Take A Stand Against Racism With Senator Maziarz!

Senator George Maziarz invites the public to stop by his district office on Friday, April 3, 2009 to sign a Pledge Against Racism.  This event is part of the Stand Against Racism movement being led by YWCAs across the northeast, including the YWCA of the Tonawandas.

            “The fact that racism still exists in many communities should not be ignored or tolerated,” Senator Maziarz said.  “The Stand Against Racism movement will help raise awareness and encourage positive social change.”

            On April 3, the public is invited to stop by Senator Maziarz’ district office, located at 2578 Niagara Falls Boulevard in the Town of Wheatfield, to sign the Pledge Against Racism.  The office will be open between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

            The pledge reads: “As an individual committed to social justice, I stand with the YWCA against racism and discrimination of any kind.  I will commit to a lifetime of promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all people in my community and in the world.”

            For more information, visit www.StandAgainstRacism.org.

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