Regular Session - June 3, 2024


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                    June 3, 2024

11                      3:45 p.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR SHELLEY B. MAYER, Acting President









 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The Senate 

 3    will come to order.

 4                 I ask everyone present to please 

 5    rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                 (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7    the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The Right 

 9    Reverend Dr. Abraham Mar Paulos Episcopa, of 

10    St. Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church in 

11    Levittown, New York, will deliver today's 

12    invocation.

13                 RT. REV. DR. ABRAHAM MAR PAULOS 

14    EPISCOPA:   Good afternoon.  Warm greetings to 

15    all of you.  

16                 It is a great privilege and honor to 

17    be here, particularly on this Malayali Heritage 

18    Celebration Day.  So we express our sincere 

19    thanks and appreciation to all the honorable 

20    Senators, particularly Senator Kevin Thomas, our 

21    proud Malayali son.  

22                 And I am going to say this 

23    invocation prayer first in Malayalam, then in 

24    English.

25                 Let us pray.


 1                 {In Malayalam.}

 2                 Eternal and great God, with hearts 

 3    of gratitude we embrace You this day for the 

 4    beauty of the earth and all creation, for people 

 5    of all lands and cultures, for this country and 

 6    the State of New York.

 7                 As we honor and celebrate Malayali 

 8    heritage, we commit the people from Kerala, 

 9    India, who live and work in this land, into Your 

10    gracious hands.  We thank You for the rich 

11    cultural diversity in our community, and pray 

12    that harmony continues to exist and flourish.

13                 O Lord, we thank You for the many 

14    gifts and blessings You have bestowed upon us:  

15    The gift of life, the gift of family and friends, 

16    and the gift of the sacred opportunity to serve 

17    You.  

18                 Open our hearts, O Lord, to discern 

19    Your will and to be receptive to Your guidance.  

20    Open our eyes to see the needs of those around 

21    us, and grant us wisdom to act with great 

22    compassion and care.  We pray that both 

23    individually and corporately we will strive to 

24    live honorably, in unity, love and peace.

25                 You are the wisdom from on high.  


 1    Grant now Your wisdom to our leaders, our 

 2    Senators and those in authority, that they may 

 3    govern righteously, that our land might prosper, 

 4    that our people might be safe.  

 5                 Give our leaders discerning hearts 

 6    as they seek to uphold the dignity of all 

 7    humanity.  Protect our leaders, instruct them in 

 8    their service, and enable them to make wise 

 9    decisions for the good of Your people and for the 

10    glory of God.

11                 Forgive our shortcomings and 

12    continue to heal our world.  We give thanks to 

13    You, O Lord, for You are good.  Your mercy 

14    endures forever.  In Your holy name we humbly 

15    pray.  

16                 Amen.  

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Reading of 

18    the Journal.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Sunday, 

20    June 2, 2024, the Senate met pursuant to 

21    adjournment.  The Journal of Saturday, June 1, 

22    2024, was read and approved.  On motion, the 

23    Senate adjourned.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Without 

25    objection, the Journal stands approved as read.


 1                 Presentation of petitions.  

 2                 Messages from the Assembly.

 3                 The Secretary will read.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Persaud 

 5    moves to discharge, from the Committee on 

 6    Environmental Conservation, Assembly Bill 

 7    Number 9036 and substitute it for the identical 

 8    Senate Bill 8547, Third Reading Calendar 643.

 9                 Senator Breslin moves to discharge, 

10    from the Committee on Insurance, Assembly Bill 

11    Number 1231A and substitute it for the identical 

12    Senate Bill 2798B, Third Reading Calendar 798.  

13                 Senator Skoufis moves to discharge, 

14    from the Committee on Local Government, 

15    Assembly Bill Number 9828 and substitute it for 

16    the identical Senate Bill 8806, Third Reading 

17    Calendar 899.

18                 Senator Mannion moves to discharge, 

19    from the Committee on Crime Victims, Crime and 

20    Correction, Assembly Bill Number 4763A and 

21    substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 

22    4061A, Third Reading Calendar 1191.

23                 Senator Harckham moves to discharge, 

24    from the Committee on Local Government, 

25    Assembly Bill Number 9125 and substitute it for 


 1    the identical Senate Bill 8505, Third Reading 

 2    Calendar 1211.

 3                 Senator SepĂșlveda moves to 

 4    discharge, from the Committee on Cities 1, 

 5    Assembly Bill Number 9671 and substitute it for 

 6    the identical Senate Bill Number 9416, Third 

 7    Reading Calendar 1340.

 8                 Senator Mayer moves to discharge, 

 9    from the Committee on Transportation, 

10    Assembly Bill Number 10132 and substitute it for 

11    the identical Senate Bill 9237, Third Reading 

12    Calendar 1373.

13                 Senator May moves to discharge, from 

14    the Committee on Finance, Assembly Bill 

15    Number 1273 and substitute it for the identical 

16    Senate Bill 5532, Third Reading Calendar 1391.

17                 Senator Harckham moves to discharge, 

18    from the Committee on Investigations and 

19    Government Operations, Assembly Bill Number 9032A 

20    and substitute it for the identical Senate 

21    Bill 8141A, Third Reading Calendar 1413.

22                 Senator Ramos moves to discharge, 

23    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

24    Number 4245A and substitute it for the identical 

25    Senate Bill 6163A, Third Reading Calendar 1476.


 1                 Senator Tedisco moves to discharge, 

 2    from the Committee on Commerce, Economic 

 3    Development and Small Business, Assembly Bill 

 4    Number 9049 and substitute it for the identical 

 5    Senate Bill 8508, Third Reading Calendar 1505.

 6                 Senator Weber moves to discharge, 

 7    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

 8    Number 9255B and substitute it for the identical 

 9    Senate Bill 8894A, Third Reading Calendar 1576.

10                 Senator Weber moves to discharge, 

11    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

12    Number 9455 and substitute it for the identical 

13    Senate Bill 8909, Third Reading Calendar 1517.

14                 Senator Martinez moves to discharge, 

15    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

16    Number 9959 and substitute it for the identical 

17    Senate Bill 8997, Third Reading Calendar 1520.

18                 Senator Cleare moves to discharge, 

19    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

20    Number 10141 and substitute it for the identical 

21    Senate Bill 9418, Third Reading Calendar 1532.

22                 Senator SepĂșlveda moves to 

23    discharge, from the Committee on Cities 1, 

24    Assembly Bill Number 9670 and substitute it for 

25    the identical Senate Bill 9736, Third Reading 


 1    Calendar 1547.

 2                 Senator Comrie moves to discharge, 

 3    from the Committee on Energy and 

 4    Telecommunications, Assembly Bill Number 8869 and 

 5    substitute it for the identical Senate Bill 489A, 

 6    Third Reading Calendar 1552.

 7                 Senator Thomas moves to discharge, 

 8    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

 9    Number 2833 and substitute it for the identical 

10    Senate Bill 5615, Third Reading Calendar 1569.

11                 Senator Thomas moves to discharge, 

12    from the Committee on Transportation, 

13    Assembly Bill Number 3499B and substitute it for 

14    the identical Senate Bill 7553A, Third Reading 

15    Calendar 1575.

16                 Senator Cooney moves to discharge, 

17    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

18    Number 10129A and substitute it for the identical 

19    Senate Bill 9393, Third Reading Calendar 1598.

20                 Senator Bailey moves to discharge, 

21    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

22    Number 9812 and substitute it for the identical 

23    Senate Bill 9706, Third Reading Calendar 1612.

24                 Senator Krueger moves to discharge, 

25    from the Committee on Environmental Conservation, 


 1    Assembly Bill Number 10352 and substitute it for 

 2    the identical Senate Bill 9767, Third Reading 

 3    Calendar 1624.

 4                 Senator Stavisky moves to discharge, 

 5    from the Committee on Higher Education, 

 6    Assembly Bill Number 9669 and substitute it for 

 7    the identical Senate Bill 9768, Third Reading 

 8    Calendar 1625.

 9                 Senator Hoylman-Sigal moves to 

10    discharge, from the Committee on Judiciary, 

11    Assembly Bill Number 9166B and substitute it for 

12    the identical Senate Bill 9377A, Third Reading 

13    Calendar 1294.

14                 Senator Mannion moves to discharge, 

15    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

16    Number 10334 and substitute it for the identical 

17    Senate Bill 9748, Third Reading Calendar 1618.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   So 

19    ordered.

20                 Messages from the Governor.

21                 Reports of standing committees.

22                 Reports of select committees.

23                 Communications and reports from 

24    state officers.

25                 Motions and resolutions.


 1                 Senator Gianaris.

 2                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Good afternoon, 

 3    Madam President.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Good 

 5    afternoon.

 6                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you.

 7                 On behalf of Senator Webb, I move to 

 8    recommit Senate Print 9573, Calendar Number 1603 

 9    on the order of third reading, to the Committee 

10    on Rules, with instructions to said committee to 

11    strike the enacting clause.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   So 

13    ordered.

14                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I also wish to 

15    call up the following bills, which were recalled 

16    from the Assembly and are now at the desk:

17                 Senate Print Numbers 3249, 7093, 

18    4467B, 1177, 9107, 8119B, 7515, 3604, and 4305A.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

20    Secretary will read.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22    397, Senate Print 3249, by Senator Bailey, an act 

23    to amend the Executive Law.

24                 Calendar Number 697, Senate Print 

25    7093, by Senator Chu, an act to amend the 


 1    Education Law.

 2                 Calendar Number 705, Senate Print 

 3    4467B, by Senator Mayer, an act to amend the 

 4    Executive Law.

 5                 Calendar Number 1177, Senate Print 

 6    5918B, by Senator Harckham, an act to amend the 

 7    Public Service Law.

 8                 Calendar Number 1286, Senate Print 

 9    9107, by Senator Mayer, an act to amend the 

10    Education Law.

11                 Calendar Number 1496, Senate Print 

12    8119B, by Senator Fernandez, an act to amend the 

13    Veterans' Services Law.

14                 Calendar Number 88, Senate Print 

15    7515, by Senator Stewart-Cousins, an act in 

16    relation to providing assessment relief to 

17    property owners within certain municipalities.

18                 Calendar Number 1225, Senate Print 

19    3604, by Senator Webb, an act to amend the 

20    Real Property Tax Law.

21                 Calendar Number 1220, Senate Print 

22    4305A, by Senator Parker, an act to amend the 

23    Public Service Law.

24                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to 

25    reconsider the vote by which these bills were 


 1    passed.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 3    Secretary will call the roll on reconsideration.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 54.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bills 

 7    are restored to their place on the Third Reading 

 8    Calendar.  

 9                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I now offer the 

10    following amendments.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

12    amendments are received.

13                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I also offer 

14    amendments to the following Third Reading 

15    Calendar bills:  

16                 By Senator Fernandez, page 4, 

17    Calendar Number 98, Senate Print 3529B; 

18                 Senator Sanders, page 13, Calendar 

19    Number 504, Senate Print 8139; 

20                 Senator Brouk, page 19, Calendar 

21    Number 665, Senate Print 7507; 

22                 Senator Breslin, page 27, Calendar 

23    Number 883, Senate Print 7748B;

24                 Senator Hinchey, page 29, Calendar 

25    Number 900, Senate Print 8947; 


 1                 Senator Hoylman-Sigal, page 30, 

 2    Calendar Number 929, Senate Print 8724A; 

 3                 Senator Webb, page 31, Calendar 

 4    Number 961, Senate Print 4265A; 

 5                 Senator Cleare, page 38, Calendar 

 6    Number 1076, Senate Print 5643; 

 7                 Senator Gounardes, page 43, Calendar 

 8    Number 1185, Senate Print 15; 

 9                 Senator Liu, page 48, Calendar 

10    Number 1265, Senate Print 911;

11                 Senator Mayer, page 49, Calendar 

12    Number 1285, Senate Print 8976A; 

13                 Senator Hoylman-Sigal, page 51, 

14    Calendar Number 1309, Senate Print 5648E; 

15                 Senator Gonzalez, page 56, Calendar 

16    Number 1407, Senate Print 9450; 

17                 Senator Skoufis, page 58, Calendar 

18    Number 1429, Senate Print 9203; 

19                 Senator Gonzalez, page 59, Calendar 

20    Number 1436, Senate Print 8913;

21                 Senator Hoylman-Sigal, page 59, 

22    Calendar Number 1448, Senate Print 7365; 

23                 Senator Fernandez, page 59, Calendar 

24    Number 1450, Senate Print 9294; 

25                 Senator Parker, page 60, Calendar 


 1    Number 1471, Senate Print 4686; 

 2                 Senator Persaud, page 62, Calendar 

 3    Number 1494, Senate Print 8097;

 4                 Senator Ramos, page 63, Calendar 

 5    Number 1507, Senate Print 8608; 

 6                 Senator Hinchey, page 73, Calendar 

 7    Number 1610, Senate Print 9679;

 8                 Senator Jackson, page 64, Calendar 

 9    Number 1511, Senate Print 8756;

10                 Senator Harckham, page 70, Calendar 

11    Number 1581, Senate Print 8504;

12                 Senator Rivera, page 5, Calendar 

13    Number 165, Senate Print 3282; 

14                 Senator Ramos, page 14, Calendar 

15    Number 530, Senate Print 6228;

16                 Senator Skoufis, page 44, Calendar 

17    Number 1194, Senate Print 4563;

18                 Senator Gianaris, page 73, Calendar 

19    Number 1609, Senate Print 9677;

20                 Senator Sanders, page 50, Calendar 

21    Number 1305, Senate Print 9383;

22                 Senator Krueger, page 21, Calendar 

23    Number 719, Senate Print 7825;

24                 Senator Parker, page 48, Calendar 

25    Number 1266, Senate Print 7334;


 1                 And Senator Sanders, page 54, 

 2    Calendar Number 1365, Senate Print 8799. 

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 4    amendments are accepted, and the bills will 

 5    retain their place on the Third Reading Calendar.

