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Food and agriculture industry development; program created
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 25-A
§ 297. Food and agriculture industry development; program created. 1.
Creation. There is hereby created within the department a food and
agriculture industry development program.

2. Purpose. The purpose of the food and agriculture industry
development program shall be to share the cost of implementing
innovative and low risk approaches to the research, development,
production, processing and distribution of agricultural products and
quality foods that capitalize on the state's unique resources and
strategic location near significant markets. With an emphasis on
programmatic results, such program shall be designed to favor projects
which will have an economic benefit to the state's economy and food
supply in the near term, and which will have a lasting effect and
long-term economic value to business development and job creation.

3. Powers of the commissioner. The commissioner is hereby authorized
to issue requests for proposals to implement the food and agriculture
industry development program; to award project grants within the limits
of any appropriations therefor, provided that grant recipients match
awards with at least equal amounts of funds in the form of cash, in-kind
services or other resources; and to contract for services with eligible
applicants to carry out such program.

4. Eligible projects. Projects involving new product development;
alternative production, processing, distribution and marketing
technologies; introduction of high technologies; or organizational
methods that further development of the food and agriculture industry in
the state shall be eligible for grant awards pursuant to the food and
agriculture industry development program. Also eligible shall be
projects involving farm woodland or fresh water aquatic products
produced in either natural or man-made water bodies or in natural or
man-made controlled structures. Projects that include public-private
partnership investments, and with a strong potential for near-term
commercial application and long-term economic value to the state and
localities, shall be given priority.

5. Targeted projects. The commissioner may set-aside up to twenty-five
percent of any moneys appropriated for the purposes of the food and
agriculture industry development program for projects that exhibit
special regional or state-wide significance for food and agriculture
industry development and that meet the project eligibility requirements
established pursuant to this article.

6. Eligible applicants. Public and private agencies and organizations,
business and industry, educational institutions, local governments and
individuals shall be eligible to submit proposals for funding pursuant
to this article.

7. Grant awards. Project grants for contractual services that further
development of the state's food and agriculture industry as described in
this article shall be awarded on a competitive basis through a request
for proposal process. Such grants shall be awarded for worthwhile
projects throughout the state, to the extent practicable, so that broad
geographic representation is achieved. At least one solicitation for
project proposals shall be held within each fiscal year in which
appropriations are made for the food and agriculture industry
development program. Grant awards for an individual project shall not
exceed sixty thousand dollars within a single state fiscal year.

8. Request for proposal guidelines. The commissioner shall, in
consultation with the advisory council on agriculture, develop rules and
regulations for proposal submission pursuant to this article, including
but not limited to: project eligibility and selection process; project
proposal format; eligible costs; project implementation; and reporting.

9. Advice of advisory council on agriculture. The commissioner shall
seek the recommendations and advice of the advisory council on
agriculture regarding the development and promulgation of the request
for proposal rules and regulations and the submission of biennial
reports for the food and agriculture industry development program.

10. Technology transfer. The commissioner, in consultation with the
empire state development corporation, the Cornell cooperative extension
service and food and agriculture industry representatives, shall share
technological innovations developed as a result of the food and
agriculture industry development program with the food and agriculture

11. Preparation and distribution of reports. The commissioner shall
submit a biennial report to the governor and legislature describing the
progress of the food and agriculture industry development program. The
first report shall be submitted on or before September first, two
thousand one.