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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Eligibility criteria
Economic Development Law (COM) CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 20
§ 423. Eligibility criteria. 1. To be a participant in the empire
state jobs retention program, a business entity shall operate in New
York state predominantly:

(a) as a financial services data center or a financial services back
office operation;

(b) in manufacturing;

(c) in software development and new media;

(d) in scientific research and development;

(e) in agriculture;

(f) in the creation or expansion of back office operations in the
state; or

(g) in a distribution center.

2. When determining whether an applicant is operating predominantly in
one of the industries listed in subdivision one of this section, the
commissioner will examine the nature of the business activity at the
location for the proposed project and will make eligibility
determinations based on such activity.

3. For the purposes of this article, in order to participate in the
empire state jobs retention program, a business entity operating in one
of the strategic industries listed in subdivision one of this section
(a) must be located in a county in which an emergency has been declared
by the governor on or after January first, two thousand eleven, (b) must
demonstrate substantial physical damage and economic harm resulting from
the event leading to the emergency declaration by the governor, and (c)
must have had at least one hundred full-time equivalent jobs in the
county in which an emergency has been declared by the governor on the
day immediately preceding the day on which the event leading to the
emergency declaration by the governor occurred, and must retain or
exceed that number of jobs in New York state.

4. A not-for-profit business entity, a business entity whose primary
function is the provision of services including personal services,
business services, or the provision of utilities, a business entity
engaged predominantly in the retail or entertainment industry, or a
company engaged in the generation or distribution of electricity, the
distribution of natural gas, or the production of steam associated with
the generation of electricity are not eligible to receive the tax credit
described in this article.

5. A business entity must be in compliance with all worker protection
and environmental laws and regulations. In addition, a business entity
may not owe past due state taxes. In addition, a business entity must
not owe local property taxes for any year prior to the year in which it
applies to participate in the empire state jobs retention program.