Senator José M. Serrano and Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell Host Arts Day

172 State street Hearing Room A, 2nd Floor
- Arts Day

Who: • Chairman José M. Serrano, and the members of the Senate Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation Committee
• Chairman Daniel O’Donnell, and the members of the Assembly Tourism, Arts and Sports Development Committee
• Scheduled remarks from several statewide artists and organizations
Where: Hearing Room A, 2nd Floor, Legislative Office Building
What: To discuss the impact of the arts across the state and highlight the importance of the arts in communities. Topics will include arts as an economic engine, diversity, and arts education.
This event is open to the public to attend. Due to time constraints only panelists that have been invited will provide live remarks. We encourage everyone to submit written remarks to kilichow@nysenate.gov
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Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor