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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 470.10
Determination of appeals; definitions of terms
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 2, TITLE M, ARTICLE 470
§ 470.10 Determination of appeals; definitions of terms.

The following definitions are applicable to this article:

1. "Reversal" by an appellate court of a judgment, sentence or order
of another court means the vacating of such judgment, sentence or order.

2. "Modification" by an appellate court of a judgment or order of
another court means the vacating of a part thereof and affirmance of the

3. "Corrective action" means affirmative action taken or directed by
an appellate court upon reversing or modifying a judgment, sentence or
order of another court, which disposes of or continues the case in a
manner consonant with the determinations and principles underlying the
reversal or modification.