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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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General functions, powers and duties of the commissioner
Economic Development Law (COM) CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 5-C
§ 175. General functions, powers and duties of the commissioner. The
commissioner is hereby directed: 1. To establish and administer an
Erie/Barge canal challenge grant program in coordination with the
department of transportation, pursuant to section one hundred
seventy-six of this article, within amounts appropriated therefor;

2. To assist municipalities, in coordination with the board, on the
Erie/Barge canal plan canal-related activities for tourism development

3. To collect, coordinate, and disseminate information, in
coordination with the board, on canal-related activities along the
entire canal that promote and encourage tourism development; and

4. To do all things necessary, desirable and convenient to carry out
its powers, functions and duties.