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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Protection of the public from attack by wild animals and reptiles
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 26
ยง 370. Protection of the public from attack by wild animals and
reptiles. Any person owning, possessing or harboring a wild animal or
reptile capable of inflicting bodily harm upon a human being, who shall
fail to exercise due care in safeguarding the public from attack by such
wild animal or reptile, is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by
imprisonment for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than
five hundred dollars, or by both. "Wild animal" within the meaning of
this section, shall not include a dog or cat or other domestic animal.

Previous attacks upon a human being by such wild animal or reptile, or
knowledge of the vicious propensities of such wild animal or reptile, on
the part of the possessor or harborer thereof, shall not be required to
be proven by the people upon a prosecution hereunder; and neither the
fact that such wild animal or reptile has not previously attacked a
human being, nor lack of knowledge of the vicious propensities of such
wild animal or reptile on the part of the owner, possessor or harborer
thereof shall constitute a defense to a prosecution hereunder.