationship that extends beyond mere 

 2    diplomacy to the very fabric of our communities.  

 3    This occasion honors the rich cultural heritage 

 4    of Taiwan and the strong bonds that unite Taiwan 

 5    and the United States.

 6                 This year we also celebrate the 

 7    45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, 

 8    which has been essential in nurturing a robust 

 9    partnership between our nations, rooted in shared 

10    economic interest and mutual respect.

11                 Our bilateral trade exemplifies the 

12    strength, reaching nearly $117 billion last year.  

13    It showcases the vibrant economic ties that 

14    benefit both of our peoples.

15                 Taiwan and New York share a dynamic 

16    economic relationship, with New York exporting 

17    over $1.2 billion in goods to Taiwan last year 

18    alone, supporting thousands and thousands of 

19    local jobs.

20                 The presence of numerous Taiwanese 

21    companies in New York and investment from 

22    New York's top businesses in Taiwan have created 

23    a beneficial cycle of economic growth and 

24    opportunity that strengthens both of our regions.  

25                 Our cooperation extends into 


 1    education through initiatives that enhance 

 2    international learning and understanding, further 

 3    connecting our cultures.  This educational 

 4    exchange enriches the experiences of students and 

 5    educators alike, both in Taiwan and New York.

 6                 Today I am also proud to acknowledge 

 7    Senator John Liu and Senator Chu, two 

 8    distinguished Taiwanese Americans whose 

 9    dedication significantly enriches our legislative 

10    body and exemplifies the profound contributions 

11    of the Taiwanese American community here in 

12    New York.

13                 I also want to thank both of them 

14    for allowing me to continue presenting this 

15    resolution into the 12th year.

16                 Let us continue to foster this 

17    fruitful partnership which deepens our ties to 

18    cultural exchanges and economic collaboration.  

19    These efforts not only benefit our present but 

20    pave the way for a legacy of international 

21    cooperation and mutual respect.

22                 From a personal experience, I have 

23    visited Taiwan on a couple of occasions, and it 

24    is an absolutely beautiful country.  It is a 

25    country where maybe we can learn some things.  


 1                 One particular topic is that Taiwan 

 2    has universal healthcare.  In Taiwan, unlike this 

 3    country, healthcare is considered a universal 

 4    right, a right as a citizen, a right to every 

 5    individual.  We can learn much from that that so 

 6    we can have, one day, universal healthcare in 

 7    this state and in this country.

 8                 I want to thank all the individuals 

 9    that are here today, including TECO Deputy 

10    Director General Lishan Chang; TECO Director of 

11    Political Division Fuyuan Liu; Mr. Tony Chuy, 

12    who's the president of the Chinese Consolidated 

13    Benevolent Association; Mr. Justin Yu, advisor to 

14    the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 

15    of New York; Mrs. Patsy Chen, vice president of 

16    the Taiwanese Center of New York; Mr. Sam Lin, 

17    president of the Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of 

18    New York; Mr. Yong-de Tsai, deputy speaker from 

19    Yulin County Council; Mr. Winston Liao, chairman 

20    of the Taiwanese American Association; 

21    Mr. Forrest Chen, TECO director of cultural 

22    center.  

23                 Thank you for being here.  Thank 

24    you, Taiwan.  Thank you for your friendship with 

25    New York State and our country.  


 1                 And we must always stand together to 

 2    defend the borders of Taiwan.  Thank you.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

 4    Senator Sepúlveda.

 5                 Senator Chu on the resolution.

 6                 SENATOR CHU:   Thank you, 

 7    Madam President.  

 8                 I rise today to wholeheartedly 

 9    support this resolution because it holds profound 

10    significance not just for the Taiwanese American 

11    community but for those who value diversity and 

12    cultural richness.  As a Taiwanese immigrant who 

13    lived in Taiwan for 27 years of my life, my 

14    heritage fills me with immense pride.  My 

15    Taiwanese roots have shaped who I am, how I see 

16    the world, and how I will continue to bring my 

17    heritage into the work I do in this chamber every 

18    day, ensuring that the values of diversity and 

19    community that define my heritage are reflected 

20    in my efforts to serve my constituents with 

21    diligence and compassion.  

22                 I want to thank Senator Sepúlveda 

23    for continuing to highlight the importance of the 

24    Taiwanese heritage through this resolution, and I 

25    encourage all my colleagues in these final days 


 1    of AAPI Heritage Month to continue to raise 

 2    awareness for the issues surrounding the AAPI 

 3    communities within your district.

 4                 Thank you, Madam President.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

 6    Senator Chu.

 7                 Senator Liu on the resolution.

 8                 SENATOR LIU:   Thank you, 

 9    Madam President, for the opportunity to speak.  

10                 I want to thank my brother from 

11    Taiwan, Senator Luis Sepúlveda -- 

12                 (Laughter.)

13                 SENATOR LIU:   -- for once again, 

14    after many years of doing so, presenting this 

15    resolution on behalf of Taiwan.  

