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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Unlawful conduct
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 20
§ 246. Unlawful conduct. It shall be unlawful: 1. For any person to
act as a dealer unless licensed pursuant to the provisions of this

2. For any dealer to make any fraudulent charge in respect to any farm

3. For any dealer to reject or fail to account and make prompt
payment, without reasonable cause, for any farm products, bought or
contracted to be bought or negotiated to be bought by such dealer.

4. For any dealer to discard, dump or destroy, without reasonable
cause, any farm products received by him or her.

5. For any dealer to make any false or misleading statement, or other
misrepresentation concerning the condition, quality, grade, quantity or
disposition of or condition of the market for any farm products received
by or bought or contracted to be bought by such dealer, or the purchase
or sale of which is negotiated by such dealer.

6. For any dealer directly or indirectly to purchase for his or her
own account farm products received by him or her for sale on commission,
without prior authority from or without notifying the consignor thereof.