4411 Arthur Kill Rd.
Staten Island,
The Zimmer Club of Staten Island is hosting a FREE Safe Boating program on April 5th and 12th for kids ages 11-17
at their location 4411 Arthur Kill Rd.
Register at http://www.aezclub.com/reg.html.or 718-948-9599
This class is for adults and children. There is no cost for this class.
If you are 18 or older you will be required to pay NYS Parks a $10.00 fee for your boating safety certificate.
New Law Effective May 1st 2014
All individuals born on or after 5/1/96 are now required to successfully complete an approved course in boater education in order to operate a motorboat. Approved courses include those offered by NYS Parks, the U.S. Coast Guard AuxiliaryLeaving New York State Parks or the U.S. Power SquadronLeaving New York State Parks. Individuals less than 10 years of age may not take this course of instruction. Certain allowances to this law have been made for visitors to New York, persons renting a boat from a livery and persons purchasing a new boat for the first time. Please refer to Frequently Asked Questions for more information. Find a Boating Safety Course near you. - See more at: http://nysparks.com/recreation/boating/safety-courses.aspx#sthash.xzVaxtQQ.dpuf
How a Bill Becomes Law
Learn More-
Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor