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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Organization of department; officers and employees
Economic Development Law (COM) CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 3
§ 50. Organization of department; officers and employees. The existing
divisions and bureaus of the department are continued; provided,
however, that the commissioner, with the approval of the governor, may
establish additional divisions and bureaus, change the names of existing
divisions or bureaus, or may consolidate divisions and bureaus as he may
deem necessary or appropriate to carry out the functions of the
department. The commissioner may appoint deputy commissioners and
assistant deputy commissioners to serve during his pleasure and assign
to each the work which shall be under his supervision. Each deputy
commissioner and assistant deputy commissioner shall be a person
qualified by training and experience for the performance of the duties
assigned to him. Deputy commissioners and assistant deputy commissioners
shall be deemed to occupy confidential positions to the commissioner,
and may be appointed without competitive examination. Subject to the
provisions of the civil service law and rules, the commissioner may
appoint such other officers, employees, agents and consultants as may be
necessary, prescribe their duties, fix their compensation and provide
for payment of their reasonable expenses, all within amounts available
therefor by appropriation. The commissioner may transfer officers or
employees from their positions to other positions in the department, or
abolish or consolidate such positions.