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This entry was published on 2025-01-31
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Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 27
§ 451. Definitions. 1. "Food relief organization" means a religious
organization or other not-for-profit that provides food for free to
persons experiencing food insecurity, including but not limited to a
food pantry, food bank, or soup kitchen or community-based organization
that provides food for free to persons experiencing food insecurity.

2. "Surplus agricultural products" means consumable or edible
agricultural products grown, produced or harvested in New York,
including processed products as defined pursuant to subdivision three of
this section, but shall not include beverages containing alcohol.
"Surplus agricultural products" shall also include New York grown,
produced or harvested milk, and milk products, including but not limited
to two percent fat milk and whole milk.

3. "Processed products" means any agricultural commodity that is
grown, produced or harvested in New York state and further processed by
butchering, freezing, canning, pasteurizing, boiling, altering its state
and/or blending with other ingredients, so long as the final product
contains at least fifty-one percent by weight or volume agricultural
products that are grown, produced or harvested in New York state,
regardless of where processed.