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This entry was published on 2021-12-10
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Possession of opioid antagonists; receipt into evidence
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 1, TITLE D, ARTICLE 60
§ 60.49 Possession of opioid antagonists; receipt into evidence.

1. Evidence that a person was in possession of an opioid antagonist
may not be admitted at any trial, hearing or other proceeding in a
prosecution for any offense under sections 220.03, 220.06, 220.09,
220.16, 220.18, or 220.21 of the penal law for the purpose of
establishing probable cause for an arrest or proving any person's
commission of such offense.

2. For the purposes of this section, opioid antagonist is defined as a
drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration that, when
administered, negates or neutralizes in whole or in part the
pharmacological effects of an opioid in the body and shall be limited to
naloxone and other medications approved by the department of health for
such purpose.