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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Labeling of imitation cheese; imitation cheese food and products containing imitation cheese
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 4
§ 63. Labeling of imitation cheese; imitation cheese food and products
containing imitation cheese. 1. Whenever the brand name or product
designation of imitation cheese or imitation cheese food appears on a
package, the brand name or product designation, whichever is larger,
shall be immediately preceded, without intervening printed or graphic
material by the word imitation and the name of the food imitated, in
letters of the same color and on the same contrasting background and of
equal size as the brand name or product designation, whichever is

2. On the label of any product containing imitation cheese or
imitation cheese food, the product designation shall be immediately
preceded or followed by the words "contains imitation cheese" or
"contains imitation cheese food" whichever is appropriate, in letters of
the same color and on the same contrasting background and of equal size
as the product designation.

3. Whenever imitation cheese or imitation cheese food is used in a
product which is offered for sale for carry out or on premises
consumption, a sign shall be prominently posted at the place of sale
which states the product designation of the food followed immediately by
the words "contains imitation cheese" or "contains imitation cheese
food," whichever is appropriate. The letters on such sign shall be in
block letters at least three inches in height and on a contrasting
background which can be easily read by consumers under normal conditions
of purchase.

4. Whenever any product which contains imitation cheese or imitation
cheese food product is offered for sale on the menu of any service food
establishment, the product designation on such menu shall be immediately
followed by the words "contains imitation cheese" or "contains imitation
cheese food", whichever is appropriate, in letters of equal size and on
a contrasting background.

5. Whenever any imitation cheese or imitation cheese food product is
placed on the tables or otherwise made available for use by customers in
any service food establishment, the container of such product shall be
conspicuously labeled "imitation cheese", or "imitation cheese food

6. The commissioner shall promulgate such rules and regulations as are
necessary and appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section,
including specific identification of imitation cheese and imitation
cheese food.