16                 We have a burgeoning and vibrant 

17    Taiwanese community here in New York State.  It's 

18    a community that I'm proud to hail from, along 

19    with Senator Iwen Chu.  

20                 You know, there's a lot that can be 

21    said about Taiwan.  I will only be concise that 

22    in the face of great adversity, Taiwan continues 

23    to be a beacon of hope for everyone around the 

24    world, including many of us right here in the 

25    United States and certainly here in New York.  


 1                 Taiwan is a beacon of democracy, of 

 2    progressive social values.  Senator Sepúlveda 

 3    mentioned the universal healthcare.  It is a 

 4    place that has the best cuisine in the world -- 

 5    no offense to any of my colleagues across the 

 6    aisle -- and it certainly is the new face of 

 7    technology, where companies in Taiwan are 

 8    investing several billion dollars right here in 

 9    our state.

10                 So there's a lot to celebrate today, 

11    and I'm so happy that many of our colleagues were 

12    able to join us on the third floor of the LOB in 

13    celebration of Taiwan Day.

14                 Thank you, Madam President, for 

15    giving us all this opportunity to not only talk 

16    about Taiwan but also to greet our visitors, both 

17    here, with our deputy director of TECO; the mayor 

18    of Chinatown, Tony Chuy, the president of the 

19    Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association; and 

20    all of our colleagues and community leaders in 

21    the balcony.

22                 Thank you, Madam President.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

24    Senator Liu.  

25                 Senator Borrello on the resolution.


 1                 SENATOR BORRELLO:   Thank you, 

 2    Madam President.  

 3                 I want to associate myself with all 

 4    of the comments of my colleagues.  

 5                 You know, Taiwan is the modern-day 

 6    David and Goliath story.  And we stand with them 

 7    in their pursuit of preserving democracy against 

 8    a great tyranny in this world.  So God bless 

 9    Taiwan, and Godspeed.

10                 Thank you.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

12    Senator Borrello.

13                 The resolution was previously 

14    adopted on February 6th.

15                 To our guests who are here to join 

16    us here today, we welcome you on behalf of the 

17    Senate.  We extend to you all the privileges and 

18    courtesies of the house.  

19                 Please rise and be recognized.

20                 (Standing ovation.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

22    Gianaris.

23                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

24    so it turns out we didn't read the wrong name 

25    earlier, we read the wrong bill number.


 1                 (Laughter.)

 2                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   So can we now 

 3    take up Calendar 1166, and then we will soon 

 4    recall the bill that we erroneously took up.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 6    Secretary will read.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    1166, Senate Print 9017, by Senator Brouk, an act 

 9    to amend the Mental Hygiene Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

13    act shall take effect immediately.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)  

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 Senator Gianaris.

23                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you, 

24    Madam President.  

25                 So I believe that concludes the 


 1    noncontroversial calendar.  We will return 

 2    shortly to take up the motion recalling that one 

 3    bill that was erroneously taken up.  

 4                 But in the meantime, let us move on 

 5    to the controversial calendar, beginning with 

 6    Calendar 964.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 8    Secretary will ring the bell.

 9                 The Secretary will read.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number  

11    964, Assembly Bill Number 1745A, by 

12    Assemblymember Dinowitz, an act to amend the 

13    Public Service Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

15    O'Mara, why do you rise?

16                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Yes, 

17    Madam President.  I have a few questions, if the 

18    sponsor would be willing to answer some.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Will the 

20    sponsor yield?  Senator Comrie, do you yield? 

21                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes, I yield.  

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

23    Senator yields.  

24                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Thank you, 

25    Senator.


 1                 I've just got a couple of clarifying 

 2    questions on this bill.  And I understand it's 

 3    expanding the complaint review process on 

 4    utilities, whether public or private, expanding 

 5    it to all customers, businesses in addition to 

 6    residential that's been in the law.  And I 

 7    understand that.  

 8                 But in paragraph 1 of the 

 9    complaint-handling procedures, it talks about 

10    prompt reporting to the complainant within 

11    15 days after the result of such investigation 

12    for a utility or 30 days after the result of an 

13    investigation for a municipality.

14                 That investigation referred to in 

15    there is being completed by the utility or the 

16    commission?

17                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Commission.

18                 SENATOR O'MARA:   It's being -- by 

19    the commission.

20                 So the commission, then, are they 

21    required to produce a written determination?

22                 SENATOR COMRIE:   This bill would 

23    require them to produce a -- I'm sorry, through 

24    you, Madam President.  This bill would require 

25    the commission to produce a written result and 


 1    determination.  

 2                 That has not happened before.  And, 

 3    you know, just to clarify, we've had a lot of 

 4    constituents that have gone through hell, they've 

 5    gone through, you know, problems with emergency 

 6    shutdowns or utilities with -- or issues where 

 7    either through flood or broken poles, they've 

 8    gone up to three weeks and not gotten repairs.  

 9    And then they contact the PSC and they get no 

10    timeline about when they're going to get a 

11    response to what happened to them.  

12                 So this bill would clear that up and 

13    make the PSC follow through on the complaint and 

14    give them a response in writing.

