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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Summons; service outside city to bring in certain additional parties or on domiciliary-resident
New York City Civil Court Act (CCA) CHAPTER 693, ARTICLE 4
§ 408. Summons; service outside city to bring in certain additional
parties or on domiciliary-resident. A summons may be served in such
manner and at such place, regardless of city or state lines, as would
confer jurisdiction on the supreme court in a like instance, upon:

(a) a third-party defendant as set forth in CPLR § 1007;

(b) a person not a party against whom a counterclaim is asserted
pursuant to CPLR § 3019 (a);

(c) a person not a party against whom a cross-claim is asserted
pursuant to CPLR § 3019 (b);

(d) a claimant whom a defendant stakeholder seeks to bring into the
action pursuant to CPLR § 1006 (b);

(e) a person whom the court has ordered joined as a party pursuant to
CPLR § 1001; and

(f) a defendant who is a domiciliary of the state and a resident of
the city.