 6                 Senator Gianaris.

 7                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please recognize 

 8    Senator Lanza.

 9                 (Pause.)

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Oh, 

11    Senator Lanza, I'm sorry, I did not understand.

12                 SENATOR LANZA:   Thank you, 

13    Senator Gianaris.

14                 Thank you, Madam President.  

15                 On behalf of Senator Borrello, on 

16    page 20 I offer the following amendments to 

17    Calendar Number 708, Senate Print 6110B, and ask 

18    that said bill retain its place on Third Reading 

19    Calendar.

20                 On behalf of Senator Palumbo, 

21    Madam President, on page 71 I offer the following 

22    amendments to Calendar Number 1587, Senate Print 

23    9065, and ask that said bill retain its place on 

24    Third Reading Calendar.

25                 And finally, Madam President, on 


 1    behalf of Senator Weber, on page 72 I offer the 

 2    following amendments to Calendar Number 1599, 

 3    Senate Print 9425, and ask that said bill retain 

 4    its place on Third Reading Calendar.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 6    amendments are received, and the bills will 

 7    retain their place on the Third Reading Calendar.

 8                 Senator Gianaris.

 9                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Now let's move 

10    on to resolutions, beginning with previously 

11    adopted Resolution 1623, by Senator Thomas.  Read 

12    its title and recognize Senator Thomas.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

14    Secretary will read.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 1623, by 

16    Senator Thomas, memorializing Governor Kathy 

17    Hochul to proclaim May 2024 as Malayalee Heritage 

18    Month in the State of New York.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

20    Thomas on the resolution.

21                 SENATOR THOMAS:   Thank you, 

22    Madam President.  

23                 {In Malayalam}  I am so happy and 

24    proud to stand here one last time to introduce a 

25    resolution honoring Malayali heritage here in 


 1    this great State of New York.

 2                 I am proud to be the first and only 

 3    Malayali in the New York State Legislature.  So 

 4    when I first got here, I knew that recognizing my 

 5    Malayali heritage here in New York State would be 

 6    an opportunity to lift my community and highlight 

 7    our rich heritage.  And I'm very proud and 

 8    grateful that we kept up this tradition in this 

 9    amazing chamber for the past six years.

10                 My roots lie in the beautiful state 

11    of Kerala, in southern India.  Known for its 

12    scenic landscapes and warm-hearted people, this 

13    is a land where elephants march across towns and 

14    rivers surge with massive 100-feet-long 

15    snake boats during festival season.  

16                 Our festivals celebrate the 

17    traditions passed down by our ancestors.  Be it 

18    Onam, Eid or Christmas, all of Kerala rejoices 

19    with one spirit, to bring the entire coastal 

20    state to life.  We are made up of a tapestry of 

21    customs, traditions, art and cuisine that have 

22    thrived for over a thousand years.  The Arabs, 

23    the Portuguese, and even the British had a lot of 

24    influence over our language and our food because 

25    of the trade routes.  Some of you might even want 


 1    to visit.  

 2                 Here in New York we are a community 

 3    that values education, hard work, and service.  

 4    We are found in every sector.  We are nurses, we 

 5    are doctors, we are lawyers, we are judges, we 

 6    are elected officials, businesspeople, teachers, 

 7    and even in the entertainment industry.  We make 

 8    New York great.  

 9                 So thank you to all who have made it 

10    up today.  I want to especially recognize 

11    Ajit Abraham.  I want to recognize Biju Chacko.  

12    Clergy from various Mar Thoma Churches.  Our 

13    lovely bishop for doing that amazing job with the 

14    opening prayer.  Tennyson, who manages one of my 

15    favorite Malayali restaurants here, Karavalli.  

16    We have members of labor here -- Benson, who is 

17    out there from 1199.  

18                 We have Dr. Aney Paul, from the 

19    Rockland County Legislature; Leela Maret; 

20    Sibi David; Sibu Nair; George David; and a 

21    retiring diplomat from the Indian Consulate, 

22    Vijayakrishnan.  

23                 We also have a number of 

24    organizations being represented here:  KCANA, 

25    Kerala Samajam, FOKANA, World Malayali Council, 


 1    and Indian Nurses Association.

 2                 There are many more from Long 

 3    Island, Queens, Westchester, Albany, all coming 

 4    together today.  And together, we can and will 

 5    champion causes that matter to us, advocate for 

 6    equality, celebrate our diversity, and create a 

 7    better future for the generations to come.

 8                 So I hope you will join me in 

 9    celebrating my Malayali heritage today with all 

10    of us.  Thank you.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

12    Mayer on the resolution.

13                 SENATOR MAYER:   Thank you, 

14    Madam President.  

15                 It really is an honor to follow my 

16    colleague Senator Thomas in this important 

17    resolution.  And I'm so proud to see so many of 

18    my friends and my constituents and the entire 

19    sort of Malayali community, leadership community 

20    of Westchester and Rockland here today.

21                 I so appreciate that Senator Thomas 

22    has made it his prerogative to ensure that we 

23    recognize, celebrate, and honor this incredible 

24    culture, learnedness, food, and all of the 

25    wonderful things that come from Kerala, which I 


 1    have been blessed to learn about in my time 

 2    representing Yonkers and Westchester.

 3                 Thank you for giving me the 

 4    opportunity to celebrate together.  Thank you for 

 5    being here as part of our wonderful democratic 

 6    tradition here.  And let us celebrate together 

 7    Malayali culture, the contributions to our state, 

 8    and the remarkable part of our diverse community 

 9    that this community represents here today.

10                 I proudly vote aye.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

12    you, Senator.

13                 Senator Liu on the resolution.

14                 SENATOR LIU:   Thank you, 

15    Madam President.  

16                 I too join Senator Mayer and 

17    Senator Thomas in, number one, welcoming our 

18    friends from the Malayali community.  I know 

19    there's a large contingent from Queens as well as 

20    I suppose from Westchester and also Long Island.  

21    In fact, many parts of the state boast a 

22    community of people of Malayali descent, and are 

23    proud of it.  

24                 And I think when you look at 

25    Senator Thomas, who has faithfully brought this 


 1    resolution every year for six years since he's 

 2    been in the Senate, he is an incredible example 

 3    of how outstanding the Malayali community 

 4    continues to provide the State of New York.  

 5                 And so I want to thank 

 6    Senator Thomas for this resolution.  He really 

 7    represents not only the best of New York but 

 8    certainly the best of the Malayali community, of 

 9    which he is a proud son.

10                 So welcome.  And Senator Thomas, we 

11    thank you once again.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

13    you.

14                 Senator Stavisky on the resolution.

15                 SENATOR STAVISKY:   Yes, thank you, 

16    Madam President.  

17                 And welcome.  And I too want to 

18    thank Senator Thomas for enriching our cultural 

19    lives.  I believe he is one of the few 

20    representatives of the South Asian community, and 

21    I am so proud to represent so many South Asian 

22    individuals in my district in Queens.  

23                 And we welcome you to Albany.  I 

24    know, I recognize some of the names of the people 

25    who were introduced.  And this is I hope going to 


 1    continue for many years to come.  And welcome 

 2    back.  This is your other home, and we're glad to 

 3    have you.

 4                 Thank you, Madam President.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

 6    you.

 7                 Senator Cooney on the resolution.

 8                 SENATOR COONEY:   Thank you, 

 9    Madam President.  

10                 I'm just so proud of my colleague 

11    Senator Thomas for his historic representation, 

12    and I wanted to note it on the record.

13                 I truly believe that government 

14    works best when it represents the diversity of 

15    its constituents.  Senator Thomas has been doing 

16    that his entire tenure in the Senate.  This 

17    resolution is just another example of how his 

18    pride in his culture and his heritage bleeds 

19    through his work as a public servant.  

20                 And I am grateful to have him as a 

21    colleague and grateful to welcome our community 

22    here today.

23                 Thank you, Madam President.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

25    you.


 1                 To our guests, I welcome you on 

 2    behalf of the Senate.  We extend to you the 

 3    privileges and courtesies of this house.  

 4                 Please rise and be recognized.

 5                 (Standing ovation.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 7    Gianaris.

 8                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

 9    we're now going to simultaneously call a meeting 

10    of the Rules Committee in Room 332 and continue 

11    with the resolutions.  

12                 So please call an immediate meeting 

13    of the Rules Committee and move to previously 

14    adopted Resolution 2486, by Senator Cooney, read 

15    that resolution's title, and recognize 

16    Senator Cooney.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

18    previous resolution was adopted on January 17th.

19                 There will be an immediate meeting 

20    of the Rules Committee in Room 332.

21                 The Secretary will read.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 2486, by 

23    Senator Cooney, memorializing Governor Kathy 

24    Hochul to proclaim June 2024 as Alzheimer's and 

25    Brain Awareness Month in the State of New York.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 2    Cooney on the resolution.

 3                 SENATOR COONEY:   Thank you, 

 4    Madam President.  

 5                 Over 400,000 New Yorkers currently 

 6    live with Alzheimer's and dementia, a number, 

 7    sadly, only expected to increase in the coming 

 8    years.  That's why I was proud to work with 

 9    Senator Rolison to officially recognize this 

10    month of June in New York State as Alzheimer's 

11    and Brain Awareness Month.

12                 It's about providing support to 

13    those suffering from this disease, but it's also 

14    a time to recognize and focus on the good habits 

15    of New Yorkers, the good habits that can help 

16    prevent this disease from spreading without 

17    knowledge, by continuing to make critical 

18    investments in research, by continuing to raise 

19    awareness about the supportive services available 

20    across New York for loved ones and caretakers of 

21    people who are suffering from these traumatic 

22    brain injuries and dementias.

23                 Like so many others in our state, 

24    it's a month that means a lot to me personally, 

25    as my mother suffered from dementia for many 


 1    years.  And I'm very grateful to work in a 

 2    bipartisan way in this Senate chamber to call 

 3    attention to the ongoing need to provide more 

 4    funds, more research, and more awareness and 

 5    support services for families dealing with 

 6    Alzheimer's and dementia.

 7                 Madam President, I vote aye.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

 9    you, Senator.

10                 Senator Rolison on the resolution.

11                 SENATOR ROLISON:   Thank you, 

12    Madam President.  

13                 And I want to thank my colleague and 

14    friend Senator Cooney for bringing this 

15    resolution forward.

16                 Madam President, as he said, there 

17    are 400,000 individuals right now in our great 

18    state dealing with a very difficult and terrible 

19    illness, and it's estimated by 2025 that that 

20    number will grow to 460,000 people.

21                 But I wanted to focus this 

22    afternoon, Madam President, on someone who is 

23    here today, who is dealing with this very illness 

24    as we speak.  And he is a dear friend.  He is a 

25    former colleague of mine in the Town of 


 1    Poughkeepsie Police Department, where we worked 

 2    together for close to 20 years serving in various 

 3    capacities.  But the best part of my career was 

 4    when I worked with Chris Davies, Jr., in the 

 5    detective bureau.  We worked on the same 

 6    detective quad.  

 7                 And Chris, like I, retired to go on 

 8    to do different things.  They moved up here to 

 9    the Saratoga region, he and his wife Cheri, who 

10    is here in the gallery.  And then in 2018 he was 

11    diagnosed with the younger onset of Alzheimer's, 

12    at the age of 51.  And I remember when I heard 

13    this, as all of my friends and colleagues did.  

14    We were devastated.  We were quite frankly in 

15    shock and wanting to do something immediately, as 

16    cops generally want to do -- other than giving 

17    him all the love that he always got and will 

18    continue to get, and the support that he needed 

19    and Cheri needed, and their son Aidan.  

20                 But what we saw in a very short 

21    period of time was that Chris and Cheri made the 

22    decision that they were going to meet this 

23    disease head on.  And the work that they did 

24    within their community and with the Alzheimer's 

25    Association was, What do you do at age 51?  Do 


 1    you just kind of mail it in and wait for 

 2    something to continually get worse?  No, that's 

 3    not what Chris Davies did.  He and Cheri became 

 4    the voice for younger individuals who are now 

 5    afflicted with this terrible situation.

 6                 Cheri has written words about this, 

 7    and there's a chapter in this book called "The 

 8    Grief Experience," which talks about how it 

 9    happened, what they did, and then, most 

10    importantly, what do you do?  

11                 You make a plan.  You make a plan 

12    while you still can.  And that is what Chris and 

13    Cheri have done, and that's what they have 

14    encouraged us -- they've been -- throughout the 

15    media, they've been recognized by all kinds of 

16    organizations dedicated to these types of 

17    illnesses to actually go out and prepare for the 

18    future while in many respects you still have the 

19    opportunity to do so.

20                 So when I got elected in 2022, and 

21    knowing that Chris and Cheri were not far from 

22    here, I wanted to have them down.  And then 

23    knowing that this was the week that we were going 

24    to recognize this terrible situation that so many 

25    people, 460,000 -- or 400,000, soon to be 460 -- 


 1    are going to find themselves in, Chris and Cheri 

 2    came down today.  

 3                 And I know he knows this, and I know 

 4    that Cheri knows this, but I love them both very 

 5    dearly.  And the time that we spent together as 

 6    cops is something that I'll always cherish.  

 7    Christopher was an excellent police officer, an 

 8    excellent husband, an excellent dad, and a great 

 9    community person.  

10                 And, Madam Chair, if you would 

11    extend the courtesies of this house to my good 

12    Chris Davies, Jr., and his wife Cheri, I really 

13    would appreciate that.  

14                 And I proudly, Madam Chair -- 

15    Madam President, excuse me -- vote aye.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

17    you, Senator.

18                 To our guests, Chris and Cheri, I 

19    welcome you on behalf of the Senate.  We extend 

20    to you the privileges and courtesies of this 

21    house.  

22                 Please rise and be recognized.

23                 (Standing ovation.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

25    resolution was adopted on May 21st.


 1                 Senator Liu.

 2                 SENATOR LIU:   Madam President, 

 3    please take up previously adopted Resolution 

 4    1762, by Senator Tedisco, read the resolution in 

 5    title only, and recognize Senator Tedisco.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

 7    Secretary will read.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 1762, by 

 9    Senator Tedisco, congratulating Mia Collins of 

10    Ballston Spa High School upon the occasion of 

11    capturing the 2024 New York State Public 

12    High School Athletic Association Girls Wrestling 

13    Championship title in the 132-pound Division on 

14    January 26, 2024.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

16    Tedisco on the resolution.

17                 SENATOR TEDISCO:   Thank you, 

18    Madam President.  

19                 Madam President, I'm pleased to 

20    welcome a wrestling champion and a trailblazer 

21    out of Ballston Spa High School to the chamber 

22    today.  

23                 Now, it's only appropriate that we 

24    would honor and recognize an outstanding athlete 

25    because, as you know, it is Sneakers Day in the 


 1    Senate.  But I wouldn't -- I hope you'd not have 

 2    wrestling sneakers on and want to challenge her, 

 3    because you wouldn't do very well.  

 4                 Let me tell you a little bit about 

 5    Mia Collins.  Mia Collins captured the 2024 

 6    New York State Public High School Athletic 

 7    Association Girls Wrestling Championship title in 

 8    the 132-pound division over top-seeded Alexa 

 9    Doxey of Newfane High School at the Syracuse 

10    Research Corporation Arena and Event Center in 

11    Syracuse on Friday, January 26th, of this year.

12                 Prior to the final match, Mia 

13    recorded a 38-second pin in her first match, a 

14    reversal with 17 seconds remaining, to win a 

15    six-four decision in her quarterfinal bout, and 

16    then put together a second-period pin in the 

17    semifinals.  Mia's victory capped off an 

18    undefeated season record of 10 wins and zero, no 

19    losses whatsoever.

20                 Along with being the first New York 

21    State Girls Wrestling Champion from Ballston Spa 

22    High School, but I'm very sure will not the 

23    last -- in fact, she is the only junior, so you 

24    just might see her here again next year.

25                 In light of her recent 


 1    accomplishment, Mia Collins has garnered a 

 2    national ranking of eighth in her weight class 

 3    and, though only a junior, she finished third at 

 4    the Fargo Nationals in North Dakota -- a 

 5    tremendous achievement for a young lady who's a 

 6    junior.  Or anyone, for that fact.

 7                 While coaching plays a role in the 

 8    success of any athlete, Mia is joined in the 

 9    gallery by perhaps the greatest support system 

10    any champion or athlete can have:  Her loving and 

11    supportive family.  Here with Mia today are her 

12    grandmother Barbara, her grandfather Jeff, her 

13    father, Todd.  

14                 Madam President, would you please 

15    extended a warm welcome to this outstanding 

16    student athlete and her family and give them all 

17    the cordialities of this august body.  We're 

18    proud of her.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

20    you, Senator.

21                 To our guests, Mia Collins and your 

22    family, I welcome you on behalf of the Senate and 

23    extend to you the cordialities of this house.  

24                 Please rise and be recognized.

25                 (Standing ovation.)


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

 2    resolution was adopted on February 6th.

 3                 Senator Liu.

 4                 SENATOR LIU:   Madam President, 

 5    please recognize Senator Webb -- Lea Webb! -- for 

 6    an introduction.  

 7                 (Laughter.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 9    Webb for an introduction.

10                 SENATOR WEBB:   Thank you, 

11    Madam President.

12                 I rise proudly to welcome a 

13    remarkable guest from my district to our chamber.  

14    I'm deeply honored to introduce Maria Dibble, who 

15    has demonstrated profound and personal triumph, 

16    unwavering resolve, and remarkable professional 

17    achievement over the course of her life.

18                 Maria was born visually impaired and 

19    has faced many challenges and obstacles over the 

20    course of her life and career, but has worked 

21    tirelessly as an advocate for the disability 

22    community, dedicating herself to changing 

23    societal attitudes, dismantling barriers to 

24    inclusion, and promoting acceptance.

25                 Maria is a fellow alum of my alma 


 1    mater, Binghamton University, and 40 years ago 

 2    she cofounded an organization that has served the 

 3    Southern Tier of New York disability community, 

 4    providing services to individuals of all ages 

 5    with all types of disabilities, with the goal of 

 6    empowering people with disabilities to live an 

 7    independent life.

 8                 Maria has also been an unapologetic 

 9    and staunch advocate for disability rights at the 

10    national level, particularly during the battle 

11    for the passage of the Americans with 

12    Disabilities Act.  She built upon the momentum of 

13    the ADA to further key aspects of the independent 

14    living mission, including deinstitutionalization, 

15    supported employment, and consumer directed 

16    personal assistance, also known as CDPAP.  

17                 In 2004 Maria led the creation of 

18    the Children's Mental Health Task Force to 

19    address the service gap for individuals with both 

20    developmental disabilities and mental health 

21    challenges.  

22                 And if that wasn't enough, in 2019 

23    Maria was inducted into the New York State 

24    Disability Rights Hall of Fame.

25                 Maria, today we not only celebrate 


 1    your retirement -- well-deserved retirement, I 

 2    may add -- after 40 years of service to your 

 3    community, but we also want to thank you for your 

 4    continued leadership, your dedication to 

 5    improving the lives of countless individuals.  

 6    You have and continue to set an example for all 

 7    of us in public service, and I include myself in 

 8    that number.  

 9                 And with that, Madam President, I 

10    ask that you join me in congratulating Maria 

11    Dibble on her retirement after 40 years of 

12    devoted service to the disability community.  

13    Please welcome Maria to our chamber.

14                 Thank you, Madam President.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

16    Senator Webb.  

17                 To our guest Maria Dibble, 

18    congratulations on your retirement.  We welcome 

19    you on behalf of the Senate.  We extend to you 

20    the privileges and courtesies of the house.  

21                 Please rise and be recognized.

22                 (Standing ovation.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

24    Gianaris.

25                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 


 1    there's a report of the Rules Committee at the 

 2    desk.  Can we take that up, please.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 4    Secretary will read.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator 

 6    Stewart-Cousins, from the Committee on Rules, 

 7    reports the following bills: 

 8                 Senate Print 1736E, by 

 9    Senator Krueger, an act to amend the 

10    Executive Law; 

11                 Senate Print 1821, by 

12    Senator Stavisky, an act to amend the 

13    Education Law; 

14                 Senate Print 1865B, by 

15    Senator Brouk, an act to amend the Education Law; 

16                 Senate Print 1890A, by 

17    Senator Sanders, an act to amend the 

18    Public Health Law; 

19                 Senate Print 2355A, by 

20    Senator Felder, an act to amend the 

21    Family Court Act; 

22                 Senate Print 2394B, by 

23    Senator Jackson, an act to amend the 

24    Civil Service Law; 

25                 Senate Print 2413C, by 


 1    Senator Bailey, an act to amend the 

 2    General Municipal Law; 

 3                 Senate Print 2465C, by 

 4    Senator Persaud, an act to amend the 

 5    Insurance Law; 

 6                 Senate Print 3015, by 

 7    Senator Comrie, an act to amend the Vehicle and 

 8    Traffic Law; 

 9                 Senate Print 3498, by 

10    Senator Sanders, an act to amend the 

11    Public Health Law; 

12                 Senate Print 4268B, by 

13    Senator Cleare, an act to amend the 

14    Public Health Law; 

15                 Senate Print 4550B, by Senator May, 

16    an act to amend the Education Law; 

17                 Senate Print 4936, by 

18    Senator Parker, an act to amend the 

19    Real Property Tax Law; 

20                 Senate Print 5195B, by 

21    Senator Skoufis, an act to amend the 

22    Veterans' Services Law; 

23                 Senate Print 5214, by 

24    Senator Harckham, an act to amend the 

25    Correction Law; 


 1                 Senate Print 5669, by 

 2    Senator Sanders, an act in relation to the study 

 3    of the utilization of state government payments; 

 4                 Senate Print 5779E, by 

 5    Senator Oberacker, an act to amend the 

 6    Real Property Tax Law; 

 7                 Senate Print 5969A, by 

 8    Senator Harckham, an act to amend the 

 9    Public Health Law; 

10                 Senate Print 6364, by 

11    Senator Harckham, an act to amend Chapter 576 of 

12    the Laws of 1977; 

13                 Senate Print 6469A, by 

14    Senator Rolison, an act to amend the Highway Law; 

15                 Senate Print 6553A, by 

16    Senator Skoufis, an act to authorize 

17    Susan Gillinder, the widow of Robert C. Ritchie, 

18    to file a new service retirement application and 

19    option election form with the New York State and 

20    Local Employees' Retirement System; 

21                 Senate Print 6624B, by 

22    Senator Weber, an act in relation to authorizing 

23    Congregation RSK to receive retroactive real 

24    property tax exempt status; 

25                 Senate Print 6709B, by 


 1    Senator Skoufis, an act to amend the 

 2    Civil Practice Law and Rules; 

 3                 Senate Print 6758A, by 

 4    Senator Mannion, an act to amend the 

 5    State Finance Law; 

 6                 Senate Print 6766A, by 

 7    Senator Skoufis, an act in relation to granting 

 8    retroactive Tier IV membership in the New York 

 9    City Employees' Retirement System to 

10    Ryan D. O'Connor; 

11                 Senate Print 6955A, by 

12    Senator Hinchey, an act to amend the 

13    General Municipal Law; 

14                 Senate Print 7216C, by 

15    Senator Gonzalez, an act to amend the Tax Law; 

16                 Senate Print 7724B, by 

17    Senator Persaud, an act to amend the 

18    Social Services Law;

19                 Senate Print 8679A, by 

20    Senator Mannion, an act to amend the 

21    Social Services Law; 

22                 Senate Print 8851, by 

23    Senator O'Mara, an act to amend the 

24    Public Authorities Law; 

25                 Senate Print 8855, by 


 1    Senator Jackson, an act to amend the 

 2    Administrative Code of the City of New York; 

 3                 Senate Print 9131, by 

 4    Senator Rivera, an act to amend the 

 5    Public Health Law; 

 6                 Senate Print 9198, by Senator Myrie, 

 7    an act to amend the Criminal Procedure Law; 

 8                 Senate Print 9205, by 

 9    Senator Gounardes, an act to amend the 

10    Retirement and Social Security Law; 

11                 Senate Print 9207, by 

12    Senator Harckham, an act to amend Chapter 620 of 

13    the Laws of 1938; 

14                 Senate Print 9259, by 

15    Senator Scarcella-Spanton, an act to amend the 

16    Veterans' Services Law; 

17                 Senate Print 9301, by 

18    Senator Harckham, an act to amend the 

19    Highway Law; 

20                 Senate Print 9305A, by 

21    Senator Stewart-Cousins, an act to amend the 

22    Vehicle and Traffic Law; 

23                 Senate Print 9338, by Senator Ashby, 

24    an act to amend the Highway Law; 

25                 Senate Print 9504A, by 


 1    Senator Cooney, an act to amend the Vehicle and 

 2    Traffic Law; 

 3                 Senate Print 9518, by 

 4    Senator Gonzalez, an act to amend the 

 5    Civil Practice Law and Rules; 

 6                 Senate Print 9530, by Senator Weber, 

 7    an act to amend the Public Authorities Law; 

 8                 Senate Print 9550, by 

 9    Senator Skoufis, an act to amend the 

10    Public Health Law; 

11                 Senate Print 9639A, by 

12    Senator Skoufis, an act to amend the 

13    Education Law; 

14                 Senate Print 9645A, by Senator Chu, 

15    an act to amend the Education Law; 

16                 Senate Print 9649, by Senator Chu, 

17    an act to amend the Social Services Law; 

18                 Senate Print 9674, by 

19    Senator Gianaris, an act to amend the 

20    Judiciary Law; 

21                 Senate Print 9698, by 

22    Senator Kavanagh, an act to amend the 

23    Private Housing Finance Law; 

24                 Senate Print 9707, by 

25    Senator Skoufis, an act in relation to 


 1    authorizing Chang Zhu to take the competitive 

 2    civil service examination; 

 3                 Senate Print 9760, by Senator Mayer, 

 4    an act to amend the Penal Law; 

 5                 Senate Print 9764, by 

 6    Senator Scarcella-Spanton, an act to amend the 

 7    Highway Law;

 8                 Senate Print 9775A, by 

 9    Senator Cooney, an act to amend Chapter 698 of 

10    the Laws of 1991;

11                 Senate Print 9776, by 

12    Senator Persaud, an act to amend Chapter 329 of 

13    the Laws of 2020;

14                 Senate Print 9777, by 

15    Senator Gounardes, an act to amend the 

16    Economic Development Law;

17                 Senate Print 9786, by 

18    Senator Cooney, an act to amend Chapter 371 of 

19    the Laws of 2009;

20                 Senate Print 9809, by 

21    Senator Thomas, an act authorizing the Town of 

22    Hempstead to transfer ownership of certain 

23    parkland to the Village of Freeport.  

24                 All bills reported direct to third 

25    reading.


 1                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to accept 

 2    the report of the Rules Committee.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   All in 

 4    favor of accepting the report of the 

 5    Rules Committee signify by saying aye.

 6                 (Response of "Aye.")

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Opposed, 

 8    nay.

 9                 (No response.)

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The report 

11    of the Rules Committee is adopted.

12                 Senator Gianaris.

13                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Let's take up 

14    the reading of the calendar, please.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

16    Secretary will read.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 76, 

18    Senate Print 158E, by Senator Krueger, an act to 

19    amend the General Business Law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

21    last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

23    act shall take effect one year after it shall 

24    have become a law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.  

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 6    Calendar 76, those Senators voting in the 

 7    negative are Senators Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, 

 8    Griffo, Helming, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, 

 9    Ortt, Palumbo, Weber and Weik.

10                 Ayes, 49.  Nays, 10.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

12    is passed.

13                 Calendar Number 98 is high and is 

14    laid aside for the day.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Calendar 

16    Number 109, Senate Print 362A, by Senator Thomas, 

17    an act to amend the General Business Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

21    act shall take effect on the 60th day after it 

22    shall have become a law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

24    roll.

25                 (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 2    the results.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 4    Calendar 109, those Senators voting in the 

 5    negative are Senators Borrello, Oberacker, Stec 

 6    and Tedisco.

 7                 Ayes, 55.  Nays, 4.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    424, Senate Print 1646, by Senator Hoylman-Sigal, 

12    an act to amend the Civil Practice Law and Rules.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

14    last section.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 6.  This 

16    act shall take effect on the 60th day after it 

17    shall have become a law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.  

23                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

24    Calendar 424, those Senators voting in the 

25    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 


 1    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

 2    Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, Ortt, 

 3    Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Weber 

 4    and Weik.

 5                 Ayes, 40.  Nays, 19.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 Calendar Number 504 is high and is 

 9    laid aside for the day.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    507, Senate Print Number 6335B, by 

12    Senator Mannion, an act to amend the 

13    Civil Service Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

17    act shall take effect immediately.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    528, Senate Print 2924A, by Senator Cleare, an 

 3    act to establish the Marshall Plan for Moms 

 4    interagency task force.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 6.  This 

 8    act shall take effect immediately.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

10    roll.

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

13    the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

15    Calendar 528, those Senators voting in the 

16    negative are Senators Borrello, Griffo, Lanza, 

17    Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, Ortt, Stec, Tedisco 

18    and Weber.

19                 Ayes, 49.  Nays, 10.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 Calendar Number 530 is high and is 

23    laid aside for the day.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

25    548, Senate Print 5448A, by Senator Jackson, an 


 1    act to amend the Executive Law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 5    act shall take effect on the 30th day after it 

 6    shall have become a law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 8    roll.

 9                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

11    the results.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

13    Calendar 548, those Senators voting in the 

14    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

15    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

16    Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, Ortt, 

17    Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Weber 

18    and Weik.  Also Senator O'Mara.

19                 Ayes, 39.  Nays, 20.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    598, Senate Print 6924, by Senator Skoufis, an 

24    act to amend the Railroad Law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3    act shall take effect on the 30th day after it 

 4    shall have become a law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 9    the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

12    is passed.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14    610, Senate Print 1571, by Senator Gianaris, an 

15    act to amend the Judiciary Law.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

17    last section.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

19    act shall take effect immediately.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

21    roll.

22                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

24    the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59. 


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 2    is passed.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4    618, Senate Print 7475, by Senator Hoylman-Sigal, 

 5    an act to amend the Surrogate's Court Procedure 

 6    Act.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 8    last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 7.  This 

10    act shall take effect immediately.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

12    roll.

13                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

15    the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

17    Calendar 618, those Senators voting in the 

18    negative are Senators Borrello, Griffo, Helming, 

19    Oberacker, O'Mara, Rhoads and Tedisco.

20                 Ayes, 52.  Nays, 7.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    623, Senate Print 612D, by Senator Mayer, an act 

25    to amend the Election Law.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect one year after it shall 

 5    have become a law.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

12    Calendar 623, those Senators voting in the 

13    negative are Senators Borrello, 

14    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Helming, Lanza, Mattera, 

15    Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Rhoads, 

16    Scarcella-Spanton, Weber and Weik.

17                 Ayes, 46.  Nays, 13.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    643, Assembly Bill Number 9036, by 

22    Assemblymember Pheffer Amato, an act directing 

23    the Department of Environmental Conservation to 

24    conduct a study on ecological restoration needs 

25    of Jamaica Bay.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect immediately.  

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 9    the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

12    is passed.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14    735, Senate Print 8687, by Senator Bailey, an act 

15    to amend the Criminal Procedure Law.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

17    last section.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

19    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

20    shall have become a law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

22    roll.

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 2    Calendar 735, those Senators voting in the 

 3    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

 4    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

 5    Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, 

 6    O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, 

 7    Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

 8                 Ayes, 39.  Nays, 20.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    759, Senate Print 3459, by Senator Skoufis, an 

13    act to amend the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

17    act shall take effect on the 30th day after it 

18    shall have become a law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

20    roll.

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

23    the results.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 


 1    is passed.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    786, Senate Print Number 6341C, by 

 4    Senator Hoylman-Sigal, an act to amend the 

 5    Penal Law.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 7    last section.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 9    act shall take effect on the 30th day after it 

10    shall have become a law.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

12    roll.

13                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

15    the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    798, Assembly Bill Number 1231A, by 

21    Assemblymember Lunsford, an act to amend the 

22    Insurance Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    799, Senate Print Number 3234A, by 

12    Senator Hoylman-Sigal, an act to amend the 

13    Insurance Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

17    act shall take effect on the first of January.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

24    Calendar 799, those Senators voting in the 

25    negative are Senators Borrello, Helming, Lanza, 


 1    Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt and Stec.

 2                 Ayes, 52.  Nays, 7.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    855, Senate Print 1970, by Senator SepĂșlveda, an 

 7    act to amend the Correction Law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 9.  This 

11    act shall take effect immediately.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

18    Calendar 855, those Senators voting in the 

19    negative are Senators Borrello, 

20    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

21    Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 

22    Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, 

23    Weber and Weik.

24                 Ayes, 41.  Nays, 18.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 


 1    is passed.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    861, Senate Print 8692A, by Senator Griffo, 

 4    an act to amend the Correction Law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

 8    act shall take effect immediately.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

10    roll.

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

13    the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

16    is passed.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18    899, Assembly Bill Number 9828, by 

19    Assemblymember Maher, an act to amend the 

20    Town Law and the Public Officers Law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

22    last section.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

24    act shall take effect immediately.  

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 6    Calendar 899, voting in the negative:  

 7    Senator Borrello.

 8                 Ayes, 57.  Nays, 1.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    919, Senate Print 5329E, by Senator Harckham, an 

13    act to amend the Public Health Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 6.  This 

17    act shall take effect January 1, 2026.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    926, Senate Print 8500A, by Senator Skoufis, an 

 3    act to amend the General Municipal Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 7    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

 8    shall have become a law.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

10    roll.

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

13    the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

15    Calendar 926, those Senators voting in the 

16    negative are Senators Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, 

17    Griffo, Helming, Martins, Oberacker, Ortt and 

18    Weik.

19                 Ayes, 52.  Nays, 7.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    934, Senate Print 4973A, by Senator Gounardes, an 

24    act to amend the Labor Law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 7.  This 

 3    act shall take effect immediately.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 5    roll.

 6                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 8    the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    937, Senate Print 160B, by Senator Hoylman-Sigal, 

14    an act to amend the Judiciary Law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

18    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

19    shall have become a law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

21    roll.

22                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

24    the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 


 1    Calendar 937, voting in the negative are 

 2    Senators Martinez and Scarcella-Spanton.  

 3                 Ayes, 57.  Nays, 2.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 5    is passed.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7    953, Senate Print 6285, by Senator Comrie, an act 

 8    to amend the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

10    last section.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

12    act shall take effect immediately.  

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

14    roll.

15                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

17    the results.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

20    is passed.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22    1002, Senate Print 5970, by Senator Harckham, an 

23    act to amend the Mental Hygiene Law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

25    last section.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 2    act shall take effect immediately.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 4    roll.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 7    the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    1078, Senate Print 7744D, by Senator Chu, an act 

13    to amend the General Business Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

17    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

18    shall have become a law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

20    roll.

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

23    the results.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 


 1    is passed.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    1079, Senate Print 7746B, by Senator Chu, an act 

 4    to amend the General Business Law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8    act shall take effect one year after it shall 

 9    have become a law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

11    roll.

12                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

14    the results.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

16    Calendar 1079, those Senators voting in the 

17    negative are Senators Borrello, Helming, 

18    Oberacker, O'Mara, Murray and Weik.

19                 Ayes, 53.  Nays, 6.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1096, Senate Print Number 7524, by 

24    Senator Hoylman-Sigal, an act to amend the 

25    Judiciary Law.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 19.  This 

 4    act shall take effect immediately.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 9    the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

11    Calendar 1096, those Senators voting in the 

12    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

13    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

14    Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 

15    Rhoads, Stec, Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

16                 Ayes, 43.  Nays, 16.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    1191, Assembly Bill Number 4763A, by 

21    Assemblymember Peoples-Stokes, an act to amend 

22    the Correction Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 


 1    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

 2    shall have become a law.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 4    roll.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 7    the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 Calendar 1194 is high and is laid 

12    aside for the day.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14    1211, Assembly Bill Number 9125, by 

15    Assemblymember Burdick, an act to incorporate the 

16    Bedford Hills Fire Department Benevolent 

17    Association and providing for its powers and 

18    duties.  

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

22    act shall take effect immediately.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

24    roll.

25                 (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 2    the results.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 5    is passed.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7    1221, Senate Print 9140, by Senator Comrie, an 

 8    act in relation to directing the Department of 

 9    Health to conduct a study relating to the opening 

10    of a public hospital in Southeast Queens.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

14    act shall take effect immediately.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    1294, Assembly Bill Number 9166B, by 

25    Assemblymember Lavine, an act to amend 


 1    Chapter 455 of the Laws of 1997.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 5    act shall take effect immediately.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

12                 Excuse me.  In relation to Calendar 

13    1294, voting in the negative:  Senator Rhoads.

14                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

16    is passed.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18    1296, Senate Print 1910, by Senator Cleare, an 

19    act to amend Chapter 154 of the Laws of 1921.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

21    last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

23    act shall take effect immediately.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    1312, Senate Print 7985C, by Senator Cleare, an 

 9    act to amend the Environmental Conservation Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

13    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

14    shall have become a law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    1330, Senate Print 3036A, by Senator Brouk, an 

25    act to amend the Education Law.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 10.  This 

 4    act shall take effect 18 months after it shall 

 5    have become a law.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    1340, Assembly Bill Number 9671, by 

16    Assemblymember Braunstein, an act to amend the 

17    Local Finance Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

21    act shall take effect immediately.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    1359, Senate Print 6534, by Senator Breslin, an 

 7    act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 7.  This 

11    act shall take effect immediately.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1373, Assembly Bill Number 10132, by 

22    Assemblymember Paulin, an act to amend 

23    Chapter 222 of the Laws of 2015.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

25    last section.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 2    act shall take effect immediately.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 4    roll.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 7    the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 9    Calendar 1373, those Senators voting in the 

10    negative are Senators Felder, Martinez, Mattera, 

11    Murray, Scarcella-Spanton and Weik.

12                 Ayes, 53.  Nays, 6.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

14    is passed.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16    1375, Senate Print 9262, by Senator Martinez, an 

17    act to amend the Highway Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

21    act shall take effect immediately.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 3    Calendar 1375, voting in the negative:  

 4    Senator Brisport.

 5                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1380, Senate Print 1201C, by Senator Parker, an 

10    act to amend the Public Service Law.

11                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Lay it aside for 

12    the day.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

14    is laid aside for the day.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16    1391, Assembly Bill Number 1273, by 

17    Assemblymember Kelles, an act to amend the 

18    Executive Law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

22    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

23    shall have become a law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    1393, Senate Print 6733, by Senator Rivera, an 

 9    act to amend the Public Health Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

13    act shall take effect immediately.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1400, Senate Print 8486C, by Senator Hinchey, an 

24    act to amend the Social Services Law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3    act shall take effect on the first of October.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 5    roll.

 6                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 8    the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    1413, Assembly Bill Number 9032A, by 

14    Assemblymember Burdick, an act to amend the 

15    Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

17    last section.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

19    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

20    shall have become a law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

22    roll.

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 2    Calendar 1413, voting in the negative:  

 3    Senator Martinez.

 4                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    1423, Senate Print 8971, by Senator Harckham, an 

 9    act to amend the Public Officers Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

13    act shall take effect immediately.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1435, Senate Print 9273, by Senator Breslin, an 

24    act to amend Chapter 693 of the Laws of 1980.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 4    shall have become a law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 9    the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

11    Calendar 1435, those Senators voting in the 

12    negative are Senators Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, 

13    Felder, Harckham, Helming, Lanza, Mannion,  

14    Martins, Mattera, O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, 

15    Scarcella-Spanton, Skoufis, Tedisco, Webb and 

16    Weik.  Also Senators Martinez and Griffo.

17                 Ayes, 40.  Nays, 19.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1466, Senate Print 546, by Senator Gianaris, an 

22    act to amend the Public Housing Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 8    Calendar 1466, those Senators voting in the 

 9    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

10    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

11    Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 

12    Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Stec, Tedisco and Weik.

13                 Ayes, 42.  Nays, 17.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17    1472, Senate Print 4898A, by Senator Rolison, an 

18    act to amend the Highway Law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

20    last section.  (Pause.)

21                 The bill is laid aside for the day.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1474, Senate Print 5405, by Senator Mannion, an 

24    act to amend the Real Property Tax Law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3    act shall take effect on the first of January.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 5    roll.

 6                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 8    the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

10    Calendar 1474, those Senators voting in the 

11    negative are Senators Martinez and Skoufis.

12                 Ayes, 57.  Nays, 2.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

14    is passed.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16    1476, Assembly Bill Number 4245A, by 

17    Assemblymember McDonald, an act authorizing the 

18    Maimonides Educational Center to receive 

19    retroactive real property tax exempt status.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

21    last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

23    act shall take effect immediately.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 5    Calendar 1476, voting in the negative:  

 6    Senator O'Mara.

 7                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    1477, Senate Print 6318A, by Senator Hinchey, an 

12    act to amend the Public Service Law.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

14    last section.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

16    act shall take effect on the 30th day after it 

17    shall have become a law.  

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    1478, Senate Print 6458, by Senator Martinez, an 

 3    act to amend the Social Services Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 7    act shall take effect immediately.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

14    Calendar 1478, voting in the negative:  

15    Senator Brisport.

16                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    1480, Senate Print 6504A, by Senator Chu, an act 

21    to amend the Public Health Law.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

23    last section.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

25    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 


 1    shall have become a law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    1481, Senate Print 6548, by Senator Harckham, an 

12    act directing the Commissioner of Transportation 

13    to waive an annual security deposit fee.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

17    act shall take effect immediately.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    1486, Senate Print 7410A, by Senator Martins, an 

 3    act granting retroactive membership with Tier IV 

 4    status in the New York State and Local Employees' 

 5    Retirement System to Dawn Ward.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is a 

 7    home-rule message at the desk.

 8                 Read the last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

10    act shall take effect immediately.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

12    roll.

13                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

15    the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    1489, Senate Print 7707A, by Senator Murray, an 

21    act to amend the Highway Law.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

23    last section.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

25    act shall take effect immediately.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 2    roll.

 3                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 5    the results.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 8    is passed.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

10    1495, Senate Print 8101A, by Senator Walczyk, an 

11    act to amend the Highway Law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

13    last section.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

15    act shall take effect immediately.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

20    the results.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

22    Calendar Number 1495, voting in the negative:  

23    Senator Brisport.

24                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 


 1    is passed.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    1498, Senate Print 8152A, by Senator Brisport, an 

 4    act to amend the Social Services Law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 8    act shall take effect May 30, 2025.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

10    roll.

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

13    the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

15    Calendar 1498, those Senators voting in the 

16    negative are Senators Gallivan, Griffo, Oberacker 

17    and Weik.

18                 Ayes, 55.  Nays, 4.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

20    is passed.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22    1502, Senate Print 8411, by Senator Walczyk, an 

23    act to deem an application filed with the 

24    New York State and Local Police and 

25    Fire Retirement System by the widow of 


 1    Paul C. Adam as timely filed.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 5    act shall take effect immediately.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    1505, Assembly Bill Number 9049, by 

16    Assemblymember Woerner, an act to amend the 

17    Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

21    act shall take effect immediately.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 3    Calendar 1505, voting in the negative:  

 4    Senator Martinez.  

 5                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1516, Assembly Bill Number 9255B, by 

10    Assemblymember Zebrowski, an act in relation to 

11    authorizing to the Village of Haverstraw to 

12    alienate and discontinue the use of certain 

13    parklands.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There's a 

15    home-rule message at the desk.

16                 Read the last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

18    act shall take effect immediately.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

20    roll.

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

23    the results.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 


 1    is passed.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    1517, Assembly Bill Number 9455, by 

 4    Assemblymember Zebrowski, an act to amend the 

 5    Real Property Tax Law.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 7    last section.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 9    act shall take effect immediately.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

11    roll.

12                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

14    the results.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

17    is passed.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

19    1520, Assembly Bill Number 9959, by 

20    Assemblymember Stern, an act to amend the 

21    Retirement and Social Security Law.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

23    last section.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

25    act shall take effect immediately.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 2    roll.

 3                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 5    the results.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 8    is passed.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

10    1525, Senate Print 9076, by Senator Gounardes, an 

11    act to amend the General Municipal Law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

13    last section.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

15    act shall take effect July 1, 2024.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

20    the results.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

23    is passed.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

25    1530, Senate Print 9278, by Senator Gounardes, an 


 1    act to amend the Real Property Tax Law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 5    act shall take effect immediately.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    1532, Assembly Bill Number 10141, by 

16    Assemblymember Lucas, an act to amend Part U of 

17    Chapter 55 of the Laws of 2014.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

21    act shall take effect immediately.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    1542, Senate Print 9704, by Senator Weber, an act 

 7    to amend the Real Property Tax Law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

11    act shall take effect immediately.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1543, Senate Print 9709, by Senator SepĂșlveda, an 

22    act to amend Chapter 322 of the Laws of 2014.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.  

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.  

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 8    Calendar 1543, those Senators voting in the 

 9    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

10    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Griffo, Helming, Lanza, 

11    Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 

12    Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Tedisco, Weber 

13    and Weik.

14                 Ayes, 41.  Nays, 18.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

16    is passed.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18    1544, Senate Print 9710, by Senator SepĂșlveda, an 

19    act to amend the Coordinated Construction Act for 

20    Lower Manhattan.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

22    last section.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

24    act shall take effect immediately.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1545, Senate Print 9718, by Senator Ryan, an act 

10    to amend the Highway Law.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

14    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

15    shall have become a law.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

20    the results.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

22    Calendar 1545, those Senators voting in the 

23    negative are Senators Borrello, Gallivan, Griffo, 

24    Helming, Lanza, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, 

25    O'Mara, Ortt, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, 


 1    Weber and Weik.

 2                 Ayes, 43.  Nays, 16.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    1547, Assembly Bill Number 9670, by 

 7    Assemblymember Diaz, an act to amend Chapter 890 

 8    of the Laws of 1982.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

10    last section.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

12    act shall take effect immediately.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

14    roll.

15                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

17    the results.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

20    is passed.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22    1549, Senate Print 9739, by Senator Comrie, an 

23    act to amend Chapter 549 of the Laws of 1994.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

25    last section.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 2    act shall take effect immediately.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 4    roll.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 7    the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    1550, Senate Print 365B, by Senator Thomas, an 

13    act to amend the General Business Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

17    act shall take effect immediately.  

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

24    Calendar 1550, those Senators voting in the 

25    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, Brisport, 


 1    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Cooney, Gallivan, Griffo, 

 2    Helming, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, 

 3    Ortt, Palumbo, Scarcella-Spanton, Stec, Tedisco, 

 4    Weber and Weik.

 5                 Ayes, 40.  Nays, 19.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1552, Assembly Bill Number 8869, by 

10    Assemblymember Barrett, an act to amend the 

11    Public Authorities Law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

13    last section.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

15    act shall take effect immediately.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

20    the results.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

22    Calendar 1552, those Senators voting in the 

23    negative are Senators Borrello, Oberacker and 

24    Ortt.

25                 Ayes, 56.  Nays, 3.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 2    is passed.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4    1554, Senate Print Number 895B, by 

 5    Senator Hoylman-Sigal, an act to amend the 

 6    General Business Law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 8    last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

10    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

11    shall have become a law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

18    Calendar 1554, those Senators voting in the 

19    negative are Senators Borrello, 

20    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

21    Martins, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Rhoads, Stec, 

22    Tedisco and Weber.

23                 Ayes, 46.  Nays, 13.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    1555, Senate Print 962, by Senator Bailey, an act 

 3    to amend the Economic Development Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 8.  This 

 7    act shall take effect immediately.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17    1557, Senate Print -- 

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Can we 

19    have some order, please.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   -- Senate Print 

21    1211, by Senator Persaud, an act to amend the 

22    Executive Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 7.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 8    Calendar 1557, those Senators voting in the 

 9    negative are Senators Borrello, Helming, Lanza, 

10    Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Rhoads and Stec.

11                 Ayes, 51.  Nays, 8.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    1562, Senate Print 2659B, by Senator Comrie, an 

16    act to amend the General Business Law.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

18    last section.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

20    act shall take effect immediately.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

22    roll.

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 3    is passed.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5    1566, Senate Print 4412B, by Senator Ramos, an 

 6    act to amend the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 8    last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

10    act shall take effect immediately.  

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

12    roll.  

13                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

15    the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

17    Calendar 1566, voting in the negative are 

18    Senators Krueger and May.

19                 Ayes, 57.  Nays, 2.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1569, Assembly Bill Number 2833, by 

24    Assemblymember Otis, an act to amend the 

25    State Finance Law.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

 5    shall have become a law.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    1572, Senate Print 7212A, by Senator Krueger, an 

16    act to amend the Military Law.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

18    last section.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

20    act shall take effect immediately.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

22    roll.

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 2    Calendar 1572, voting in the negative:  

 3    Senator Brisport.

 4                 Ayes, 58.  Nay, 1.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    1575, Assembly Bill Number 3499B, by 

 9    Assemblymember Carroll, an act to amend the 

10    General Business Law.

11                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Lay it aside for 

12    the day.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

14    is laid aside for the day.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16    1594, Senate Print 9247, by Senator Mannion, an 

17    act to amend the General Municipal Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

21    act shall take effect immediately.  

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    1598, Assembly Bill Number 10129A, by 

 7    Assemblymember Bronson, an act in relation to 

 8    authorizing the County of Monroe to convey 

 9    appropriate instruments to EH Henrietta Solar.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There's a 

11    home-rule message at the desk.

12                 Read the last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

14    act shall take effect immediately.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.  

