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This entry was published on 2019-10-04
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SECTION 120.70
Warrant of arrest; where executable
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 2, TITLE H, ARTICLE 120
§ 120.70 Warrant of arrest; where executable.

1. A warrant of arrest issued by a district court, by the New York
City criminal court, the youth part of a superior court or by a superior
court judge sitting as a local criminal court may be executed anywhere
in the state.

2. A warrant of arrest issued by a city court, a town court or a
village court may be executed:

(a) In the county of issuance or in any adjoining county; or

(b) Anywhere else in the state upon the written endorsement thereon of
a local criminal court of the county in which the arrest is to be made.
When so endorsed, the warrant is deemed the process of the endorsing
court as well as that of the issuing court.