Regular Session - January 8, 2025


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                   January 8, 2025

11                     12:14 p.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION













 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Senate will 

 3    come to order.  

 4                 I ask everyone present to please 

 5    rise and recite with me the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                 (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7    the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 8                 THE PRESIDENT:   Today's invocation 

 9    will be delivered by Rabbi Mara Young, of the 

10    Woodlands Community Temple in White Plains.

11                 RABBI YOUNG:   The story is told of 

12    a person who wished to climb to the top of a very 

13    high mountain.  The mountain was steep and 

14    difficult to ascend, and the climber encountered 

15    many obstacles along the way.  She was weary, 

16    discouraged, and often considered giving up.  At 

17    times she even felt that the summit was too far 

18    out of reach and that the climb was not worth the 

19    effort.  

20                 However, she pushed forward one step 

21    at a time.  Every time she felt like giving up, 

22    she reminded herself that the goal was to reach 

23    higher, even if it seemed impossible.  Slowly but 

24    surely, after much effort and struggle, she 

25    reached the top of the mountain.  


 1                 And when she finally arrived at the 

 2    summit, she looked around and realized something 

 3    incredible.  As far as the eye could see, there 

 4    were still higher peaks, taller mountains, new 

 5    heights to reach.  But instead of feeling 

 6    discouraged, she felt a deep sense of joy and 

 7    purpose, understanding that the journey itself, 

 8    striving to go higher step by step, was the true 

 9    reward.  

10                 Distinguished officials, today you 

11    stand at the base of the mountain.  The 2025 

12    legislative session rises before you.  The path 

13    of democracy is difficult -- rocky terrain, 

14    uncertain paths, dead ends and deadlocks.  And 

15    yet we know the reward is great:  A state built 

16    by the people, for the people, governed by laws 

17    of justice, fueled by compassion at its core.

18                 As you begin your climb, you will 

19    observe the crags and summits of sessions before.  

20    Some you will surpass; some will loom higher.  

21    How lucky you are to have this opportunity before 

22    you.  Set your feet upon the current mountain of 

23    possibility.  Excelsior!  Onward, upward.  May 

24    you be blessed in your ascent.  Emblazoned on the 

25    seal of this Senate body, may this word be your 


 1    guide.  It urges you forward:  Excelsior, ever 

 2    higher.

 3                 As you embark upon this holy work of 

 4    building and securing our democracy, stay true to 

 5    the path of righteousness.  As is written in the 

 6    Book of Proverbs, guard your heart, as it is the 

 7    source of life.  Turn aside from crooked speech.  

 8    Distance yourself from wicked words.  

 9                 Let your eyes look forward.  May you 

10    behold the future with upright intentions.  

11    Survey your course, the way in which we may all 

12    prosper.  Be not deterred by the left or the 

13    right, but walk the path of goodness.

14                 Source of Goodness, bestow Your 

15    blessings upon this assembled body and those who 

16    serve within it.  Strengthen their capacity to 

17    listen, to discern, and to learn.  While starting 

18    on disparate paths, guide them together, helping 

19    them to walk in ways of compromise and 

20    understanding, to walk humbly together in paths 

21    of peace.  

22                 Divine Presence, may the fruits of 

23    their labors be acceptable to You.  You, known by 

24    many names and many tongues, may we find unity in 

25    discovering the divine spark that lies within 


 1    every representative, every citizen, every 

 2    sojourner who seeks safety in our midst.  May we 

 3    see it in our homes and workplaces and in the 

 4    beauty of nature itself.  

 5                 As we lift our eyes to the session 

 6    before us, give us the strength to rise to the 

 7    challenge and embrace the possibility.  We 

 8    express gratitude for being kept alive, 

 9    sustained, and brought to this auspicious day.  

10    And we give thanks for the holiness we may 

11    manifest with our own hands, words, and hearts.  

12                 Amen.  

13                 (Response of "Amen.")  

14                 THE PRESIDENT:   The chair now hands 

15    down a message from the State Board of Elections, 

16    being the duly official certification of the 

17    members of the Senate, and directs the same be 

18    filed.  So handed down and so ordered.

19                 And now I ask all Senators present 

20    to please rise at this time to take the 

21    ceremonial oath of office.

22                 Please raise your right hand and 

23    repeat after me:  I do solemnly swear --

24                 ALL SENATORS:   I do solemnly 

25    swear --


 1                 THE PRESIDENT:   -- that I will 

 2    support the Constitution of the United States --

 3                 ALL SENATORS:   -- that I will 

 4    support the Constitution of the United States -- 

 5                 THE PRESIDENT:   -- and the 

 6    Constitution of the State of New York --

 7                 ALL SENATORS:   -- and the 

 8    Constitution of the State of New York --

 9                 THE PRESIDENT:   -- and that I will 

10    faithfully discharge the duties --

11                 ALL SENATORS:   -- and that I will 

12    faithfully discharge the duties --

13                 THE PRESIDENT:   -- of the office of 

14    Senator --

15                 ALL SENATORS:   -- of the office of 

16    Senator -- 

17                 THE PRESIDENT:   -- according to the 

18    best of my ability --

19                 ALL SENATORS:   -- according to the 

20    best of my ability --

21                 THE PRESIDENT:   -- so help me God.

22                 ALL SENATORS:   -- so help me God.

23                 THE PRESIDENT:   Congratulations on 

24    your election to the Senate.

25                 (Applause.)


 1                 (Inaudible; laughter.)  

 2                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Secretary shall 

 3    read the names of the members present to 

 4    ascertain that a quorum exists.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Addabbo.

 6                 SENATOR ADDABBO:   Here.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Ashby.

 8                 SENATOR ASHBY:   Here.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Bailey.

10                 SENATOR BAILEY:   Here.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Baskin.

12                 SENATOR BASKIN:   Here.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Borrello.

14                 SENATOR BORRELLO:   Here.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Brisport.

16                 SENATOR BRISPORT:   Here.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Brouk.

18                 SENATOR BROUK:   Here.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Bynoe.

20                 SENATOR BYNOE:   Here.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator 

22    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick.


24    Here.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Chan.


 1                 SENATOR CHAN:   Here.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Cleare.

 3                 SENATOR CLEARE:   Here.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Comrie.

 5                 SENATOR COMRIE:   Present.

 6                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Cooney.