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

21    Calendar 1598, voting in the negative are 

22    Senators Borrello, Griffo and Oberacker.

23                 Ayes, 56.  Nays, 3.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    1607, Senate Print 9643A, by Senator Krueger, an 

 3    act to amend the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 7    act shall take effect immediately.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17    1612, Assembly Bill Number 9812, by 

18    Assemblymember Burgos, an act to amend the 

19    Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

21    last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

23    act shall take effect immediately.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

25    roll.  


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    1618, Assembly Bill Number 10334, by 

 9    Assemblymember Pheffer Amato, an act to amend 

10    Chapter 756 of the Laws of 2021.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

14    act shall take effect immediately.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    1619, Senate Print 9749, by Senator Gonzalez, an 

25    act to amend Chapter 427 of the Laws of 2017.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect immediately.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 9    the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

12    is passed.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14    1622, Senate Print 9756, by Senator Webb, an act 

15    to amend Chapter 152 of the Laws of 2020.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

17    last section.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

19    act shall take effect immediately.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

21    roll.  

22                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

24    the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 


 1    Calendar Number 1622, voting in the negative:  

 2    Senator Martinez.  

 3                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 5    is passed.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7    1624, Assembly Bill Number 10352, by 

 8    Assemblymember Simone, an act to amend Part PP of 

 9    Chapter 58 of the Laws of 2022.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

13    act shall take effect immediately.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1625, Assembly Bill Number 9669, by 

24    Assemblymember Cunningham, an act to amend Part U 

25    of Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2018.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect immediately.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.  

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 9    the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

12    is passed.  (Pause.)

13                 Senator Gianaris.

14                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I believe that 

15    concludes the reading of the noncontroversial 

16    calendar.

17                 In that case, please go back to 

18    messages from the Assembly.  I believe we have 

19    additional substitutions.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Messages 

21    from the Assembly.  

22                 The Secretary will read.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Brouk moves 

24    to discharge, from the Committee on Rules, 

25    Assembly Bill Number 6563A and substitute it for 


 1    the identical Senate Bill 1865A, Third Reading 

 2    Calendar 1628.

 3                 Senator Jackson moves to discharge, 

 4    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

 5    Number 3767B and substitute it for the identical 

 6    Senate Bill 2394A, Third Reading Calendar 1631.

 7                 Senator Sanders moves to discharge, 

 8    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

 9    Number 2188 and substitute it for the identical 

10    Senate Bill 3498, Third Reading Calendar 1635.

11                 Senator Skoufis moves to discharge, 

12    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

13    Number 4611B and substitute it for the identical 

14    Senate Bill 5195B, Third Reading Calendar 1639.

15                 Senator Harckham moves to discharge, 

16    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

17    Number 5902 and substitute it for the identical 

18    Senate Bill 5214, Third Reading Calendar 1640.

19                 Senator Sanders moves to discharge, 

20    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

21    Number 6924 and substitute it for the identical 

22    Senate Bill 5669, Third Reading Calendar 1641.

23                 Senator Rolison moves to discharge, 

24    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

25    Number 4089A and substitute it for the identical 


 1    Senate Bill 6469A, Third Reading Calendar 1645.

 2                 Senator Mannion moves to discharge, 

 3    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

 4    Number 5851B and substitute it for the identical 

 5    Senate Bill 6758A, Third Reading Calendar 1649.

 6                 Senator Rivera moves to discharge, 

 7    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

 8    Number 6034B and substitute it for the identical 

 9    Senate Bill 9131, Third Reading Calendar 1657.  

10                 Senator Harckham moves to discharge, 

11    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

12    Number 10070 and substitute it for the identical 

13    Senate Bill 9207, Third Reading Calendar 1660.

14                 Senator Scarcella-Spanton moves to 

15    discharge, from the Committee on Rules, 

16    Assembly Bill Number 8162A and substitute it for 

17    the identical Senate Bill 9259, Third Reading 

18    Calendar 1661.

19                 Senator Cooney moves to discharge, 

20    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

21    Number 3120A and substitute it for the identical 

22    Senate Bill 9504A, Third Reading Calendar 1665.

23                 Senator Weber moves to discharge, 

24    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

25    Number 10137 and substitute it for the identical 


 1    Senate Bill 9530, Third Reading Calendar 1667.

 2                 Senator Skoufis moves to discharge, 

 3    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

 4    Number 9886 and substitute it for the identical 

 5    Senate Bill 9550, Senate Print 1669.

 6                 Senator Persaud moves to discharge, 

 7    from the Committee on Rules, Assembly Bill 

 8    Number 1696C and substitute it for the identical 

 9    Senate Bill 2465C, Third Reading Calendar 1633.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   So 

11    ordered.

12                 Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

13    reading of today's calendar.

14                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Let us move on 

15    to the supplemental calendar, please.  

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

17    Secretary will read.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

19    1626, Senate Print 1736E, by Senator Krueger, an 

20    act to amend the Executive Law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

22    last section.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

24    act shall take effect April 1, 2025.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 6    Calendar 1626, those Senators voting in the 

 7    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

 8    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

 9    Lanza, Martins, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, 

10    O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, 

11    Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

12                 Ayes, 39.  Nays, 20.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

14    is passed.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16    1627, Senate Print 1821, by Senator Stavisky, 

17    an act to amend the Education Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

21    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

22    shall have become a law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

24    roll.

25                 (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 2    the results.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 5    is passed.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7    1628, Assembly Bill Number 6563A, by 

 8    Assemblymember Clark, an act to amend the 

 9    Education Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

13    act shall take effect July 1, 2025.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Lay it aside for 

18    the day, please.  

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

20    is laid aside for the day.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22    1629, Senate Print 1890A, by Senator Sanders, an 

23    act to amend the Public Health Law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

25    last section.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

 2    act shall take effect immediately.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 4    roll.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 7    the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    1630, Senate Print 2355A, by Senator Felder, an 

13    act to amend the Family Court Act.

14                 (Pause.)

15                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Lay it aside for 

16    the day.  

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is laid aside for the day.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    1631, Assembly Bill Number 3767B, by 

21    Assemblymember Pheffer Amato, an act to amend the 

22    Civil Service Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    1632, Senate Print 2413C, by Senator Bailey, 

12    an act to amend the General Municipal Law.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

14    last section.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

16    act shall take effect April 1, 2025.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

18    roll.

19                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

21    the results.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

24    is passed.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 


 1    1633, Assembly Bill Number 1696C, by 

 2    Assemblymember Hunter, an act to amend the 

 3    Insurance Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 7.  This 

 7    act shall take effect January 1, 2026.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17    1634, Senate Print 3015, by Senator Comrie, an 

18    act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

22    act shall take effect the first of November.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

24    roll.

25                 (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 2    the results.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 5    is passed.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7    1635, Assembly Bill Number 2188, by 

 8    Assemblymember Dinowitz, an act to amend the 

 9    Public Health Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

13    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

14    shall have become a law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

21    Calendar 1635, those Senators voting in the 

22    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

23    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Felder, Helming, Lanza, 

24    Martins, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, 

25    Rhoads, Stec, Tedisco, Weber and Weik.


 1                 Ayes, 43.  Nays, 16.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 3    is passed.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5    1636, Senate Print 4268B, by Senator Cleare, an 

 6    act to amend the Public Health Law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 8    last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

10    act shall take effect immediately.  

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

12    roll.

13                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

15    the results.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    1637, Senate Print 4550B, by Senator May, an act 

21    to amend the Education Law.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

23    last section.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

25    act shall take effect on the first of July.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 2    roll.

 3                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 5    the results.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 7    Calendar Number 1637, those Senators voting in 

 8    the negative are Senators Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, 

 9    Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, Lanza, Martins, 

10    Mattera, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Rhoads, Stec, 

11    Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

12                 Ayes, 44.  Nays, 15.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

14    is passed.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16    1638, Senate Print 4936, by Senator Parker, an 

17    act to amend the Real Property Tax Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

21    act shall take effect immediately.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 3    Calendar 1638, those Senators voting in the 

 4    negative are Senators Martinez, Martins, Mattera, 

 5    Murray, Rhoads, Rolison, Tedisco, Weber and Weik.  

 6    Also Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick.

 7                 Ayes, 49.  Nays, 10.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    1639, Assembly Bill Number 4611B, by 

12    Assemblymember Jean-Pierre, an act to amend the 

13    Veterans' Services Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

17    act shall take effect immediately.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    1640, Assembly Bill Number 5902, by 

 3    Assemblymember Kelles, an act to amend the 

 4    Correction Law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 9    shall have become a law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

11    roll.

12                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

14    the results.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

17    is passed.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

19    1641, Assembly Bill Number 6924, by 

20    Assemblymember Hunter, an act in relation to the 

21    study of the utilization of state government 

22    payments.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 


 1    act shall take effect immediately.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 3    roll.  

 4                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 6    the results.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.  

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    1642, Senate Print 5779E, by Senator Oberacker, 

12    an act to amend the Real Property Tax Law.

13                 SENATOR LANZA:   Lay the bill aside 

14    for the day.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

16    is laid aside for the day.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18    1643, Senate Print 5969A, by Senator Harckham, an 

19    act to amend the Public Health Law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

21    last section.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

23    act shall take effect on the 120th day after it 

24    shall have become a law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1644, Senate Print 6364, by Senator Harckham, an 

10    act to amend Chapter 576 of the Laws of 1977.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

14    act shall take effect immediately.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    1645, Assembly Bill Number 4089A, by 

25    Assemblymember Maher, an act to amend the 


 1    Highway Law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 5    act shall take effect immediately.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    1646, Senate Print 6553A, by Senator Skoufis, an 

14    act to authorize Susan Gillinder, the widow of 

15    Robert C. Ritchie, to file a new service 

16    retirement application and option election form 

17    with the New York State and Local Employees' 

18    Retirement System.  

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

22    act shall take effect immediately.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

24    roll.  

25                 (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 2    the results.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 5    is passed.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7    1647, Senate Print 6624B, by Senator Weber, an 

 8    act in relation to authorizing Congregation RSK 

 9    to receive retroactive real property tax exempt 

10    status.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

14    act shall take effect immediately.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.  

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

21    Calendar 1647, voting in the negative:  

22    Senator O'Mara.

23                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    1648, Senate Print 6709B, by Senator Skoufis, an 

 3    act to amend the Civil Practice Law and Rules.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 7    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 8    shall have become a law.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

10    roll.

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

13    the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

16    is passed.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18    1649, Assembly Bill Number 5815B, by 

19    Assemblymember Epstein, an act to amend the 

20    State Finance Law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

22    last section.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

24    act shall take effect on the first of January.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1650, Senate Print 6766A, by Senator Skoufis, an 

10    act in relation to granting retroactive Tier IV 

11    membership in the New York City Employees' 

12    Retirement System to Ryan D. O'Connor.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is a 

14    home-rule message at the desk.

15                 Read the last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

17    act shall take effect immediately.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    1651, Senate Print 6955A, by Senator Hinchey, an 

 3    act to amend the General Municipal Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 7    act shall take effect immediately.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

12    the results.  

13                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

14    Calendar 1651, those Senators voting in the 

15    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

16    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Griffo, Helming, Lanza, 

17    Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Rhoads, 

18    Stec, Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

19                 Ayes, 43.  Nays, 16.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1652, Senate Print 7216C, by Senator Gonzalez, an 

24    act to amend the Tax Law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3    act shall take effect immediately.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 5    roll.

 6                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 8    the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

10    Calendar 1652, those Senators voting in the 

11    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, Felder, 

12    Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, Lanza, Martinez, 

13    Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Rhoads, 

14    Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Weber and Weik.  Also 

15    Senator Martins.

16                 Ayes, 39.  Nays, 20.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

20    1653, Senate Print 7724B, by Senator Persaud, an 

21    act to amend the Social Services Law.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

23    last section.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

25    act shall take effect October 1, 2024.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 2    roll.

 3                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 5    the results.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 7    Calendar 1653, voting in the negative are 

 8    Senators Borrello and Oberacker.  

 9                 Ayes, 57.  Nays, 2.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    1654, Senate Print 8679A, by Senator Mannion, 

14    an act to amend the Social Services Law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 6.  This 

18    act shall take effect immediately.  

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

20    roll.

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

23    the results.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 


 1    is passed.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3    1655, Senate Print 8851, by Senator O'Mara, an 

 4    act to amend the Public Authorities Law.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 6    last section.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8    act shall take effect immediately.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

10    roll.

11                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

13    the results.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

16    is passed.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

18    1656, Senate Print 8855, by Senator Jackson, an 

19    act to amend the Administrative Code of the City 

20    of New York.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

22    last section.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

24    act shall take effect immediately.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1657, Assembly Bill Number 6034B, by 

10    Assemblymember Paulin, an act to amend the 

11    Public Health Law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

13    last section.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

15    act shall take effect immediately.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

17    roll.

18                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

20    the results.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

23    is passed.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

25    1658, Senate Print 9198, by Senator Myrie, an act 


 1    to amend the Criminal Procedure Law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 9.  This 

 5    act shall take effect on the 60th day after it 

 6    shall have become a law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 8    roll.

