Regular Session - March 3, 2025


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                    March 3, 2025

11                      3:34 p.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR SHELLEY B. MAYER, Acting President









 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The Senate 

 3    will come to order.  

 4                 I ask everyone to please rise and 

 5    recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                 (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7    the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.) 

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Before we 

 9    have the invocation, I would ask that we have a 

10    moment of silence in memory of Dr. Hazel Dukes, 

11    president of the New York State NAACP Conference 

12    for nearly 50 years, who passed away last week.

13                 (Whereupon, the assemblage respected 

14    a moment of silence.)

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you.

16                 Today Pastor Jim O'Hanlon, of 

17    St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in my 

18    district in Rye Brook, New York, will deliver the 

19    invocation.  

20                 Pastor.  

21                 PASTOR O'HANLON:  I invite us all to 

22    draw a deep, healthy breath and dwell in 

23    stillness.  And I share this prayer.

24                 Divine God, You created humanity in 

25    a splendid rainbow of diversity -- faces, 


 1    languages, cultures and beliefs.  This rainbow is 

 2    but a fraction of the infinite colors and hues 

 3    that are You, as we are created in Your image.

 4                 Bless us with wisdom to respect and 

 5    cherish and protect our diversity.  This week 

 6    Christians begin a solemn season of Lent, and our 

 7    Muslim neighbors begin a solemn month of Ramadan.  

 8    Next week our Jewish neighbors will remember the 

 9    courage of Esther, who faced a terrifying tyrant.

10                 As these legislators begin their 

11    deliberations, may they -- may all of us -- give 

12    thanks for the wondrous world You have with a 

13    beautiful, diverse collection of peoples.  May 

14    they, and we, listen for and seek the greatest 

15    good.  

16                 Bless them.  Bless their staffs, 

17    their families.  Bless all who work in this 

18    complex, especially the essential workers and 

19    service providers.  

20                 May we all seek to live with each 

21    other and with all creation with kindness and a 

22    keen awareness of the needs awaiting our 

23    assistance.

24                 Amen.

25                 (Response of "Amen.")


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you 

 2    so much, Pastor.  

 3                 And as a moment of personal 

 4    privilege, let me just salute our pastor, who has 

 5    been a leader in the fight for social justice, 

 6    the building of interfaith coalitions, and 

 7    support for equal opportunity throughout the 

 8    New York suburbs and particularly in Port Chester 

 9    and Rye Brook.  

10                 He's been a true leader in the 

11    efforts to ensure that we do have peace and 

12    tranquility between all of us.  

13                 So thank you, Pastor, for joining 

14    us, and thank you for your lovely prayer.

15                 Reading of the Journal.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Friday, 

17    February 28, 2025, the Senate met pursuant to 

18    adjournment.  The Journal of Thursday, 

19    February 27, 2025, was read and approved.  On 

20    motion, the Senate adjourned.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Without 

22    objection, the Journal stands approved as read.

23                 Presentation of petitions.

24                 Messages from the Assembly.

25                 Messages from the Governor.


 1                 Reports of standing committees.

 2                 Reports of select committees.

 3                 Communications and reports from 

 4    state officers.

 5                 Motions and resolutions.

 6                 Senator Gianaris.

 7                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

 8    on behalf of Senator Skoufis, I wish to call up 

 9    Senate Print 1356, recalled from the Assembly, 

10    which is now at the desk. 

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

12    Secretary will read.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 9, 

14    Senate Print 1356, by Senator Skoufis, an act to 

15    amend the Election Law and the Vehicle and 

16    Traffic Law.

17                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Move to 

18    reconsider the vote by which the bill was passed.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

20    Secretary will call the roll on reconsideration.  

21                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 55.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

24    is restored to its place on the Third Reading 

25    Calendar.  


 1                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I offer the 

 2    following amendments.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 4    amendments are received.

 5                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Please recognize 

 6    Senator Sanders for an introduction.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 8    Sanders for an introduction.

 9                 SENATOR SANDERS:   Thank you, 

10    Madam President.  

11                 Madam President, today the Senate 

12    recognizes and welcomes Cariol Horne to the 

13    State Capitol.  Cariol Horne is a former Buffalo 

14    police officer known for her courageous act of 

15    standing up against all brutality, and this time 

16    police brutality.  

17                 In 2006, while on duty, she 

18    intervened to stop her fellow officer from using 

19    excessive force during the arrest of a suspect.  

20    Horne was subsequently fired from the Buffalo 

21    Police Department and faced disciplinary action.

22                 But her actions gained her 

23    recognition as a symbol of accountability within 

24    law enforcement.  Over time, she became an 

25    advocate for police reform and justice, 


 1    highlighting the importance of holding officers 

 2    accountable for misconduct.  Horne's story has 

 3    since inspired many and sparked conversations 

 4    about the need for change in police practices.  

 5                 The story doesn't end there.  In 

 6    2021, she won her case and got her pension and 

 7    back pay.  And in 2022, Buffalo created 

 8    Cariol's Law, which requires police to intervene 

 9    in all different types of crimes, including 

10    crimes of blue.

11                 I want to thank Ms. Horne for 

12    visiting the Senate today.  

13                 And Madam President, I ask you to 

14    extend a welcome of this great body to Ms. Horne.  

15                 Thank you very much.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

17    Senator Sanders.

18                 To our guest, Cariol Holloman-Horne, 

19    we welcome you on behalf of the Senate.  We 

20    extend to you the privileges and courtesies of 

21    the house.  Please rise and be recognized.

22                 (Standing ovation.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:  Senator 

24    Gianaris.

25                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Now please 


 1    recognize Senator O'Mara for another 

 2    introduction.

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 4    O'Mara for an introduction.  

 5                 SENATOR O'MARA:   Thank you, 

 6    Madam President.  

 7                 I have a group I would like to 

 8    introduce that's here today from the Tioga County 

 9    Future Farmers of America.  I understand we're 

10    doing a resolution on behalf of FFA, but not till 

11    tomorrow.  They're here visiting us today, 

12    talking about the future of agriculture, their 

13    involvement as youth in the importance of 

14    agriculture.  

15                 They're all here from Tioga County, 

16    so I'll identify them, ask you to please stand 

17    up.  We have students Mason Hill, Mariana Slocum, 

18    Jessica Baumbach, Grayden Stanton, Mikayla 

19    Wilbur, Mahayla Walsh, Kayla Coppage, Mary Cox.  

20    Two advisors:  Derek Hill and Susan Armstrong.  

21    And FFA Chairman and Tioga County Farm Bureau 

22    President Cub Frisbie.

23                 Thank you.  Thank you for being 

24    here, and welcome.  

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 


 1    Senator O'Mara.

 2                 To our guests from Tioga County FFA, 

 3    we welcome you on behalf of the Senate.  We 

 4    extend to you the privileges and courtesies of 

 5    the house.  Please stay standing and be 

 6    recognized.  

 7                 (Standing ovation.)

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

 9    Gianaris.

10                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Let's take up 

11    previously adopted Resolution 391, by 

12    Senator Persaud, read that resolution's title, 

13    and recognize Senator Persaud.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

15    Secretary will read.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Resolution 391, by 

17    Senator Persaud, memorializing Governor Kathy 

18    Hochul to proclaim March 3-7, 2025, as 

19    School Breakfast Week in the State of New York.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER: 

21    Senator Persaud on the resolution.

22                 SENATOR PERSAUD:   Thank you, 

23    Madam President.  

24                 I stand today to celebrate the 

25    importance of a nutritious school breakfast in 


 1    setting students up for success as we recognize 

 2    School Breakfast Week, taking place from 

 3    March 3rd to March 7th in New York State.  

 4                 Here in New York, 19 percent of 

 5    children are food-insecure.  Think of that.  In 

 6    New York State, 19 percent of children are 

 7    food-insecure.

 8                 School-aged children who experience 

 9    hunger are more likely to miss school, struggle 

10    academically, and face health challenges -- 

11    something that should not be occurring in our 

12    state or our country.  

13                 Every child deserves to start their 

14    day with a nutritious breakfast.  Eating 

15    breakfast improves children's overall diets, 

16    builds healthy lifelong eating habits, and 

17    enhances their ability to learn and perform 

18    academically.  

19                 Making breakfast a part of the 

20    school day at no cost to families is an important 

21    and effective way to ensure children reap the 

22    benefits of breakfast.  

23                 In 2024, more than 152 million 

24    breakfast meals were served in New York State, 

25    reaching more than 876,000 students, with more 


 1    than 1200 schools participating in the New York 

 2    State breakfast program.

 3                 I want to remind us to continue our 

 4    commitment to expanding access to and improving 

 5    current school breakfast programs to ensure our 

 6    children are properly fed and have the tools they 

 7    need to succeed.

