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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 140.15
Arrest without a warrant; when and how made by police officer
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 2, TITLE H, ARTICLE 140
§ 140.15 Arrest without a warrant; when and how made by police officer.

1. A police officer may arrest a person for an offense, pursuant to
section 140.10, at any hour of any day or night.

2. The arresting police officer must inform such person of his
authority and purpose and of the reason for such arrest unless he
encounters physical resistance, flight or other factors rendering such
procedure impractical.

3. In order to effect such an arrest, such police officer may use
such physical force as is justifiable pursuant to section 35.30 of the
penal law.

4. In order to effect such an arrest, a police officer may enter
premises in which he reasonably believes such person to be present,
under the same circumstances and in the same manner as would be
authorized, by the provisions of subdivisions four and five of section
120.80, if he were attempting to make such arrest pursuant to a warrant
of arrest.