15                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Thank you, 

16    Senator.  

17                 If the Senator will continue to 

18    yield.

19                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

21    continue to yield?

22                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes, 

23    Madam President.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

25    Senator yields.


 1                 SENATOR O'MARA:   I agree 

 2    wholeheartedly, Senator, with the desire to get 

 3    prompt and accurate determinations by the 

 4    commission, because there have been problems 

 5    throughout I think all of our districts and the 

 6    various utilities that serve constituents around 

 7    the state.  

 8                 But this bill requires that the 

 9    determination be provided to the complainant, the 

10    customer, within 15 days or 30 days.  There's no 

11    definition for what -- a prompt determination of 

12    the complaint, though, is there?

13                 SENATOR COMRIE:   This bill would 

14    require the utility -- that the Public Service 

15    Commission give the consumer, the customer, the 

16    homeowner, a -- what we mean by prompt is coming 

17    within the 15 or 30 days.  

18                 So I'm not sure if your question is 

19    what is the definition of prompt.  We didn't 

20    define that.  But the object to make sure that 

21    they get a response within a timely fashion.

22                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Thank you, 

23    Senator.

24                 Madam President, if the Senator will 

25    continue to yield.


 1                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

 3    continue to yield, Senator Comrie?  

 4                 Yes, the Senator yields.

 5                 SENATOR O'MARA:   So it's your 

 6    intent with this legislation that the 

 7    investigation by the commission be completed and 

 8    a ruling made within 15 days or 30 days?

 9                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yeah.  Yeah.

10                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Or just that that 

11    decision be conveyed to the complainant 15 or 

12    30 days after that determination is made?  

13                 SENATOR COMRIE:   That the complaint 

14    is given to -- in writing to the constituent 

15    within 15 or 30 days after the investigation is 

16    completed.

17                 SENATOR O'MARA:   So through you, 

18    Madam President, if the sponsor will continue to 

19    yield.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Are you 

21    asking if the Senator will continue to yield?

22                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Yes.

23                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

25    Senator yields.  


 1                 SENATOR O'MARA:   So there is no 15- 

 2    or 30-day time limit on the investigation taking 

 3    place, it's the delivering of that determination, 

 4    after it's made, to the complainant.

 5                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Just 

 6    double-checking.  

 7                 There is no time limit on the 

 8    investigation.  We want the investigations to be 

 9    done thoroughly and -- so that they won't have 

10    any further complaints or concerns.  But once the 

11    investigation is completed, we want them to have 

12    a response within 15 or 30 days.

13                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Okay.  Thank you, 

14    Senator.  

15                 Madam President, if the sponsor will 

16    continue to yield.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

18    continue to yield?

19                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

21    Senator yields.  

22                 SENATOR O'MARA:   And it requires 

23    that the report be in writing -- again, in 

24    Section 1, that the determination shall be in 

25    writing -- that the report shall be in writing.  


 1    Is that in writing by the commission or by the 

 2    utility?  

 3                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Through you, 

 4    Madam President, by the commission.  

 5                 The commission will do a report 

 6    where they reach out to the utility, reach out to 

 7    sometimes the community and sometimes the police, 

 8    depending on what the situation is.  They have to 

 9    do a full investigation.  Once they get all of 

10    that information, they'll put it in writing to 

11    the constituent.

12                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Through you, 

13    Madam President, if the sponsor will continue to 

14    yield.

15                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

17    Senator yields.

18                 SENATOR O'MARA:   And then at that 

19    point that the utility receives that report back, 

20    that determination of the initial investigation, 

21    they -- the commission provides it to the utility 

22    in writing, and then this bill is requiring that 

23    report to be conveyed to the complainant within 

24    15 days or 30 days.

25                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Correct.  Yes.


 1                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Now, through you, 

 2    Madam President, if the sponsor will continue to 

 3    yield.  

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

 5    continue to yield?  

 6                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 8    Comrie yields.

 9                 SENATOR O'MARA:   It says that that 

10    report shall be in writing, which we've talked 

11    about, and provide all supporting documentation.  

12                 Is all that supporting 

13    documentation, is the commission required to 

14    provide all that to the utility so that the 

15    utility has it to be able to convey to the 

16    complainant?

17                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Through you, 

18    Madam President.  All that information has to be 

19    included in the determination and gathered 

20    through the determination.  It will be provided 

21    to all parties that ask for it.

22                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Excuse me, all 

23    parties that --  

24                 SENATOR COMRIE:   That ask for it.

25                 SENATOR O'MARA:   That ask for it.  


 1                 Through you, Madam President, if the 

 2    sponsor will continue to yield.  

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

 4    continue to yield?

 5                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 7    Comrie yields.  

 8                 SENATOR O'MARA:   But the bill 

 9    explicitly says such report shall be in writing 

10    and provide all supporting documentation.  It 

11    doesn't say anything about to anybody who 

12    requests it.

13                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Through you, 

14    Madam President.  I don't see anyone other than 

15    the utility or the constituent that would request 

16    that document.  That's why they -- I'm saying 

17    that the primary people that would request it are 

18    the people that were most affected or the utility 

19    that may feel that they want to appeal the 

20    ruling.  

21                 But I don't see -- I wouldn't -- I'm 

22    sorry, I misspoke earlier.  So it would go to the 

23    utility or the customer.  But it's not going to 

24    be released to the general public.

25                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Through you, 


 1    Madam President, if the sponsor will continue to 

 2    yield.

 3                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

 5    continue to yield?

 6                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 8    Comrie yields.

 9                 SENATOR O'MARA:   I'm not asking 

10    whether it's going to be released to the general 

11    public.  But it says that the report shall be in 

12    writing and provide all supporting documentation.  

13                 You said if a party requests it.  

14    Because I don't see that in the language.

15                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Through you, 

16    Madam President.  As I said earlier, the -- when 

17    they do the investigation to prepare the report, 

18    they're going to have to reach out to all 

19    affected parties, all parties that were involved, 

20    whether it be the utility, whether it be the city 

21    or the community or the municipality where the 

22    incident occurred.  

23                 And then also the constituent wants 

24    to know what the final outcome was and what the 

25    detail was, and that would be provided to them in 


 1    writing.  The primary reason here is to try to 

 2    give the constituent some closure.

 3                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Through you, 

 4    Madam President, if the sponsor will continue to 

 5    yield.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

 7    continue to yield?  

 8                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

10    Senator yields.

11                 SENATOR O'MARA:   No, I agree, 

12    Senator.  And I'm just trying to clarify what's 

13    required here.  And that these determinations, 

14    you know, be made promptly and conveyed promptly 

15    and accurately to the complainant, because these 

16    are very stressful situations for the complainant 

17    in these situations.

18                 Can this -- providing the report in 

19    writing, with the supporting documentation, can 

20    that be done electronically via email?  Or does 

21    it have to be a hard copy sent to the 

22    complainant? 

23                 SENATOR COMRIE:   We didn't specify 

24    whether it should be done through email or hard 

25    copy.  So we didn't make a final -- we didn't 


 1    make a -- it could be done the most efficient 

 2    way.  I'm sure that if the constituent wanted it, 

 3    the PSC would, I would hope, have the compassion 

 4    to send it to them in writing if they just didn't 

 5    want it emailed.

 6                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Through you, 

 7    Madam President, if the sponsor will continue to 

 8    yield.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

10    continue to yield?  

11                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes, I continue.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

13    Senator yields.

14                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Senator, moving 

15    down to paragraph 3 of the bill, you have removed 

16    from existing law that the commission shall use 

17    its best efforts to complete its investigation 

18    and review and to issue within 90 days its final 

19    written determination of any appeal, pursuant to 

20    this section.  

21                 So now there's no 90-day timeline 

22    for the commission to review the appeal?  

23                 SENATOR COMRIE:   With climate 

24    change there has been a higher volume of 

25    complaints and, unfortunately, more incidents 


 1    that have required investigation and review.

 2                 So we put in this flexibility so 

 3    that the Public Service Commission could have 

 4    more time to make all the determinations 

 5    possible.

 6                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Through you, 

 7    Madam President, if the sponsor will continue to 

 8    yield.  

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

10    continue to yield?  

11                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

13    Senator yields.

14                 SENATOR O'MARA:   So you've taken 

15    out that 90-day goal to handle any appeal, and 

16    you've instituted fines on the utility for not 

17    timely providing the report from the commission 

18    within either 15 days or 30 days.  Yet there's no 

19    time requirements here on the commission in 

20    making that determination.

21                 SENATOR COMRIE:   So what the intent 

22    was, was to make sure that we get from the 

23    utility all of the information within the 15 to 

24    30 days, or the 90-day maximum time, so that the 

25    commission could then write the report and send 


 1    it to the consumer.  

 2                 So we're focused on pushing the 

 3    utility to do timely responses, not the 

 4    commission.

 5                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Through you, 

 6    Madam President, if the sponsor will continue to 

 7    yield.  

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

 9    continue to yield?  

10                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

12    Senator yields.  

13                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Just to clarify 

14    here.  The -- providing the investigation report 

15    either in 15 days or 30 days, that's the specific 

16    time requirement.  Providing that report -- the 

17    utility provides that report to the complainant 

18    after the utility gets that determination from 

19    the commission?

20                 SENATOR COMRIE:   No.  I'm sorry, 

21    through you, Madam President.  The object is to 

22    make sure that there's full clarity.  And the 

23    commission is asking the utility to provide the 

24    report, which would go then to the commission, 

25    who would -- the utility files their report of 


 1    what happened, the incident, what their solutions 

 2    are, what was the problems behind it.  

 3                 And then the commission puts a 

 4    report together to send to the constituent.  So 

 5    it's not that the utility is sending a report 

 6    directly to the constituent.

 7                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Right.

 8                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Which they are 

 9    entitled to do if they want.  

10                 But the object is to make sure that 

11    the utility sends a report to the commission, 

12    which would then get it to the consumer or 

13    homeowner.

14                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Through you, 

15    Madam President, if the sponsor will continue to 

16    yield.  

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Do you 

18    continue to yield?  

19                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Yes.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

21    Senator yields.  

22                 SENATOR O'MARA:   I guess can you -- 

23    I'm not following you, I guess, clearly here.  

24    Because the language clearly says that the prompt 

25    reporting to the complainant has to be done by 


 1    the utility within 15 or 30 days.

 2                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Looking at the 

 3    language -- I'm sorry.  Through you, 

 4    Madam President.  I keep forgetting that part.  

 5    Through you, Madam President, the language needs 

 6    to be cleaned up on that, just to be honest.  

 7                 The object is to get the utility to 

 8    get the information to the commission, which 

 9    would then get the information and the final 

10    report to the consumer.

11                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Thank you, 

12    Senator.

13                 On the bill, I guess, 

14    Madam President.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

16    O'Mara on the bill.

17                 SENATOR O'MARA:   I think there's 

18    clearly some drafting issues in this legislation 

19    for clarity.

20                 I mean, I would respectfully request 

21    the Senator lay this aside to make those changes 

22    that need to clarify this.  

23                 But, you know, I think the -- both 

24    the Public Service Commission and the utilities 

25    should be engaged in determining what this 


 1    language really means, because it's not clear.  

 2    It doesn't appear to be serving the purpose of 

 3    expediting determinations on complaints.  It 

 4    merely sets a time frame for the utility -- once 

 5    they get that determination from the Public 

 6    Service Commission, it sets a time period of 

 7    15 days or 30 days, depending on the type of 

 8    utility, to get that report to the complainant.  

 9                 There's absolutely no time frames in 

10    here when the commission has to make these 

11    determinations.  Which leaves our constituents, 

12    the complainants out there, hanging in limbo 

13    waiting for an undisclosed time period.

14                 So this I don't -- I think it fails 

15    to do what the intended purpose of this bill 

16    does.  It -- and it just needs more work, 

17    Madam President.  

18                 Thank you, I'll be voting no.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

20    Senator O'Mara.

21                 Are there any other Senators wishing 

22    to be heard?

23                 Seeing and hearing none, the debate 

24    is closed.

25                 Senator Gianaris.


 1                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

 2    we're going to restore this to the 

 3    noncontroversial calendar.  

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 5    is restored to the noncontroversial calendar.

 6                 Read the last section.  

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

 9    shall have become a law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

11    roll.

12                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

14    Comrie to explain his vote.

15                 SENATOR COMRIE:   I want to thank 

16    Senator O'Mara for his insightful issues on this 

17    bill.  

18                 The bill is purposely done so that 

19    we can try to get closure for homeowners, for 

20    ratepayers, for utility customers.  

21                 I expect that your issues will be 

22    cleaned up, because we want to make sure that 

23    we're providing service.  I am not happy with the 

24    Public Service Commission in general.  I would 

25    really rather do tighter timelines for them and 


 1    make sure that they're actually more responsive 

 2    to consumers.  

 3                 But we're going to work with this 

 4    and make sure that at the end of the day we fight 

 5    to ensure that our consumers, that our folks -- 

 6    especially people that went through a horrible 

 7    experience because of a utility breakdown or 

 8    because of a storm or a flood -- can get some 

 9    relief and get some final responses in a manner 

10    that they can appreciate and respect.  

11                 And I think that we as a state need 

12    to do more to ensure that the Public Service 

13    Commission is being responsive.  We already are 

14    unhappy with the way that they resolve rate 

15    issues and other issues.  And I think that we 

16    need to as a body focus on improving how we treat 

17    our customers, especially those who have suffered 

18    a major loss.  

19                 So thank you for bringing this up.  

20    We will make sure that those fixes are done in a 

21    proper way.  Thank you.  

22                 Thank you, Madam President.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

24    Comrie to be recorded in the affirmative.

25                 Announce the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 2    Calendar 964, those Senators voting in the 

 3    negative are Senators Ashby, 

 4    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Helming, 

 5    Martins, O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Stec, Tedisco and 

 6    Weber.  Also Senators Borrello and Rhoads.

 7                 Ayes, 48.  Nays, 13.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 Senator Gianaris.

11                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

12    the remaining bill, Calendar 1462, we're going to 

13    lay aside for the day so we can give everyone the 

14    opportunity to get to Senate Club tonight.  

15                 We still have -- you want to lay 

16    that aside?  So that's laid aside, correct, 

17    Madam President?  

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is laid aside for the day.

20                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you, 

21    Madam President.

22                 So going back now to resolutions, 

23    quickly, can we take up previously adopted 

24    Resolutions 2469, 2470, and 2551 all at once, by 

25    Senator Harckham, read their titles and recognize 


 1    Senator Harckham.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 3    Secretary will read.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 2469, by 

 5    Senator Harckham, mourning the death of 

 6    Jose Colon, beloved family man, devoted law 

 7    enforcement officer, and active member of his 

 8    community.

 9                 Resolution 2470, by 

10    Senator Harckham, mourning the death of 

11    Sergeant Richard T. Gurniak, beloved family man 

12    and active member of his community.  

13                 Resolution 2551, by 

14    Senator Harckham, mourning the death of 

15    Alfred Robert Mosiello, Jr., beloved family man, 

16    devoted law enforcement officer, and 

17    distinguished member of his community.  

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

19    Harckham on the resolutions.

20                 SENATOR HARCKHAM:   Thank you, 

21    Madam President.  

22                 I'm proud to rise to speak on these 

23    three resolutions and proud to share them with 

24    Senator Rolison, as we share Putnam County.  

25                 Last week was Law Enforcement 


 1    Appreciation Day, and we spoke of our admiration 

 2    for those who put on the uniform for us each and 

 3    every day to keep us safe and out of harm's way.  

 4    And we spoke of policing as a family.  And I 

 5    alluded to the fact that the police family in 

 6    Putnam County was hurting.  We've had three 

 7    losses in a very short amount of time.  

 8                 Brewster is a very small village 

 9    about an hour north of Manhattan.  And a very 

10    small police department working hard, making 

11    strides to improve its relationships with a large 

12    immigrant community.  And within the matter of a 

13    week, two officers in Brewster died.  

14                 Sergeant Richard Gurniak -- or Rick, 

15    as he was known to his friends -- was a 30-year 

16    career NYPD officer, retired.  And as is often 

17    the case with small suburban police departments, 

18    retired NYPD officers fill the ranks.  And he was 

19    a local boy; he was from Rockland County, served 

20    30 years in the NYPD, and then joined the 

21    Brewster Police Department.  His favorite 

22    activity was playing golf with his brothers and 

23    his nephews.  

24                 And also from -- about a week later, 

25    tragically -- from the Brewster Police Department 


 1    was Officer Jose Colon.  And he began his career 

 2    in the United States Army, and in 2000 he joined 

 3    the NYPD.  He was a first responder at 9/11.  And 

 4    he continued his career and then just recently, 

 5    in March of 2024, he was sworn in as a Brewster 

 6    police officer.  And left behind a wife and 

 7    several children and several grandchildren.  

 8                 And then if that were not enough, 

 9    another officer, who lived in Putnam County but 

10    served the Westchester County Police -- and so 

11    the Westchester County community is mourning as 

12    well -- it was Officer Alfred Mosiello, or Ally, 

13    as he was known to his friends.  

14                 And he started his career in 2013 in 

15    the Village of Pelham Manor.  In 2021 he joined 

16    the Westchester County Police and was a member of 

17    the elite Patrol Service Division.  He also 

18    enjoyed and was a local football hero from 

19    Mahopac High School in Putnam.  And he left 

20    behind a wife of 15 years and two small children.  

21                 So I say this, Madam President, to 

22    put a human face on people who made a difference 

23    in their communities, people who made a 

24    difference to their fellow officers, and 

25    certainly people who meant something to their 


 1    family.  And it's important that we in this body 

 2    recognize their work, we recognize their passing, 

 3    and we send our love and our prayers to their 

 4    families and are here for them.

 5                 So I thank you for your indulgence, 

 6    Madam President, and on all three resolutions I 

 7    will be voting aye.

 8                 Thank you.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

10    you.  

11                 Senator Rolison on the resolutions.

12                 SENATOR ROLISON:   Thank you, 

13    Madam President.  

14                 And I want to thank my colleague and 

15    my friend Senator Harckham for recognizing and 

16    memorializing these three officers.

17                 The tragedies in Brewster hitting a 

18    small village, I saw the news coverage of one 

19    officer passing and then another officer passing.  

20    And I could only imagine how that department 

21    felt, how that community felt, how those family 

22    members felt losing a loved one.  And then the 

23    tragedy in Putnam Valley with Officer Mosiello.  

24                 Being a former police officer, when 

25    you see the loss of life of a police officer, 


 1    whether it's on the job or off the job, it hurts.  

 2    It hurts.  Because you know of the work that 

 3    they've done and what they were doing.

 4                 Today my son Chris was here visiting 

 5    me in Albany, and he is a police officer in 

 6    Westchester.  And then two Westchester County 

 7    police officers stopped by, and one of them 

 8    happened to be the very good friend of Officer 

 9    Masiello.  

10                 And I had mentioned to them, 

11    Senator Harckham, that you were sponsoring a 

12    resolution memorializing his life, a life of 

13    service.  And what he said was just what, you 

14    know, this resolution says.  This particular man, 

15    who was a husband and a father, was all about his 

16    family.  And that's what he said right off the 

17    bat.  

18                 And that particular day, when he 

19    lost his life, he was with his family.  And I can 

20    only imagine, being a father myself, and my son 

21    now is going to be 32 years old -- excuse me, 33 

22    in August -- there's two young boys.  And 

23    everything was about them.  What he was doing 

24    that day was about them, in preparing a jungle 

25    gym in the backyard.


 1                 So we mourn their loss, but we also 

 2    remember their service and what they did for so 

 3    many people, as we've said on this floor before, 

 4    about people that -- they help people they didn't 

 5    even know.  So in a way here today, we're doing 

 6    the same thing for them and their families.  

 7                 Thank you, Senator Harckham.  I 

 8    proudly but also sadly vote aye, memorializing 

 9    the deaths of these three heroes.

10                 Thank you very much.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

12    you, Senator.  

13                 Senator Mayer on the resolutions.

14                 SENATOR MAYER:   Thank you, 

15    Madam President.  

16                 And I want to thank Senator Harckham 

17    for these three resolutions.  And I want to speak 

18    on the very untimely death of Alfred Robert 

19    Mosiello, Jr., as a Westchester County police 

20    officer.

21                 He was a person who was completely 

22    dedicated to the service of his community, 

23    service of the Westchester County Police.  He was 

24    extremely well respected and admired by his 

25    colleagues.  He was part of a distinguished 


 1    family history of the Mosiello family from 

 2    Yonkers.  Former Assemblyman Lou Mosiello was a 

 3    relative.  

 4                 This is something that the Yonkers 

 5    police community felt deeply, as well as the 

 6    Westchester County Police Department felt deeply, 

 7    such a young man with so much promise, so much 

 8    future, and a dedication to his community.  

 9                 We mourn his loss.  We thank 

10    Senator Harckham for ensuring that we speak about 

11    him by name, as well as the other officers who 

12    were lost.  

13                 I proudly vote aye on the 

14    resolutions.  Thank you, Madam Speaker.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

16    you.  

17                 Resolutions 2469 and 2470 were 

18    adopted on May 21st.  

19                 The question is on Resolution 2551.  

20    All in favor signify by saying aye.

21                 (Response of "Aye.")

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Opposed, 

23    nay.

24                 (No response.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:  


 1    Resolution 2564 {sic} is adopted.

 2                 Senator Gianaris.

 3                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Now let's move 

 4    on to Resolution 2564, by Senator Hinchey, read 

 5    its title and recognize Senator Hinchey.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

 7    Secretary will read.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 2564, by 

 9    Senator Hinchey, memorializing Governor Kathy 

10    Hochul to proclaim June 2024 as Dairy Month in 

11    the State of New York.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

13    Hinchey on the resolution. 

14                 SENATOR HINCHEY:   Thank you, 

15    Madam President.  

16                 I rise today to happily proclaim 

17    June 2024 as Dairy Month in the State of 

18    New York.  

19                 Earlier today we were able to have 

20    Dairy Day in The Well, and we were talking about 

21    how long we've had this, how many years have we 

22    been able to celebrate Dairy Day.  And while we 

23    didn't have the exact number -- something that we 

24    will look up -- we know it's been for decades.  

25    And that's a really exciting thing, because dairy 


 1    in New York is an incredibly important industry.  

 2                 We are the largest sector of 

 3    New York's agricultural industry, and it has been 

 4    a key industry in New York for over 400 years.  

 5                 We have some of the best dairy 

 6    products in New York that you can find anywhere 

 7    across our country, from our cheeses to our 

 8    yogurts to our milk to our ice cream.  You name 

 9    it, we've got it, and it's the best.  

10                 Our dairy farmers work seven days a 

11    week -- our dairy farmers and our dairy workers, 

12    farmworkers, work seven days a week, rain or 

13    shine, in the snow, in the heat.  And they do it 

14    to make sure that they can provide food to the 

15    rest of us.

16                 And it is incredibly important that 

17    we support our dairy farmers and the dairy 

18    industry here in New York State.  And today, on 

19    that topic, I'm proud that we were able to pass 

20    the bill adding dairy surplus products into the 

21    Nourish New York program.  

22                 That is an incredible win for our 

23    dairy farmers and something that will not just 

24    help our agricultural community but also the 

25    folks who get the food from the Nourish New York 


 1    program ensuring that everyone, no matter where 

 2    you live, what your economic status, you have 

 3    access to locally sourced, fresh, healthy food.  

 4    And that that includes dairy products is a great 

 5    thing.  And so we were able to pass that today on 

 6    the floor.

 7                 I'm proud to vote in favor of this 

 8    resolution proclaiming June as Dairy Month, and I 

 9    thank you, Madam President.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

11    you, Senator.

12                 Senator Borrello on the resolution.

13                 SENATOR BORRELLO:   Thank you, 

14    Madam President.  

15                 I also rise today to celebrate Dairy 

16    Day.  It was great to be down in The Well.  Thank 

17    you, Senator Hinchey.  We had an amazing day.  

18                 And really, New York State has a 

19    very diverse dairy business here.  I am proud to 

20    represent Wyoming County, the number-one 

21    dairy-producing county in New York State, in the 

22    eastern part of my district.  There are more than 

23    3200 dairy producers here in New York State, the 

24    fifth largest in the nation.  

25                 And we also have some amazing, 


 1    exciting things going on in our dairy industry.  

