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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Service of summons and complaint, third-party summons and complaint, petition with a notice of petition or order to show cause and petiti...
New York City Civil Court Act (CCA) CHAPTER 693, ARTICLE 4
§ 411. Service of summons and complaint, third-party summons and
complaint, petition with a notice of petition or order to show cause and
petition upon defendant. Service of the summons and complaint,
third-party summons and complaint, petition with a notice of petition or
order to show cause and petition shall be made within one hundred twenty
days after the filing of the summons and complaint, third-party summons
and complaint, or petition with notice of petition or order to show
cause and petition, provided that if service is not made upon a
defendant within the time provided in this section, the court, upon
motion, shall dismiss the action without prejudice as to that defendant,
or upon good cause shown or in the interest of justice, extend the time
for service.