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This entry was published on 2021-12-24
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Prevention and Control of Disease In Trees and Plants; Insect Pests; Sale of Fruit-bearing Trees
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69

Prevention and Control of Disease in Trees and Plants; Insect Pests;

Sale of Fruit-bearing Trees
Section 161. Definitions.

162. Nursery stock; common carriers.

163. Prevention of introduction of injurious insects, noxious

weeds, and plant diseases.

163-a. Application.

163-b. Registration to sell.

163-c. Revocation of certificates.

164. Control and eradication of injurious insects, noxious

weeds, and plant diseases.

164-a. Shipment of live pests.

165. Damages for property destroyed.

166. Examination and certification of nurseries and nursery


167. Access to premises; quarantines; rules and regulations.

168. Sale of fruit-bearing trees and grapevines; labels;


169. Delegation of powers and immunities in regard to dutch

elm disease in municipalities.

169-a. Spraying fruit trees or crops with poison.

169-b. Fees.