 9                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

11    the results.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

13    Calendar 1658, those Senators voting in the 

14    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

15    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

16    Lanza, Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, 

17    Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Weber 

18    and Weik.

19                 Ayes, 40.  Nays, 19.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    1659, Senate Print 9205, by Senator Gounardes, an 

24    act to amend the Retirement and Social Security 

25    Law.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 4    act shall take effect immediately.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 9    the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

12    is passed.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14    1660, Assembly Bill Number 10070, by 

15    Assemblymember Burdick, an act to amend 

16    Chapter 620 of the Laws of 1938.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

18    last section.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

20    act shall take effect immediately.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

22    roll.  

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 3    is passed.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5    1661, Assembly Bill Number 8162A, by 

 6    Assemblymember Cunningham, an act to amend the 

 7    Veterans' Services Law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

11    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

12    shall have become a law.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

14    roll.

15                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

17    the results.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

20    is passed.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22    1662, Senate Print 9301, by Senator Harckham, an 

23    act to amend the Highway Law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

25    last section.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 2    act shall take effect immediately.  

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 4    roll.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 7    the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    1663, Senate Print Number 9305A, by 

13    Senator Stewart-Cousins, an act to amend the 

14    Vehicle and Traffic Law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is a 

16    home-rule message at the desk.

17                 Read the last section.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

19    act shall take effect on the 30th day after it 

20    shall have become a law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

22    roll.

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 2    Calendar 1663, voting in the negative are 

 3    Senators Helming, Martinez, Murray and Weik.

 4                 Ayes, 55.  Nays, 4.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    1664, Senate Print 9338, by Senator Ashby, an act 

 9    to amend the Highway Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

13    act shall take effect immediately.  

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

20    Calendar 1664, voting in the negative:  

21    Senator Brisport.

22                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

24    is passed.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 


 1    1665, Assembly Bill Number 3120A, by 

 2    Assemblymember Magnarelli, an act to amend the 

 3    Vehicle and Traffic Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 7    act shall take effect on the first of November.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17    1666, Senate Print 9518, by Senator Gonzalez, an 

18    act to amend the Civil Practice Law and Rules.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

22    act shall take effect immediately.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

24    roll.

25                 (The Secretary called the roll.)


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 2    the results.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 4    Calendar 1666, those Senators voting in the 

 5    negative are Senators Borrello, 

 6    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Griffo, Helming, Martins, 

 7    Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Rhoads, 

 8    Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

 9                 Ayes, 43.  Nays, 16.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    1667, Assembly Bill Number 10137, by 

14    Assemblymember Zebrowski, an act to amend the 

15    Public Authorities Law.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

17    last section.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

19    act shall take effect immediately.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

21    roll.

22                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

24    the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 2    is passed.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4    1669, Assembly Bill Number 9886, by 

 5    Assemblymember Peoples-Stokes, an act to amend 

 6    the Public Health Law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 8    last section.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

10    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

11    shall have become a law.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

19    is passed.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21    1670, Senate Print 9639A, by Senator Skoufis, an 

22    act to amend the Education Law.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

24    last section.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 


 1    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

 2    shall have become a law.  

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 4    roll.

 5                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 7    the results.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

10    is passed.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12    1671, Senate Print 9645A, by Senator Chu, an act 

13    to amend the Education Law.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

15    last section.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

17    act shall take effect on the first of July.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

19    roll.

20                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

22    the results.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

25    is passed.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 2    1672, Senate Print 9649, by Senator Chu, an act 

 3    to amend the Social Services Law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 5    last section.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 7    act shall take effect immediately.  

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17    1673, Senate Print 9674, by Senator Gianaris, an 

18    act to amend the Judiciary Law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 8.  This 

22    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

23    shall have become a law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 5    Calendar 1673, those Senators voting in the 

 6    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

 7    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Griffo, Helming, Martins, 

 8    Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, 

 9    Palumbo, Rhoads, Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Weber 

10    and Weik.

11                 Ayes, 41.  Nays, 18.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

13    is passed.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15    1674, Senate Print 9698, by Senator Kavanagh, an 

16    act to amend the Private Housing Finance Law.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

18    last section.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

20    act shall take effect immediately.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

22    roll.

23                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

25    the results.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 2    Calendar 1674, those Senators voting in the 

 3    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

 4    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Griffo, Helming, Martins, 

 5    Mattera, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, 

 6    Palumbo, Rhoads, Stec, Tedisco, Weber and Weik.

 7                 Ayes, 42.  Nays, 17.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 9    is passed.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11    1675, Senate Print 9707, by Senator Skoufis, an 

12    act in relation to authorizing Chang Zhu to take 

13    the competitive civil service examination.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is a 

15    home-rule message at the desk.

16                 Read the last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

18    act shall take effect immediately.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

20    roll.

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

23    the results.  

24                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

25    Calendar 1675, voting in the negative:  


 1    Senator Brisport.

 2                 Ayes, 58.  Nays, 1.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 4    is passed.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 6    1676, Senate Print 9760, by Senator Mayer, an act 

 7    to amend the Penal Law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 9    last section.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

11    act shall take effect immediately.  

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

13    roll.

14                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

16    the results.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

18    Calendar 1676, those Senators voting in the 

19    negative are Senators Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, 

20    Stec, Tedisco and Weik.

21                 Ayes, 53.  Nays, 6.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

23    is passed.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

25    1677, Senate Print Number 9764, by 


 1    Senator Scarcella-Spanton, an act to amend the 

 2    Highway Law.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 4    last section.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 6    act shall take effect immediately.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 8    roll.

 9                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

11    the results.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

13    Calendar 1677, voting in the negative:  

14    Senator Brisport.

15                 Ayes, 58.  Nay, 1.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

17    is passed.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

19    1678, Senate Print 9775A, by Senator Cooney, an 

20    act to amend Chapter 698 of the Laws of 1991.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

22    last section.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

24    act shall take effect immediately.  

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.  

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    1679, Senate Print 9776, by Senator Persaud, an 

10    act to amend Chapter 329 of the Laws of 2020.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

14    act shall take effect immediately.  

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    1680, Senate Print 9777, by Senator Gounardes, an 

25    act to amend the Economic Development Law.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 2    last section.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 4    act shall take effect immediately.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 6    roll.

 7                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 9    the results.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

12    is passed.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14    1681, Senate Print 9786, by Senator Cooney, an 

15    act to amend Chapter 371 of the Laws of 2009.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

17    last section.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

19    act shall take effect immediately.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

21    roll.

22                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

24    the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 2    is passed.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4    1682, Senate Print 9809, by Senator Thomas, an at 

 5    authorizing the Town of Hempstead to transfer 

 6    ownership of certain parklands to the Village of 

 7    Freeport.

 8                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Lay it aside for 

 9    the day.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is laid aside for the day.

12                 Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

13    reading of today's supplemental calendar.

14                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Going back to 

15    resolutions, can we take up previously 

16    adopted Resolution 2527, by Senator 

17    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, please read its title 

18    and recognize Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

20    Secretary will read.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 2527, by 

22    Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, commemorating the 

23    100th Anniversary of the Franklin Square & Munson 

24    Fire Department.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 


 1    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick on the resolution.


 3    Thank you, Madam President.  

 4                 I proudly rise to recognize the 

 5    Franklin Square & Munson Fire Department for 

 6    providing a century of service and dedication to 

 7    the community of Franklin Square.  I had the 

 8    pleasure of joining with the dedicated volunteers 

 9    from this department over this weekend for a 

10    parade and celebration.  

11                 The Franklin Hook and Ladder Company 

12    No. 1 of Munson was the first fire company to 

13    provide fire coverage to the community and was 

14    formed in 1907 after several large fires occurred 

15    in the community.  Any time there was a fire, 

16    they would ring a large bell that was donated 

17    from the local schoolhouse, and that would send a 

18    signal to the local firefighters to respond.  The 

19    first to hitch their horse to the ladder cart 

20    would get a reward.

21                 The Franklin Square Hose & Chemical 

22    Company was eventually formed in 1923 to 

23    accommodate the growing community, and they had 

24    the benefit of acquiring a motorized fire engine.  

25    However, the next year they joined with the 


 1    Franklin Hook and Ladder Company of Munson to 

 2    form the Franklin Square & Munson Fire 

 3    Department, which still serves the community to 

 4    this day, 100 years later.

 5                 This volunteer department protects 

 6    approximately three square miles, including 

 7    Franklin Square, Garden City South, and parts of 

 8    West Hempstead, serving about 30,000 people and 

 9    responding to more than 1,000 fire and medical 

10    emergencies each year.

11                 I would like to personally thank 

12    these dedicated volunteers of Franklin Square & 

13    Munson Fire Department for their 100 years of 

14    continuous service to our community.  I am proud 

15    to support this resolution to recognize their 

16    exemplary service.

17                 Thank you, Madam President.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

19    you, Senator.

20                 The resolution was adopted on 

21    May 21st.

22                 Senator Gianaris.

23                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

24    please recognize Senator Comrie for an 

25    introduction.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 2    Comrie for an introduction.

 3                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Thank you, 

 4    Madam President.  

 5                 I stand and rise today to welcome 

 6    various Caribbean consul generals who are here:  

 7    From Barbados, Rudy Grant.  Alsion Wilson from 

 8    the Island of Jamaica.  Marie Andree Amy, from 

 9    Haiti.  And -- I hope this is right -- Rondy 

10    McIntosh from St. Vincent.  

11                 They are here today visiting in 

12    Albany so they can see what we do in government 

13    here, how do we handle ourselves in the Senate 

14    and the Assembly.  The Assembly side kept them, 

15    but they got here just in time to be recognized 

16    before we close for the day.

17                 Just to let you know, the 

18    collaboration with our Caribbean neighbors is 

19    important to the sustenance of many people.  As 

20    you probably don't know, I'm Jamerican.  I was 

21    born here to parents that were both born and 

22    raised in Jamaica.  And from being in Queens, I'm 

23    always surrounded by fellow Caribbean Americans 

24    from all over the diaspora.  

25                 Queens, as you know, is home to a 


 1    variety of Caribbean nationalities, as we house 

 2    Trinidadian cuisine, we have one of the largest 

 3    Haitian communities outside of Haiti in 

 4    Cambria Heights and Queens Village.  We also have 

 5    a strong Jamaican presence, we have strong -- as 

 6    my wife likes to say, anybody who's doing 

 7    anything well has Jamaican heritage in them.  So 

 8    she claims everybody that's doing well, from 

 9    athletes to professors to college presidents.  

10    She's claiming them all.

11                 Guyanese folks tell you that they're 

12    the best and the only, from Guyana.  People from 

13    Grenada in my district always love to tell you 

14    who they are as well.

15                 You know, the Caribbean diaspora is 

16    a proud diaspora, people that we are honored to 

17    have interactions with on a regular basis as 

18    much, as well, we have opportunities where we can 

19    have the opportunity to experience the taste of 

20    home and the taste of the Caribbean as well.

21                 There are a lot of jokes that we 

22    have in here, but we're late today, I can't spend 

23    the half-hour I wanted to, to talk about 

24    everything because I got folk looking at me 

25    already because they want to go.  


 1                 (Laughter.)

 2                 SENATOR COMRIE:   But I just wanted 

 3    to say that, you know, we have something that 

 4    everybody needs to experience in your home 

 5    countries, is your carnivals.  To go to a 

 6    carnival in the Caribbean is a unique experience 

 7    unlike any other.  I ask you all to go.  

 8                 In my district I have the honor of 

 9    holding the Grace Jerk Festival, which is 

10    something that the entire -- which encompasses 

11    the entire diaspora.  You get to come and 

12    experience all the cuisine from every Caribbean 

13    island.  I would invite my colleagues to come.  

14    And if you have an opportunity to go visit the 

15    Caribbean, please don't hesitate to do so.

16                 Madam President, as we are short on 

17    time, I will ask you to please give all the 

18    privileges of the house to the Consul Generals 

19    that are here.  

20                 And thank you for taking the time to 

21    stop in our chambers.

22                 Thank you, Madam President.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

24    you, Senator.

25                 To our guests -- representing 


 1    Jamaica, Alsion Wilson; Marie Andree Amy, from 

 2    Haiti; Rudy Grant, Barbados; Rondy McIntosh, 

 3    Saint Vincent -- I welcome you on behalf of the 

 4    Senate.  We extend to you the privileges and 

 5    courtesies of this house.  

