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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Packaging in the shape of firearms
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 17
§ 210. Packaging in the shape of firearms. 1. No person, firm or
corporation shall manufacture, sell, offer, export or have in possession
for sale in this state any food or food products packed in a container
in the shape of a firearm and for consumption from any such packaging.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to any alcoholic

2. A violation of this section for a first violation shall be
punishable by a civil penalty of at least fifty dollars but not more
than two hundred dollars, but in no event shall the total penalty
therefor exceed one thousand dollars. For a second or subsequent
violation in any twelve month period a penalty of at least fifty dollars
but not more than four hundred dollars shall be imposed for each
violation, but in no event shall the total penalty exceed one thousand
dollars for each day.

a. Each packaged food or food product shall constitute a violation.

b. Each day the food or food product is packaged shall constitute a
separate violation.

c. Each day a violation is continued shall constitute a separate