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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Administrative supervision of the courts
§ 28. a. The chief judge of the court of appeals shall be the chief
judge of the state of New York and shall be the chief judicial officer
of the unified court system. There shall be an administrative board of
the courts which shall consist of the chief judge of the court of
appeals as chairperson and the presiding justice of the appellate
division of the supreme court of each judicial department. The chief
judge shall, with the advice and consent of the administrative board of
the courts, appoint a chief administrator of the courts who shall serve
at the pleasure of the chief judge.

b. The chief administrator, on behalf of the chief judge, shall
supervise the administration and operation of the unified court system.
In the exercise of such responsibility, the chief administrator of the
courts shall have such powers and duties as may be delegated to him or
her by the chief judge and such additional powers and duties as may be
provided by law.

c. The chief judge, after consultation with the administrative board,
shall establish standards and administrative policies for general
application throughout the state, which shall be submitted by the chief
judge to the court of appeals, together with the recommendations, if
any, of the administrative board. Such standards and administrative
policies shall be promulgated after approval by the court of appeals.