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Farmland viability program
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 25-AAAA
§ 329. Farmland viability program. The commissioner shall initiate and
maintain a state farmland viability program within the department which
is intended to improve the profitability and efficiency of participating
farms. The program shall provide technical and financial assistance in
the form of matching grants to applicants for projects which contribute
to overall farm profitability and sound environmental management.

1. The commissioner may award grants, within available funding, for
the following purposes:

a. to a county agricultural and farmland protection board for the
implementation of any component of its approved agricultural protection
plan which addresses improved farm profitability;

b. to an applicant, other than a county agricultural and farmland
protection board, for the development of a farmland viability plan or a
portion of such a plan, which shall assess overall farm profitability
and identify potential strategies for improved farm profitability such
as farm expansion, value added production, diversification,
environmental management, or marketing and promotional activities, and

c. to an applicant, other than a county agricultural and farmland
protection board, for the implementation of any component of its
farmland viability plan which has been approved by the commissioner.

2. The commissioner shall consult with the college of agriculture and
life sciences at Cornell university and the state advisory council on
agriculture to identify and coordinate available resources for the
farmland viability program.