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This entry was published on 2017-01-13
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Misbranding of certain fish species
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 17
§ 201-i. Misbranding of certain fish species. 1. As used in this
section: (a) "escolar" shall mean any variety of fish known as escolar,
walu, snake mackerel, or any other common name of the scientific species
name lepidocybium flavorbrunneum.

(b) "oilfish" shall mean any variety of fish known as oilfish or any
other common name of the scientific species name ruvettus pretiosus.

(c) "white tuna" shall mean the fish species known as albacore tuna,
long fin tuna, or the scientific species name thunnus alalunga.

2. No person, wholesaler, distributor, retail food store or food
service establishment shall willfully sell, offer for sale, distribute,
import, or export the species of fish commonly known as escolar or
oilfish under the name tuna, albacore tuna, white tuna, or any other
species name, common or scientific, other than the recognized common or
scientific species names for such species defined in subdivision one of
this section.