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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Packages containing vinegar to be branded
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 17
§ 209. Packages containing vinegar to be branded. Every manufacturer
or distributor of vinegar, as defined in section two hundred and seven
of this chapter, shall plainly brand each cask, barrel or other
container of such vinegar with his name and place of business, the kind
of vinegar contained therein, in the terms defined in such section two
hundred and seven, and the substance or substances from which it was

No person shall mark or brand as or for cider vinegar, or apple cider
vinegar, or dried apple vinegar, any package containing that which is
not cider vinegar, or apple cider vinegar, or dried apple vinegar, as
defined in such section two hundred and seven.

Every person who sells any vinegar other than cider vinegar or apple
cider vinegar not made from whole apples, or dried apple vinegar not
made from dried whole apples or from dried chopped apples, except it be
delivered to the purchaser in the unbroken branded package of the
manufacturer or distributor, shall plainly and conspicuously mark or
brand the receptacle or container in which such vinegar is delivered to
the purchaser, whether such receptacle or container be furnished by the
seller or purchaser, with a label showing the kind of vinegar, in the
terms defined in such section two hundred and seven, so delivered and
the substance or substances from which it was made.

Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the sale of cider vinegar
stock, provided it be sold as and for such and in compliance with the
provisions of this article as to marking or branding. The term "cider
vinegar stock" when used herein, shall be construed to mean acetified
apple juice of less acidity than that required for vinegar which
contains sufficient alcohol to develop the acidity required in vinegar.

The phrase "substance or substances from which it was made," when used
in this section, shall, when applied to "cider vinegar" or "apple cider
vinegar" not made from whole apples, be construed to mean the parts of
the apples, such as skins and cores, from which the vinegar was made,
and shall, when applied to "dried apple vinegar" not made from dried
whole apples or dried chopped apples, be construed to mean the parts of
the dried apples, such as skins, cores or pomace, from which the vinegar
was made.