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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Persons certifying as halal; filing with department
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 17
§ 201-g. Persons certifying as halal; filing with department. 1. Any
person who certifies any non-prepackaged meat, meat preparations, meat
by-products or poultry as halal, and any person who certifies any
non-prepackaged food or food products as halal shall file with the
department, in accordance with regulations set by the commissioner, a
statement of such person's qualifications for providing such

2. No person shall within this state manufacture, compound, brew,
distill, produce, process, pack, sell or offer for sale any
non-prepackaged meat, meat preparations, meat by-products, poultry or
food or food products that are represented or branded as halal unless
such person has, in accordance with regulations set by the commissioner,
filed with the department the name, address, and telephone number of the
person certifying such food or food product as halal.

3. Any food establishment or caterer that sells or offers for sale
food or food products prepared on the premises or under its control that
are represented as halal, shall file with the department the name,
address, and telephone number of the person certifying the food or food
products as halal. Food establishments and caterers selling or offering
for sale food or food products prepared on the premises or under their
control that are represented as halal shall post a "halal certification
form" in a location readily visible to the consumer, and shall also
provide a copy of such form to the department. The halal certification
form shall contain the information and be in the form set forth below,
in not less than twelve point type:

Name of Establishment:_______________________________________________
Name of Individual or Organization Certifying Food as
Address & Phone Number of Certifying Individual or
Affiliation & Education of Certifying
Individual or Organization:__________________________________________
The certifying individual or organization visits this establishment:
___time(s) daily ___time(s) weekly ___time(s) monthly ___time(s) yearly
All meat sold or served by this establishment __is __is not halal.
Describe halal food preparation
We ___do ___do not exclusively sell or serve halal food.
Establishment selling and serving both halal and non-halal food must
complete the following:
We __do __do not use separate ovens and sinks for halal and
non-halal foods. We __do __do not use separate utensils, refrigerators,
freezers and storage areas for halal and non-halal foods. All utensils
and equipment __are __are not clearly identified as halal and non-halal.
Non-halal products __are __are not mixed with halal products and then
sold as halal.

4. Any food establishment or caterer that sells or offers for sale
food or food products prepared on the premises or under their control
that are represented as halal shall maintain a permanently bound logbook
that shall include for each inspection visit of the person certifying
their food or food products as halal, the signature and printed name of
the person performing the inspection and the date and time of arrival at
the establishment. The logbook shall be maintained for a period of not
less than two years after the final entry, and shall be made available
to the department upon request.

5. The department is authorized to inspect all food establishments and
caterers selling or offering for sale food or food products represented
as halal to ensure compliance with sections two hundred one-e and two
hundred one-f of this article and this section, and the accuracy of any
information supplied in accordance with such sections. The commissioner
is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations as are necessary to
further implement the provisions of sections two hundred one-e and two
hundred one-f of this article and this section. The department shall
develop and maintain a website that makes available to consumers copies
of all forms and certification information that are required by this

6. Failure to comply with the requirements of sections two hundred
one-e and two hundred one-f of this article and this section or the
failure to conform sales practices to the information provided in the
halal certification form pursuant to this section shall be punishable by
a fine of not more than one thousand dollars for a first violation; not
more than five thousand dollars for a second violation; and not more
than ten thousand dollars for a third violation and each subsequent
violation thereafter.