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This entry was published on 2018-04-27
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Senior tourism attractions program
Economic Development Law (COM) CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 5-F
§ 181-g. Senior tourism attractions program. 1. The commissioner, in
conjunction with all relevant departments and agencies, tourism
promotion agencies, and the director of the office for the aging and in
consultation with applicable local government officials, shall develop
and implement a senior tourism attractions program. Such program shall
include the opportunity to incorporate information for visitors and
senior attractions in each of the state's vacation regions. In
identifying specific attractions to be included in the program,
consideration shall be given to attractions that can be linked to
surrounding artistic, cultural, historical, and entertainment
attractions or other tourism attractions.

2. The senior tourism attractions program shall identify for visitors
of senior friendly attractions the surrounding attractions, restaurants,
lodging and other exhibits or places of entertainment.

3. Information about the senior tourism attractions shall be publicly
available and posted on the websites of the department, the office of
parks, recreation and historic preservation, and the office for the