 8                 Today in our chamber we have our 

 9    guest, Rachel Sabella.  She's the director of 

10    New York No Kid Hungry.  And they are strong 

11    advocates for school lunch programs and breakfast 

12    programs.  

13                 So, Madam President, I ask you to 

14    please extend the cordialities of the house to 

15    No Kid Hungry so that we continue to fight to 

16    ensure that no kid across the State of New York 

17    goes hungry.  

18                 Thank you.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

20    Senator Persaud.

21                 Senator Bailey on the resolution.

22                 SENATOR BAILEY:   Thank you, 

23    Madam President.  

24                 I just want to thank Senator Persaud 

25    for introducing this incredibly important 


 1    resolution.  

 2                 Those of us who are adults often 

 3    opine about how we can't get our day started 

 4    without coffee.  And those of us who are drivers 

 5    would never dare to drive a vehicle without gas.  

 6    Well, how can you expect a child to learn 

 7    optimally if we don't give them the fuel that 

 8    they need?  

 9                 Studies show, as Senator Persaud 

10    illuminated that, that our kids do better when 

11    they're full.  When they have a full stomach, 

12    they can have a fuller mind.  With so many kids 

13    facing so many different things in society, from 

14    not just food insecurity, to housing insecurity, 

15    to clothing insecurity, making sure that within 

16    our school buildings that there is a safe haven, 

17    there is a respite for these children.  That they 

18    have the beginning of their day to start.  

19                 And while I am, you know, admittedly 

20    no fan of breakfast myself -- that's a choice 

21    that I can make as an adult -- the choice should 

22    not be made for these children.  They should have 

23    the ability and the full plates in front of them 

24    so that they can learn.  

25                 The Breakfast Club should be more 


 1    than a regaled '80s movie or a group of people on 

 2    a radio station that talk about things.  It 

 3    should be what each of our children in every 

 4    school throughout this state have the opportunity 

 5    to have.  

 6                 So I'm incredibly honored to be able 

 7    to speak on the resolution.  I'm incredibly 

 8    grateful for the work that Rachel and No Kid 

 9    Hungry are doing throughout the great State of 

10    New York to make sure that we have everything 

11    that our kids need, because they are the most 

12    important thing that we can ever invest in.  

13                 So I proudly vote aye on the 

14    resolution, Madam President.  Thank you.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

16    Senator Bailey.

17                 Senator Hinchey on the resolution.

18                 SENATOR HINCHEY:   Thank you, 

19    Madam President.  

20                 I would like to rise and thank 

21    Senator Persaud for bringing this resolution to 

22    the floor today.

23                 As was said, you cannot teach a 

24    hungry student.  No student should have to worry 

25    about where their next meal is going to come 


 1    from.  

 2                 And yet for too many kids across our 

 3    state, school is where they get fed.  And so 

 4    making sure that they have two healthy meals a 

 5    day is critical.  That way they can focus on 

 6    their studies, they can focus on social and 

 7    emotional learning.  And it's something that the 

 8    teachers then can be committed -- or already be 

 9    committed to and know that they can just focus on 

10    teaching students and not have to worry about if 

11    anyone is hungry in their classroom.  

12                 One thing to note as well is 

13    New York is an ag state.  And so it's incumbent 

14    upon us to make sure that the food that our 

15    students are getting in their schools is locally 

16    sourced, healthy food.  And I want to thank the 

17    students here from FFA, because that's the next 

18    generation.  

19                 And this body has done a lot of work 

20    not just to ensure that we have universal school 

21    meals across all of our schools in this state, 

22    but also that we can add breakfast to the Farm to 

23    School program so that every student is actually 

24    getting locally sourced food.  It's one thing to 

25    talk about it.  It's another to actually make 


 1    sure that that's a reality.

 2                 And so, Senator Persaud, thank you 

 3    for bringing this to the floor.  And I look 

 4    forward to working with all of my colleagues to 

 5    ensure that these programs stay well into the 

 6    future.

 7                 Thank you.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

 9    Senator Hinchey.

10                 Senator Murray on the resolution.

11                 SENATOR MURRAY:   Thank you, 

12    Madam President.  

13                 I'd like to echo my colleagues in 

14    thanking Senator Persaud for bringing this to the 

15    floor and bringing attention and keeping 

16    attention on the important issue of making sure 

17    our children are fed properly in school.

18                 As one who, when I was a child 

19    growing up, I was on the free and reduced meal 

20    program, and I would come in for my free meals.  

21    But the teasing and everything, and the bullying, 

22    got so bad that I frankly stopped eating.  And it 

23    affected me.  

24                 And so the fact that we are bringing 

25    attention to this issue, the fact that we are 


 1    pushing hard to make sure that every child in 

 2    this state will get a meal, will not be in school 

 3    hungry, will not be suffering -- I cannot 

 4    overstate the importance of that.  

 5                 So thank you, Senator Persaud.  

 6    Thank you to my colleagues.  I proudly vote aye.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you, 

 8    Senator Murray.

 9                 Senator Oberacker on the resolution.

10                 SENATOR OBERACKER:   Thank you, 

11    Madam President.  

12                 I think those of you that know when 

13    I stand up when it comes to food -- it is a very 

14    strong and a very passionate subject for me.  So 

15    Senator Persaud, thank you for bringing this very 

16    important resolution to the floor.

17                 You know, my dad, who grew up under 

18    postwar Germany conditions, when he immigrated to 

19    the United States was in the food industry.  

20                 And I'll always remember a certain 

21    time, and this was back when I was actually 

22    playing Little League, and I had an extremely 

23    good game.  And he was talking -- my dad was 

24    there, and he was talking to a friend of his, and 

25    the friend of his said, "I'll bet you that you're 


 1    so proud of your son and that you wish that he 

 2    would become a professional ballplayer."  

 3                 And I'll always remember this.  My 

 4    dad said, "No.  My wish for my son is that he 

 5    never has to go to bed hungry."

 6                 It has stuck with me all these 

 7    years.  It has stuck to me all these years.

 8                 So, Senator Persaud, you're 

 9    100 percent on-mark.  Well done.  And any time 

10    that we can feed the children, we have done a 

11    great thing.  So I proudly, proudly vote aye.

12                 Thank you.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Thank you.

14                 To our guests from No Kid Hungry, we 

15    welcome you on behalf of the Senate.  We extend 

16    to you the privileges and courtesies of the 

17    house.  

18                 Please rise and be recognized.

19                 (Standing ovation.)

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Senator 

21    Gianaris.

22                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Madam President, 

23    Senator Oberacker would like to make sure that 

24    there was sausage included in whatever breakfast 

25    is provided.


 1                 (Laughter.)

 2                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   At the request 

 3    of Senator Persaud, that resolution is open for 

 4    cosponsorship.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

 6    resolution was previously adopted on 

 7    February 25th and is open for cosponsorship.  

 8    Should you choose not to be a cosponsor, please 

 9    notify the desk.

10                 Senator Gianaris.

11                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Let's take up 

12    the calendar, please.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The 

14    Secretary will read.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16    115, Senate Print 270, by Senator Harckham, an 

17    act to amend the Environmental Conservation Law.

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

19    last section.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

21    act shall take effect immediately.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

23    roll.

24                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 


 1    the results.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 3    Calendar 115, voting in the negative:  

 4    Senator Walczyk.

 5                 Ayes, 60.  Nays, 1.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 7    is passed.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 9    116, Senate Print 279, by Senator Skoufis, an act 

10    to amend the Executive Law.

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

12    last section.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

14    act shall take effect immediately.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

16    roll.

17                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

18                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

19    the results.

20                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

22    is passed.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

24    170, Senate Print 925, by Senator Kavanagh, an 

25    act to amend the Real Property Actions and 


 1    Proceedings Law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 6.  This 

 5    act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

 6    shall have become a law.

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 8    roll.

 9                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

11    the results.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

13    Calendar 170, those Senators voting in the 

14    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, Oberacker, 

15    Palumbo, Stec, Tedisco and Weber.

16                 Ayes, 54.  Nays, 7.

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

18    is passed.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Excuse me.  Senator 

20    Ashby actually in the affirmative.

21                 Ayes, 55.  Nays, 6.

22                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

23    is passed.

24                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

25    175, Senate Print 464, by Senator Hoylman-Sigal, 


 1    an act to amend the Criminal Procedure Law.

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 3    last section.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 5    act shall take effect immediately.  

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 7    roll.

 8                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

10    the results.

11                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

12    Calendar 175, those Senators voting in the 

13    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

14    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Chan, Gallivan, Griffo, 

15    Helming, Lanza, Martinez, Martins, Mattera, 

16    Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, Palumbo, Rhoads, 

17    Rolison, Stec, Tedisco, Walczyk, Weber and Weik.

18                 Ayes, 38.  Nays, 23.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

20    is passed.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22    188, Senate Print 641, by Senator S. Ryan, an act 

23    to amend the Public Service Law.

24                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Lay it aside for 

25    the day.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 2    is laid aside for the day.  

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4    196, Senate Print 2157, by Senator Comrie, an act 

 5    to amend the Public Authorities Law.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 7    last section.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 9    act shall take effect immediately.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

11    roll.

12                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

14    the results.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

17    is passed.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

19    203, Senate Print 363, by Senator Gianaris, an 

20    act to amend the General Business Law.

21                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Lay it aside for 

22    the day.

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

24    is laid aside for the day.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 


 1    261, Senate Print 593, by Senator Hinchey, an act 

 2    to amend the Agriculture and Markets Law.  

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 4    last section.

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 6    act shall take effect one year after it shall 

 7    have become a law.

 8                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 9    roll.

10                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

11                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

12    the results.

13                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

15    is passed.

16                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17    269, Senate Print 11, by Senator Skoufis, an act 

18    to amend the Public Health Law.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

20    last section.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

22    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

23    shall have become a law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

25    roll.


 1                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 3    the results.

 4                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

 5                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 6    is passed.

 7                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8    271, Senate Print 353, by Senator Rivera, an act 

 9    to amend the Public Health Law.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

11    last section.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

13    act shall take effect on the first of January.  

14                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

15    roll.

16                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

18    the results.

19                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

21    is passed.

22                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23    276, Senate Print 115, by Senator Cleare, an act 

24    to amend the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 


 1    last section.

 2                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

 3    act shall take effect immediately.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 5    roll.

 6                 (The Secretary called the roll.)  

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 8    the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

10    Calendar 276, those Senators voting in the 

11    negative are Senators Ashby, Borrello, 

12    Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, Chan, Gallivan, Griffo, 

13    Helming, Lanza, Murray, Oberacker, O'Mara, Ortt, 

14    Rhoads, Stec, Tedisco, Walczyk and Weik.

15                 Ayes, 44.  Nays, 17.

16                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

17    is passed.

18                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

19    290, Senate Print 654, by Senator Krueger, an act 

20    to amend the Election Law.

21                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

22    last section.

23                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

24    act shall take effect immediately.

25                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 


 1    roll.

 2                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 3                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 4    the results.  

 5                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

 6    Calendar 290, those Senators voting in the 

 7    negative are Senators Gallivan, Griffo, Helming, 

 8    Oberacker and Skoufis.  Also Senator Walczyk.  

 9                 Ayes, 55.  Nays, 6.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

11    is passed.

12                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

13    316, Senate Print 1104, by Senator Cooney, an act 

14    to amend the General Business Law.

15                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

16    last section.

17                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

18    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

19    shall have become a law.

20                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

21    roll.

22                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

24    the results.

25                 THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 61.


 1                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

 2    is passed.

 3                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4    357, Senate Print 83, by Senator Liu, an act to 

 5    amend the Penal Law.

 6                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

 7    last section.

 8                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 9    act shall take effect immediately.

10                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

11    roll.

12                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

14    the results.

15                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

16    Calendar 357, voting in the negative are 

17    Senators Brisport and Salazar. 

18                 Ayes, 59.  Nays, 2.

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

20    is passed.

21                 THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22    362, Senate Print 3693, by Senator Sanders, an 

23    act to amend the Penal Law.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Read the 

25    last section.


 1                 THE SECRETARY:   Section 13.  This 

 2    act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 3    shall have become a law.

 4                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Call the 

 5    roll.

 6                 (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   Announce 

 8    the results.

 9                 THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

10    Calendar 362, voting in the negative are 

11    Senators Brisport and Salazar.

12                 Ayes, 59.  Nays, 2.

13                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   The bill 

14    is passed.

15                 Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

16    reading of today's calendar.

17                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   Is there any 

18    further business at the desk?

19                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   There is 

20    no further business at the desk.

21                 SENATOR GIANARIS:   I move to 

22    adjourn until tomorrow, Tuesday, March 4th, at 

23    3:00 p.m.

24                 ACTING PRESIDENT MAYER:   On motion, 

25    the Senate stands adjourned until Tuesday, 


 1    March 4th, at 3:00 p.m.

 2                 (Whereupon, at 3:58 p.m., the Senate 

 3    adjourned.)





