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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Seizure of misbranded, mislabeled or misrepresented farm products
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 12-A
ยง 156-g. Seizure of misbranded, mislabeled or misrepresented farm
products. Whenever the commissioner or his duly authorized
representative shall find that any farm product is misbranded,
mislabeled or misrepresented within the meaning of this article, he may
seize such product, so that it cannot be sold, offered, exposed or
transported for sale, and he may affix to such farm product a tag or
other appropriate marking, giving notice that such product is
misbranded, mislabeled or misrepresented, and warning all persons not to
remove or dispose of such product by sale or otherwise until such
product is branded or labeled properly and permission to dispose of the
product has been granted by the commissioner or his duly authorized
representative. It shall be a violation of this article for any person
to remove or dispose of such product so seized by sale or otherwise
without such permission.