 2    The big agribusinesses like Great Lakes Cheese, 

 3    the largest, most state-of-the-art 

 4    cheese-producing plant in the nation, is now 

 5    located in Cattaraugus County.  

 6                 Hood Dairy in Batavia is doing an 

 7    expansion, as well as Wells Ice Cream in Dunkirk, 

 8    New York, doing a major expansion for ice cream.  

 9    So we're very proud of the dairy industry in 

10    New York State.  

11                 And I'll add that since we had to 

12    wait till the end for this dairy resolution, I am 

13    now going to list off all the cheeses made in my 

14    district in alphabetical order, starting with 

15    Alpine Cheddar.  

16                 (Laughter.)

17                 SENATOR BORRELLO:   Just kidding.

18                 (Laughter.)

19                 SENATOR BORRELLO:   Happy Dairy Day.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

21    you, Senator.

22                 The previous resolution that was 

23    adopted was Reso 2551, by Senator Harckham.  

24                 Now the question is on Reso 2564.  

25    All in favor signify by saying aye.


 1                 (Response of "Aye.")

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Opposed, 

 3    nay.

 4                 (No response.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

 6    resolution is adopted.

 7                 Senator Gianaris.

 8                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Okay.  Now 

 9    previously adopted Resolution 2119, by 

10    Senator Mannion.  Read that resolution's title 

11    and recognize Senator Mannion, please.  

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

13    Secretary will read.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 2119, by 

15    Senator Mannion, mourning the death of Francine 

16    Varisco-Magnarelli, distinguished citizen and 

17    devoted member of her community.  

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

19    Mannion on the resolution.

20                 SENATOR MANNION:   Thank you, 

21    Madam President.  

22                 I rise today to recognize the 

23    distinguished life of Francine 

24    Varisco-Magnarelli, a devoted and dedicated 

25    daughter of Central New York and member of 


 1    well-known and respected families.

 2                 You can shape many lives in 

 3    30 years.  And as a professor and chair of the 

 4    business department at Cazenovia College, that's 

 5    what Francine did.  

 6                 Teachers are built differently, and 

 7    Francine reveled in learning and guiding others.  

 8    She always made time for her students and was 

 9    known to keep in touch with many of them well 

10    after they graduated.  As a former teacher, I can 

11    relate.  

12                 Her fellow faculty members and many 

13    friends and admirers described her as having a 

14    cheerful disposition, caring attitude, and 

15    dedication to student development.  Her legacy is 

16    the success of her students and the wisdom she 

17    shared with so many.  I'm sure she is looking 

18    down proudly upon them today.  

19                 I send my deepest condolences to her 

20    husband, Jim, and her children, Allison and Alex.  

21    While we will always mourn the loss to our 

22    community, we will find strength in celebrating 

23    the life and achievements of Francine 

24    Varisco-Magnarelli.  

25                 Thank you, Madam President.  I vote 


 1    aye.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

 3    you, Senator.

 4                 The resolution was adopted on 

 5    April 9th.

 6                 Senator Gianaris.

 7                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

 8    all of today's resolutions are open for 

 9    cosponsorship.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

11    resolutions are open for cosponsorship.  Should 

12    you choose not to be a cosponsor, please notify 

13    the desk.

14                 Senator Gianaris.  

15                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Okay, back to 

16    motions now.  

17                 Let's recall that bill.  I wish to 

18    call up Senate Print 1593, by Senator Bailey, 

19    recalled from the Assembly, which is now at the 

20    desk.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

22    Secretary will read.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    1156, Senate Print 1593, by Senator Bailey, an 

25    act to amend the Executive Law.


 1                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to 

 2    reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

 4    Secretary will call the roll on reconsideration.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

 8    is restored to its place on the Third Reading 

 9    Calendar.

10                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Okay.  Now on 

11    behalf of Senator Cooney, on page 70, I offer the 

12    following amendments to Calendar Number 1369, 

13    Senate Print 9133, and ask that said bill retain 

14    its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

16    amendments are received, and the bill will retain 

17    its place on the Third Reading Calendar.

18                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I also offer 

19    amendments to the following Third Reading 

20    Calendar bills:

21                 By Senator Cleare, page 7, 

22    Calendar Number 283, Senate Print 2921A;  

23                 By Senator Myrie, page 58, 

24    Calendar Number 1236, Senate Print 220A;

25                 Senator Krueger, page 36, 


 1    Calendar Number 940, Senate Print 2605; 

 2                 And Senator Scarcella-Spanton, 

 3    page 37, Calendar Number 947, Senate Print 8589. 

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

 5    amendments are received, and the bills will 

 6    retain their place on the Third Reading Calendar.

 7                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Is there any 

 8    further business at the desk?

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   There is 

10    no further business at the desk.

11                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I move to 

12    adjourn until tomorrow, Thursday, May 30th, at 

13    11:00 a.m.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   On 

15    motion, the Senate stands adjourned until 

16    Thursday, May 30th, at 11:00 a.m.

17                 (Whereupon, at 6:08 p.m., the Senate 

18    adjourned.)