 7                 SENATOR COONEY:   Present.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Fahy.

 9                 SENATOR FAHY:   Here.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Felder.

11                 SENATOR FELDER:   Here.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Fernandez.

13                 SENATOR FERNANDEZ:   Present.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Gallivan.

15                 SENATOR GALLIVAN:   Here.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Gianaris.

17                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Here.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Gonzalez.

19                 SENATOR GONZALEZ:   Here.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Gounardes.

21                 SENATOR GOUNARDES:   Here.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Griffo.

23                 SENATOR GRIFFO:   Here.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Harckham.

25                 SENATOR HARCKHAM:   Here.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Helming.

 2                 SENATOR HELMING:   Present.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Hinchey.

 4                 SENATOR HINCHEY:   Here.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator 

 6    Hoylman-Sigal.

 7                 SENATOR HOYLMAN-SIGAL:   Here.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Jackson.

 9                 SENATOR JACKSON:   Here.

10                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Kavanagh.

11                 SENATOR KAVANAGH:   Here.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Krueger.

13                 SENATOR KRUEGER:   Here.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Lanza.

15                 SENATOR LANZA:   Here.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Liu.

17                 SENATOR LIU:   Here.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Martinez.

19                 SENATOR MARTINEZ:   Here.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Martins.

21                 SENATOR MARTINS:   Here.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Senator Mattera.

23                 SENATOR MATTERA:   Here.

24                 THE PRESIDENT:   A quorum is 

25    present, and the Senate may proceed.


 1                 Good afternoon.  

 2                 (Response of "good afternoon.")

 3                 THE PRESIDENT:   As the President of 

 4    the Senate, it is my distinct honor to welcome 

 5    all of you to the 2025 legislative session.  

 6                 And let me first just say 

 7    Happy New Year to everyone.  I hope you all had a 

 8    very blessed holiday season.

 9                 To the esteemed Majority Leader 

10    Stewart-Cousins, it is always good to see you.  

11    And thank you for the invitation to preside over 

12    the Senate.  And thank you for your leadership to 

13    Deputy Majority Leader Gianaris, Minority Leader 

14    Ortt, Deputy Minority Leader Lanza, and to all of 

15    the members of this incredible body.  

16                 As we gather here today and mark the 

17    start of a new legislative session, may it also 

18    mark the start of new opportunities to 

19    collaborate and work together to deliver to 

20    communities all across our great state.  

21                 Let us remember that governing is 

22    not the same as campaigning.  Governing is about 

23    representation.  Everyone in this body, everyone 

24    in this body, represents real people, real 

25    families with real hopes and dreams.  And we do 


 1    right by them when we govern responsibly, 

 2    effectively, collaboratively, with transparency 

 3    and accountability.

 4                 Our diverse points of view should 

 5    not be a weakness to exploit in order to score 

 6    political points, but rather a strength to be 

 7    leveraged in order to deliver meaningful results 

 8    for all New Yorkers from every walk of life.

 9                 We are, before anything else, public 

10    servants, here to serve, ideally from a place of 

11    genuine concern for our fellow New Yorkers and 

12    with real love for the place we all call home.  

13    We all love New York.  We all love our great 

14    country.  And my hope in these politically 

15    divisive times is that each of us, by way of 

16    example, can inspire those we serve to heed their 

17    better angels.

18                 As President Lincoln once said in 

19    his first inaugural address:  "We are not 

20    enemies, but friends.  We must not be enemies.  

21    Though passion may have strained it must not 

22    break our bonds of affection.  The mystic cords 

23    of memory, stretching from every battlefield and 

24    patriot grave to every living heart and 

25    hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet 


 1    swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, 

 2    as surely they will be, by the better angels of 

 3    our nature."

 4                 As leaders, let us set the example.  

 5    I certainly look forward to working with every 

 6    single one of you as I continue to build out the 

 7    New York State Office of Service and 

 8    Civic Engagement, which I'm incredibly proud to 

 9    lead.  I had the opportunity to connect with a 

10    number of you about how we can work together to 

11    uplift communities through service and civic 

12    engagement, and I look forward to connecting with 

13    more of you in the coming year.  

14                 Each of you has a deep connection 

15    with the communities you represent and what their 

16    needs and priorities are.  And I would be honored 

17    to work with you to ensure that this new office 

18    empowers folks all across New York to find 

19    greatness within.  

20                 As Dr. King once said:  "Everybody 

21    can be great, because everybody can serve.  You 

22    don't have to have a college degree to serve.  

23    You don't have to make your subject and your verb 

24    agree to serve ... You only need a heart full of 

25    grace, a soul generated by love."


 1                 So let's get busy being great and 

 2    love each other.  Thank you.

 3                 Senator Gianaris.

 4                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you, 

 5    Governor Delgado.  And thank you for joining us 

 6    for today's opening session.  

 7                 Can you please recognize 

 8    Senator Ortt for remarks.

 9                 THE PRESIDENT:   Senator Ortt.

10                 SENATOR ORTT:   Good afternoon, 

11    Lieutenant Governor.  

12                 And good afternoon to my colleagues 

13    from around the state on both sides of the aisle.  

14    It's always good to be back on this day.  I told 

15    my members this morning, you know, today's 

16    probably the best day of session -- except for 

17    the last day of session, right?  That's kind of 

18    how it goes.

19                 (Laughter.)

20                 SENATOR ORTT:   But today is a good 

21    day.  It always reminded me kind of like, you 

22    know, back to school, right?  Everyone's got 

23    their new back-to-school clothes on, their new 

24    threads, and we're all excited, the post-holiday 

25    glow.  


 1                 But it's also when there's a lot of 

 2    optimism.  Right?  It's a new year.  Yes, there 

 3    are many challenges in front of us, but none of 

 4    those challenges, in my estimation, are new.  

 5    They are challenges that have existed now either 

 6    for several years or they're challenges that have 

 7    existed in front of the state in the past.  And 

 8    previous legislatures, previous governors, 

 9    previous administrations have had to grapple with 

10    similar issues.  And I believe I would say many 

11    times they have grappled with it and they have 

12    effectively addressed those issues.  

13                 So now the question is the 

14    challenges, like any legislature convening around 

15    the country today -- every state legislature, our 

16    Congress -- will we be able to step up and face 

17    and deal with the challenges facing us here in 

18    this body, in this state, in this moment?  And 

19    being, today, a day of optimism, today is a day 

20    where we can say yes, we hope so.

21                 Now, not everything is able to get 

22    done in every session.  Right?  Otherwise you 

23    wouldn't have to come back.  It would be one 

24    session, we would do it, and that would be the 

25    end of it.  


 1                 But today is a day when we are 

 2    hopeful, we are optimistic.  And it's a day when 

 3    we get to come back, there's some new members 

 4    here -- I'm going to talk about one of them 

 5    now -- we get to see old friends but, I think 

 6    just as importantly, hopefully we get to make new 

 7    friends.  

 8                 And I look forward -- I know my 

 9    colleagues do, my members in the Republican 

10    Conference look forward to working with our 

11    colleagues across the aisle where we can, and 

12    hopefully do address the issues facing the people 

13    of New York State, which are as true for people 

14    in Manhattan as they are in Niagara County and 

15    are as true for people in the North Country as 

16    they are in Nassau and everywhere in between.

17                 One of those new members -- I'm 

18    proud to welcome back certainly all my members.  

19    Everyone that was here last year came back, which 

20    is in my view a very good thing.  And we have a 

21    new member, Senator Chan, who represents 

22    Senate District 17 in Brooklyn.  

23                 Senator Chan is a Marine.  So 

24    Senator Sanders, you've got someone else here for 

25    you, right, another Marine.  


 1                 We have -- he is a former NYPD 

 2    sergeant, so he is someone who has served this 

 3    country in military uniform.  He's also someone 

 4    who's served the great City of New York in the 

 5    uniform of the NYPD Blue.  And he is also the 

 6    first Asian-American Republican State Senator in 

 7    our state's history.  

 8                 So, Senator Chan, welcome to the 

 9    New York State Senate.

10                 (Applause.)

11                 SENATOR ORTT:   I know Senator Chan 

12    is ready to get to work, along with all of my 

13    other colleagues.

14                 Briefly -- because I don't think 

15    today is really a policy speech day -- but we all 

16    know the issues facing our state.  We just 

17    concluded an election cycle where we heard all 

18    about the issues from candidates running for a 

19    myriad of offices obviously right here in 

20    New York, whether it was congressional, Senate, 

21    Assembly.  And we saw how the voters felt on 

22    these issues.  

23                 So we talk about affordability.  

24    That's a term that is going to be brought up 

25    today, brought up next week.  When the Governor 


 1    no doubt gives her State of the State, I'm sure 

 2    we will hear about affordability.  We've heard 

 3    about affordability a lot in the last several 

 4    years.

 5                 Unfortunately, from my vantage 

 6    point, we haven't done as much on affordability.  

 7    In fact, our conference I think would argue we 

 8    have contributed to making New York less 

 9    affordable going forward.  And voters have said 

10    that has to change.  Voters are concerned about 

11    affordability.  

12                 What does that mean?  They're 

13    concerned about the money in their wallet and 

14    having less of it -- having less of it to pay 

15    their bills, to heat their homes, to put their 

16    kids through college, having less of it to 

17    provide for their families, for their hopes and 

18    dreams.  As, Lieutenant Governor, you outlined I 

19    think very well, hopes and dreams usually cost 

20    money.  Unfortunately.  And if people are going 

21    to meet their hopes and dreams in New York, we 

22    have to make this state more affordable for them 

23    to reach their hopes and dreams here and not in 

24    other states, as we know we've seen people do.  

25                 Crime remains a major issue.  I'm 


 1    not going to go into all these horrible 

 2    incidences that have happened recently, but we 

 3    all see them.  We all see the videos.  We all 

 4    know them.  And I think we all, I believe we all 

 5    are horrified when we see these things occur.  

 6                 But we have to do something about 

 7    it.  We have to be honest about how we got there, 

 8    and we have to take action.  And that takes 

 9    political will, political courage.  And our 

10    conference stands ready to take that action.

11                 Certainly when we talk about issues 

12    the issue of immigration, both nationally and 

13    here in New York State, is a big issue.  And we 

14    know it's an issue.  We know it's an issue for 

15    New Yorkers, for voters, for people in New York 

16    City as well as in other parts of the state.

17                 I am very excited -- and I know some 

18    of my colleagues will not share my enthusiasm, 

19    but I am very excited about the transfer of 

20    federal administrations and the incoming Trump 

21    administration.  And I hope -- I'm not so caught 

22    up in the moment of optimism that I think it will 

23    be easy or that it will be all the time, but I 

24    hope that this body, that this Governor will work 

25    with the Trump administration on issues like 


 1    affordability, on issues like immigration, for 

 2    the betterment of New Yorkers, and not work 

 3    against the administration for the betterment of 

 4    our political careers.  

 5                 New Yorkers have spoken.  The 

 6    American people have spoken.  The issues of 

 7    affordability and crime and immigration and 

 8    energy are not just New York issues, they're 

 9    issues across the country.  And we have an 

10    obligation to address those issues regardless of 

11    political party.  

12                 And I am hopeful that we will -- I'm 

13    looking forward to working with two prominent 

14    New Yorkers:  Elise Stefanik, who will soon be 

15    the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, and 

16    Lee Zeldin, who served in this body as a State 

17    Senator and obviously is soon to head up the EPA, 

18    which no doubt I think will have real 

19    implications, hopefully positive ones, for the 

20    State of New York.

21                 So Mr. President, I look forward to 

22    the new year.  I look forward to the new 

23    administration in Washington.  I look forward to 

24    my colleagues here in this body working with 

25    Senator Chan, as well as my colleagues across the 


 1    aisle, for the betterment of the people of this 

 2    state on the issues that we know are facing them 

 3    and driving them out.  

 4                 And I say the driving them out part 

 5    because I think at the end of the day that is the 

 6    single biggest challenge and threat to the future 

 7    viability of our state.  If we are losing our 

 8    most valuable asset -- which is people -- to 

 9    other states, then that affects the economy, it 

10    affects employers, it affects who pays the taxes 

11    to fund the programs that people do need.

12                 And so we have to do something about 

13    that.  And I am optimistic and I am hopeful that 

14    everyone in this chamber shares the political 

15    will and courage to do just that today.  

16                 So, Mr. Lieutenant Governor, nice to 

17    see you here in this chamber.  You're always 

18    welcome back.  Don't just make it a one day on 

19    the first day.  I know you've got to be here 

20    today, but we're always happy to have you back 

21    here whenever you want to.  Thank you for your 

22    indulgence.  

