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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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SECTION 140.17
Child-sensitive arrests
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 2, TITLE H, ARTICLE 140
* § 140.17 Child-sensitive arrests.

A state or local law enforcement officer who arrests an individual
shall, at the time of the arrest, inquire whether such individual is the
parent, guardian or other person legally charged with the care or
custody of a child less than eighteen years old who may be at risk as a
result of the arrest. The officer shall make reasonable efforts to
ensure the safety of such child in accordance with the policies and
procedures established pursuant to section two hundred fourteen-i or
paragraph (f-2) of subdivision three of section eight hundred forty of
the executive law as applicable.

* NB Effective June 19, 2025