 6                 Please rise and be recognized.

 7                 (Standing ovation.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

 9    Gianaris.

10                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Now let's move 

11    on to previously adopted Resolution 2307, by 

12    Senator Mayer, read its title and recognize 

13    Senator Mayer.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

15    Secretary will read.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 2307, by 

17    Senator Mayer, memorializing Governor Kathy 

18    Hochul to proclaim June 2024 as Gun Violence 

19    Awareness Month in the State of New York.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 

21    Mayer on the resolution.

22                 SENATOR MAYER:   Thank you, 

23    Madam President.  

24                 I rise today in support of this very 

25    somber resolution memorializing June as 


 1    Gun Violence Awareness Month.  It coincides with 

 2    National Gun Violence Awareness Month.  And it's 

 3    truly sad and unfortunate that we have to have 

 4    such a resolution.

 5                 But on June 12th of this year, in 

 6    neighboring Connecticut, the Newtown High School 

 7    Class of 2024 should include 20 more young adults 

 8    graduating with their friends.  Instead, we 

 9    remember the lives of 20 children who were killed 

10    before they could even graduate from first grade.  

11                 As I'm sure all of us remember, and 

12    we swear we will never forget, on December 14, 

13    2012, a gunman brought an AR-15, two 

14    semiautomatic pistols, a shotgun and several 

15    hundred rounds of ammunition in high-capacity 

16    magazines, to Sandy Hook Elementary School.  The 

17    gunman first killed the principal, 

18    Dawn Hochsprung, and school psychologist 

19    Mary Sherlach, who tried to stop him in the 

20    main office.

21                 Lauren Rousseau, a substitute 

22    teacher, was hiding her first-grade students in 

23    the bathroom when the gunman entered her 

24    classroom and killed her and 14 first-graders.  

25    One 6-year-old survived by playing dead.  


 1                 The shooter then entered the 

 2    classroom of Victoria Soto, a first-grade 

 3    teacher.  She had hidden her students in the 

 4    closet and tried to direct the shooter to the 

 5    school's auditorium.  The shooter shot and killed 

 6    Soto and six students who tried to run from their 

 7    hiding spot.  

 8                 The shooter also killed Anne Marie 

 9    Murphy, a special education aide, who died using 

10    her body as a shield, and Rachel Davino, a 

11    behavioral specialist.

12                 Two other Sandy Hook staff members 

13    were injured, including the vice principal, when 

14    they heard shots fired.  Within five minutes the 

15    shooter killed 20 children between the ages of 

16    six and seven, and six staff members.

17                 Since December of 2012 there have 

18    been 562 school shootings in the United States.  

19                 Our children deserve to be safe in 

20    school.  Our teachers deserve to be safe at work.  

21    Our people deserve to be safe in their 

22    workplaces, in their stores, their theaters and 

23    their houses of worship.

24                 Yet mass shootings have become so 

25    frequent we don't even hear about all of them all 


 1    the time anymore.

 2                 Today, as we commemorate these 

 3    individual human beings, the victims of mass 

 4    shootings, and the gun violence that permeates 

 5    many of our communities, we recommit ourselves to 

 6    awareness, to education, to intervention and 

 7    prevention.  And we urge the Governor to ensure 

 8    that this day and this month is recognized in 

 9    New York State and that we take real steps to 

10    combat gun violence.

11                 Thank you, Madam President.

12                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

13    you, Senator.

14                 Senator Bailey on the resolution.

15                 SENATOR BAILEY:   Thank you, 

16    Madam President.

17                 Thank you, Senator Mayer, for this 

18    important resolution.  

19                 You know, Senator Mayer mentioned a 

20    lot of the shootings that we've heard, they 

21    become names that are emblazoned in our mind by 

22    just the utterance of the word Newtown, 

23    Columbine, the Post, so on and so forth -- so 

24    many.  But it's not just about those large-scale 

25    ones, it is about the ones that happen in 


 1    Canarsie, Madam President, in the Bronx, in 

 2    Southeast Queens, in the North Country.  

 3                 My friends, gun violence is not a 

 4    partisan issue.  Bullets, last time I checked, 

 5    they don't register to vote.  It's not a racial 

 6    issue, because last time I checked they don't 

 7    check an identifying box.  

 8                 Gun violence affects each and every 

 9    one of us, each of our districts, each of our 

10    communities.  And the effects of gun violence are 

11    generational.  They affect not just the person 

12    being shot and the person doing the shooting and 

13    their families, they create conditions of fear, 

14    conditions of reticence, conditions of 

15    helplessness.  

16                 It is up to us -- regardless of 

17    party affiliation, regardless of where we sit, 

18    regardless of where we stand -- to stand for 

19    something to stop the scourge of gun violence.  

20                 Now, we can make sure we start with 

21    education, putting down the gun and picking up a 

22    book.  But stopping, in ridiculous capacity, 

23    rifles or bullets or -- excuse me, weapons that 

24    have no other condition, military grades -- we 

25    don't need those on our streets.  Those should be 


 1    left to the women and men who are defending 

 2    interests in the military.  We don't need that on 

 3    White Plains Road.  Or any other road in any of 

 4    the states in the United States of America.

 5                 So we should recommit ourselves not 

 6    just because it's Gun Violence Awareness Month, 

 7    but because we're people of conscience, people of 

 8    faith, people of hope.  So I hope that at some 

 9    point we really do stop the violence.  And I want 

10    to thank everybody in this chamber that's doing 

11    something to prevent it.  Whether it's working 

12    with a violence interruption group or funding 

13    your local organizations or giving money to some 

14    community-based organization that's helping 

15    someone out, you are doing something.  

16                 It's up to us if we want to prevent 

17    the next name that we don't know yet that hasn't 

18    happened yet.  I don't want to say it will happen 

19    but, sadly enough, I'm pretty sure it will.

20                 I just pray that it doesn't happen 

21    to any of us in here.  But isn't that the hope, 

22    Madam President?  It's never real until it 

23    affects your house, till it -- that was my 

24    cousin, that was my kid's school.  My, my, my.  

25                 It's about us.  Life isn't all good 


 1    until everybody's good.  So I say that to say 

 2    thank you, Senator Mayer, once again for 

 3    introducing this resolution, and I hope that we 

 4    can be a part of the solution and not a part of 

 5    the ever-present problem.

 6                 Thank you, Madam President.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Thank 

 8    you, Senator.

 9                 The resolution was adopted on 

10    May 7th.

11                 Senator Gianaris.

12                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   As they used to 

13    say in Monty Python, and now for something 

14    completely different.  

15                 Let's stick with Senator Bailey for 

16    previously adopted Resolution 2308, by 

17    Senator Myrie, read its title and recognize 

18    Senator Bailey.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

20    Secretary will read.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 2308, by 

22    Senator Myrie, memorializing Governor Kathy 

23    Hochul to proclaim October 9, 2024, as 

24    Sneakers Day in the State of New York.  

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   Senator 


 1    Bailey on Sneaker Day.

 2                 SENATOR BAILEY:   Thank you, 

 3    Madam President.  Thank you, Madam President.

 4                 And so I've just been noticed we've 

 5    gained a few more viewers at home.  So hi, Mara, 

 6    Giada, Carina and Julian.  Just want to make sure 

 7    I said hello to them.  

 8                 You know, we gained new viewers on 

 9    the legislative channel, and we've gained more 

10    members of the largest growing caucus in New York 

11    State government, the Sneaker Caucus.  

12                 Now, since January, whether it be 

13    members, whether it be staff members, whether it 

14    be lobbyists, whether it be anybody in this 

15    building, the number-one question has been, When 

16    is Sneaker Day?  When is Sneaker Day coming?  And 

17    this is one of these fun days that we get to have 

18    in this chamber that we get to speak about the 

19    unity in the house.  We get to speak about 

20    something a little fun, something not as heavy, 

21    something that can bring us all together.

22                 I'm excited that, you know -- and my 

23    excuse to buy more sneakers now, Madam President, 

24    is that now I have a son.  And so like now I have 

25    to -- it's my duty to pass down the legacy 


 1    sneakers to him.  It is incumbent upon me to pass 

 2    the tradition down.

 3                 I believe that this is a day that we 

 4    get a chance to do something and show off our 

 5    creativity in who we are and what we're wearing.  

 6                 So, Madam President, today I'm 

 7    wearing a pair of Air Max 1 '86s, the Jackie 

 8    Robinson edition.  Jackie Robinson is -- was a 

 9    hero of mine.  As you well know, on April 15, 

10    1947, he broke the color barrier in Major League 

11    Baseball.  And he had a lot of courage.  He had a 

12    lot of panache, as it was, Madam President, to be 

13    able do something in that era that I still don't 

14    know if people can do in this era.  

15                 So I decided to recognize him today 

16    by wearing a pair of sneakers, and the socks too.  

17    You know, I have to coordinate, as they say, 

18    Madam President.  I have to put the sneakers and 

19    the socks together.  But I just wanted this 

20    opportunity to thank Senator Myrie for 

21    introducing this resolution, and for all of my 

22    colleagues on both sides of the aisle.  The 

23    Sneaker Caucus has grown.  

24                 And also I wanted to make sure I 

25    send out a little friendly rivalry shout-out to 


 1    our friends in D.C.  You see, last year we did 

 2    Sneaker Day because, you know, the Empire 

 3    State -- as goes New York, so goes the country.  

 4    And so went the country.  They decided to have a 

 5    Sneaker Day on Capitol Hill -- don't worry, all, 

 6    they weren't as fresh as us.  They didn't do it 

 7    like we did it.  But they talked about it like 

 8    they were the first ones.  

 9                 And I wanted to say, look, I respect 

10    and appreciate my federal colleagues, but we did 

11    it first.  Actually, I can't even take credit for 

12    it.  When I got here, Andy Lanza was wearing 

13    sneakers.  

14                 (Laughter.)

15                 SENATOR BAILEY:   Don't tell the 

16    other Republicans that.

17                 But it's not a partisan issue.  Some 

18    people might watch this or see Sneaker Day, and 

19    they say, There are those Democrats that are 

20    running Albany into the ground, they're wearing 

21    sneakers and they're making a mockery of state 

22    government.  

23                 Well, I ask you, my friend George 

24    Borrello got a new pair of sneakers for 

25    Sneaker Day.  


 1                 (Laughter.)

 2                 SENATOR BAILEY:   So this is one of 

 3    those rare occasions, Madam President, to 

 4    everybody watching, we get a chance to laugh and 

 5    we get to enjoy the humanity of who we are.

 6                 Sneakers, when I was growing up, for 

 7    me, we didn't have a car, so these were my 

 8    Rolls Royces.  This was my Ferrari.  This was my 

 9    Bentley.  This was my Benz.  Still can't afford 

10    those.  

11                 (Laughter.)

12                 SENATOR BAILEY:   But this is the 

13    importance of Sneaker Day.  And there's a culture 

14    around it, you know, and it's really, you know, 

15    interconnected with hip-hop culture.  But you 

16    don't have to be hip-hop to be a sneakerhead.  

17    Each and every one of you is a sneakerhead.  So 

18    congratulations on being inducted into the club.  

19                 And I will end the same way I ended 

20    last year, Madam President.  If you're having 

21    shoe problems, I feel bad for you, son.  I got 

22    99 problems, but my kicks ain't one.

23                 (Laughter; applause.)

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

25    resolution was adopted on May 7th.


 1                 Senator Gianaris.

 2                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

 3    for the record, I'm wearing my Starsky and Hutch 

 4    Adidas.  

 5                 (Laughter.) 

 6                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   At the request 

 7    of all the sponsors of today's resolutions, they 

 8    are open for cosponsorship.

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

10    resolutions are open for cosponsorship.  Should 

11    you choose not to be a cosponsor, please notify 

12    the desk.

13                 Senator Gianaris.  

14                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

15    back to motions for a second.  

16                 I offer amendments to the following 

17    Third Reading Calendar bills:  

18                 By Senator Ryan, page 50, Calendar 

19    Number 1292, Senate Print 9032;

20                 By Senator Gonzalez, page 10, 

21    Calendar Number 403, Senate Print 7543A; 

22                 And by Senator Ryan, page 65, 

23    Calendar Number 1519, Senate Print 8978. 

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

25    amendments are received, and the bills will 


 1    retain their place on the Third Reading Calendar.

 2                 Senator Gianaris.

 3                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   On behalf of 

 4    Senator Stavisky, I wish to call up Senate 

 5    Print 6342, recalled from the Assembly, which is 

 6    now at the desk.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

 8    Secretary will read.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

10    375, Senate Print 6342, by Senator Stavisky, an 

11    act to amend the Education Law.

12                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to 

13    reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

15    Secretary will call the roll on reconsideration.  

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The bill 

19    is restored to its place on the Third Reading 

20    Calendar.

21                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I offer the 

22    following amendments.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   The 

24    amendments are received.

25                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Is there any 


 1    further business at the desk?

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   There is 

 3    no further business at the desk.

 4                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to adjourn 

 5    until tomorrow, Tuesday, June 4th, at 3:00 p.m.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT PERSAUD:   On 

 7    motion, the Senate stands adjourned until 

 8    Tuesday, June 4th, at 3:00 p.m.

 9                 (Whereupon, at 5:58 p.m., the Senate 

10    adjourned.)