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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 17
ยง 214-b. Regulations. The authority to promulgate regulations for the
efficient enforcement of this article is hereby vested in the
commissioner. This article and the regulations promulgated thereunder
shall be so interpreted and construed, however, as to effectuate its
general purpose to enact state legislation uniform with the federal act
approved June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred thirty-eight, and all acts
amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto.

The commissioner is hereby authorized (1) to adopt, in so far as
practicable, the regulations fixing and establishing definitions and
standards of identity and/or standards of quality, and tolerances, for
foods or food products from time to time promulgated under the federal
act or acts, and (2) to change or amend the regulations promulgated
under this chapter fixing and establishing definitions and standards of
identity, and/or standards of quality, and tolerances, so as to conform
in so far as practicable, to those promulgated under the federal act or

The commissioner shall hold a public hearing upon a proposal to
promulgate any new or amended regulations under this article, except in
the case of a proposal to adopt an applicable regulation promulgated
under the federal act or acts.