Press Conference: Senate Majority To Hold Press Conference On Passenger Safety Legislation
- NYS Senate Majority Press Conference
Albany, NY – The Senate Democratic Majority will hold a press conference to discuss legislation that will help better protect New Yorkers from limousine crashes. The bills were created together with Assembly Democratic Majority colleagues based on testimony from families of victims involved in tragic crashes.
WHO: Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins
Members of the Senate Democratic Majority
Members of the Assembly Democratic Majority
Families of Victims involved in Limo Tragedies
WHEN: TODAY, January 14, 2020 at 1:00 PM
WHERE: New York State Capitol Building, Room 124
The legislation includes:
Customer Service Resources: This bill, S.6185B, sponsored by Senator Rachel May, requires maintenance of a hotline and website for New Yorkers to report safety issues with stretch limos, and requires the information to be conspicuously posted in vehicles for passengers.
Drug and Alcohol Testing: This bill, S.6186B, sponsored by Senator Jen Metzger, requires pre-employment and random drug and alcohol testing in large for-hire vehicles.
Commercial GPS Requirements: This bill, S.6187C, sponsored by Senator Jim Gaughran, requires stretch limousines to use commercial GPS devices to assist them in using roads that are best suited for their vehicles.
Increased Penalties for Illegal U-Turns: This bill, S.6188B, sponsored by Senator Jim Gaughran, expands the u-turn ban to stretch limousines capable of carrying nine or more passengers including the driver, and increases the financial and criminal penalties for drivers making illegal u-turns.
Creation of Passenger Task Force: This bill, S.6189C, sponsored by Senator Anna Kaplan, creates a passenger safety task force to study and make recommendations on additional safety measures for stretch limousines such as anti-intrusion bars, roll-over protection, emergency exits, and improved coordination between the DOT and DMV.
Seatbelt Requirements: This bill, S.6191C, sponsored by Senator Tim Kennedy, requires stretch limousines to be equipped with seatbelts for every passenger for which the vehicle is rated. It also requires stretch limousines to be retrofitted with seatbelts no later than January 1, 2023.
Commercial Driving License Requirement: This bill, S.6192, sponsored by Senator Tim Kennedy, requires limousine drivers operating vehicles capable of transporting nine or more passengers to have a passenger endorsed commercial driver’s license.
Immobilization of Defective Limos: This bill, S.6193C, sponsored by Senator Tim Kennedy, authorizes DOT to immobilize or impound a stretch limo with an out-of-service defect.
Website Requirements: This bill, S.6604B, sponsored by Senator James Sanders, Jr., requires DMV to update its website regarding motor carrier safety information, and requires annual verifications on stretch limousine driver files with respect to disqualifying offenses, out of service defects, and crashes.
Seatbelt Requirements: This bill, S.7134, sponsored by Senator Brad Hoylman, expands seatbelt use requirements in for-hire vehicles.
How a Bill Becomes Law
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Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor