Regular Session - January 14, 2025
10 January 14, 2025
11 11:28 a.m.
1 P R O C E E D I N G S
2 THE PRESIDENT: The Senate will
3 come to order.
4 I ask everyone to please rise and
5 recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
6 (Whereupon, the assemblage recited
7 the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)
8 THE PRESIDENT: In the absence of
9 clergy, let us bow our heads in a moment of
10 silent reflection or prayer.
11 (Whereupon, the assemblage respected
12 a moment of silence.)
13 THE PRESIDENT: Reading of the
14 Journal.
15 THE SECRETARY: In Senate, Monday,
16 January 13, 2025, the Senate met pursuant to
17 adjournment. The Journal of Friday, January 10,
18 2025, was read and approved. On motion, the
19 Senate adjourned.
20 THE PRESIDENT: Without objection,
21 the Journal stands approved as read.
22 Presentation of petitions.
23 Messages from the Assembly.
24 Messages from the Governor.
25 I acknowledge that the Senate
1 has received Governor Kathy Hochul's message to
2 the Legislature.
3 Reports of standing committees.
4 Reports of select committees.
5 Communications and reports from
6 state officers.
7 Motions and resolutions.
8 Senator Gianaris.
9 SENATOR GIANARIS: Good morning,
10 Mr. President.
11 I move to adopt the
12 Resolution Calendar at this time.
13 THE PRESIDENT: All those in favor
14 of adopting the Resolution Calendar please
15 signify by saying aye.
16 (Response of "Aye.")
17 THE PRESIDENT: Opposed?
18 (No response.)
20 Resolution Calendar is adopted.
21 Senator Gianaris.
22 SENATOR GIANARIS: Can we now take
23 up the reading of the calendar.
24 THE PRESIDENT: The Secretary will
25 read. Oh, there is a substitution at the desk.
1 The Secretary will read.
2 THE SECRETARY: Senator Kavanagh
3 moves to discharge, from the Committee on Rules,
4 Assembly Bill Number 420 and substitute it for
5 the identical Senate Bill Number 735,
6 Third Reading Calendar 10.
7 THE PRESIDENT: The substitution is
8 so ordered.
9 The Secretary will read.
10 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 10,
11 Assembly Print 420, by Assemblymember Rosenthal,
12 an act to amend the Private Housing Finance Law.
13 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
14 section.
15 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This
16 act shall take effect immediately.
17 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
18 (The Secretary called the roll.)
19 THE PRESIDENT: Announce the
20 results.
21 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 51.
22 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
23 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 32,
24 Senate Print 757, by Senator Brouk, an act to
25 amend the Social Services Law.
1 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
2 section.
3 THE SECRETARY: Section 3. This
4 act shall take effect immediately.
5 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
6 (The Secretary called the roll.)
7 THE PRESIDENT: Senator Brouk to
8 explain her vote.
9 SENATOR BROUK: Thank you,
10 Mr. President.
11 I just again wanted to thank my
12 colleagues, thank the Governor for the
13 collaboration on getting this chapter amendment
14 and finally getting this bill into law.
15 So many of us have heard, as every
16 headline has shown, affordability is a crisis
17 here in New York. Finding childcare is a crisis
18 here in New York. And this bill will do so much
19 for New Yorkers all across this state to ensure
20 that while they're going through the paperwork
21 and administrative process of getting this
22 childcare assistance, they can actually have
23 their children in these childcare placements.
24 It's going to ensure that more
25 New Yorkers can go to school, that more of them
1 can keep their jobs and make sure that they can
2 keep stable homes for them and their children.
3 So again, I want to thank this body
4 and thank the Governor for the collaboration on
5 this. And I would encourage all of the counties
6 across New York to opt into this program, as it
7 will be tremendously helpful.
8 I vote aye, and thank you.
9 THE PRESIDENT: Senator Brouk to be
10 recorded in the affirmative.
11 Announce the results.
12 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 55.
13 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
14 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 34,
15 Senate Print 759, by Senator Harckham, an act to
16 amend the Environmental Conservation Law.
17 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
18 section.
19 THE SECRETARY: Section 3. This
20 act shall take effect immediately.
21 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
22 (The Secretary called the roll.)
23 THE PRESIDENT: Announce the
24 results.
25 THE SECRETARY: In relation to
1 Calendar 34, those Senators voting in the
2 negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, Chan,
3 Griffo, Mattera, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Stec,
4 Tedisco and Walczyk.
5 Ayes, 44. Nays, 11.
6 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
7 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 47,
8 Senate Print 773, by Senator Krueger, an act to
9 amend the Environmental Conservation Law.
10 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
11 section.
12 THE SECRETARY: Section 4. This
13 act shall take effect immediately.