23                 And to my colleague Senator Andrea 

24    Stewart-Cousins, Majority Leader Andrea 

25    Stewart-Cousins, thank you for your partnership.  


 1    I thank her for our many conversations on the 

 2    phone where she listens to me sometimes go on and 

 3    on and rant and, you know, just do what I have to 

 4    do and express my views.  But we have a great 

 5    relationship and one that I'm very proud of, 

 6    because it's not always easy when you're in these 

 7    roles, leading conferences, to try to find that 

 8    common ground and have that dialogue.  And 

 9    certainly to my colleague Senator Gianaris.  

10                 And then my partner, to my right -- 

11    maybe figuratively, but maybe politically -- is 

12    our great deputy, Senator Andy Lanza.  And 

13    Senator Lanza does a great job here.  He's on the 

14    floor a lot.  But he's most excited because now 

15    with Senator Chan, he is no longer the lone 

16    Republican in New York City.  And so --  

17                 (Laughter.) 

18                 SENATOR ORTT:   So I know he's happy 

19    about that.  

20                 (Applause; laughter.) 

21                 SENATOR ORTT:  And to the families 

22    that are here, maybe you're here for the first 

23    time.  It's a remarkable chamber.  It's a 

24    remarkable building.  And I know I've said this 

25    before, and it's really true for me:  Sometimes I 


 1    think when we come here all the time, every week, 

 2    you sort of take advantage -- or you take for 

 3    granted that we work here.  And we shouldn't do 

 4    that.  And today, with you here, it's always a 

 5    stark reminder how privileged we are and how 

 6    honored and awesome the responsibility is to work 

 7    in this chamber on behalf of the people of the 

 8    State of New York.  So thank you for being here.

 9                 Mr. Lieutenant Governor, thank you 

10    for being here.  

11                 God bless.

12                 (Applause.)

13                 THE PRESIDENT:   Thank you, 

14    Senator Ortt, for expressing the spirit of 

15    optimism.  And you are right that it is always 

16    important to listen.  Listening is very 

17    fundamental to how we collaborate and build 

18    together.

19                 To Senator Chan, welcome, and thank 

20    you for your service to our country and to 

21    New York.

22                 And to the families as well who are 

23    having this experience today for the first time.  

24    It is good to be with you as well.  As 

25    Senator Ortt said, it is a magnificent, awesome 


 1    space to be in that we should always cherish.

 2                 Senator Gianaris.

 3                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you, 

 4    Mr. President.  

 5                 I have a resolution at the desk.  I 

 6    ask that the resolution be read and move for its 

 7    immediate adoption and for the opportunity to be 

 8    heard.

 9                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Secretary will 

10    read.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

12    1, by Senator Gianaris, providing for the 

13    election of Andrea Stewart-Cousins as Temporary 

14    President of the Senate for the years 2025-2026.

15                 THE PRESIDENT:   Senator Gianaris.

16                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   John J. 

17    Dunnigan.  Now, there's a name we've not heard in 

18    a long time.  A long time.

19                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Who is 

20    he?

21                 (Laughter.)

22                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   He was -- 

23    Senator Dunnigan, for those of you that may not 

24    be familiar with him, was the Majority Leader of 

25    this chamber almost a hundred years ago.  


 1                 Now, why is he special?  Well, for 

 2    one thing, he was a Democrat, which gives him 

 3    extra points in my book.  He was the author of 

 4    the state's parimutuel betting law.  So, 

 5    Senator Addabbo, extra appreciation for 

 6    Majority Leader Dunnigan.  

 7                 But for our purposes here today, 

 8    most notably, he was the Majority Leader of the 

 9    State Senate for 2,188 days.  He was the 

10    longest-serving Democrat Majority Leader in 

11    New York State history.  

12                 He also was the author of one of the 

13    first efforts to establish an equal rights 

14    amendment in New York State, unsuccessfully.  In 

15    1919 he introduced that proposal.  

16                 So it's only fitting that that job, 

17    with the help of the voters a couple of months 

18    ago, was finally finished under the leadership of 

19    Andrea Stewart-Cousins.  Because this past Sunday 

20    the woman sitting next to me served her 

21    2,189th day as Majority Leader in the 

22    State Senate.

23                 (Standing ovation.)

24                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   So I take it 

25    you've all figured out that 2,189 is one more 


 1    than 2,188 -- 

 2                 (Laughter.)

 3                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   -- and she is 

 4    now the longest-serving Democrat Majority Leader 

 5    in our state's history.  

 6                 Of course the first woman to serve 

 7    in that role, the first Black woman to serve in 

 8    that role.  But her achievements are so much more 

 9    than being first on so many lists.  Because it 

10    has been quite a six years that we have had with 

11    Andrea Stewart-Cousins as the leader of this 

12    body.  

13                 For those of you that were around 

14    back then -- and there's fewer and fewer of us as 

15    time goes on -- the reputation of this body let's 

16    just say was less than stellar before her 

17    ascension to Majority Leader in 2019.  And now, 

18    six years later, we can have our policy 

19    disagreements -- and we often do -- but nobody, 

20    but nobody questions the integrity of this body 

21    and the character with which it is governed.

22                 On housing, which is an issue that 

23    we care greatly about, the strongest housing 

24    protections the state has ever seen are now in 

25    place.  


 1                 We have finally, finally resolved 

 2    the issue of funding our schools in compliance 

 3    with the state constitutional requirements, which 

 4    was something that puzzled previous 

 5    administrations of the Senate.  

 6                 And of course we have created 

 7    historic protections in our time in the Majority 

 8    for so many individuals throughout this state who 

 9    have been discriminated against and abused over 

10    the decades.  

11                 But it's not just what has happened, 

12    but what remains to be done.  You heard 

13    Senator Ortt talk about affordability.  Yes, 

14    we're going to hear a lot about affordability, as 

15    we have in the past and certainly will now.  It 

16    is top of mind for so many of the people we 

17    represent.  

18                 And I think affordability for so 

19    many of us means more than just making it easier 

20    for wealthy people to live here and making it 

21    harder for working people.  I think you will see 

22    a dedicated effort to continue making New York, 

23    which is a very expensive place, easier for 

24    people to provide for their families, to care for 

25    their children, to go and get healthcare -- more 


 1    so, certainly, than has been done in the past.  

 2                 We also expect, with respect to 

 3    Senator Ortt's statement in this regard, but I 

 4    think we're expecting some curve balls out of 

 5    Washington, D.C., that we perhaps can't even 

 6    anticipate that we're going to have to deal with.  

 7    And there is no one whose steady hand I would 

 8    want on the wheel as we react to that than 

 9    Andrea Stewart-Cousins, who has shown the type of 

10    steady leadership and sober leadership that is 

11    prepared to deal with this moment.

12                 And so once again -- I've had the 

13    privilege of giving this nominating speech now 

14    four times, and it is one of the greatest honors 

15    of my service here in the State Senate to get to 

16    present to the people of this state, to the 

17    people of this State Senate, the opportunity to 

18    support the greatest Majority Leader New York 

19    State has ever had in its history, Andrea 

20    Stewart-Cousins.  

21                 Mr. President, I encourage all my 

22    colleagues to vote yes on this resolution.

23                 THE PRESIDENT:   The question is on 

24    the resolution offered by Senator Gianaris.  All 

25    those in favor signify by saying aye.


 1                 (Response of "Aye.")

 2                 THE PRESIDENT:   Opposed?  

 3                 (No response.)

 4                 THE PRESIDENT:   The ayes have it.  

 5    The resolution is adopted.

 6                 I now call on Senator Andrea 

 7    Stewart-Cousins to come forward to be sworn as 

 8    Temporary President of the Senate by Judge Rowan 

 9    Wilson, Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals.

10                 (Chief Judge Wilson and 

11    Senator Stewart-Cousins move to the center of the 

12    chamber.)

13                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   I'd like 

14    my family to join -- my daughter Candice, my son 

15    Kevin and my daughter-in-law Kecia, and the child 

16    that you've seen grow up, now a senior in Howard:  

17    Kendall.  

18                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   Raise your 

19    right hand, Senator, and repeat after me:  I, 

20    Andrea Stewart-Cousins --

21                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   I, Andrea 

22    Stewart-Cousins --

23                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- do solemnly 

24    swear --

25                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- do 


 1    solemnly swear --

 2                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- to uphold 

 3    and defend --

 4                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- to 

 5    uphold and defend --

 6                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- the 

 7    Constitution of the United States --

 8                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- the 

 9    Constitution of the United States --

10                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- and the 

11    Constitution --

12                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- and 

13    the constitution --

14                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- of the 

15    great State of New York --

16                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- of the 

17    great State of New York --

18                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- and to 

19    fulfill the duties of the office -- 

20                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- and to 

21    fulfill the duties of the office --

22                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- of 

23    Temporary President --

24                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- of 

25    Temporary President --


 1                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- and 

 2    Majority Leader --

 3                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- and 

 4    Majority Leader --

 5                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- of the 

 6    Senate of the State of New York --

 7                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- of the 

 8    Senate of the State of New York --

 9                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- to the best 

10    of my ability -- 

11                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- to the 

12    best of my ability --

13                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   -- so me help 

14    me God.

15                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- so 

16    help me God.

17                 CHIEF JUDGE WILSON:   

18    Congratulations.

19                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Thank you 

20    so much.  

21                 (Extended standing ovation, and 

22    Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins approaches the 

23    dais.)

24                 THE PRESIDENT:   Congratulations, 

25    Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins.  


 1                 Senator Gianaris.

 2                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, I 

 3    think we are now going to hear remarks from the 

 4    newly reelected Majority Leader of the 

 5    State Senate.

 6                 THE PRESIDENT:   Yes.  Majority 

 7    Leader Stewart-Cousins, please come forward for 

 8    opening remarks.

 9                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Thank you 

10    so much.  

11                 So good afternoon.  

12                 (Response of "good afternoon.")

13                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   I am -- 

14    it really has that first day of school 

15    atmosphere.  So for all of you young people here 

16    who think that we don't get just as excited on 

17    the first day, now you know:  We do.  

18                 And I really want to thank our 

19    Lieutenant Governor for always being present when 

20    called upon and always bringing, you know, your 

21    wisdom and your perspective to this opening day 

22    ceremony.  We so appreciate you and look forward 

23    to working with you during this year.

24                 And of course to Rabbi Mara Young, 

25    thank you so much, Rabbi.  I loved the metaphor, 


 1    climbing those mountains.  I know that many of us 

 2    believe that once we've climbed that mountain 

 3    we've arrived.  And clearly those of us who know 

 4    that those mountains never recede, we need the 

 5    energy and the inspiration to continue to go.  

 6    And as long as we are here, we know that working 

 7    together, we can achieve high heights.  Thank you 

 8    so much for being present and reminding us of 

 9    that.

10                 And to all of our families who are 

11    here, again, I think what you said, Leader Ortt, 

12    was true.  You know, people -- we kind of take 

13    for granted, we come in, we do our work.  But it 

14    is an extraordinary place to be and to actually 

15    represent so many folks in our district.  

16                 But the fact that we are all here is 

17    because we do have the support of so many of our 

18    family members.  And certainly my family has 

19    sacrificed for years and years -- and most of you 

20    do -- in order to allow us to sit in these very 

21    magnificent chambers and do that work.  So we do 

22    appreciate you, and we are very, very happy that 

23    you are here.

24                 I also really want to give a special 

25    welcome back to Senator Mark Walczyk.


 1                 (Applause.)

 2                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   You know 

 3    what I'm thinking.  As you know, Senator, there 

 4    were a lot of people who were happy -- 

 5                 (Laughter.)

 6                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   It's an 

 7    inside joke.  But we are certainly happy to have 

 8    you back safe and sound and really, really 

 9    appreciate your work on behalf of our nation, 

10    your service on behalf of our nation.

11                 (Standing ovation.)

12                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   You 

13    notice what I said, there are some people that 

14    were happy, well, you know, the laughter was kind 

15    of, you know --

16                 (Laughter.)

17                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   So it's 

18    an honor to mark the start of another session as 

19    Senate Majority Leader.  And, you know, this work 

20    could not -- not be done without really the 

21    support not only of my incredible, incredible 

22    conference and all of you here.  But certainly I 

23    want to give a special shout out to my deputy, 

24    Deputy Mike Gianaris.  Thank you so much for what 

25    you do.


 1                 (Applause.)

 2                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Thank you 

 3    for the fourth nomin -- and it was me sitting 

 4    next to you who said "Who?" when you were talking 

 5    about the Senator, because it was so long ago 

 6    that I'd certainly lost track.  But you see 

 7    people like you actually pay attention to those 

 8    things.  So it really is an honor.  

 9                 And again, thanks for keeping the 

10    trains running and for being by my side every 

11    step of this journey.

12                 For us today it is really not just 

13    the opening of session, it's a day for all of us 

14    to take time to reconnect, to refocus, to 

15    recommit to important work that we do together.  

16    I kind of, you know, am excited too.  

17                 And Senator Ortt, I look forward to 

18    working with our colleagues across the aisle and 

19    certainly to continue our partnership with 

20    Governor Hochul, with Speaker Heastie in the 

21    Assembly, and to accomplish the people's work.

22                 Now I want to talk a little bit 

23    about the new majority class in the Senate, 

24    because I've found that in every incoming group 

25    of people there's a certain thing, a 


 1    characteristic.  And last time we were here 

 2    during opening day two years ago when we had a 

 3    new class, we had the historic all-female class 

 4    of Senators.  Never -- never seen before in this 

 5    chamber, and I don't believe in the Assembly as 

 6    well.

 7                 But now they're old hands.  They've 

 8    been around.  But now we have another new class.  

 9    And this is a new class that I can't really call 

10    freshmen because each of them is coming to us 

11    with an extensive legislative background and 

12    experience.  

13                 So why don't I begin with one member 

14    who comes directly from the Assembly, and 

15    somebody who's no stranger to this building, 

16    former Assemblywoman, now Senator Pat Fahy.  

17                 Pat, welcome.

18                 (Applause.)

19                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   And she's 

20    the first woman to represent the Albany-based 

21    seat.  So congratulations, Senator Fahy.

22                 Next, Senator Siela Bynoe, coming to 

23    us from Nassau County.  

24                 (Applause.)

25                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Before 


 1    that, she was a member of the local board of 

 2    education before she was a county legislator.  

 3    And she too is shattering a glass ceiling.  She's 

 4    the first Black State Senator from Long Island.

 5                 Congratulations.  

 6                 (Applause.)

 7                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Senator 

 8    Chris Ryan -- come on, stand up.  

 9                 (Applause.)

10                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   He was 

11    also a former local town board member, and he was 

12    the minority leader of the Onondaga County 

13    Legislature as well as being the president of 

14    CWA Local 1123.  

15                 Welcome, Chris Ryan.

16                 (Applause.)

17                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   And from 

18    the great State of Buffalo -- 

19                 (Laughter.)

20                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- I will 

21    say what she said:  Rough Buff.

22                 (Laughter.)

23                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Senator 

24    April Baskin -- 

25                 (Applause.)


 1                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- who 

 2    served as the chair of the Erie County 

 3    Legislature.  And she also -- another ceiling 

 4    breaker -- is the first Black woman elected to 

 5    the State Senate from Buffalo.  

 6                 (Applause.)

 7                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   So by the 

 8    way, with the addition of these three new female 

 9    Senators, this chamber -- I know, listen to 

10    this -- a historic number of women sitting in the 

11    Senate.  

12                 (Cheers; applause.)

13                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Yay!  

14    Twenty-two.  Stand up, ladies.  Let the ladies 

15    stand up.  Stand up, ladies.

16                 (Continuing applause; cheers.) 

17                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Thank 

18    you.  Thank you.  Yay!  And all who support -- 

19    you guys can stand up too.  Come on, guys, stand 

20    up.  I don't want you all to feel -- I didn't 

21    want you to feel left out.  I want you to stand 

22    up too.  You can -- after the ladies, though.  

23                 (Laughter.)  

24                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Well, you 

25    know, this is a big deal for me.  When I first 


 1    came, in 2007, there were nine women in the 

 2    chamber.  Only nine.  And I really want to remind 

 3    us that here in New York as well as in the 

 4    nation, you know, women are holding up at least 

 5    50 percent of New York in terms of population.  

 6    So, you know, we're not there, but we're 

 7    certainly getting there.  

 8                 And, you know, I like to say to 

 9    stand up because representation matters.  And of 

10    course welcome, Senator Chan, as well.  It is 

11    you -- you too, as Senator Ortt said --

12                 (Applause.)

13                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- 

14    besides being a veteran, a ceiling breaker as 

15    well.

16                 So there is no question that we are 

17    entering a year defined by enormous challenges.  

18    Yes, with the incoming administration in 

19    Washington, uncertainty does hang heavy in the 

20    air.  But let me be clear.  New York has never 

21    been a state to back down.  And when others seek 

22    to divide, we stand united and tall.  We do not 

23    just endure challenges; we meet them head on and 

24    we lead the way for the nation.

25                 This year we have a vital 


 1    legislative window to address our residents' real 

 2    struggles and continue being a beacon of hope, of 

 3    progress, and of resilience for the entire 

 4    country.  

 5                 Amid mixed national election results 

 6    this past November, we in this chamber were sent 

 7    back to the people with a mandate to continue our 

 8    transformative work, the work that we've set out 

 9    to do since 2019.  Since 2019 we've delivered 

10    transformative change, always focused on helping 

11    everyday New Yorkers, from fully funding public 

12    education to passing much-needed voting reforms 

13    like early voting.  We've taken bold steps to 

14    protect our environment, expand opportunities for 

15    affordable higher education, safeguard Medicaid, 

16    fortify reproductive freedoms through shield 

17    laws -- and, yes, a strong Equal Rights 

18    Amendment.

19                 We've also stood firmly in support 

20    of municipalities, our safety net hospitals, and 

21    essential services across our state.  We've 

22    always kept our focus on affordability.  While 

23    we've made great strides by expanding the 

24    Earned Income Tax Credit, capping property taxes, 

25    raising the minimum wage, and securing and 


 1    expanding paid family leave, we know families are 

 2    still feeling the pinch.  And we know the 

 3    challenges ahead require maintaining and 

 4    strengthening our resolve to make New York more 

 5    affordable.

 6                 As the New York Senate Majority, 

 7    we're in our communities taking action on things 

 8    that matter most.  Our constituents know us 

 9    because they see us fighting for them.  And after 

10    half a decade of showing up, doing the work, 

11    delivering results, they know that we'll meet 

12    that moment.

13                 We're not a one-and-done conference.  

14    Although Senate Democrats have been the 

15    architects of New York's boldest policies, there 

16    is much more to be done.  One of the challenges 

17    to working families and our local economies is 

18    the uncertainty in Washington.  When federal 

19    funding is threatened, everyone is harmed, and 

20    certainly the most vulnerable are hit the 

21    hardest.  

22                 But here in New York we've 

23    repeatedly proven that we can and will step up to 

24    protect our residents.  That means building on 

25    the progress that we've made:  Expanding 


 1    universal prekindergarten, taking it one step 

 2    further by moving closer to universal childcare, 

 3    because working parents deserve affordable 

 4    high-quality care for their children.  Continuing 

 5    to fully fund our public schools.  Ensuring that 

 6    every child, no matter their zip code, has the 

 7    tools they need to succeed.  And cutting the cost 

 8    of everyday essentials by continuing to fight for 

 9    meaningful prescription drug reforms and reduced 

10    prices for our consumers.  No New Yorker should 

11    put off medical care due to worry about the cost.

12                 Furthermore, as New Yorkers grapple 

13    with their utility bills, we'll double down on 

14    efforts to lower the cost of energy and protect 

15    ratepayers from price gouging, all this while 

16    continuing to tackle exorbitant costs at the 

17    register for food and clothing.  

18                 We'll continue to stand up for our 

19    farmers, because they are a critical piece of our 

20    fight for affordable food.  Because we all know 

21    if there's no farms, there is no food.

22                 We're building our efforts to 

23    address New York's housing crisis by protecting 

24    tenants and making bold investments in affordable 

25    working-class and middle-income housing to ensure 


 1    that every New Yorker has a place to call home.  

 2    And we will continue to fight for policies that 

 3    make it easier for first-time homebuyers to get 

 4    their foot in the door.

 5                 We'll support our existing programs 

 6    that will keep people in their homes amid 

 7    financial setbacks and advance policies that keep 

 8    the cost of living down for seniors and our 

 9    veterans and others on fixed incomes.  

10                 We will also redouble our efforts to 

11    make higher education more affordable, because 

12    the path to the middle class begins with 

13    opportunities that are accessible to all.

14                 As the birthplace of the American 

15    labor movement, we know that unions are one of 

16    the surest paths to the middle class.  We'll 

17    continue to advance robust labor protections and 

18    benefits to expand our workforce from the ground 

19    up.  We'll remain a safe haven where the right to 

20    organize and collectively bargain is not just 

21    recognized but encouraged.  And we will once 

22    again champion improvements to worker benefits 

23    like temporary disability insurance while 

24    continuing to advance measures that make it 

25    easier to join our public workforce.  


 1                 By the same token, our conference 

 2    has proudly fought for Main Street by injecting 

 3    billions of dollars into small businesses and 

 4    cultural institutions.  This year we'll recommit 

 5    our efforts to these economic drivers to ensure 

 6    that the cost of doing business in New York 

 7    doesn't shutter our moms-and-pops.

 8                 Tackling the affordability crisis 

 9    and getting New Yorkers back on track must be our 

10    top priority, but we can't ease up on the fight 

11    for our most basic freedoms.  We will continue to 

12    protect the rights of all New Yorkers and will 

13    once again look to bolster reproductive health 

14    freedoms.  For decades we were told that Roe v. 

15    Wade was settled law and would never change.  

16    Well, we know that was a false promise.

17                 This year is the eve of the 

18    250th anniversary of our great nation, and 

19    New York played a critical role in the birth of 

20    our great democracy.  All of us in this chamber 

21    are tasked with protecting that democracy.  

22    That's why we'll be charging ahead at the top of 

23    this session with a renewed voting rights 

24    package.  

25                 We cannot ignore the weight of this 


 1    moment.  Forces of extremism are working harder 

 2    than ever to sow division and discord.  Here in 

 3    New York we will rise above the chaos.  We'll 

 4    chart a course grounded in equity, in fairness, 

 5    and in opportunity for all.  This is our chance.  

 6    It's our responsibility to lead not just for 

 7    today but for future generations.  Together we 

 8    will meet the challenges of this moment and show 

 9    the nation what true leadership looks like -- 

10    true representational leadership looks like.

11                 Thank you for standing with us, 

12    believing in what we can accomplish together, and 

13    your unwavering dedication to building, yes, an 

14    affordable, safer, fairer and stronger New York.

15                 Thank you very much.

16                 (Standing ovation.)

17                 THE PRESIDENT:   Thank you, Majority 

18    Leader Stewart-Cousins.

19                 Senator Gianaris.

20                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Mr. President, 

21    there's a resolution at the desk adopting the 

22    rules of the Senate.  Can we take that up at this 

23    time.

24                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Secretary will 

25    read.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

 2    2, by Senator Stewart-Cousins, providing for the 

 3    adoption of the Rules of the Senate for the years 

 4    2025-2026.

 5                 THE PRESIDENT:   The question is on 

 6    the resolution.  All those in favor signify by 

 7    saying aye.

 8                 (Response of "Aye.")

 9                 THE PRESIDENT:   Opposed?  

10                 (Response of "Nay.")

11                 THE PRESIDENT:   The resolution is 

12    adopted.

13                 Senator Gianaris.

14                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Now there's 

15    another resolution at the desk, calling for the 

16    election of the Secretary of the Senate.  Can we 

17    take that up, please.

18                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Secretary will 

19    read.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

21    3, by Senator Stewart-Cousins:  RESOLVED, That 

22    Alejandra Paulino of Albany, New York, be, and 

23    she hereby is, elected Secretary of the Senate 

24    for the years 2025-2026.

25                 THE PRESIDENT:   The question is on 


 1    the resolution.  All those in favor signify by 

 2    saying aye.

 3                 (Response of "Aye.")

 4                 THE PRESIDENT:   Opposed?  

 5                 (No response.)

 6                 THE PRESIDENT:   The resolution is 

 7    adopted.  

 8                 Ms. Paulino, I ask that you please 

 9    come forward to receive your oath of office while 

10    Senator Stewart-Cousins performs the swearing in.

11                 (Ms. Paulino and Senator 

12    Stewart-Cousins move to the center of the 

13    chamber.)

14                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   Raise 

15    your right hand.  And again, thank you so much 

16    for all you do for all of us to make sure that 

17    these chambers and everything that goes on works 

18    smoothly.  So Alejandra, thank you.

19                 So you'll repeat after me and state 

20    your name:  I, state your name --

21                 MS. PAULINO:   I, Alejandra Noel 

22    Paulino --

23                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- do 

24    solemnly swear --

25                 MS. PAULINO:   -- do solemnly 


 1    swear --

 2                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- to 

 3    uphold and support the Constitution of the 

 4    United States --

 5                 MS. PAULINO:   -- to uphold and 

 6    support the Constitution of the United States -- 

 7                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- the 

 8    Constitution of the State of New York --

 9                 MS. PAULINO:  -- the Constitution of 

10    the State of New York -- 

11                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- and to 

12    dutifully perform my duties as Secretary of the 

13    New York State Senate --

14                 MS. PAULINO:   -- and to 

15    dutifully --

16                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- 

17    perform --

18                 MS. PAULINO:   -- perform all of the 

19    duties as Secretary of the New York State 

20    Senate -- 

21                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- to the 

22    best of my ability --

23                 MS. PAULINO:   -- to the best of my 

24    ability --

25                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:   -- so 


 1    help me God.

