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Export trade development projects
Economic Development Law (COM) CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 10
* § 221. Export trade development projects. 1. The commissioner is
hereby authorized to provide assistance to export trade development
projects designed to encourage and assist businesses, industrial firms
or industry groups to engage in export trade and to coordinate other
state economic development programs with such projects.

2. The commissioner shall give preference to export trade development
projects which benefit those businesses which are resident in the state,
independently owned and operated, not dominant in their fields, employ
five hundred employees or less and which are located in a geographic
area demonstrating a need for such services.

3. An export trade committee is hereby established to make
recommendations to the commissioner for his or her approval of proposed
export trade development projects. Members of the committee shall
include, among others, the commissioner, who shall chair the committee,
a representative of the port authority of New York and New Jersey, and
at least two representatives of the private sector experienced in export
trade selected by the commissioner, at least one of whom shall be from a
small business.

4. The department shall actively seek to identify and disseminate
information to entities which may be eligible to receive assistance
pursuant to this section and shall make awards for export trade
development projects on a competitive basis.

(a) Entities eligible to apply for funding for an export trade
development project shall include public benefit corporations,
not-for-profit corporations, local development corporations, industrial
development authorities, trade associations, educational institutions
and other not-for-profit organizations which promote economic

(b) Applicants shall be required to demonstrate their ability to
provide the services proposed; the potential for the initiation or
expansion of export trade from the area to be served; the availability
or non-availability of export credit and export technical assistance
from other sources in the area to be served; the methods to be used to
coordinate the delivery of state and local export promotion resources;
the possibility that the services to be funded would become
self-sustaining; the potential to duplicate the project elsewhere in the
state; the participation of local and regional economic development
organizations; and to provide a program budget, including matching
funds, in-kind and otherwise, to be provided by the applicant.

(c) A project eligible to be an export trade development project may
include, but not be limited to, any project to provide one or more of
the following services: export market analysis; foreign direct
investment leads; export trade promotion; export trade education; export
trade finance technical assistance; or export trade finance.

5. No single grant for export trade development projects providing
technical assistance shall exceed one hundred thousand dollars; no
single grant for export trade development projects providing financial
assistance shall exceed two hundred thousand dollars.

* NB Amendments effective insofar as they pertain to the Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey upon passage of same as legislation
by New Jersey