Senate Bill S9087

2017-2018 Legislative Session

Approves land transactions relating to the implementation of the land exchange for the forest preserve health and safety land account and public utility improvements

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Archive: Last Bill Status - In Assembly Committee

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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2017-S9087 (ACTIVE) - Details

See Assembly Version of this Bill:
Current Committee:
Assembly Environmental Conservation
Law Section:
Environmental Conservation
Versions Introduced in Other Legislative Sessions:
2019-2020: S2026, A1625
2021-2022: A492
2023-2024: A1314

2017-S9087 (ACTIVE) - Summary

Approves land transactions relating to the implementation of the land exchange for the forest preserve health and safety land account and public utility improvements.

2017-S9087 (ACTIVE) - Sponsor Memo

2017-S9087 (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                             I N  S E N A T E
                               June 15, 2018
 Introduced  by  Sen.  LITTLE -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
   printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules
 AN ACT approving land transactions relating to the implementation of the
   land exchange for the forest preserve health and safety  land  account
   and public utility improvements
   Section 1. Pursuant to section 1 of article 14 of the State  Constitu-
 tion,  as  amended  at  the general election held in November, 2017, the
 legislature approves the lands to be conveyed to the State as  described
 in  section  three of this act, which adds in excess of the required 250
 acres to the forest preserve necessary to allow the use  of  the  forest
 preserve  health  and safety account for projects authorized pursuant to
 title 21 of article 9 of the environmental conservation law.
   § 2. Title to the land described in section three of this act shall be
 approved by the attorney general, and the deeds to  the  people  of  the
 state  of  New  York  of  such  described lands shall be approved by the
 attorney general as to the form and manner of execution and recordabili-
 ty prior to its delivery to  the  respective  county  clerk  office  for
   §  3.  The lands to be conveyed to the state are described as follows:
 ALL THOSE CERTAIN PIECES OR PARCELS OF LAND situate lying and  being  in
 the Town of Olive, Ulster County and in the Town of Moriah, Essex County
 and  State  of New York being generally described as Ulster County, Town
 of Olive  Tax  Parcels  45.1-1-1.212  and  45.1-1-1.331,  consisting  of
 approximately  214 acres of land and as Essex County, Town of Moriah Tax
 Parcels 96.3-1-21.001, 106.00-1-1.1, 106.00-1-2, 106.00-1-3,  106.00-1-4
 and  106.00-1-22,  consisting  of approximately 1206 acres of land, said
 parcels being more specifically described to wit:
 of  Olive,  County  of  Ulster  and State of New York, being bounded and
 described as follows:
   BEGINNING at a point in the center of Watson Hollow Road (County Route
 42) at the westerly corner of lands now or formerly of Lisa  Hubbard  as
 described  in Liber 4214 of deeds at page 47, and runs thence along said
 lands South 48°44'45" East 494.90 feet to a found rebar set in a pile of


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