Notice of Public Forum on New York State’s Hate Crimes Law
- Crime

Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Investigations and Government Operations
SUBJECT: Assessment of New York State’s Hate Crimes Law (Chapter 107, Laws of 2000)
PURPOSE: To assess the efficacy of New York State’s Hate Crimes Law, how state and local government agencies are implementing and enforcing the Law, and whether amendments should be considered to expand the data collection, statistical reporting, law enforcement training requirements and/or otherwise further the Law’s goals.
Friday, June 14, 2013
10:00 a.m.
Senate Hearing Room
250 Broadway, 19th Floor
New York City
Thirteen years have passed since New York State enacted its Hate Crimes Law (Chapter 107, Laws of 2000), which increases penalties for many crimes if they are motivated by a bias against a victim’s real or perceived race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, sex, sexual orientation, disability or age. Although hate incidents are notoriously under-reported, statistics collected by the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services for the years 2005 to 2011 show the number of hate crime incidents against protected classes reported annually has fluctuated from a low of 555 to a high of 703. Such crimes against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community in particular have been on the rise in recent years. Just since May 5, 2013, there have been at least nine suspected bias-motivated attacks against members of the LGBT community in Manhattan alone, including one murder.
Anyone wishing to testify or attend the forum must complete and return the form below no later than June 10, 2013. Oral testimony is by invitation only. Individuals who would like an invitation to testify should indicate so on the reply form attached below.
• The submission of written testimony is also strongly encouraged and will be included as part of the record.
• Written testimony must be e-mailed (as a Word or PDF document) five days before the forum to: furnish@nysenate.gov.
• Witnesses should limit oral testimony to five minutes in length.
• If you are testifying, please submit one electronic copy of any written statement five days prior to the forum and submit ten hard copies at the forum registration table.
In accordance with State and Federal law, the Senate seeks to make its facilities and services available to all individuals with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for individuals with disabilities, upon request.
Questions about this public forum may be directed to Mark Furnish, Counsel to Senator Hoylman, at 518-455-2451 or furnish@nysenate.gov.
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