 2                 MS. PAULINO:   -- so help me God.

 3                 SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:  

 4    Congratulations.

 5                 MS. PAULINO:   Thank you.  

 6                 (Standing ovation.)

 7                 THE PRESIDENT:   Congratulations, 

 8    Ms. Paulino.

 9                 Senator Gianaris.

10                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Next up is a 

11    resolution pertaining to the appointment of the 

12    Sergeant-at-Arms.  Let's take up that resolution, 

13    please.

14                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Secretary will 

15    read.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

17    4, by Senator Stewart-Cousins:  RESOLVED, That 

18    Benjamin M. Sturges III be, and he hereby is, 

19    elected Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate for the 

20    years 2025-2026.

21                 THE PRESIDENT:   The question is on 

22    the resolution.  All those in favor signify by 

23    saying aye.

24                 (Response of "Aye.")

25                 THE PRESIDENT:   Opposed?  


 1                 (No response.)

 2                 THE PRESIDENT:   The resolution is 

 3    adopted.

 4                 For the record, Benjamin Sturges has 

 5    been elected Sergeant-at-Arms for the years 

 6    2025-2026.

 7                 (Applause.)

 8                 THE PRESIDENT:   Senator Gianaris.

 9                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Next up is a 

10    resolution appointing Catherine Kirkland as 

11    Senate Stenographer.  Let's take that up, please.

12                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Secretary will 

13    read.

14                 THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

15    5, by Senator Stewart-Cousins:  RESOLVED, That 

16    Catherine Kirkland be, and she hereby is, elected 

17    the Official Stenographer of the Senate for the 

18    years 2025-2026.

19                 THE PRESIDENT:   The question is on 

20    the resolution.  All those in favor signify by 

21    saying aye.

22                 (Response of "Aye.")

23                 THE PRESIDENT:   Opposed?

24                 (No response.)

25                 THE PRESIDENT:   The resolution is 


 1    adopted.

 2                 For the record, Catherine Kirkland 

 3    has been elected Official Stenographer of the 

 4    Senate for the years 2025-2026.  It is my honor 

 5    to present to you the Official Stenographer of 

 6    the Senate.

 7                 (Standing ovation.)

 8                 THE PRESIDENT:   Senator Gianaris.

 9                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I find this next 

10    one more procedural and technical, because we 

11    know we work all hours of the day and night.  But 

12    there is a resolution setting forth the hours of 

13    the Senate -- 

14                 (Laughter.)

15                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   -- for 2025 to 

16    2026.  Let's take that up, please.  

17                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Secretary will 

18    read.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

20    6, by Senator Stewart-Cousins, providing for the 

21    hours of meeting by the Senate for the years 

22    2025-2026.

23                 THE PRESIDENT:   The question is on 

24    the resolution.  All those in favor signify by 

25    saying aye.  


 1                 (Response of "Aye.")

 2                 THE PRESIDENT:   Opposed?  

 3                 (No response.)

 4                 THE PRESIDENT:   The resolution is 

 5    adopted.

 6                 Senator Gianaris.

 7                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Let's now take 

 8    up the resolution appointing a committee of two 

 9    to inform the Governor.

10                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Secretary will 

11    read.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

13    7, by Senator Stewart-Cousins:  RESOLVED, That 

14    Temporary President appoint a committee of two, 

15    comprised of Senator Baskin and Senator Rolison, 

16    for the purpose of informing the Governor that 

17    the Senate is organized and ready to proceed with 

18    business.

19                 THE PRESIDENT:   The question is on 

20    the resolution.  All those in favor signify by 

21    saying aye.

22                 (Response of "Aye.")

23                 THE PRESIDENT:   Opposed?  

24                 (No response.)

25                 THE PRESIDENT:   The resolution is 


 1    adopted.  

 2                 Senator Gianaris.

 3                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Next up, the 

 4    resolution appointing the committee of two, being 

 5    Senator Fahy and Senator Walczyk, to inform the 

 6    Assembly.  Please take that up.

 7                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Secretary will 

 8    read.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

10    8, by Senator Stewart-Cousins:  RESOLVED, That 

11    the Temporary President appoint a committee of 

12    two, comprised of Senator Fahy and 

13    Senator Walczyk, for the purpose of waiting upon 

14    the Assembly and informing that body that the 

15    Senate is assembled and ready to proceed with 

16    business.  

17                 THE PRESIDENT:   The question is on 

18    the resolution.  All those in favor signify by 

19    saying aye.

20                 (Response of "Aye.")

21                 THE PRESIDENT:   Opposed?  

22                 (No response.)

23                 THE PRESIDENT:   The resolution is 

24    adopted.

25                 Senator Gianaris.


 1                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   On behalf of 

 2    Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, I hand up the 

 3    following committee and conference assignments 

 4    for the Majority Conference and ask that it be 

 5    filed in the Journal.

 6                 THE PRESIDENT:   The hand-up is 

 7    received and shall be filed in the Journal.

 8                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   On behalf of 

 9    Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, in consultation 

10    with Senator Ortt, I hand up the following 

11    committee assignments of the Minority Conference 

12    and ask that it please be filed in the Journal.

13                 THE PRESIDENT:   The hand-up is 

14    received and shall be filed in the Journal.

15                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   If we could 

16    return to messages from the Governor, I believe 

17    we have a message.

18                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Secretary will 

19    read.

20                 (Pause.)

21                 THE PRESIDENT:   The Senate has 

22    received the Governor's invitation to the State 

23    of the State on January 14th, and it will be 

24    noted in the Journal.

25                 Senator Gianaris.  


 1                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Is there any 

 2    further business at the desk today?  

 3                 THE PRESIDENT:   There is no further 

 4    business at the desk.

 5                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I move to 

 6    adjourn until Monday, January 13th, at 3:00 p.m., 

 7    intervening days being legislative days.

 8                 THE PRESIDENT:   On motion, the 

 9    Senate will stand adjourned until Monday, 

10    January 13th, at 3:00 p.m., intervening days 

11    being legislative days.  

12                 The Senate is adjourned.

13                 (Whereupon, at 1:13 p.m., the Senate 

14    adjourned.)