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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Grades or standards; establishment; sale
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 13-B
§ 160-i. Grades or standards; establishment; sale. The commissioner
is hereby authorized and empowered, after investigation, to establish
and promulgate official standards of quality for grading, classifying
and packing grapes packed or repacked within the state, and to change
any of them from time to time. In establishing such standards he shall
take into account, among other things, the factors of maturity, color,
firmness of attachment to capstems, compactness of bunches, and damage
caused by freezing or by disease or insects. The official standards so
established and promulgated shall not be lower in their requirements
than the minimum requirements of the official standards for
corresponding grades of grapes as promulgated from time to time by the
secretary of agriculture of the United States, which standards are
commonly known as "United States grades."

From and after the establishment of specific grades or standards of
quality as hereinbefore provided, grapes in packages shall not be
shipped for sale or thereafter sold or exposed for sale except by the
grades or standards so established; provided, however, that grapes not
graded and classified as to quality may be shipped for sale or sold or
exposed for sale as unclassified if so marked in a conspicuous manner on
an irremovable-part of the container in accordance with rules to be
adopted by the commissioner as hereinafter provided.