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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Allocation of cost of maintenance and operation of courts; determination of annual financial needs of the courts
§ 29. a. The legislature shall provide for the allocation of the cost
of operating and maintaining the court of appeals, the appellate
division of the supreme court in each judicial department, the supreme
court, the court of claims, the county court, the surrogate's court, the
family court, the courts for the city of New York established pursuant
to section fifteen of this article and the district court, among the
state, the counties, the city of New York and other political

b. The legislature shall provide for the submission of the itemized
estimates of the annual financial needs of the courts referred to in
subdivision a of this section to the chief administrator of the courts
to be forwarded to the appropriating bodies with recommendations and

c. Insofar as the expense of the courts is borne by the state or paid
by the state in the first instance, the final determination of the
itemized estimates of the annual financial needs of the courts shall be
made by the legislature and the governor in accordance with articles
four and seven of this constitution.

d. Insofar as the expense of the courts is not paid by the state in
the first instance and is borne by counties, the city of New York or
other political subdivisions, the final determination of the itemized
estimates of the annual financial needs of the courts shall be made by
the appropriate governing bodies of such counties, the city of New York
or other political subdivisions.