14 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
15 (The Secretary called the roll.)
16 THE PRESIDENT: Announce the
17 results.
18 THE SECRETARY: In relation to
19 Calendar 47, voting in the negative:
20 Senator Oberacker.
21 Ayes, 55. Nays, 1.
22 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
23 Substitution at the desk.
24 The Secretary will read.
25 THE SECRETARY: Senator Comrie
1 moves to discharge, from the Committee on Rules,
2 Assembly Bill Number 596 and substitute it for
3 the identical Senate Bill 779, Third Reading
4 Calendar 53.
5 THE PRESIDENT: The substitution is
6 so ordered.
7 The Secretary will read.
8 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 53,
9 Assembly Bill 596, by Assemblymember Woerner, an
10 act to amend the Executive Law.
11 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
12 section.
13 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This
14 act shall take effect immediately.
15 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
16 (The Secretary called the roll.)
17 THE PRESIDENT: Announce the
18 results.
19 THE SECRETARY: In relation to
20 Calendar 53, voting in the negative:
21 Senator Walczyk.
22 Ayes, 56. Nays, 1.
23 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
24 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 58,
25 Senate Print 784, by Senator Persaud, an act to
1 amend the Social Services Law.
2 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
3 section.
4 THE SECRETARY: Section 4. This
5 act shall take effect immediately.
6 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
7 (The Secretary called the roll.)
8 THE PRESIDENT: Announce the
9 results.
10 THE SECRETARY: In relation to
11 Calendar 58, voting in the negative are
12 Senators Borrello and Rhoads.
13 Ayes, 55. Nays, 2.
14 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
15 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 61,
16 Senate Print 787, by Senator Persaud, an act to
17 amend the Public Authorities Law.
18 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
19 section.
20 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This
21 act shall take effect on the same date and in the
22 same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2024.
23 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
24 (The Secretary called the roll.)
25 THE PRESIDENT: Announce the
1 results.
2 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 57.
3 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
4 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 68,
5 Senate Print 794, by Senator May, an act to amend
6 the Agriculture and Markets Law.
7 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
8 section.
9 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This
10 act shall take effect on the same date and in the
11 same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2024.
12 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
13 (The Secretary called the roll.)
14 THE PRESIDENT: Announce the
15 results.
16 THE SECRETARY: In relation to
17 Calendar 68, voting in the negative:
18 Senator Walczyk.
19 Ayes, 56. Nays, 1.
20 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
21 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 89,
22 Senate Print 815, by Senator Hoylman-Sigal,
23 an act to amend the Family Court Act.
24 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
25 section.
1 THE SECRETARY: Section 8. This
2 act shall take effect immediately.
3 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
4 (The Secretary called the roll.)
5 THE PRESIDENT: Announce the
6 results.
7 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 58.
8 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
9 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 90,
10 Senate Print 816, by Senator Hinchey, an act to
11 amend the Tax Law.
12 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
13 section.
14 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This
15 act shall take effect on the same date and in the
16 same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2024.
17 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
18 (The Secretary called the roll.)
19 THE PRESIDENT: Announce the
20 results.
21 THE SECRETARY: In relation to
22 Calendar 90, those Senators voting in the
23 negative are Senators Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick,
24 Harckham, Helming, Lanza, Martinez, Martins,
25 Mattera, O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo,
1 Scarcella-Spanton, Skoufis and Weik.
2 Ayes, 45. Nays, 13.
3 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
4 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number 91,
5 Senate Print 817, by Senator Hinchey, an act to
6 amend the Tax Law.
7 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last
8 section.
9 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This
10 act shall take effect on the same date and in the
11 same manner as a chapter of the Laws of 2024.
12 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.
13 (The Secretary called the roll.)
14 THE PRESIDENT: Announce the
15 results.
16 THE SECRETARY: In relation to
17 Calendar 91, those Senators voting in the
18 negative are Senators Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick,
19 Chan, Harckham, Helming, Lanza, Martinez,
20 Martins, Mattera, O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads,
21 Scarcella-Spanton, Skoufis and Weik.
22 Ayes, 43. Nays, 15.
23 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is passed.
24 Senator Gianaris, that completes the
25 reading of today's calendar.
1 SENATOR GIANARIS: Is there any
2 further business at the desk?
3 THE PRESIDENT: There is no further
4 business at the desk.
6 adjourn until Tuesday, January 21st, at
7 3:00 p.m., with intervening days being
8 legislative days.
9 THE PRESIDENT: On motion, the
10 Senate stands adjourned until Tuesday,
11 January 21st, at 3:00 p.m., with the intervening
12 days being legislative days.
13 (Whereupon, at 11:38 a.m., the
14 Senate adjourned.)