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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Rules and orders
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 21
§ 255. Rules and orders. The commissioner may adopt and enforce all
rules and all orders necessary to carry out the provisions of this
article. Every rule or order shall be filed in the office of the
department of state, except an order directed only to a person or
persons named therein which shall be served by personal delivery of a
copy, or by mailing a copy in a sealed envelope with postage prepaid to
each person to whom such order is directed, or, in the case of a
corporation, to any officer or agent of the corporation upon whom a
summons may be served in accordance with the provisions of the civil
practice law and rules. The filing of any rule and of any order, not
herein required to be served, in the office of the department of state,
shall constitute due and sufficient notice to all persons affected by
such rule or order. A rule when duly filed as provided in this section
shall have the force and effect of law.