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"I Love NY" brand
Economic Development Law (COM) CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 5
§ 152. "I Love NY" brand. * 1. The department shall enact guidelines
for the use of the brand, which shall include measures to allow for the
expansion of the brand to fit niche and thematic marketing efforts. When
appropriate, the brand shall be applied to targeted promotional
initiatives, and shall be leased at no cost to any public benefit
corporation or not-for-profit, New York heritage trail tourism promotion
agency, convention and visitors bureau or local government.

* NB Effective until January 20, 2025

* 1. The department shall enact guidelines for the use of the brand,
which shall include measures to allow for the expansion of the brand to
fit niche and thematic marketing efforts, including but not limited to
an "I Love NY Historic Small Business" niche brand to highlight small
businesses listed on the registry of historic businesses maintained
pursuant to section 14.11 of the parks, recreation and historic
preservation law. When appropriate, the brand shall be applied to
targeted promotional initiatives, and shall be leased at no cost to any
public benefit corporation or not-for-profit, New York heritage trail
tourism promotion agency, convention and visitors bureau or local

* NB Effective January 20, 2025

2. The department shall annually cause to be conducted an analysis of
the effectiveness of the "I Love NY" brand on an ongoing basis as
determined to be necessary by the department, but no less than once
every five years.

3. Nothing in this article shall prohibit the department from
licensing and leasing the brand to any commercial entity, provided that
the appropriate market value for such lease is obtained.

4. Nothing in this article shall prohibit the department from revising
the "I Love NY" brand or establishing any number of new and appropriate
brands, provided that such changes are supported by at least one
independently conducted brand analysis survey.

* 5. Reporting requirements. The department shall annually, on or
before February first, submit to the governor, the temporary president
of the senate and the speaker of the assembly, the tourism advisory
council and the chairs of the senate and assembly standing committees
concerned with tourism a report on the department's activities related
to the "I Love NY" brand including but not limited to: (a) marketing
plan including the annual and long term goals, specific plans, target
regions and performance measures for marketing campaigns using the "I
Love NY" brand; (b) licensing activity including a list of all entities
that licensed the "I Love NY" brand and the total amount received from
all licensing activities; (c) contractual services including a list of
each entity providing services related to the "I Love NY" brand, the
amount charged, the nature of the services and the relationship of these
services to the department's marketing plan; (d) sponsorship activities
utilizing the brand; and (e) an analysis of the effectiveness of the "I
Love NY" brand based promotions in stimulating tourism and
recommendations for improved utilization of the brand.

* NB Effective until January 20, 2025

* 5. Reporting requirements. The department shall annually, on or
before February first, submit to the governor, the temporary president
of the senate and the speaker of the assembly, the tourism advisory
council and the chairs of the senate and assembly standing committees
concerned with tourism a report on the department's activities related
to the "I Love NY" brands, including but not limited to the "I Love NY
Historic Small Business" niche brand, including but not limited to the
following: (a) marketing plan including the annual and long term goals,
specific plans, target regions and performance measures for marketing
campaigns using the "I Love NY" brand and "I Love NY Historic Small
Business" niche brand; (b) licensing activity including a list of all
entities that licensed the "I Love NY" brand and/or "I Love NY Historic
Small Business" niche brand and the total amount received from all
licensing activities; (c) contractual services including a list of each
entity providing services related to the "I Love NY" brand and "I Love
NY Historic Small Business" niche brand, the amount charged, the nature
of the services and the relationship of these services to the
department's marketing plan; (d) sponsorship activities utilizing the
brands; and (e) an analysis of the effectiveness of the "I Love NY"
brand and "I Love NY Historic Small Business" niche brand based
promotions in stimulating tourism and recommendations for improved
utilization of the brand.

* NB Effective January 20, 2025