Virtual Women's Networking Event!

Meeting Link Provided Upon RSVP:
- Women's Networking
- Honoring Women
- Woman of Distinction

Who: Senator Sue Serino and Dynamic Community Leaders
What: “Adapting in a Time of Change”: Senator Serino’s Virtual Women’s Networking Event
Where: Virtual Event; Zoom link Provided Upon RSVP
When: Thursday, July 30th, 2020 5:30 p.m.
Senator Sue Serino will be utilizing a new virtual venue to build on her series of Annual Women’s Networking Events. This year’s event will feature dynamic community leaders who will speak to the importance of “Adapting in a Time of Change.” Event speakers include:
- Senator Serino’s Women of Distinction Nominee Krista Jones, Executive Director and Founder of Sparrow’s Nest;
- Mecca (Santana) Mitchell, Senior Vice President for Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement and Chief Diversity Officer of Westchester Medical Center; and
- Filomena Fanelli CEO and Founder of Impact PR & Communications.
Panelists will speak to the ways in which they paved a unique pathway to success and what they are doing to continue to evolve during times of change.
“Although this event looks a little different this year, we have the same goal: to connect and empower women throughout our community,” said Senator Sue Serino. “I did not follow a ‘traditional’ path to get to where I am today, and I want to send a clear message that there is no ‘right path’ to success or to getting involved here in our community. This trying time has forced all of us to adapt and evolve, and I have been so inspired by the way these women have taken the challenge head-on. These are three truly dynamic leaders, each with their own unique and exciting stories to tell that I know will inspire countless local women during this time. We hope the virtual platform allows us to reach even more of our neighbors, and I encourage community members to take the time to join in on this unique event!”
This free event is one in a series that Serino launched in 2018 in an effort to bring women in the community together and to help others foster their own supportive networks. The events typically draw over 100 local women, of all ages and backgrounds, who spend time meeting one another, sharing their unique stories and finding ways to stay connected. In an effort to promote public health and safety during this time, this event will be the first to be held virtually, but will still feature opportunities for participants to connect and follow up with one another.
To RSVP, please call Senator Serino’s District Office at 845-229-0106 or email serino@nysenate.gov. A secure zoom link and instructions will be provided upon RSVP.
Community members who wish to participate, but are not familiar with the Zoom platform, can call the office for assistance.
How a Bill Becomes Law
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Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor