To hear from stakeholders on the implementation of Plan 2014, to discuss the impacts of rising water levels on local businesses and homeowners, the ability of international lake level regulators to pre-emptively manage lake levels, the adequacy and access
Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Conservation
Chair: Senator Thomas F. O’Mara
and Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture
Chair: Senator Patty Ricthie
Public Hearing: To hear from stakeholders on the implementation of Plan 2014, to discuss the impacts of rising water levels on local businesses and homeowners, the ability of international lake level regulators to pre-emptively manage lake levels, the adequacy and accessibility of state and federal programs designed to assist locals in protecting against rising water levels, and to explore possible state options for improved assistance
Place: Auditorium, Mexico High School, 3338 Main Street, Mexico, New York
Time: 4:00 P.M.
Contact: Sara Lattin (607) 735-9671
Media Contact: Jim Meddleton (518) 455-2091
How a Bill Becomes Law
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Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor